lX%atW(ffkerHas In Connection Whh Insurance ^d-age and aurrlrora in- ■nwBW program Is operated by Oorernment but workers bare responsibilities on their WM. In order to insure for th'em- the financial protection «MHNISTR.\T0R*8 notice Hkrlng qualified as Adraints- the estate of G. E. An- *pen, late of Wilkes county, N. A. this Is to notify all persons nerlng claims against said estate to‘present them to the undersign ed, whose address Is North Wil- leshoro, N. C., duly verified, on ■• before the 16th day of March, IPfl, or this notice will be plead to bar of their right to recover. AD persons Indebted to said es- tote win pfease make immediate ■•ttlement. This-rath day of March, 1940. jrOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of G. to Andterson, dec’d. 4-22-6t-M a'hich the system provides, the worker and. In fact, all benefici aries must take certain definite steps. Mr. Louis H. Clement, Act ing Manager of the Salisbury, N. C., office of the Social Security Board has outlined these duties and responsibilities as follows: (1) the worker must apply for a social security account and re ceive a social security account number: and he must furnish his account number to every employ er he works for; (2) A prospective beneficiary must file a claim for insurance payments, in addition to meeting t h e other qualifying require ments. in order to become entitl ed to these payments. To assist workers in filing ap plications for account numbers and claims for insurance pay ments, the Social Security Board has established field offices REPORT OF CONDITION OF BANK OF NORTH WILKESBORO OF North Wiikesboro in the State of North Carolina at the Close of Business on March 26, 1940. ASSETS 955,701.88 195,926.64 211,702.06 iAisns and discounts (including $ NONE overdrafts) S Ifinted States CJovernment obligations, direct and guaran teed toifigations of States and political subdivisions SRfier bonds, notes, and debentures ,24,856.89 Ctoporate stocks (including $ NONE slock of Federal Re serve bank) Jkeb, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash items in process of collection Jhnk premises owned $43,000.00. furniture and iTvtures, $1,500.00 (Bank premises owned are subject to $ NONE lien.s not assumed by bank) Siaal estate owned other than bank premises jfcsestments and ether assets indirectly representing bank or other real estate TSostomers' liability to this bank on acceptanc ■ outstanding tontr asset.s .... — . 1,600.00 517,212.65 44,600.00 1.00 NONE NONE 2.170..37 GDTAL ASSETS $1,963,671.49 L I A R I L I T I E S Jemand depo.sit.s of individuals, partnerships, and corpor ations . $ 733.407..30 Cme deposil.s of individual.s, p.utncrships, and corpora tions 856,.311.30 ifcposits of Iraired States Government (including postal savings) ■. _ Dsposits of States an,l p.ililical subdivisions IVposits of banks NONE IWht deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) ...f. 9,816.95 TOTAL DEPOSITS .$1,711,071.95 IBIIs payable, miiscounts, and other liabilities for bor rowed monev ....... 1,953.55 109,582.85 Corfgages or other liens' on bank premises and on other real estate NONE NONE Src'sptances exwuted by or for account of this bank and eutstanding NONE Other liabilities .. . 39,070.20 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga tions shown below) $1,750,142.15 CAPITA L A C C 0 U N T S Japilal* s lOO.onn.OO Srrplus . 10fi,.3.50.nn C^ndivided profits _ . _ ._ 2,904.39 Reserves land utircmeii! .aocouiit f"r p’-eferred c:ipital)__ 4.271.95 TOTAL CAFITAI. ACCOUNTS 21.!..529..31 throughout the United SUiaa. tn towns and conMnunltlaa whfiil^ there is no such office, the Roat Office will furnUh the addreaa of the nearest one. ’ ‘ To apply for a social security account, the worker should get an application IJIank from the nearest Social Security Board of fice—or perhaps he can get one from his employer. He should fill in the application blank and return U to the Social Security Board office, or to his employer, if he prefers. In return, he will receive card showing his name and social security account num’jer. He should keep the card and make a record of the number where he can always find It—’but he should tell the number to his present em ployer, and to every other em ployer for whom he may work. The employer must have the number to use with the worker’s name in his reports to the Gov ernment showing the worker’s wage and social security tax. To tile a claim, the worker or any other beneficiary should go or write to the nearest Social Se curity Board office. There he will receive all the help he needs to make out the necessary claim pap ers. .After the application forms and e.isential proofs are complet ed, the claim will be forwarded to Washington for adjudication. When the claim has been adjudi- ::ated and the amount of the in surance payment determined, the applicant will be advised when he may e.vpect the first payment. It is not necessary to consult an at torney or any legal adviser in ob taining insurance payments. Residents of .Ashe, Alle.ghaiiy, ■Alexander, Caldwtll. Catawba, Iredell. Rowan, Watauga and Wilkes Counties may secure in formation about the old-age and .survivors iusuranle program at the office of the Social Security Board, 301 Post Office iiiiilding, Salisbury, N. C. Economy A Kg Setback Senate Groupa Boost Flood Control and Canal Funds 2 Miners, Buried In Cave-In, Saved Carliondale. Pa.. April 1.—Two anlhraclte miners were recover ing in a hospital today from ef fects of a 17-honr imprisonment 30 feet underground as a result of a cave-in. Steve Daynock, fifty- eight. and Michael Hurchick, thirty-six. were brought to the surface in a dramatic rescue yes terday. NOTICE OP SALK OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilke.s County, entitled “Wilkes Cnunty versus Fannie Kimmer and husband Kimmer.” the undersigned Commissioner will on 29th day of April. 1940 at the Court House Door in Wilkes- lioro, N. C.. at 12 o’clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and hein.g in Ed wards Town.ship, Wilkes County, N'orlli Carolina, being 5 acres of liind. more or less, listed in Ed wards Township in the name of I'annie Kimmer in 19:;6. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by F.annio Kimmer. For further description found in Book - - . Page in the Washington.—April Fool’s Day produced increasing Indications that Congress was only fooling when it showed signs earlier this year of hitting the economy trail to avoid additional taxes or an increase in the public debt limit. Almost the last vestige of the reductions voted by the House or Senate previously tn President Roosevelt’s budget estimates was offset when a Senate appropria tions subcommittee added $44,- 150.000 to a House-approved ap propriation lor civil functions of the War Department. Of this in crease $30,000,000 was for gen eral flood control work and $14,- 150.000 to start construction of a third set of giant locks at the Panama Canal. More Belief Pumls Urged Possibly heralding further set backs to come for the economy forces, appeals lor Increased re lief funds were heard on the House side of the Capitol. Representative (jochran (D), Mo., saying that the W’PA had cut its rolls to 2.100,000 for April by lopping off 200,000 per sons employed in March, propos ed a supplemental relief appropri ation of $38,000,000 for the cur rent fiscal year. He said Colonel C. Harrington, the WPA com missioner, had advised him that this amount would be needed, in addition to the $1,477,000,000 al ready voted the work relief ad ministration tor the current year, if the rolls were to Ue kept at the present level until the year-end —June 30. “The cities and states say they will be unable to carry any addi tional load.” Cochran declared. (To stay within appropriations, WPA has been cutting its rolls. The aim has been to bring the rolls down to about 1,500,000 by June 30—a cut of roughly 700,- 000 as compared with the total of project workers on March 20. Harrington has set the April quo ta of' jobs at 2.120,000, and he said today that he had made no finaJ decisions on exact figures for May and June.) Now that Easter 1b over and those PTA sponsored egg hunts are a thing of the past, Parent- Teacher people all over North Carolina are making plans to at- THE little boy S BABY PRAYER Dear God. I need you awful bad: I don’t know what to do. .My papa’s cross, my mamma’s sick, I liain’t no fren’ but yon. Them keerle.ss angels went and hrung ’Sted of the boy I ast, .A weensey, teensey, hahy girl; 1 don’t see how they dast . . . TOTAL I.lARir.ITlES AND G.U’lTAf, ACfOUNT.": .$ 1.96:3.671.19 ‘This b.irk s (ai'it'l of .S XOX?l of c:ioit:il notes and de bentures: fost prefer-rd sto-|; with total |nir vtilde of .$50,000.00, total I'C'tii'al)!'.' V;ilue .$50,00(i.i)p; s(‘eoi'tl preferred .stork wi't’i 1o- ral par va'ue r,f .$ NONE, total ret.iralile value .$ NONE; and roni- mon stock with total par value of $.50,000.00. M E M 0 R A X D A Pledged assets Bird .securities loaned) (book value): •'a) U. S. G.ivernnient obligations, direct and guar.n- tecd. pledged to secure deposits and other liabili tiba _ . -$ 91,751.60 (b) Other assets pltslged to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted ind securities sold under repurchase agreement). .. 100.775.01 •c) .Assets pledged to tualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilitie.s NONE (d) Securities loaned — NONE »,«) 'TOTAL -• $ t92„526.70 ■JSreured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law — — $ 115,309.58 b) Bon-owings secured by pledged assets ) including rediscounts and repurefcase agi'cements) NONE (e) Other liabilitie.s .secured by pledged assets NONE (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledge of assets — NONE Kecistcr of Deeds nffiee of tt'ilkes i'oenl.v. This tlic 29ili d;ty ot Marcli. I :M0. F. J. AtenrUFIE, l-•J2■t(-( Ml Conii lissioner. (e) TOTAL S 115,209.68 Sobordinated obligations: (a) Unpaid dividends on preferred stock and unpaid interest on capital notes and debentures, accrued to end of last dividend or intere-st period, not includ ed in liabilities or reserves above NONE (b) Other obligations not included in liabilities which are subordinated to claims of depositors and other creditors . —' NONE (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against ^ (Teposits of this bank was ? 171,266.37 kb) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 517,212.65 t'K W Gw'yn Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear Hint die above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly repre- the true state of the several matters herein contain,ed and spt forth to the best of my knowledge and belief. ’ Correct.—Attest; R. W. GWYN, Cashier S. V. TOMLINSON, J. R. HE, R. G. FINLEY, Directors - -vr, wii Oarolina. County of W ilkes, ss. * cnbscrbed before me this 5th day of AprU, .1940, bnd X ^Sy ttet 11 ^ not an officer or director of this bank. eemiy KENNETH BROOKS, Notary Public. Commission Expires Feb. 21, 1942. Atmci; OK S.\I,K OF liAND I'mlor and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilke.s County, entitled “Wilkes County versus A. 0. Bray and wife. Bera Bray, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940. at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wiikesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to tlie highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land. lying ami being in Brushy Mountain Township, tVilkes County, N. C., Iieing 8 acres of land, more or less, listed in Brushy Mountain Township in the name of A. O. Bray in 1936. Being all the land owned or listed in 19 36 by A. O. Bray. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page In the Register ot Deeds office ot Willces County. This the 29th day ot March, 1940. F. J. McDCFFIE, l-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OK SA1,E OP lAND Under and 'by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wl’.kes County versus G. W. Mastin and wife, Mrs. G. W. Mastin,” the ’imterslgned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12; (10 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wiikesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract ot land, l.ving and being in Edwards Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 1 lot of land, more or less, listed in Edwards Township in the name ot G. W. Mastin in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by G. W. Mastin. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March, 1940. , F. J. M«>UPFIE, 4-22-4KM) ' Commissioner. ‘ .And, God. I wihs’t you’d take her hack. Shc'.s jiisl ns good as new. Won’t no one knmv she’s second haiiil Blit' ’cnpiin’ me and yon. And pick a hoy—Dear God, your self The iiicesl in your fold. But please don’t choose him quite so young. I'd like him five years old. --.SELECTED. tend their 21st annual conven tion. Mrs. Doyle D. Alley, state PTA president, and her board mem bers have been planning the pro gram for ’"'"‘hS: And ‘'Ms wee’t. Mrs. Aliev are prac*''”'’'" ■■ — 1940 state-wide PTA convention to be held in High Point, April 17-19. Hotel Sheraton is to be the convention headquarters. The program, built around a central theme, “The Next Steps in Education,” will bring to its listeners speakers from a dozen state organizations, both educa tional and clvl( PTA believes in studying a subject from all an gles, and developing a coopera tive program ot public relations. Mrs. S. C. Cox, a national vice president, from Roanoke, Va., will represent the National Par ent-Teacher Congress at the con vention. An address by Mrs. Cox will he the main feature ot the opening session on Wednesday afternoon, April 17. Mrs. Alley will present the convention theme at this time. This spring convention for P.- T. A. workers, where delegates representing over 700 local asso- catlons come together, is regard ed by 70.000 PTA members as a culmination of their years efforts. Reports are made, officers elect ed, and education and Inspiration al addresses heard. This year a first vice president and a record ing secretary are to be elected. The High Point council is plan ning to plav hostess in a big way. A banquet, several lunch eons, and sight-seeng tourf delegates are being arrangod. eoamty ot ilrbppti^' ion "’stafjp' bulttirtitiB and m bbgtHatog to follow &la'system mora each year, taya J. 8. Holloman, aMlatant farm agent. > - the «»th daf. IHtt. * U. >. ■ s'.': ' Fj j. MfcwWn^i 4-S2-4t-(M) CoOlIBi Beedlng t&e ada, goto yoa mort (or leea money.* Try It. NOTICE OP SAUE OP LAND Under and bly vlrtne of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes — r County versus R. P. Day and wife 1940, at X2 o’clock M. in fiwnt^g T^CE OP Under and by virtue of ' er of sale contained in a Deed of TnuL dated May : to S. E. WaUeer imd we j i Walker and Walker ondersiraed tnutee, and omMlt haying been made to the payment thereof. The undmaigned tee, ■will offer for tale to the U|M,, est bidder on the 26th day of Aiiru Mrs. R. P. Day,” the undersigned 'Commissioner will on the 29th f'sv of April, 1940, at 12:00 "con, at the Court House door in Wiikesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Edwards ’Township, Wilkes County, N. C., the courtfaonse door in 'Wilkeebort^? North Carolina, the following de* scribed re^ estate; jA| Begrinning on a sycamore on the 4%! bank of Rmring River, running East crossing the river three times 160 pole I to a red oak on the bank of said river thence North 90 poles to a red oak to T. M. Holla- ways corner; thence North 1 de being 15 acres of land, more or > ^o a stake Sarah Wal- less, listed In Edwards Township and Columbus Walkers cor- in the name of R. F. Day in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by R. F. Day. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page . in the Register of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March, 1940. F. J. MCDUFFIE, 4-22-4KM) Commissioner. NO'nCE OP SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the’ Superior Court, of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Floyd English and wife, Mrs. Floyd English, the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wiikesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Boomer Township, Wilkes County, North Carolina, being 9 acres of land, more or less, listed in Boomer Township in the name of Floyd English in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed In 1936 by Floyd English. For further description, refer- I ence Is made to description found in Book , Page , in the ner thence South with an agreed line totween J. W. Holloway and ‘Sarah Walker; thence West 31 poles ■with an agreed line be tween J. W. Hollaway and Sarah Walker to a stake on the bank of the public road, thence South with the old line 32 poles to. a stake on the bank of the public road, thence East 37 poles to a cherry tree; thence South 65 degrees West 68 poles to a sycamore on the bank of Roaring River thence up and ^th the river 6|8 poles to the beginn ing, containing 65 acres, more or less. _ This the 26 day of March, F. PAJJL (WILES,' y Trustee l-,15-4t (m) State Col'ege Answers Timely Farm Question Question: What is the nature of. and the control for. the rust which often atlack.s leaves and fruit of apples? Answer: Rust is one ot the oddest diseases affecting the ap ple. The para.site which causes this disease .spends part of Us life cycle on the apple and part on thfe common red cedar tree. The pres ence of both of these plants is essential to the existence of the rust parasite. Elimination of the red cedar trees for a distance of one-half mile or more from the brlicard is the only practical method of controlling apple rust. Register or Deeds office ot Wilkes 1 Chkin’s Fit Medicine For Dogs Builds Up Their General Health Absolutely guaranteed. If it fails on your dog you get your money back. Also good for cats. Per treatment—Grown Dogts, 60c; Puppies 25c. T. E. CAIN City Barber Shop Passing on curves and hills is dangerous practice. After you are caught at it. it may he too late. ROBERTSONS PROVEN FERTILIZERS /■ “Tl)e BETTER Ingredients Fertdizers” FOR SALE BY 0. F. Eller and Son Warehouse Located At Phillips Building On Forester Ave. Listen to Robertsons’ HiU Billies Over WBT Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:15 P. M. LOG.s A system of log grading has been develorK“d by the U. S. For est Products Laboratory follow ing ttie New England storm which blew down millions of feet of valuable timber. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Rudd Welborn and wife. Mable C. Welborn,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 194 0. at 12:00 noon! at the Court House Qoor in Wiikesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Moravian Falls ’Township. Wilkes County, N. C., being 120 acres of land, more or less, listed In Moravian Falls Township in the name of Rudd Welborn In 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by Rudd Welborfi. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the R ;ister or Deeds office of Wilkes County. .• This the 29th day ot March, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4KMJ Commissioner. Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOR— Office Next Door To Reina-Stnrdivant, be. —^Telephone 205-1 Office Cloaed Brary nmraday AftenoM IT HOLDS FIRST PLACE Pmmi'andKdi'Vp amonq a//fow-pricedcars! 1- *659 You drive the leader when you drive a Chevrolet for ’40—the leader in pep, power and pick-up—and the leader in style, stamina and sales! It holds first place in acceleration—first place in hill-climbing—first place in all-round performance with all-round economy—among all cars in its price range. TTiat’s why Chevrolet for ’40 is ^st in sales ... why more people buy Chevrolets than buy any other make of car . . . and Why your Chevrolet dealer strongly recom mends that yon eye it—try it—buy it—today! master 85 business coupe -MiMt rilghMy priced at FTmt, «*ch. Trantpoiiafion based ^ roil rates, state and heal foxes Of any}, optional ecfuip. , ond accessories—extra. fnces suhiect fo change with- out nofree. • • LEADER IN SALES 8 OUT OF THE LAST 9 YEARS £i|e It *Du| It** BiU| It! "CHEVROLET’S Rrst Again!" GADDY MOTOR CO. tenth street NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.