-5, - MONiDAiri ^ Vpitliiimfmcid fConthkued froai'faf% one) ir- Walnut JQroTO No*** 2—Bruaa- A. A. Wyatt' tmd Monrp« nAJMON BROTHKR8—HeauL t0e Seeds «rf all kiad»~- *«U, o«lM aetSv leap** bMBe, etc. Ixnreet priM** Ofp-lto.-1—Mack Moore, TOtttington and A. A. .Me Peosodent Antia^tte C 1 e 3 FOR O i HORTON’S RUG STORE —One Cent Sale— Quick A(vion FOR RENT RENT—PlTe-Reom House —Inside just reftnislied—with lar&ge in Wllkeabaro. Apply to iA B. Spainhour. 4-ll-2t KK.VT: Two four-room 'apartments on B Street, close - Ai- Also two three-room apart- Aients 0 n HinsUaw Street, rkone 205-M. It-pd >BG9IT FRESH, Ouoensey and fcrsey Cows and heifers for Prices $35 to $45. C. S. relts. North Wllkest>oro. It-pd a. .IWkad Jr., O. K Wtlkeaboro ^o. 2—James Par- due, Jay Brookshire and R. Smlthey. A new registration has been called for Wilkes and all persons who vote In either the primary or general election this year must reglater. Registration b|ooks will open on April 27. BIRTHDAY PARTY BY WOMAN’S CLUB IS HELD IN CITY (Continued from page one) As a closing number for the program Mr. Blackburn sang “God Bless America.’’ Punch and cookies were served during the evening from a beautifully ap- -pointed table by Mrs. J. M. Craw ford and Mrs. W. E. Jones. Guests were asked to conte either in their wedding gowns or QOStutne.i, and the prize for the old fashioned girl, which was do nated by Spainhour’s. went to M'p. W. K. Sturdivant, and for the bride Mrs. R. G. Finley re ceived a gift from Belks, the priz es being awarded by Judge John son J. Hayes. For the bride’s promenade Miss Scroggs played the traditional wedding march. The chance on the birthday cake was won by Mrs. Forester. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE ... ...... 0BI8U8.. fAnR ViBlIESlD TOOt Amuriac »»* meato by one of Amorioa’B boa$e bjiowm wits on the’ rooont tusu** tiy-wdde quiz sponsored by Uncle Mun. one of BMOy imiii fiiiOng features in the ApiA 21st 1 one of me American weesay, tho Oig magazine distributed with the Baltimore American, On Sale at All Newsstands. hdwie 4m In offer sAle tb .the highest bid der tot cash, that certain tnnt of land, lying sad Mng In Red- dies RHer ...Toenishjlp, WUkps county, N. 0„ bethg 7i aerMi.bf land, more or teM, 4isted in‘Rod dies RlTer To(wnskti> in the name Of Julia snier, in Id 36, being alt the land owned‘and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936, by Julia Eller. I For further description refer- Use the adverusing '>lumns of ence is made to desbription found 6i' i:!RoftiqB jOy RAL« op lAap.i-fajldric -', this paper as your shopping guide. ,\ Mg fielectlon of ^nrlng and summer suits for men and young men.—Goodwill Store. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wilkes County. G. C. Whittington vs. Mrs. J. V. Whittington, widow, Mrs. Lala Staley and husband, Roby Staley, Mrs. Laura Staley and husband, N. J. Staley, Vetra S^ey and husband, Carl Staley, Edgar Staley and wife, Mrs. Ed gar Staley, Jim Staley and wife, Mrs. Jim Staley, Oma Newson and husband. Mack Newson. Minnie Hix and husband, James Hix, Fan nie Meade and husband, Willie Meade, Lucy Williams and bp^ band, Paul Williams, Anna Whit tington, Dovie Staley, Minor, and Royal Staley, Minor. Under, by virtue of and pur suant to the Decree and Judgment of His Honor C. C. Hayes. Clerk of the Superior Court, and his Honor J. A. Rousseau, Resident Judge of the Seventeenth Judicial District, in the ateve-entitled action; which judgment and Decree .''uthoriaes, empowers and directs the under- FORSALE RAM WATER •Bch. Mrs. J. Boomer. N. C. LnjRS, 3.V M. German. It-pd S.-tU;; Two three-year-old »ules: two three - year - old horses; two eight-months-old mule colts; one three-year-old Mtre; one six-year-old horse; ■•Be fresh milk cow. Paul J. Testal, at United Supply Co. 3-21-tf jSR SALE: Scmtcli- Pads, print ed on one side. .Sjieolal. three (5) pounds for 5c.—Carter- Bnbbard Publishing Co. tf -dKAtTTORS: P12, F30, 10-20, 21-36, Fordsoa and high class p'sd farm implements. Cars, HISS Buick 41 Sedan, 1937 DaSalle Coupe. Trucks, 1939 Tkternational and Ford Pick- ape, 1938 Chevrolet 1 1-2 ton. Ridiculously low prices. Henk el’s. Statesville, N. C. 4-1-llt ND9UAL BARGAINS in good ased- ears and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo- ior company, two miles west on Boone Trail. 10-2-tf WANTED r.ARTNER WA.VTEI): In Real Estate and Building Businefi.-:. »^i!I require small amount of lapital. -Vddre^-. P. O. Bos 226. Nonh WilKesV.ro, N C. I--;-:- lANIED; To do your radio m- work on all make* and BodelB. Elxpert repairmen. Sat- Mactlol Tuaraateed. — Day XfaetTie co., Phoae S28. S-lO-tf U=4.r .nd by virtue of power •S""' 'folf and authority vested in the un dersigned by a judgment of J. Will Pless, same being of record in Book 26 page 3C0, the undersigned did advertise and sell the herein after described lands, and before the expiration of ten days an up set bid y.’as filed and an order of re-sale has been entered by the Resident Judge directing the un pale, and sell, the lands hereinaf ter described, the undersigned Commissioner will, therefore, pur suant to said Decree end Judg ment, sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, on Mon day. the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court house door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, the following described offered; I will, therefore, on the 22nd day of April, 1940, at the hour of 12 o’clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., the following described land: Bounded on the North by the lands of M. E. Fletcher, TTioraas Eller, on the West by the lands of Thomas Eller heirs, J. A. Cooper and Jame.s Bumgarner (now Ade line Nichols); bounded on .the East by the lands of John Vannoy and W. H. Eller. Conteining 20 acres, more or less. Said prop erly being known as the old Eliza Davis farm. For further descrip tion and authority to sell same see judgment recorded in book 26 page 360 and 361. This 25th day of March, 1940. KYLE HAYES. Commissioner. 4-l-5-2t (m) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the of the Superior Court of Wilke.^ county, entitled “Wilkes C-ounty vei^ns Virginia-Carolina Mca Corporation’, the under signed Conimi-sioner will, on the 11th day of Ma.v, 19-lt). at the Court House door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. at 12;00 o’clock, Noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, ly'- ing and being in Elk Township, ■Wilkes county. North Carolina, and descri’oed as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Lying and being on the south fork of Nathan Mill Creek, beginning at a large pop lar on the bank of said creek and , running south, crossing said creek, lANTEDff Bring your typewrit-'ai poles to white oak on- a ridge; •T8, cash registers. Adding Ma- | thence ea.-t 100 poles to a pine on ritlnes, computing scales, cheek (t*>P ot a mountain; thence north 1120 poles to a white oak m a hol- dersigned to re-sell said lands , , starting the bid at $220.00, the bid “"e in hard surface in Highway No. 16, and runs South 74 degree.s 20 minutes West 45 poles to center of creek; thence down and with center of c,eek as follows: South 14 degrees 30 min utes East 12 poles, South 23 de grees East 9 poles. South 66 de grees 30 minutes East 14 poles. South 86 degrees East 6 *poles. South 74 degrees 30 minutes East 18 poles, South 56 degrees East 10 poles, South 45 degrees 15 minutes East 10% poles. South 85 degrees East 5 poles to mouth of a diteh: thence North 14 degrees 30 minu tes West 57 poles to the beginning. Containing 10 Vk acres, more or ]gSS. Done this the 3rd day of April, 1940. KYLE HAYES, W. H. McEDWEE, Commissioners. 4-29-4t (m) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Isabel Howell, tate of Wilkes county, N. C„ this is to notify all persons having claim.s against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, whose address is North Wilkesbo ro, N. C., duly verified, on or be- foi-e the 8th day of April,_ 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of ;heir right to recover. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 8th day of April, 1940. WADE HOUCK, Administrator of the estate of Isabel Howell, dec’d. 5-13-6t (m) in Book —, Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. P. J. McDUPFIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Vance Adams and wife, Mrs. Vance* Adams,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12; 00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land. lying and being in Wal nut Grove Township, Wllkee County. N. C., being 86 acres of land, more or less, listed in Wal nut Grove township in the name of Vance Adams in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Walnut Grove township in 1936, 'by Vance Adams. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —. in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. ’This the 5th day of April, 1940. P. J. McDUPFIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Jessie and Stanley McEwen,” the undersigned com missioner will on the 6th day of May. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wil kesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Reddles River Town ship, Wilkes County. N. C„ being 22 acres of land, more or less, listed in Reddies Rive.' township in the name of Jessie and Stanley McEwen, in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936. by Jessie and Stanley McEwen. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —. in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFPIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. rrlters, clocks, and sewing ma rines that need repairing and cleaning to me up stairs over laster - Hubbard Publlsbing '-Qkriaay, Ninth street. W. G. raxrison. l-l-tl. ?»OTICE OF SALE Tie ftWbwing property of R. C. 'bRniirn now being stored on the bn of Paul J. Vetal at Moravian will be sold to auction at Mr. foteUs farm on April 10, two P. It' Two good mules, one two- mae wagon, new cultivator, new stock plow, section harrow, two-hene hillside turning low; thence south 99 poles to the beginning. Second Tract: Containng 50 acres, more or less, and being situ ated on the waters of Nathan Mill Creek in Wilkes county, N. C., be ginning at a stake in said creek near the Dave E. Horton 100 acree .VOTTCE OF S't.E OF LAND Under aqd by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County,, entitled "Wilkes County versus Eddie Adams and husband Adam.s,’’ the undersigned tract; running south 100 poi stake; thence east 20 poles to the ^inNSTON-SALEM PRODUC TION CREIDIT ASSOCIATION M-2t. WmCE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICA'nON Carolina, '' Vilkes County. IN 'THE SUPERIOR COURT J. ALLIE HAYES. Collector for JIHza Cauthren, Deceased, vs. old gum tree on the County line in the gum tree gap; thence east 60 poles to a stake; thence north 100 poles to a stake; thence west 80 poles to the beginning. Third Tract: Containing 100 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Elk Creek, beginning at a pine, Dula’s south corner, and running north 20 poles to a pine; thence east 130 poles to a locust; thence south 100 poles to a stake; thence west 120 poles to a stake; thence north 80 poles to a stake in Dula’s line; thence east to the be ginning. . Fourth Tract: Lying and being in the County of Wilkes, state of North Carolina, on the waters of Nathan Mill Creek, beginning at Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12:00 noon, at the Conit House door in Wilkes boro, N. C-, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land, lying and be- ing in Edwards Township, Wilkes les to a J County, North Carolina, being 31 acres of land, miore or less, hated in ildwards Township, in the name of Eddie M. Adam.s, in 19 36. be ing all the land owned and or list ed in Edwards Township in 1936, ihy Eddie M. Adams. For further description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March, 1940. F. J. MoDUFFIE, 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and liy virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus John Crabh and wife, Mrs. John Crabh,” the un dersigned commissioner will on the 6th day of May. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land. I.ving and being Red dies River township. Wilkes County, N. il., being 13 acres of land, more or less, listed In Red dies River township in the name of John Crabh in 1936. being all the land owned and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936, by John Crabh. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —. Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes This the 6th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. fiither Cauthren, Sarah Bauguess ^ Spanish oak and running east 52 and husband, Carl Bauguess, John poles to a stake in the line of anrthren and wife, Carrie Cauth- " ' ’ ‘ Mannie Walla and husband, W. T. Walls. Fannie Pruitt and Bnfcand, Pruitt, Bill Cauth ren and wife,—^ Cauthren, fSeobe Ring and husband, Louis Bing, May Blackburn and husband, n Blackburn. The defendants, Luther Cauth ren, Pheobe; Ring and husband, Imiis Ring will take notice that an jrtioB entitled as above has been cwnmenced in the Superior Court Wilkes County, North Carolina, ttf sen real estate for the purpose (rf"paying debts; and the said de- will further take notice tiiat Be is required to appear at Hie office of the Cleric of the Su- •erior Court within tea days after tte 8th day of May, 1940, and ans- M- or demur to the complaint in •rid’ action, or the ^>1 •B^ to the Court for the relief dSmSdad m c^aint. (3. C. HAiY^, of the Sopenor ^ur t of ^GS County, Norte Carolina, rhis 8th day of April, 1940. 3-4t (m) 'Dula’s 75-acre tract: thence with said line 40 poles to a stake; then we.st 52 poles to a stake; thence north 40 poles to the beginning. Fifth Tract: An entry of 68 acres patented in the name of I. N. Graham and J. G. Dula and bound ed and described as follows: Lying and being in Elk Township on the watera of Elk Creek, beginning at a maple stump, Finley’s corner, and running west 73 poles to a chestnut on IXila’s 75-acre tract; thence south 13 poles to a pine, corner of said tract; thence south 61 degrees west 45 poles to a black gum; thence east M poles to a stake in a 100-acre line; thence north 36 poles to chestnut; thence north 60 degrees east 46 poles to a chestnut on the top of the ridge; thence north 25 degrees east 8 poles to 3 chestnuts among some loose rocks; thence east 65 poles to a stake in the line of the 100- acre tract; thence north 17 poles to the beginning. This 8th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUPFIE, 4-29-4t Commissioner NOTICE OF S.\LE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus A. T. Watkins and wife. Mrs. A. T. Watkins.” the undersigned commissioner will on the Cth day of May, 1940. at 12 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro. N. U.. offer for .sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Mulberry township, Wilkes County. N. C., being 5 acres of land, more or less, listed in Mulberry township in the. name of A. T. Watkins in 1936. being all the land owned and—or li.sted in Mulberry totvn- .ship in 1936, by A. T. Watkins. For further description refer ences is made to description found in Book —, Page —, In the Register of Deeds office in Wilkes County. This the 6th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUf'FIE, 4-29-4KM) Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court:, of Wilkes County, entitled “WiUfes ■County versus Mrs. Julia Eller and hngbahd, "'' ' ■ • -'- 'Biter,’” t^e undersigned commissioner wlil iDn thfe 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court NOTICE OF SAI,E OF liAND Under and by virtue of ^n or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Vertie Edminsten and Ellen Eller,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door In Wilkesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land, lying and being in Reddies River town ship. Wilkes County. N. C.. being 2 acres of land, more or less, list ed in Reddies River township In the name of Vertie Edminsten in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Reddles River township in 1936, by Vertie Ed minsten. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. 'This the 6th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFPIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. Hiiaw 4m hr Vlrtn* of an or- d*r of the Snperior ^^0*^ >f Wllkee Cottfttr, entitled “WUke»; OonaW^ veranei'Lee Green anA wife, Mn, Led Clnen,'’ tee tinder- riened Cc^mieefoDer will on the th day of. May, 1940. at 12;^« o’clock noon, at tee court hoiiee' door In Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for gale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in MuTboiry town ship, Wilke i County, N. C., be ing — acres o^f land, more or less, listed in Mulljerry township in the name of Lee Green in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed In Mulberry town ship in ■"'"t. bv T po rireen. For f' - • or -ip-...'-. '.-r r-»o- ence is mfl'’*’ *t ''"scr'vinn found In Book - in ‘he oi i>e^ ^iee 4.2»-4t $ dajr of Aonl,. CotnmiBakwiNV foncBi " Under der at thd'* Wilkes Cotmt BALI&OF >y vii;^ of %penor ; entitled, Martin J, P. KUby am For fiirther ence is .Miids to in Book ® * istsr of Deed dfflse of County. ** Thia tee^Ste F. J vr- 4-29-4t CommlesiaMr: of I Mrs. Martin Brown,^ NOTICE OF SALE OFJ . ■end I Under and virtue of of the Suporm Court of ,.^1 County, entitled, “Wilkoa i:0d vs. C. D. Hall and -wife, Mw- D. Hall,” tee undersigned Co^ j pffer missioner will on the 6th dag) 'iraii •X for Mayi, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock nOO ■land, at tee Court House door in Wilke town- boro, N. C., offer iot sale to being highest bidder for cash, that V lisV tiain tract of land, lying and *’* nd hr Mulberry township in the in_ Walnut Grove to^ «. P’me of Martin Brown, in 1986, Wilkes County, N. .C-, being w, I hainir th« land nwnpti and. or acres, more or less, listed in Waif vonni wire, wq dersigned connnissioner 6th day of’May, 1940, o’clock noon, at the coi door in Wilkesboro. N. for sale to tee highest bk^ cash, teat certain tract lying and being in Mulbe ship, Wilkes Coun^, N. ? acres of land, more or Ister of Deeds’office of WilkSslbej^ name . listed in Mulberry township in nut Grove township in the name 1936, by Martin Brown. (of C. D. Hall in 1936, being ril jp| For further description refer- the land owned and, or listed in ence Is made to description found in Walnut Grove township in 1936, by Book , Page , in the Regis-|C..D. Hall. _ ter of De^ office of Wilkes Coun- For further description reto-■ tyv I ence is made to description found County. This the 6th day of April, 1940. F. J. .McDUFPIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by . virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entltied “Wilkes County versus S. M. Spicer and •Rife, Mrs. S. M. Spicer,’’ the un dersigned commissioner will on the 6th day of May. 1940. at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Mul berry township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 27 acres of land, more or less, listed in Mulberry township in tlie name of S. M. Spicer in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Mulberry township in 1936, by S. M. Spicer. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 6th day of April, 1940. P. J. McDUFPIE, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Allen L, Bumgar ner and wife, Mrs. Allen T,. Bum garner,” the undersigned Commis sioner will on the 6th day of May. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door In Wil kesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Reddies River town.ship. Wilkes County. N. C.. being 35 acres of land, more or less, listed in Reddies River township in the name of Allen L. Bumgarner in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936, by Allen L. Bumgarner. i For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —. in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t (Commissioner. iWilkes County, N. C., being o acres of land, more or less, listed in Mulberry township in the name of J. P. Kilby in 1936, being all i NOTICE OF S.ALE OP lAXD Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County vs. Carl Pruitt and wife Mrs. Carl Pruitt,” the undersign ed Commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940. at 12:00 o' clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest ’uidder lor cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Mulberry Township, Wilkes County, N. C.. being 130 acres of land, more or less, listed in Mulberry township in the name of Carl Pruitt in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed In Mulberry town ship in 1936, by Carl Pruitt. For further description refer ence Is made.to description found in Book —, Page in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This tee 6te day of April, 1940. P. J. McDUFFIE, 4-26-4t-(M) . Commiaaioner NO’i’ICE OF S.4LE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkesi County, entitled “Wilkes County versus J. E. King and wife, -Annie King: Mack King and wife. Mrs. Mack King and Amanda King.” the undersigned commissioner 'will on the 6lh day of May. 1910, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land. lying and being in Mulberry Township, Wllke.s County, N. C.. being 58 acres of land, more or less, listed in Mulberry township in the name of J. E. King, in 1936, being all tlie land oiwned and—or listed in Mulberry township in 1936, by J. E. King. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book, 157: Page 91. in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t (Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of jWilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus E. ’ W. Billings and wife, Mrs. E. W. Billings,” the under signed commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12K)0 o’clock noon, at tee court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Mulberry town ship, Wilkes County, N. C„ being 10 acres of land, more or less, lirt- ed in Mulberry township in the name of E. W. Billings in 1936, beng all the lands owned and, or listed in Mulberry township — 1936, by E..W. Billings. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , m the Reg ister of Deed office of Wilkes ^^'ThfJ'the 6th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an oi-der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled, ‘)Wlikes County versus C. A. Pruitt and wife, Mrs. C. A. Pruitt,” the undersigrned commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C„ offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and be ing in Mulberry township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 160 acres of land, more or less, listed m Mul berry township in tee name of C. A. Pruitt in 1936, being all the lands oymed and. or in Mul berry township*in 1936, by C. A. Fndtt: O ‘ For further d^enpboo re|er- ence ia to descripition found This the 5th day of April, 1940. in Book , Page- 4-29-4t F. J. McDUFFIE, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled. “Wilkes County versus J. P. lUlby and wife, Mrs. J. P. Kilby,’’ the undjersigned .Commissioner wrili on the 6th day of May, 1940, at . in the Reg- Deeds office of Wilkes ister of County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled. “Wilkes County ,, , 12:00 o’clock versus C. E. Wagoner and wife, noon, at the Court House door ini Mrs. C. E. Wagoner, “the under- Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale signed commissioner will on the to the highest bidder for cash, 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 that certain tract of land, lying I o’clock noon, at the court house and being in Mulberry Township. | door in Wilkesboro, N. C.^fiXler tor sale to the highest bidffl^ for cash, that certain tract of lamo, ly ing and being in Mulberry town ship, Wilkes County, N. C., being the land o'wned and, or listed in 115 acres of land, more or less, Hrt- Multerry township in 1936, by J.led in Mulberry township P. Kilby. ! name of C. E. Wagoner in For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deed office of Wilkes County. ’This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-29-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND i Under and by virtue of an order i of the Superior Court of Wilkes I County, entitled. “Wilkes County i versus J. P. Kilby and wife, Mrs. i J. P. Kilby, Isaac Kilby and wife ; Mrs. Isaac Kilby,” the ,undersign-1 ed Commissioner will on the 6th, day of May, 1940, at 12:0''' o’clock, noon, at the court house door in | Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for s-ile to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and be-1 ing in Mulberry township, Wilkes county, N. C., being 28 acres ofj land, more or less, listed in Mul-1 ber^ township in the name of J.| P. Kilby and Isaac in 1936, teing j all the land owned and, or listed j in Mulberry township n 1936, by ~ ^ _ - - ■ being all the land owned and, or " listed in Mulberry township in'] 1936, by C. E. Wagoner. For further description refer-;| ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes^ County. This the 5th day of April, 1940ii F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-26-4t. Commissioner WE’VE GOT PLENTY OF Chilean Nitrate Of Soda FOR YOU. Pearson Bros. loth StTMt North $Yilkeshoro, N. C. Carl A. Lowe & Sons CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA—ROYSTER’S FERTILIZERS t| Field Seeds Of All Kinds Forester Avenue ' North Wilkesboro, N. C. UNCLE NATCHEL SAYS... ALWAYSDRINK PLENTY 0 MILK soHwynsmcmmP- NATCHEL...YAS SUH T hat’s good advice from Uncle NatcheL Milk is Na ture’s food for growing boys. And Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda is Nature’s food for growing crops. Into Chilean Nitrate, Nature has put prac tically the same elements that milk contains. These protec tive elements are in Nature's own balance. They combine with Chilean’s quick-acting nitrate to nourish your crops and improve your soiL Whenever, wherever you nao Nitrate, be sure it ia Chilean Nitrate of Soda, the only natni ral nitrate in the world. No price increase; plenty for everybody’s needs. NATURAL CHUMAH mmmofsooA PROTE(mVB ELEMENTS Boron Iodine Manganese Potash Magnesium Calcium ana many more ON YOUR RADIO — Enjoy the Unde NalcM profram qwey Satardaj nl^ on WSB, WRVA, and WSBC, aod every Sunday afuanoon en WI3, WOIS, WPTF, WBT. KWKH, WJDX, WMC, WWL, WAGf,1TDBa WSFA, WJRD.WJSt. «4i GET YOUR CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA at the^ Cash Fertilizer & Seed Store "^l Im Home of Y.- C. Fertilizers and Wood’s Field and Garden SeodsJ ’Phone 373 North I^Qmbaro, N. €.

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