>AY, APRIL IxriWO N. i>r load Mileage -A $6,000,000 alloca- ► r road im>proveak'«ata. Thursday by Gorernor Ho- j'lrin he divided among the »’■ highway diatricts on a baa- area, road mileage, popula- the state highway and pub- works commission decided ment program. Contracts were awarded to low ‘■idders on 13 of 17 construction irojects on which proposals were )pesed yesterday. All ^contracts are subject to approval by the federal bureau of roads. the sum, $500,000 will be for bridges, $2,260,000 will ">r improvement of secondary and $2,500,000 will be •| to ‘‘standardise'' primary’ 4. Frank L. Dunlap, commls- j * chairman, defined "stand- lslng“ as the elimination of •ves, widening, and Improve- I 'nt of surfacing. [ 'The specific amount which each 62 Beer License Revoked In State ' imputed tonight by highway de- 'rtment statisticians. I/The commission requested the judge* bureau to allot $500,000, ,:om a surplus in the highway appropriations account, for the ^purchase of machinery to conduct i Craven. Martin [the $5,000,000 road improve-• Edgecombe, Davie. Raleigh, April 1.—Siity-two retail beer licenses in 26 North Carolina counties have been re voked at the behest of the Brew ers and N. C. Beer Distributors Committee. This means that 62 proprietors of anti-social beer outlets have been forced by local authorities to get out of the beer business as a part of the beer industry's "clean up or close up” campaign in this state. During the month of March, 14 licenses were revoked liy boards of commissioners in Buncombe. Pasquotank, Transylvania — 'and Cleveland counties. One deal- ^MmiSTRATOR'S NOTICE ' er in Surrv county was placed on Having qualuied as Admmistra-, ^ . \ ivf tor of the estate of Albert "y the town boa.d of ^ Pearson, deceased, late of Wilkes Elkni. | County, North Carolina, this is to The 14 licenses were revoked i notify all persons having claims n petition of Kdgar H. Bain of | ingainq^he estate of said deceased Goldsboro, State Director i n Jtb them to the undersign- ypiji iie ot the industry’s "clean ' l>n or before the 25th day of Marcn state. The charges lang.d irom 1941 or this notice will be pleaded illegal -ale m v. liiskey to disorder I.bMpf their recovery. All per- and public nuisance which s'j V^ebted to said estate will prompted neighborhood c o m- * se make immediate payment, I plaints. the 26th day ol March, colonel Bain announced today 40. I ALBERT K. PEARSON, Jr.;‘'“*‘ iod ended March 31, the commit- Admr. of Albert K. Pearson Deceased. 6-2-6t (t) EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as eocecutor of ihe estate of John Wood,_ late of fVilkes County, N. C., this is to no- all pjsrsons having claims ist said estate to present to the undersigned, whose »9 is Route 3, Winston-Salem, C., duly verified, on or before he 28th day of March, 1941, or notice will be plead in bar of I their right to recover. All per- L4bns indebted to said estate will I please make immediate settlement. This 28th day of March, 1940. M. M. WOOD, Executor of the estate of John Wood, dec’d. 5-2-6t (t) |i+- [korth Carolina, W NOTICE OF SALE tee secured the revocation of 62 licenses in 26 counties, and warn ed ‘J2 dealers in 56 counties to "clean up” or face more drastic action In additicn, two dealers were placed on probation. Revocation pelilion.s are pend ing against 25 dealers in S coun ties. Colonel Bain, acting for the committee, filed netitions with city and county authority's of these counties requesting that their licenses to sell beer at re tail be revoked or. grounds that (lealer.s violated the law and pub ic decency. While the committee pressed a- gainst the few bad actors in the iieer business, it took time off to 'congratulate the great majority I of law-abiding, respectable beer AU-American 'If I r&ud J. E. PenBcnd. as- tP a atake^i fl&ini f^ ageut. '* 1 North 40 West ^ lYhiF H - n \ " : to ai aih^ in E, J. Hartley* Ad*, get atUntion—and raaulta. I thence degr^i i ' " , witti *aid MnellO poles to a h {in said line; thence South W ' gree* Bast five poln to Urn {ginning. Containing 75 acrea. ' ' . Second Tract adjoining the *1 Beginning on a cheO ^estnat-oalc the second NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL - ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the au-1 tract __ thority contained in a certain'and chestaot-oal deed of trust executed by C. R. ner of tte abOTe desenbed I Triplett to 'W, Bryan Booe, on the land running with the line of 14tn day of Feb. 1981, to secure {tract North 80 degree LOS ANGELES—Sun-repelling' White on the body of this home in warm, sunny southern Cali fornia, helps keep the interior cool. Shutters are Fiesta Yellow, roof is Sieima Brown. GREAT NECK, L L—Sedate and dear ^ Una. the body of this house is White to brightini -and enlarge apparent size. Contrasting Green shut ters complete this refreshing color scheme. the payment of a note of even date therewith, the same being re poles to a choatnut-oak andia- wood on the ridge above Chapn» corded in the office of the regis- Greens: thence with Ghspnma ter c^.deeds of Wilkes County in Greens line South 40'degrees Book 1B9 at page 176 and dennlt ^ poles to a chestnut, having been made in the paym^t ^ said note on demand. OT NOW THEREFORE; I will on the 22nd day of April, 1940, at the Court House Door in Wilkesboro, North Garolina, offer for sale for cash, to the highest bidder, at the hour of 12:00 noon the following de scribed lands to 'wit; Lying and be ing in Wilkes County, Nprth Caro lina, adjoining the lands of F. J. Hartley, 'Virgil Mortz,, Judd Green the same course in all 167^ a stake in William J. line, thence Sw 50 degrees poles to a stake; thence N. grees iW. 167 poles to the ing. Containing 80 acres l608* This the l»th day of Mmk, 1940. W. BRYAN BOOB, Tnafar By T. R. Bryan, Attearn» 4-18-6t. (t) . CLEVEL.AND HOME—Colonial Yellow gives a gay note to this typical midwest home with shut ters in French Crown Green Medium and trim in White. Roof is Silver Gray. FLORIDA—With definite Spanish influences evi dent, this typical Florida home is styled with cool White body. Upper floor window and door frames are Castilian Blue. Lower, are Gulden Yellow. Notice of Change of Voting Places ‘‘It’s a simple matter to color- style your home to bring out all its architectural beauty when you paint it,” according to lo cal Paint and Color Headquar- ter.s, Carlton’s Hardware. The “All American Color Schemes” shown ibove are but four of the hundreds and forty-three mod ern color styles recommended bv Shei-win-Williams Decorative Studios and illustrated in their new Paint and Color Style Guide on display at Carton’s Hardware. Interior and exterior treatments for all periods and styles are requested. War May Be Going Into Crucial Stage retailers who have cooperated in I he pur.se of the tUd element ormins the minority. IfiBce* County. ■ A. S. CASSEL i^LKES DRUG COMP.ANY. I* INCORPORATED Under, by virtue of and pursu- " . ‘mtlto the powy>r, authority and di- State ( ollege .\nswei^ ’ecTion contained m a certain or- Fimely rai*ni Question of his Honor J. .A. Rousseau,; .oramanding the undersigned Re-1 Question: How can wilt be con- loeiver in the above-entitled action ^weet potatoes? 'to advertise and sell all the prop- Answer: If the potatoe.s are to erty and assets of the Wilkes ' Drug Company, Incorporated, act ing pursuant to said Order, the undei^.'oned will, therefore, offer From every discernible indica tor, the eighth month, now open ing of the war in Rtirope will be one of crucial significance for belligerents and neutrals alike despite lessr.iing prospects of an immediate break in the west front stalemate. Events have set a world-stage for Prime Minister Chamberlain's impending speech to Parliament in London, reconvening after its Easter recess. It may provide some more definite clue to the proce.sses'by which Allied strategy has been reshaped for more inten- ive and aggressive economic ac tion against Germany. Jud.ged by the implications of a week-end broadcast by Win- tdiiirchill’s apparent answer to a ormal reiteration in Moscow that Russia intends to remain a non belligerent. “It is no pert ot our (Allied) policy to seek war with Russia,” Churchill said, adding that the .Allies had no quarrel either “with the Italian or Japanese peo ple'’ and sought to confine the war “to Hitler and Nazi German liower.’’ Yet the general purport of Churchill’s speech, like the French moves that put a new strain on Franco-Russian rela tions, indicate that at least one item upon which the new Franco- British p'olicy is based, is vigor ous intensification of the econom ic strangulation campaign against Nazidom whatever it leads to. .And it is in the southeastern Eur opean theater, where Germany finds oil, food and other supplies, that economic pressure could be came decisive. Churchill's assertion that in tensification of the war “is to be expected, and we certainly will not shrink from it” stripped his disclaimer of any Allied war making purpose against either Russia or Italy of much of its re assuring quality, so far as neu trals of the Balkan area are con cerned. It virtually changed both Moscow and Rome to intervene if they dared in whatever steps to tighten the Allied economic squeeze on Germany are impend ing in the Southeast. At a meeiting of the Wilkes County Board of Elections held in the City HalA, North Wilkesboro, N. C., on April 1, 194;0, the Board ordered changes in voting places for the folIo'Mring townships: Antioch Township will vote at Tom Mathis Service Station on Highway 421. Edwards No. 2 Township at Roaring River School house. Lovelace Township at E. P. Inscore’s Store on Highway No. 115. Reddies River Township at Millers Creek School house. Mountain Rock Creek Township 'View School house. at Stanton Township at New Hope School house. E. P. INSCORE, Chsurman. J. C. GRAYSON, Secretary. Let the advertising eolamns of this paper be your shopping guide. Wilkes County Board of Ekdion .Answer: I'lamed nii land that is known harbor the Will or Sftem But tiig’.is. the loot ends of the slips for sdpit for cash, subject to the'-hoitid he immersed in a Bnr- approval of the Court, at public Mix'lire solution made with Ruction, at the building where the' ;„umj of Copper Sulphate ;es Drug Company, Incorpora- j pm,, stonei ami one pound of is located, on tlie comer of Ninth Street, at the hourj (1:00 o’clock, A. M.. Thursday, ApRI 2.6. 1940, the following de scribed property, to-wit; 1 All the stock, fixtures (including , soda fountain , all accounts re ceivable, all merchandise and all other assets of the said Wilkes Drug Company, Incorporate, o^ every nature whatsoever, includ- '" the goodwill of said corpora- F. R. Farnham Jyoij. ry specialist, and R. D. Good- one ime to two and one-half gallons of water. .A wooden tub or stone .rock should te used. The plants .should he drained and trai.splanl- e(l before the ciiemical dries on the roots. If the soil is dry. the plants should be watered at iilant- Extension dai- Done this the 22nd day of March man, countv farm agent, selected I.J940. I (JueiTisey calves from the Wood- P. J. BRAME, Hill Farms in Ca- Receiver. 4-18- ( ) Gouniy for the Guernsey help: FOR DAYS OF discomfort IVt CHlCHXSnTOS PILLS lor lunctionsl periodic pain and dlscomlort. Usugllr atnCK RKUEP. A»k Inustat lap— con.signment sale in May. (Ive I In 1937. two out ot every five farmers in the L'uiled States were tenants. Use the advertising columns oi oaner a.s vour shopping guide. '2 Great New Gasolines! ton Churchill. British First Lord of Admiralty, it is intensified economic attack on Germany that has heeen planned by England and France, not military assault, ihurchill reiterated that the .Al- 'ies are wtiging war on Hitleri.sm alone, but failed to indicate how the .Allied economic net conld be pulled together. I’resumahly that exposition will come from Chamberlain in reveal ing to Parliament what-prompted the new “peace-and-war-togeth- er'' pact with France. Deteniiiiied To C’ai’ry On Premier Reynaud, Frauce’.s new war leader, is already on record as determined to press the war on Germany in “all domains” but without waste of life. That pro nouncement on his assumption of the Premiership was read as clos ing the door to a we.st front at tack on Germany by land or air, so far as Reynaud’s government is concerned. It left wide open, however .the possibility of an .Allied-Tnrkish thrust at Germany via the Black sea. French dismissal of the Soviet ambassador to Paris heightened speculation as to whether the Al lies were about to assume the military offensive on Germany’s .'outheaslern flank, regardless of the effect on Italian or Russian non-belligerency. With nearly a million troops mobilized in the Mear East, the Allies could strike a formidable 't^low at vital Ger man resources from that side; yet not without still uncertain reper cussions on Rome and Moscow. Against that is to be set ABSOLUTE MKniON Mrs. Carl Salmons Lambeth Lands Containing 495 Acres, Located Across The River In Front Of Roaringi River,ll Miles Of North Wilkesboro and 8^2 Miles From Elkin, N. C- TUES. FREE 10:30 A.M. NOTICE BY PUBUCA’nON -North Caitrfina, Wilkes County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HENRY REYNOLDS Ssso EXTRA rWtaHD’OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY for sale BY ick’s Service Station day and NIGHT CLEM WRENN AND WIFE MRS. CLEM WRENN. - The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes county. North Carolina, for the foreclosure of a tax lien on lands in North Wilkesboro township, for the delinquent taxes of the ylear 1937 and. The drfendants are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, within thirty / (30) days from service of this notice and answer or demurr to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said action. This the 3rd day of April, 1940) C. C. HATB8, ! CJfiiic of the SupRieor CoaAi Thi* valuable property consiiU ol 405 acre*. 75 acre# fine River, Creek and Brandt] Bottom land, also upland wooded and cleared, 2 small houses, also 1 large home overlooking river. A fine old estate. We have cut the farm' into 5 farms so you rntm get the size you want or all of it. Will be sdd on the premises next Tuesday, Apd£ 16th, at 10:30 A. M. at the high dollar. Drive out and look it over before the adb? Mr. J. S. Pardue, who lives in the old home, will he glad to show you the different] tracts. EASY TERMS Sold By Mn. Carl Salmolu Lambetk, Owner W. R. WEIR AUCTION CO., Auctioneers, Winston-Salem, N. C. P. O. Box 1054^