'sV^ ; '■'•‘■■V-4 %e North WUlcii^ro Uoard OB th« t» tbo ttate, he cit* ^ la atate expendl- ftnwe trofti Hh.SOO.OW thirteen reaPB B*l»‘ to 180,000,000 this year. His address was . received education has aih0f>h^ tof dls-> with much Interest.^ - ■daaal of classes foi^’ilhai'hoar ot The convention passed a reso- aahoor oir two a^eragons this lutlon olfered ihy Dr. J. Sam ; I Week to permit h^^anee of j Holbrook endor&lng the candidacy ad^l children at? ,.|i^ Liberty [of Robert H. McNeill for governor Theatre matinee, iikibre ‘Gone and asking that Repilhlicans . With the Wind” Is shbwlng. The cast their votes for him In the aiTangement was ina^ci to avoid 1 primary, eonfusion at school j and to ac- eomodate the large | number ot abtldren whose pdr^nta wanted rfeti ojct them to see the pjcture. High school pupils will bje dismissed at two p. m. Wednesday and ele mentary grades at tvro p. m. Thursday. Parents are requested to cooperate In order that after- Resolutions ot respect were passed by the convention relative to the death of J. M. Brown. In another resolution the con vention condemned New Deal leadership in national affairs, the system ot planned economy which- has “driven the government Into debt that staggers the imagina noon school attendance Wll not tjon.,. condemned the public he disrupted. -iSMITHEY RE-ELECTED - G. O. P. CHAIRMAN (Continued from page one) introduced Robert H. McNeill to the convention and he began his address with remarks of rever ence for Wilkes county, his na tive land. The theme of his address was the urge that Republicans have vide in the records of their par ty. He pointed out how the ad ministrations of Lincoln, McKin ley and Teddy Roosevelt, Hard ing and Coolidge had responded to Uie challenge to lift the na- school system 'n North Carolina for requiring school teachers “to pledge allegiance to the New Deal party, both In their vote and In their financial support"; con demned “cloakroom politicians who take from people the right to elect whom they want to man age affairs of local,,government; condemned undemocratic princi ples of administering relief and public assistance and many other acts of the opposition party. The resolutions will be publis.hed in this newspaper Tliursday. Chairman Casey presented can didates who have filed for the various offices to the convention. tions from desperate crisis and | He began with introduction of predicted that a Rei>ii.‘ulican pres- Dave Mink, candidate for com- ident elected in 1940 will succeed ] niissioner in district number 1, Mqnally as well. whom he described as so good ( He condemned the national ad-'that tin' Democrats tried to have ministration tor increasing the ' him file on their ticket national debt to 44 billions and ■ candidates for commi-sioner rec- »aid that expenses ot i^overumetiL ognized were 0. C. Hamby in dis- fiave trebled since 19S.1 instead trict number 2 and M. F. .Aljsher, of being reduced 2.) per cent as present board chairman, for dis- BTomised by Frankltli D. Roose-! trict tliree. T. E. Story and A velt before his election. He point-; Caudill, candidates for the legis- «d out that the government is ' lature. C. C. Sidden and Carl 'loUecting about $22^,^000.000 in Bexes in North Carolina and is spending only $42,000,000 in the atate yearly. He said that in Ala bama the federal goveriuuent is rpending three dollars for every dollar of taxes collected He said the great. mission of the G. O. P. is to put ten million jnemployed to work and that it mn be done by use ot economy, •krift and common .sense. He con- iwuned crop control as infringe- .mmt on personal libert.v and stated the belief that f.arms and industries would nut lie anie to produce enough it all the people were able to sup^^'iheir needs. )RN PLANT- one now for $22.50. A flew left at this low price. ERS—^uy Carlton’s Hdw. Church, candidates for register of deeds, were also presented. N. B. Smithey caned attention to the new registration and that registration books will open on April 2 7. Coiigia'ssieiiul Delegates Paul Osihorne, T. R. Bryan, Jim Somers. H. P, Eller, Max Foster. Oma McCain. Colon Fo.ster. W. A. Payne. J. C. Gra.vson. J. Z. Ad ams. 1). r. Castevens. C. C. Tharpe. Ralph Davis. .1. M. Ah- slier. .1. B. Sheets, J. W. Jones, Coyd Elledge, Clyde Hayes, Sta cey Pardue. Boas Blackburn. Jes sie Jones, Charlie Haynes. E. C. EUer, J. Hubert Whicker, F. J. McDuffie, J. F. Jordan, J. .Allie Hayes, Greene Bumgarner, W. \V. Gambill, Jim Brewer, Mr;s. Connie Minton, H. C. Somers. C. C. Bumgarner. John R. Jones, I. M. Myers. Spencer Richardson, Dwight Nichols. W. R. Absher, VV. I’. Bumgarner, Theodore lids, s; M. «hoi 'CoBflpreiiriomul Alti W. K. Sturdivant,' Jim'8o«'qr», purt Sparks, Zaqhery ^'f^ntuson; S. U. Reynolds, Evl Caudill, Wake Tinsley, W. F. Meadows, Daner Triplett, Mrs. Hattie Smtthey. Mrs. D. L. Foster, Mc Kinley Burcham. Clnt Combs, Edwin Jennings, Don Gray, W. T. Joines, Pressley Myers, Jim Brew er, Noah Chambers. Thommle Haye.s, R. L. Meadows, S. C. Da vis, I. E. Pearson, R. L. Eller, Ted Hayes, I. M. Eller, Ambrose Reeves, Eugene Selastian, V. M. Church, W. A. Bumearner, M. \V. Greene, A. G. Brlnegar, Mc Kinley Blackburn, Troy Foster, Richard Foster, J. B. Norris, Frank Somers, R. H. Pearson, A.. F. Kilby, Elisha Ferguson, G. C. McGlamery, D. C. Sebastian, Ar- vin Foster, Glenn Anderson, Carl Canter. State OonventlOB l)e1cgiite« P. W. Eshelman, N. B. Smith- ey. Frank E. Johnson. Dave Mink, W. E. Reynolds. C. G: Poindexter, M. F. Absher, R. C. Miller, W. S. Fletcher. G. C. Hamly. P. E. Brown, E. P. Lowe. Pete K. Dan cy, G. G. Foster. Ralph Duncan, Carl Church, A. Caudill. A. C. Wall. J. W. Robbins, Jack Hoots, T. E. Slory. A. H. Casey. W. R,. Triplett. G. Henry Johnson. R. Staley, H. C. Kilby, A. A. Trip- lette. C. R. Darnell. M-inroe Blev ins. Clifton Byrd. Elisha Martin, C C. Sidden, Oid M iles, C. C. H.'ve.s. iV. E. Crysel. Dr. H. G. Duncan, R. Don Laws, M. C. Jones, Russel Hendren. Edwin Jennings. J. E. Pardue. Sheltou Brewer. H. E. Billings, McKin'ey Other ^h'Nham, Shafter Laws, Bruce ‘Combs, G. H. Walker. I. E. Pear son. T. G. Casey. \V. E. Parsons, Dr. J. Sam Holbrook. R. T. Lovette. 1. S. Baity. O. W. Kiser, Mrs. Joseph Prevelle. W. \\'. Gambill, E. S. Edwards, Wake Tinsley. T. R. Bryan, C H. Well born, H. P. Eller, Ed Cry.sel, Charlie Hayes, S. M. Shumate, •M. L. Pettyjohn, Herman Hol brook, E. H. Glass, Robert Wyatt, Reginald Cundift, R. C. Blackburn and C. M. Petty. State ('onvention .Mteriuitos Alonzo Anderson, C, G. Glass, )S)ntTeK'9ro«.GojAi; , Toattil».: ifrfimaM W,-. I Utofim, W. ? ^ Mrai biiik Lak* MmsIcW, W'> Jl. Don Gray, C. M. Wrtborn, J. Bo6y McNlel, O. H. Owens, Clvtdv> Kennedy, L. Bumgarner, W. F, Absher, Archie Fairchilds, Rob ert Segraves, T. Hilton Settle, Charlie Pardue, J. W. DuJa,.H. M. Phillips, A. A. Sturdivant, Quince Johnson, P. V. Turner, B. R. Eller, W. O. Blackburn, Will Porter, Coy Segraves, J. B. Norris, Mrs. Christie Alexander, Mrs. Jack O. Hoots, W. M. EUer. MONDAYv ai LLOYD GRIFFIN IS CLUB MEET SPEAKER (Continued from page one) Sell Your Export And Ties PARKlk TIE COMPANY WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. LIST OF LUMBER WE ARE NOW BUYING Boxed Or Free Of Heart: 5 X 12 X 16’ $31.50 per .M. 5 X 12 X 15‘ 6” . 31.50 per M. 5 X 12 X 15' .. 26.00 per M. »x 12 X 14’ 6’’ . 25.00 per M. 5 X 12 X i.r 24.00 per M. 5 X 12 X 8’ . .. 23.50 per M. 5 X 12 X 6’ 6” 21.00 per M. S'/z ,x 12 X 8' 23.50 per M. Free Of Heart: 4 X 5'/z X 16’ 6” $28.00 per M. J'/i X 12 I 6’ or 12* .. 26.00 per M. Mixed Oak Switch Ties: 7 X 9 X 15’ $1.22 each 7 X 9 X 13’ 6” 1.27 each 7 X 9 X 14’ .... . 1.32 each 7 X 9 |X 14’ 6” 1.37 each Mixed Oak Bridge lies: 10 X 10 X 10’ $1.40 each 12 X 12 r 18’ 6.00 each Cross Ties: No. 3 4^ No. 5 - 8#c No. 2 35c No. 4 65c No. 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of authori ty of a judgmen‘ of the Superior Court, of Wilkes County in a special proceedings entitled Wade Houck Administrator of Isabell Howell et al vs. Esthel Howell et al in which judgment the under signed was appointed commission er to sell certain lands and per- suant to said order and under the authority and direction of same, I will on the 13th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 12:00 o’clock noon at the Court House door in Wilkes- boro. North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following described lands, lying and being in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: 1st Tract: Beginning on a hick ory, Laxton’s corner, and running witii an agreed line between Howell and Somers an eastward course to a sourwood on the bank jof the branch, then crossing the branch a northward course with a ' marked line to a hoily bush by the , old Fergu.son road, then with said road dio I.axloo’s and Parson’s ! corner, then S. West with the pub- I lie road and Parson’s line to How- ell’s corner, then with Howell’s line South to the beginning. Con taining Id acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning on a red oak near the wagon road, Fergu son Howell’s corner North west of T. C. Howell’s house, running South 53 East 13 poles to a small white oak, near the old mill road, then North 3 each 19 poles to a stake in the wagon road, then South 36 West 14 poles to the be ginning. Containing 3-4 of an acre. 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake at the public road G. S. Fergu son’s con.er, running South 53 Oast with his line 20 poles to a Ismail hickory in his line, then South 50 West 21 poles to a white oak in Sallie Watkin’s line, then North 19 West 22 poles with said Walker’ line to a stake at the pub lic road, then with the said road 9 poles to the beginning. This the’13th day of April, 1940. T. R. BRYAN, Commissioner 5-6-4t m er purchasers’ who had failed to make their payments. He said of the three -and ohe- half million people In North Carolina 900,000 are' school chil dren. Of these one-third live In the towns and one third live near enough to school to walk and the other third, 320,000. ride to school In 44,000 buses. He said sources of taxes are as follows; Inheritance tax, $750,000 per year; Income tax, 11,000,000 per year; Franchise tax. $8,000,000 per year: License and privilege, $1,.'50,000 per year; liquor tax, $900,000 per year; sales tax, 811,000,000, per year. In all 39 to 40 million per year. Of this amount 5 1-2 million Is paid annually on the State’s debt; tor schools J26,000,000 this year and 27 million next year. The speaker urged that people be as cautious about the tax sys- ter as a business man is about his business. He thinks a proper tax system and good lal)Or condi tions will do more than anything else to bring busines.s to the state. J. B. McCoy called attention to the election of Dr. Fred Hubbard as president of North Carolina Hospital Association at its meet ing in Winston-Salem recently. Richard Finley, chairman of the finance committee, stated his committee had made arrange ments with the Briar Hopper Boys, of Charlotte, to appear here in person at the North Wilkes- boro school auditorium May 10 and stated that the club would receive one half of the proceeds. _ Tke (tflfbfc. CSttt! :h0nf-llEhir tnd ,wlU contiifue^dr the'reBtklt^ ief of the . week. Buy one of the' famous Rezall articles at the regnlv . price and ^bec get an- vlher one Just like the first for i the payment of only oue cent ex tra. More than 250 Items In drugs and drug sundries will be Includ ed In the sate which starts Wed nesday. ' . ' ' RexaM '"pp G'n' Sales hav ibeen, conductert here for inor; than a q..ar.3r ot a century auu it Is , an event for which many people wait for In order to save On their drug store needs. J. IiowwL- w ' an Ads. get attention—and reanlta. WANTED W.ANTED: 500 people to vl.slt our Used Car Lot this week. Our prices have "Gone With the Wind.” Our cars are really for sale. Hurry, please. Used Car Department, Gaddy Motor Co. 4-18-2t JAN tVANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families In Wilkes County. Write today. Raw- leigh’s, Dept. NCD-164-SAH, Richmond, Va. or see L. G. Harrold, North Wllkesboro, N. C. Route 1. 3-28—4-4-11-18 (T) Use the advertising columns of this paper as your shopping guide. POR QUKK A(iioN FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two or tliree fur nished or unfurnished rooms; modern conveniences. Mrs. A. R. Sherman. Wilkesboro, N. C., or Phone 313. 4-18-21 For RENT: 7-rooin house, five acres land. 3 miles out on highway 18, known as Martin Reeves Property. Phone 112. 4-18-2t l«X)R RENT: Two four - room apartments on B Street; One ' three-room apartment. H 1 n- shaw Street: Two three-room apartments near Hinshaw Street. Phone 205-M. It-pd FOR RENT: The Insulated rock house opposite Mrs. J. 'W. White's residence in Wilkes boro. N. B. Smlthey. 4-11-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE: Gladiolus Bulbs, 15c dozen up. Dahlia Tubers, 5c each up. Amelia Earheart Dah lia 25c each. Mrs. W. E. Snow, Fairplains, Route 1 North Wll kesboro, N. C. 4-18-2t-pd FOR SALE: Pine pair 8 year old Mares, well broke, weight 1356 and 1370. Will sell or trade for good car or truck. Gaddy Mo tor Co., North Wllkesboro. N. C. 4-18-21 Yes, Sir! We Fix Wheels . .. Auto Wheels, Any Make or Model! SAVE MONEY TIME AND WORRY i Let us fix that bent wheel now—save tire wear— Have safer driving. We make wrecked wheels look like new ones. We repair all types, all msJees, all models—Steel, Disc, Wood and Wire—Welded, Riveted or Nipple Tjrpe. We are prepared to give you quick, effi cient repair service on all types and makes of wheels at prices thalt will save you mon ey. Williams Motor Co. ’PHONE 334-J NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. FOR SALE: One four-year-old Mule; one three - year - old Horse; one three - year - old mare; one Fresh Cow. Paul J. Vestal at United Supply Co. 4-15-tf FOR S.ALE: 1» acre farm, good timber, 2 springs and a branch. Close to Wllkesbpro. See Mrs. J. B. Hall or James Lowe, Wll kesboro, N. C. Phone 396-M. 4-18-2t-pd fANTED; To do your radio r pair work on all makes and * models. Expert repairmen. Sat-1 Isfactloi Tuaranteed. — Day Electric go., Phone 328. 8-10-tf ANTEDff Bring your typewrit ers, cash registers, Adding Ma chines, computing scales, check writers, clocks, and sewing ma chines that need repairing and ! cleaning to me up stairs over Carter - Hubbard Publishing Company, Ninth street. W. G. larrlaon. 1-1-tf., MISCELANEOUS LOST: Ry .Maurice W. Key, two weeks ago, especially built brown pocketbook; reward of $60.00 for return to The Journ al-Patriot. No question.s' asked. 4-18-2t-pd. GlKIiS! lioam Beauty Culture and hair styling, in one of the South’s best schools. Three months required. Low rates. Enroll now. Write’for particu lars. Hinshaw School of Beau ty Culture, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 5-13-6KM) .V YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR THESE ANNIVERSARY FEATURES iV. LADIES WASH FROCKS FAST COLOR—NEW STYLE C/vV SPUN RAYONS, yard SPRING PATTERNS AND SHADES SILK HOSE 49c FULL-FASHIONED—PURE SILK 18x36 TERRY TURKISH TOWELS, 3forl^ VALUES T FAST COLORS—PRINTS DRESS LENGTHS 2fc MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS.. .COr FAST COLORS MEN’S SANFORIZED SHRUNK WORK SHIRTS, sturdy built . 49c 1 RACK CLOSE-OUT LADIES’ SHOES, values.... $1,00 FLOUR SACK SQUARES, ea,C« FOR MANY PURPOSES s Swap HORSES! Si LOOK OVER OUR STABLE BEFORE U BUY Some of the Fancy Mares in Our Corral: No.l Blue mane—red hoofs —foaled in 1936 and named Chevrolet. Re cently shod, and frisky. $295 No. 2 Eight-year-old work horse —rough and tough—will $145 FOR S-\IjE: Ten nice, thrifty, old English (boxwoods, reason ably priced. iR. L. Wellborn, Wilkesboro. 4-15-2t GRAFTING WAX, 25c package. Red Cross Pharmacy, 10 th Street. Your Service Drug Store. 4-15-21 DR SALE: Scratdi Pads, print ed on one side. Sipecial, three (3) pounds for 5c.—Carter- Hubbard Publishing Co. tf inrSUAIi' BABOAHTB iB good used can and trucks, several makes and models, wnkee Uo-: . 'tor company, twe miles ▼«st|l No. 3 1 i Colt—bom in 1932—named Cadillac. Peppy-spdrty. The ownw cried when he swapped this one to us. Good shoes on every hoof. 295 No. 4 Maybe you never drove a green horse—this member of the Chev rolet taWe—namd Coach—Hasn’t the power of its sire but doesn’t rolet stable—named Coach—hasn’t the power of its sire hot doesn’t $445 No. 5 Here’s a dandy 2-year-old named Oldsmobile—just shod and curri ed—has stove and talking machine. $595 No. 6 Black Beauty—(bom in 1937—called Packard. Has good uphol stery and trank—curried and combed. $495 No. 7 Three-year-old—named Ford V-8—slick as silk—out of Ford’ stable. $425 Our stable is crowded ivith 15 others. Some with colt’s teeth. You can swap with us without fear, because we have no ‘snaootfa mouths’. m We had rather iloee money than lose a swap! OMamoMle Salet and Service Willianis Motor Coimibii]| Boone Trail Highway T. H. Williams, Prop. Telephone 334-J North Wilkesboro, N. C. on Boone ’Trail. 10-»-tti