Mdelis Claas Met Tuesday Evening Around twenty-five members were present- for the monthly meeting of the Fidelis class of the First Baptist church which met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Tomlinson, with Miss Madge Jennings Is Bible Cla^ Hostess > . The April meeting of the Young Woman's Sunday school class of the Walnut Grove Bap tist church was held Friday eve ning at the home of Miss Madge Jennings having eight members Mrs. D. L. Crook. Mrs. Alice Staf-1 present. Mrs. Elarl Meadows, the ford, and Miss Sallle Outlaw as co-hostesses. Mrs. J. Q. Adams, the president, presided for the usual business session. The Bible study, which was on the gospel of St. John, was given by Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Sr., being assisted by some of the members. Mrs. John Hall and Mrs. Avery V.'hittington directed some contests during a deiightful social hour after which refresh ments were served. WnilAMS MOTOR CO. . TELEPHONE SS4-J T. H. Williams, Owner Oldsmobile Sales-Senrlce Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing Wrecker Service—Electric and Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For all makes and models of ears and tmeka president, occupied the chair for the business session during which time plans were dlacuased and passed upon for the improvement of the jlass and Sunday school. Miss Bessie Brock led the devo tional period. Ice cream and cake was served during the social hour that fol lowed the meeting. with 'which the long been a^ootetcd,-^ Miss Hayes 1» eldest daughter of Judge Hayea. of the United States district court, and Mrs. Hayes. She was graduated from Qreenaboro high school and be longed to an exclusive sub'-deb club here. She Is now a student at Duke university, Durham. Mr. Wanless. a senior in the law school of Duke university, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wanless, of Springfield. III., and in 1937 was graduated from De- pauw university. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and of Phi Delta Phi legal order. The wedding will be a formhl event during June in the Duke university chapel. Miss Wi la Jean Hayes To Wed Thor Wanless Judge and Mrs. Johnson J. Hayes, of Wllkesboro, formerly of Greensboro, announce the en gagement of their daughter. Wil- la Jean, to J. Thor Waniess. of Springfield. 111. The marriage will take place in June. Of particular interest t o Greensboro, where the bride-elect (and her family lived for a number 1 of years and only recently left to j return residence to Wilkesboro. I this betrothal will create cordial ; attention throughout the state and of course be of vital concern 'in the western part of the state BUILDING REMODELING Let me figure your job from the ground up, including necc.ssary excavation. My low overhead operating ex penses will prove a decided saving for you. I use high r,uality nvaterials, thoroughly dried lumber, and employ only well-e.xperieneed labor. If you’re building new, or remodeling, come in and let's talk it oveu' . . . save yourself a few hundred dollars! Better Get My Estimates —TELEPHONE 279— T. H. SETTLE Northwestern Bank Building Mrs. Claude Doughton Visiting Congressman Washington. April 15.—While in Washington attending the D. A. R. convention, Mrs. Claude Doughton, of Wllkesboro will be the guest of Representative and Mrs. Robert L. Doughton of the Ninth North Carolina district. A- mong the visitors from the Tar Teel State who called today to see Representative Doughton were Dr. Frank Taylor of Char lotte. who Is here in the interest of the small cotton growers; Frank Propst and Miss Loralne Propst of China Grove, who are sponsoring a rural electrification project for the China Grov-e sec tion: and Mrs, Thomas P. Bum- gardiier of Ramseiir, who is vis iting’ friends in Washington. Mrs. Bumgardner’s late husband "^'as clerk of the -ways and means com mittee. .‘h« W*rl_. ^ , was biu«d on the fiA ot jglmbp Walter Rnaaell LaniAMtIk.'Vi&uIs, an Interesting theme for' lilur monthly meeting of the Nolrth Wllkesboro Methodist .AuxiUnry, which was held at' the church hut Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. B. Johnston was in charge of ttie program and was assisted iby Mrs. FTank, Johnson and Mrs. J. C. Reins. Mrs. W. D. Hslfacre, the president, occupied the chair dur ing the business session. Presbyterian Auxiliary Held Monthly Meeting A large number of the members of the Pr4sbyterian Auxiliary were present for the monthly meeting which was held at the church hut Tuesday afternoon, with the new' president, Mrs. W. J. Bason in charge. To open the meeting Mrs. Bason led an Im pressive devotional period, after which Mrs. W. P. Grier, Jr., pre sented an Interesting pn^ram on the Christian Jlome, being assist ed by several of the memibers. Interesting Items From Deep Gap Charles And Mary E. Crook Honored At Birthday Parties Mrs. D. L. Crook entertained at two delightful partie.s Monday honoring Charles and Mary Eve lyn Crook. Ttie first party in the afternoon was to celebrate Charle.s’ fifth liirthday whicli was on Friday. Around fifteen little ■boy.s and girls were present and enjoyed a mimiier of games out doors, after which they were in vited into the dining room for ice cream and cake. Charles received lots of nice gifts and the gue.-ts were given balloons as favors. The p,arly Monday evening cele- hrated Mary Evelyn’s thirteenth birthday, her natal day being on Saturday. Tliree tables were made up tor rook with the high and low scorns prizes going to Patsy Ruth McNeil and Mary Louise Newton. An ice couree was served at the close of play, and for each party a color scheme of pink and white was emphasised in the decorations. Thomas Dancy Honored On Birthday Anniversary A surprise birthday parly was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dancy. 9U:! Hinshaw Street, on Saturday niglit. Aiigu-st in. in honor of their son, Thom as. .-V large number of his friends were present. The dining room table .was centered with a huge pink and white birthday cake, decorated with nineteen candles. The honoree wa.s showered with Mr. Bill Steelman, who has been a pneumonia patient in Watauga Hospital, has returned home and is able to be out again. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Hodges, of Mt. Zion, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. .\I. Miller on Thursday of last week. Mr. A. C. Miller is having ad ditional work done on his dwell ing house. Pearl Carroll spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I. \V. Day at Wilkesboro. Mr. Grady Watson, who Is a patient in the Wilkes Hospital, is sliowing much improvement after a serious operation. Miss Earltne Reeves, who has been ill. is very much improved. Mr. A. F. Nichols and family, wlu) resided in Boone during the winter, liave returned to their home here for the summer. Miss Charlotte Starnes, of Hen drix, spent last week-end v ith Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Moretz. .Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Greene vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Fred Hall, at Valdese. Sunday. Mrs. Hazel Siansbury, of Todd, visited relatives here a part of last week. .Mr. A. F. Nichols made a bus iness trip to Raleigh, Tuesday. The “Tip-Top Service Station’’ is open for service again after be ing closed through the winter. .Misse.s Mary Nell Bledsoe and Violet Vannoy, of Fleetwood, vis- ted relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Parker, of West Jefferson, spent a tew hours with .Mr. and .Mrs. R. D. Wellborn, Sunday. Bobb.v. small son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Taylor, haw been suf fering from liead aiisesses for several days. many nice gifts from the guests. .\fter games had been played, refreshments were served to a- bout forty. Let the advertising colunma of this paper be your shopping guide. Are You Tired Of LOOKING -AT- YOURSELF? WE CAN HELP YOU Change Your APPEARANCE Get a mirror, take a good look at yourself. If you’re not satisfied, there’s only one thing to do . . . call 168 for an appointment. We’ll help you decide which hair-do best suits you, and our artists will give YOU a change to be proud of. Let your oirt-moded appearance be . . . Gone with the Wind 99 You’ll get a new inspiration when you take your sec ond look in the mirror. We can and WILL aid you at low cost. Emily^s Beauty Salon Telephone 168 Mrs, R. J. Hinshaw, Prop. ronda; Boots t, Awii IS.—' Mr. and Mrs. .Martin Latttn%n! of the Little Elkin community, irere among the visitors at Bethel church here last Sunday. Mr. Luftman preached an inaplrinx sermon, taking his text from John 3:7, “Ye Must be Born Again.’’ They were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mathis. The many friends of Mrs. J. T. Trlplette will ibo glad to know that she is much Improved and expects to be discharged from the hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer , Morrison visited the latter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chap Pard:ue near Roaring River last Sunday after noon. They also spent a while visiting Mrs. Morrison’s nephew and family, Mr. Noa^. Walker, of Pleasant Grove. Carl Durham, of Swan Creek spent last week-end here with his sister and family, Mrs. Martin Green. D. S. Gilliam, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stroud attended a quartet singing held at King last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gilliam is a mem ber of the Yadkin Talley Pour, a quartet from Elkin who was on the program for the service. Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Ingrim vis ited his mother and family at Jonesville last Sunday. Misses Louise and Pauline Morrison were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McBride, of North Elkin last Thursday. While there they attended services at Elkin Valley church. Mr. N. E. Burchette, a bedrid den patient from the result of a paralytic stroke six years ago. has not been so well for the past few (lay.s. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Swaim, of Cycle, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones here last Sunday. -Ma.ster Keg.gie Simpson, who j lias 1,'een here at the .home of his j aunt, Mrs. G. F. Pardue. conva-j lescening from a serious attack of illne.^s for which he was treat ed at the Hugh Chatham Memor ial Hospital at Elkin, returned to his home at Dobson last Friday. Mrs. Thos. Jennings and chil dren, of Cycle, spent last Sunday ! and Monday here with her par-j ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hemrlc. j Quartet Singing Sunday, May 19 .Ml qnartels are invited to at tend the Brier Creek quartet iiiging io lie held at Bethel Bap- church, five miles southwest of Elkin, the third Sunday in .May, beginning at 1:30 o’clock p. m. Operetta at Ferguson An operetta. “The Land of Dreams Come True,” will he pre- .sented at F'erguson school on Tuesday night. April 23. at 7:30. A small admission fee will be charged. Parents who have chil dren in the operetta will be given complimentary tickets. The pub lic is cordially invited. J. K. Lawrence, of this place, i is confined to his bed with Illness we regret to note. Miss Julia Belle Hemric had as; her guest last Saturday evening, iV's Mattie Osborn, of Elkin. j Mrsi. D. S. Gilliam visited a while with Mrs. A. C. Hendrix j at Ronda last Friday evening , rthiie her daughters. .Misse.s Nor-, ma and Kathlene attended the Junior-Senior banquet held at the school. ' Mrs. Sam Mathis is recovering , from a tonsil operation at her , iiome I ear here. ' .Mr. John Hemric. who operate.s | a saw mill here on the Arm- j strong place, has been at his | home at Swan Creek for several j days due to illness. | Use the advertising columns of this paper as your shopping guide. One hundred and thirty-six bi cyclists were killed in North Car olina from 1935 through 1939, inclusive. SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICA'nON North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court Mrs. Viola Merrick, Plaintiff, * Vs. L. A. Merrick, Defendant To the defendant, L. A. Merrick, above named: Hereby take notice that an ac tion has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes county, in which the plaintiff, Mrs. Viola Merrick, is seeking to obtain a di vorce from the defendant, L. A. Merrick, on the statutory grounds of two years separation. The defendant, L. A. Merrick, will further take notice that he is required to and appear in the office of the Clerk of die Superior Court of Wilkes county, at Wilkes boro, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed within thirty days from tlie publi cation hereof or the relief sought will be granted. ■l^is 9th day of April, A. D. 1940 C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Court of Wilkes County. 6-2-4t AVERY CORN PLANT ERS—Buy one now for $22.50. A few left at this low price. Carlton’s Hdw. xo, C. 3LTVANIA iteis AMD TUBES PboM 41S North WlIkMboro, N. C CO. MATTRESS SALE! Genuine Spring-fillei Mattress At last, here is the innerspring Mattress value you have been waiting for. It’s spring cleaning time . . . time to freshen up a bit, so get in on this Mattress SALE and enjoy real sleeping comfort for a long time to come. Genuine Spring-Filled . . . and what a bargain! A good Mattress at the price. Also others at $15.95 $19.75 $22.50 $39.50 Metal Chairs Here’s comfort you’ll appreciate as you sense it’s restful ease. Sturdily built, and very attrac tive. Just what you need for out-of-doors ... or in, as you care to use it. Prices special $2.59 See Our Line of Porch Gliders with Water-Proof Covers. buy pay monthly on oureasy BUDGET PLAN OR WEEKLY You don’t need a lot of money to buy here. A little cash, balance monthly or weekly. Liberal discounts for cash. Liberal trade allowance for old furniture in exchange for new. We help you to fix up your home! Mark-Down Company F. D. Forester Building ’Phene 267 \ ARE NOW MOST AMAZING LOWEST Drive a Hudson Six over a route you travel every day—where you know every curve and bump. Make a direct comparison with your present car, and see why this Hudson is winning so many habit buyers of the "other PRICED CAR EVER BUILT three”... people who up to now have always gone back to the same make of car, without looking at any other. A phone call will bring a Hudson to your door for the best 30 minutes you ever spent in an automobile. LOWER PRICES STARTINC AT for Coupe; Sedea iiluitrtted, $735, ^liTered io Detroit* iodo^ns Fedend ctxet. oot iodudingsure eod local taxes. If SOT. Low time parmeot terms. Prices tubiect to ebaage without oodee. pmCC INCLDDCS: Pateoced Double>Safe Brakes—if brdraulici ever fail hydraulica mis), ju$t push farther oo regular brake pedal and stop; Dash-Lockiog Safety Hood, biogedac froot; Haody Shift at steeriog wheel; New Cuahioo-Actioo Door Utchet; AIRFOAM SEAT CUSHIONS (small e«fa cost io Hudaon Six closed models, ttaodard io all ocbeca). And at s«wll extra cost: Overdrive and Weather-Mai Fresh Air aod Heat Control HUDSON OFFERS TODAY'S WIDEST CHOICE OF FINE AUTOMOBILES ... In Every Popular Prke Oast Begiw^ '*^**'^ Lowesf. Sixes or Ei9hfs ... Every Popular Body Type ... Extra Wide Range of Colors ood UphoMery. Whotever Pnea You Plon To Pay, See Yeur Hudson Dealer For MORE CAR FOR YOUR MONEY Wilkes Motor Company BOONE TRAIL HIGHWAY NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.

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