RIL^g. w: tdeFbals Mt. !^‘'^>Uowing is the i»ropakm for '1Ae district serenth grsde eom- , BMaeenient to t» held Saturday, ^April 26, at Mount Pleasant; Part One ^9:00—10:4S A. M. On Grounds »r ghynasluni, rhythmic exer- l^es and games. Pleasant First Grade; Slm- 'pis gymnastics (child leading) %Oats, peas, heans and barley grow. Farmer in the Dell. Mt. Pleasant second grade; Blue Bird, Singing Game. Mt. Pleasant third grade; Fol low the Leader, Jolly Old Miller, Ten Little Indians. Mt. Pleasant fourth grade: Jwmf ^ 4>ow; CaBnaMbleh. ' Mt, Pleasant fl'tb gf2u9e; Calls- thenles and Rhythmic guna Mt. Pleasant sixth grade: Calis thenics and EngllMi Frik Play. Mt. Pleasant seventh grade: Calisthenics. Maple Springs fourth and fifth grades; Calisthenics. Maple Springs; Yankee Doodle. Hendrix primary grades; Did Yon Ever See A Lassie? Fly Lit tle Blue Bird Through My Win dow. Hendrix Grammar grades; Cal isthenics. ■ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra- Part Two 11;00—12;00 School Auditor ium. Theme; North Carolina and Wilkes County Seventh Grade Exercise. Devotional. Mount Pleasant—Historical. Maple Springs—Educational. Hendrix—Business. Songs by all—America, N. C. tor of the estate of Albert K.| Hills, Old North State, aud Caro- Pearson, deceased, late of Wilkes! flna. County, North Carolina, this is to; notify all persons having claims i Part Three against the estate of said deceased I i;oo ,'?;00 P. M. ^ I Track Meet- fy Upper Grammar ed at 2206 Fairview Road, Raleigh,c^vonthi N. C. or North Wilkesboro, (Sixth and Seventh) on or before the 25th day of Marcn ^ ^ , l&ll or this notice will be pleaded: Fifty yard dash. One hundred in bar of their recovery. All per- yard dash. Relay 300 yards, sons indebted to said estate will I Girls please make immediate payment | Fifty yard dash, Relay yards. Three Legged Race ALBERT K. PEARSON, Jr.! Admr. of Albert K. Pearson,! Boys Deceased. 6-2-6t (t) 1 Duck Race (Squatting) (25 Jumping: Jttn^ng and nlng.5„^o Broad Jnmp( Standing «6d' running. High Jump. Tug-Of-War. Ht. Pleasant Sev-; enth Grade vs. ^len^rlx and Ma ple Springs seventh grades. Olria Hopping, (25 yards). Go opt on one and come back on other leg. Jumping—Running High and Broad Jump. ( P The schools of the outlying lections are to select their con- f.)Stant8 from 6 and 7 gradee. Mt. Pleasant selects her contestants from 8 and 7 grades separately due to fact of higher enrollment. EMghUi and Eleventh Grade boys vs. Ninth and Tenth Grade Boys Soft Ball. 2:30 p. m. Part 1 ■ is an outgrowth of Physical Education and health work for year, physical education having been given at regular per iod throughout the year as any other subject. The pupils of same age and grade take exercise at same time. Part II is by Seventh Grade pupils. All pupils of Seventh Grade have been asked to parti cipate. Field Day is a day for every one—Parents and everybody in terested in children should come. and enjoy the WILlffiBO: l.-F ISO' . i Bring your lunch day. 15 1^ TO Si WiU DRiSSiS AMO eOMfOSTASLi Slip into an Airmore suit and the beat waves lose their sting. For this cool, resilient fabric permits fnariimim circulation of air, cuts down your “inner” temperature and you stay tran quil, calm and untroubled. Ytjur suit likewise stays fresh and unruffled. “Refrigerate yourself in an Airmore suit.” TAIlOntV 9Y CLOTHCMn UmH9 9Y 9A9L-9L0 AM tXCLVSI¥9 MM/C BY 90TAMY FASTEM99 9Y TAIOM $22.45 Payne Clothing Company North Wilkesboro, N. C. News Items From Summit Vicinity SUMMIT. April 14, 1940.—Mr. Boyce Mikeal, who is in the C. C. Camps at Laurel Springs, is home to spend a week with his parents, j they are permitted to teach The following resolnttons were adopted in the Wilkes eoaaty Re publican convention held Monday In Wilkesboro; The Republican Party of Wilkes County, in Convention as- senrhled, do hereby rpsolve: That we condemn the leader ship as pronounced under the New Deal in National affairs. That, Us tendencies are destract- Ive of private enterprise. That It has, through its planned econ omy, led us not out of a depres sion, but prolonged a depresaion and to a chronical state of fear, until small huainees has been choked and larger business driven from the field of activity, and under its planned, ectmomy has placed our government in Compe tition with private enterprlflc. We condemn -the system under the so-called planned economy which has driven this government into a debt that staggers the imagination of the most learned and has placed on us and our prosperity for generations t o come a yoke of depression greater than that of the Israelites in the Egyptian bondage. We condemn the method of secret conferehces, and secret a- greements, secretly conceived and promulgated through the “Yes Men” of a National Congress. We condemn the public school system in North Carolina, which under its so called New Dealism requires the school teacher to pledge allegiance to the New Deal party, both in their vote and in their financial support, before the Shop Here For HANES UNDERWEAR ^ERNER’S Department Store For Friendly Service and Hanes Underwear Come to PAYNE CLOTHING CO. >Mr. and .Mrs. C. C. Mikeal. j Mrs. Rose Greene and little daughter, Wilma, Mrs. Nellie .Church and little son. Ray, spent I Sunday in the home of Mr. and .M’^. Lee J. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsy Church and Mr. Johnson Church spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coy Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gather Hanks and children, of Purlear, spent Sun day with Mrs. Hanks’ parents, M.". and Mrs. Melton Watson. .Messrs Atris Greene and Rufus Church were visitorsj in the home of Mr. D. P. Beshears, of Welsh, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Church and children and Miss Hazel Phil lips spent a short while in the home of Mr. and iMrs. Lee J. Church, Saturday night. Messrs. Marion Church and Hurl Mikeal sp«nt a short while in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dempsy Church, Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Benge spent Sunday in the home of Mr. ,ii'.d Mrs. Pressley Church. I Mrs. W. A. Benge and Mrs. I.Minnie Church spent a short 1 while with .Mrs. Vea Blankenship, Sunday. youth of our land. We condemn the cloak room politicians of our state who pass legislation effecting local govern ment and taaking from the people the right to elect the people whom they want to manage the affairs of their local government and thereby disfranchising the citizen ship of our county. We condemn the undemocratic principle of administering relief and old age assistance, and on the other hand commend the at titude of the Board of Commis sioners in this county on their efforts to distribute relief and old age pensions to the poor and needy instead of those who have and possess property sufficient for their own support. We condemn the New Deal principles of North Carolina, which are operating under the so called name of democracy and yet denying to their local government the right to select or have a voice in the selection of a Farm Dem- WHEN YOU NEED YOUR HANES UNDERWEAR COME TO OUR STORE BELK’S DEPARTMENT STORE Seek Revocation Of Beer License One Dealer Here Raleigh, April 17.—The Brew ers and North Carolina Beer Dis- ACCURATE SIZES END SURPRISES • When, you buy a pair of shorts in size 34, take them home and put them on ... to find they’re a scant 33 and the buttons won’t button, you’ve a right to be unhappy. In Hanes broadcloth Shorts, a 34 is a 34. You get the size the label calls for. There is no skimping in material or workmanship. And shorts that fit you last longer. The seat is full . . . cut generously for com fort. The legs are long and wide a:ough to fit properly. Smart new patterns and colors—all guaranteed fast. Lastex web in the waistband. Hanes broadcloth Shorts and a Hanes Undershirt make a perfect combination for coolness. Sec your Hanes Dealer today. uilnitors committee today re- (lue.sted the revocation of the re tail lieor of one dealer in North Wilkesboro. Rdgar H. Bain, of Gold.sboro. state director in charge of the lieer industry’s ■'(•lean up or lip" campaigii in North Carolina, filed the petition with the town hoard of commissioiiers. The pe- tiliop alleged llie dealer condoct- ed I lie place of tuisiness in such onstration .Agent, one-half o f whose enmpensation is paid by Wilkes County, and we commend the efforts of the Commissioners of Wilkes county, who, although recommending and electing vari ous competent men from each party to that position, was denied the privilege of their services be- cau.^e they would not subscribe to tlie oath of allegiance to the New Deni. Be it resolved further, that we commend the Board of Commis sioners of Wilkes county for their honest conduct of the affairs of county. ^ W9 eonxmend the .dtohMtteh' ,. iMt 6*a«rnl iff CjMojjm, for’is mn o^rmdtystir.'k* fairly represented and for people:'^ have charge of the county agencies. 'We commend the effhrta of the niemibers of the RepnbUcan Party in our National Congress who have been working unceasingly for the restoration of a demo cratic form of government by the people, of the people and for the people. This convention pledges the officers of opr great party to strict economy and an equal dls- tribution of the school funds and also pledge our candidate, If elected, to the school Ihbard, to do all in his power to keep the public school system in this coun ty from being prostituted Into a political vote organization. We further pledge to do all in our power to secure fair election laws so that no person who is entitled to a vote shall be denied that privilege. We pledge to every hoy and girl in this (»unty and state that we will continue to work for a condition whereby every boy and girl will have an opportunity to select for himself or herself a vo cation in life where they can work to the accomplialunent of their ideals without let or hinder- ance or dictation from any dic tatorial power from any new deal source and unhampered by any political organization. Henry Coleman Rites Wednesday Henry Coleman, 80, well known citizen of Somers township, died early Tuesday and funeral service iWasi held at two o’clock Wed nesday at Shady Grove church with Rev. W. F. Lawrence in charge. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nancy Coleman, and the follow ing children: L. W. Coleman, North Adam, Mass.; A. L., I. M., E. A., R. W.. and D. C. Cole man, Mrs. Annie' Higgin-s and Mrs. Bessie Roberts, all of Cycle. SPENT MILLIONS, WED THRICE — BUT WAS “NEW YORK’S LONELIEST WOMAN.” The tragic story of the disap pointing life of the heiress who sought happiness in vain, despite her millions, and who died the other day with no loved one at her aide. An illustrated' feature In The American Weekly Maga zine with next Sunday’s Washing ton Times-Herald, now on sale. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROI.INA, WILKES COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. R. Triplett to W. Bryan Booe, on the 1-lth day of Feb. 19.31, to secure the payment of a note of even to coiKiitlUe ;i iniblic jjijjjg therewith, the same being re- uiiiiiiiei' ii ■ Miiianee. and cited four affidavits [coi-ded in the office of the regis- SHIRTS AND BROADCLOTH SHORTS HANES SPORTS CI0TCH-GU40 50' 3 35' for Extra 60c aach. I quanty, 60c Hamc$ Blua Lakal Shirts an4 braadeiath Sharta aa law as 27a. P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA 111 siipiiurt of the petition. 'ITie commiltef. in ils caiii- naieii U' pnrae the beer industiy of niulesirable beer outlets, bas sec;iipl the revocation of more •.iiiiii TO lieenses since last S'en- leitibei'. and has filed revocation retitions 2.'i other deal- er.s. In addition, four dealers have been placed o;i p.’uoation l.y local authorities. Headquarters For HANES HARRIS BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE IF IT’S HANES—WE HAVE IT. HACKNEY DEPARTMENT STORE (Sucessor to Hackney & Harris) STOP IN FOR —Hanes Underwear— WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE BARE’S FAIR STORE Come To Our Convenient Store For Hanes Underwear TOMLINSON’S DEPARTMENT STORE 50c Pepsident Antiseptic 2 FOR tth Street North Wilkesboro, N, C. HORTON^S DRUG STORE —•On© C©nt Outstanding in Our Great J QUALITY in every stitch! Cynthia won’t shrink or sag out of fit—double sHiched seams won't rip—and the fine quality rayon crepe or satin is o nirocle of wear. •Reg. U.S. Pci. Off. ter of deeds of Wilkes County in Kook 159 at page 175 and default having been made in the payment of said note on demand, NOW THEREFORE; I will on the 22nd day of April, 1940, at the Court House Door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, offer for sale for cash, to the highest bidder, at the hour of 12:00 noon the folio-wing de scribed lands to wit; Lying and be ing in Wilkes County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of F. J. Hartley, Virgil Mortz,, Judd Green and others and bounded as follows to -wit; First Tract: Beginning on a lo cust near the head of Stony Fork creek, running South 40 de^eer East 140 poles to a chestnut oak stump; thence North 50 degreef East 110 poles to a stake; thenct North 40 degrees West 146 m16» to a stake in F. J. Hartleys line; thence South 50 degrees West with said line 110 poles to a stake in said line; thence South 40 de- grees East five poles to the bo- ginning. Containing 75 acres. Second Tract adjoining the above tract: Beginning on a chestnut and chestnut-oak the second cor ner of the above described tract, and running with the line of said tract North 50 degrees East 96 poles to a chestnut-oak and sour- wood on the ridge above Chapma ^ Greens; thence with Chapmf' Greens line South 40 degrees Ea 20 poles to a chestnut, continui) the same course In all 167 poles a stake in William J. Church line, thence S. 60 degrees W. 1 poles to a stake; thence N. 40 dw grees W. 167 poles to the becrinn- ing. -Containing 80 acres more or Thia the 19th day of March.' 1940. W, BRYAN BOOE, Tnuter By T. B. Bryan, Attorney. edy: IB ttrei^aeteV wOl' - RfTen at Benham icIUip) Saturdity, Jfi^l >0, at 7 :30 p, in,. The caiit Ir'em- pomd of adults,''moi^ of t whom are ’high school graduates or high school students. “It you en joy a good play you can't afford to miss this one,’* the announce ment said. Admisaion will be 16 and 15 cents and'. will be used tor bene fit of the school. Ada. get attentien—aad reenhel MaryC CRwItot petOKRUvwnnB' . jUm eetefael to exhibit"them to.the at Panonvine, N. C„ on or the Stb day of AprQ, 1941, or ttie notlM will hajidad' in bar their recoTRty^ AR persons in debted to aaid eatate^ will pleaaa make itomediate payment. This 8th day of April, AD. IMI, WAYNE RICHABDSCW, Administrator of Mary C. Woo^ ruff, deceased. 6-lf A H. Casey, Attorney. YOU EVER SAW irA4RIHIG(I.Fl Fsoities of toot or More need a BK BrffigtiaiiiHv-Aod Hem’s a Beamy » a RnteJ All the Convenience, the Thrift, the Durability of a Big General Electric! Over 16 sq. ft af aelf Area. Over 8 cu. ft. of Storage Space. 10 lbs. of Ice—100 Big Cubes at One Time! Sen More Maaay By Owning a BI6 • You can save more left-over?, buy food in bigger quantities at better price*, freeze more ice—rand not out-getw your refrigerator’s capacity with at- suiting loss of an tariy "trade-in!. $179.50 Big 8 cu. ft. capacity. Model LE' ‘ LB8-M ML-ma CMMCT# STMNIUS mai Praanr e Td-a-rraat ladretar a UM e VaaslaWa Ceatilaar • 7 PIECC tat M etiarfiil Mms a Fnm SaM-in-Stttf M TMUFT eWT. rHATS7MF.SUy/ •jttmmu, p«ec reductions! You can now buy this G-E model LB6B 6.2 Cu. ft. Size 1940 Model for only $134.75 Key aid Walldiis Electric Co. 3 Miles North On Highway 18 ^Phone 36-F-6? ELECTRIC SUPPLIES^! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTTNG IS AFTER-EASTER LADIES’ SPRING COATS reduced! NOW AND $6.50 $8.00 BUY NOW—SOME OF THESE YOU C.AN WEAR NEXT FALL! SPECIAL! RAYON TAFFETA SUPS 27c Well Tailored—Good Qual ity Materials— STOCK UP NOW! SAN FA BROADCLOTH SUPS 49c BUILT-UP SHOULDERS SANFORIZED SHRUNK Penney’s Spring and Summer SHOE STYLES —PATENTS— Brown & Whites $1.98 and Solid Whites JL ladies: ¥im REDUCED NOW 49^ Full-Fashioiied—SoM For iUrct*^ iilAMB