•’T dmh» i$i. fio^ott ii>. _ Weigh.—^The State D«s>»rt- MMA of Reveaue Issued 4,934 re tail beer licenses for the 1939-40 Vt year ended April 30, and It leopected that 5,000 indirlduals td firms will purchase licenses •rtng the next 12 months. n»e state issued 29 retail beer tenses for Wilkes county last ^■r as compared with 31 for the USS-39 Ux year, according to flta Brewers and North Carolina Bmt Wistrlbutors Committee. Mecklenburg conntf** 385 led tte state for the year Just ended. Oefltord came next witft-8S4, fol- tojr Forsyth with #!♦. Bun- abe 191, Wake 1# , New Han- 162, Durham 46t, Rowan f^oddnebamr and Gas ton 167 each, and WU-^ ■on 103. Camden, Clay and Graham had fire retail. dealers each, while two counties—Mitchell and Yan cey—do not permit retail ibeer sales under special acts of the 1937 Legislature. During the past year, the re tail beer licenses of 86 dealers in 31 counties have been revoked by the courts and local governing bodies. Of this number 78 were revoked on petition of the Brew ers and North Carolina Beer Dis tributors Committee as a part of its "clean up or close up” cam paign to purge the industry of undesirable beer outlets. DISCOVERY Finding that ultra-short ADMCTlSTftATOlPS N4)TICE HnTinsr eoalifiel hs A^Mriiiistra- tar the estatn «f babel Howell, take eC Wilkes ceontiFt N. C., this in to notify all Mnons having t-a|raa^ said estate -to pre- item to the nn^ersigned, address is Nm4h 'Wilkesbo- rs^ N. C., duly verified, on or be- Ite 8th day of Aprili 1941, or notice will be plM in bar of ' light to recover. All per- indebted to said estate 'will make immediate settlement. This Eth day of AprU, 1940. WADE HOUCK, Administrator of the estate of Isabel Howell, dec’d. 6-13-6t (m) radio waves will kill the troublesome parasites that cause trichinosis may lead to a practical way of de stroying the parasites in pork at the packing house. A car traveling at 60 miles an hour strikes a stationary object with an impact equal to that it would have if dropped off a 10- story building. THE JOURN . - Credc Months 7, 8 NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of _ Wilkes county, made in the special pro ceeding, entitled Johnson Sanders, Administrator of Thomas Lowe et al, ex-parte, the same being No. upon the special proceeding docket jof said court, the undersigned rW r'Uo. W7 I Commissioner will, on the 27th day lAT. t^tias. W. Moseley jof May, 1940, at the hour of 12:00 DiMaaes of the Stomach and ^oon, at the court ho^ door is Imlemal Medicine iW.Ikesboro, North Caro#na,. offer for sale, for cash, to the highest win be at Dr. B. M. Hutchens’ of-'bidder, the following described See e”ery Monday, beginning APRIL 22ND PRIMARY MAY 25 , Giles Y. Newton ' FOR CONGRESS *Wree Men Vote Free Vote*” lands, to-wit: I.yinir ami beini in Brushy Mountain township, Wilkes county. North Carolina, and containing 69 acres, adjoining the lands of Lura Benge on the north, and adjoining the lands of Anderson & Elling ton on the south, and being all the lands owned by Thomas Lowe at 1 the time of his death. 1 This 26th day of April, 1940. T. R. BRYAN, 5-20-4t (M) Commissioner HOW DO YOUR FEET ^^5^^ OF STANOING ? STAND Natural Bridge Shoes are your first jwescription for health and com- iort! Soft pads and cushioned arch ■ supports mate hospital corridors^ actually seem shorter — cement floors softer! Wear Natural Bridge Shoes on duly and feel fresh and fit for those pleasant off- duty hours. BELK’S DEPT. STORE North Wilkesboro’s Shopping Center North Wilkesboro, N. C. First Grade: Frank Church, Susie Vannoy, Bennie Pierce. Georgia Greer, Violet McGlamery, Della Mae Brown, Tommie Van noy. Peggy Saunders, Linda El- ledge, Mack Brown. Ruth Brown, Evelyn Brown. Second Grade: Edgar Faw, Car- son Nichols, Earl Watts, Eulaine Dockery, Jean Greer, Betty Par sons, Bonita Hayes, Oleatls Brown. Paul Wilburn. Wayburn Minton, Bobby Vannoy, Floyd Byers. Third Grade: Evelyn Eller, elate Reeves, Lena Raeh, Betty Saunders, C. C. Brooks, Pattle Canter, Geraldine Whittington Grace Nichols, Violet Eller. Fourth Grade: Jimmy Canter, Pfcllltp Dancy, Oliver Elledge. Carolle Bumgarner, Inez McNiel, Burnice Nichols, J. G. Faw, Max Baugess. Fifth Grade: Llll'an Brooks, Marjorie Bumgarner, Sue Bum garner. Louise Foster, Marie Hayes. Argil Eller. Sixth Grade; None. Seventh Grade; Lottie McNeil, G. V. Curtis, Tom Bumgarner, Fay McNeil, Bronda Bumgarner, Mabel Kilby. Estelle Martin, Mo- zelle Parsons, Frances Eller. Eighth Grade: Dorothy Brooks, Ann:i Brooks. Irene Sheets, Mar garet Turner, Leigh Williams, Ralph Caudill. Arnold Hurley, Paris Kilby, Junior Jenkins. Ninth Grade: Clara Lee Watts. Aline McNeil, Elyna Eller. Pau line Maxwell, M. F. Bumgarner, Baxter Bumgarner, Wayne Mar tin, Commodore McNeil. Tenth Grade: Clara Bumgar ner, Mabel Eller. Hazel Hayes, Dewie Lankford, Beatrice Lov- ette. Betty Jo. McNeil. Violet Miller. Doris Tulbert, Clark Kil by. J. T. Vannoy. Eleventh Grade: Henry Crav en. Arlie Hayes, Billie Ha.ves, Grover McGlamery, Beth Bum garner, Pi'auccs Brookshire, \ir- ginia Reeves. Lessle Yates, Iris Bumgarner. Thomas Lee McNeill. |EATEIQT» NORTH ,WIUP5|3^RO^ ftrre to Caor State For FDR Ads get attenthion—and result# notice of SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, made in the Special pro ceedings entitled, Johnson San ders Administrator et al Ex-Parte, the same being No. 656 upon th« special proceedings docket of sai4 court, the undersigned commis sioner will, on the 13th day ol May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon at the Court House door in Wilkes boro, N. C., offer for sale for CMh to the highest bidder the following described lands, lying and being in Walnut Grove Township, Wilkes County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of B. Holbrook, Bamie McBride and others, and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on a red oak running South 15 West 38 poles to a chest nut, then South 20 -West 10 poles to a double ash, then South 6 West 6 poles to an ash in a holli-w, then South 60 West 10% poles to a maple, then North 78 East 17 poles to a locust in B. Holbrooks line, then North with said Hol brooks line to a sourwood E. E. Hutchinsons corner, then with said Hutchinsons line to a chestnut his corner, then East with John Adams and I. B. -Caseys line to the be ginning, containing 15 acres, more or less. This the 11th day of April, 1940. T. R. BRYAN, Commissioner 5-6-4t (m) Raleigh.—An Intensive drive to put North Carolina safely and en thusiastically in the Franklin D. Roosevelt column at the Demo cratic national convention is in full swing this week, under direc tion of the "North Carolina for Roosevelt’ organization with headquarters -In Raleigh. Active organization workers took the field Monday In every district after the FDR resolutions proposed for every county con vention had received the “ap proval” of Governor Clyde R. Hoey who Issued a statement say ing he would support" them In the state convention here May 18. The resolutions call upon the state convention to send to the national convention a full delega tion instructed to support Presi dent Roosevelt for re-nomlnatlou, as long as his name is before the convention. Governor Hoey’s statement of “approval” removed the last pos- siblility of a bitter fight in the county and state conventions over the national convention delega tion. Former State Senator John Folger said he was “delighted” with the Governor’s action and praised it as “just what was to be expected from the great Dem ocrat be is. ITie “North Carolina for Roose velt" organization professes to have no second choice for the Democratic presidential nomina tion. Its only objective, Chairman Folger says, is to prove conclus ively the loyalty of North Caro lina to Roosevelt and his Admin istration. Prior to his "approval” of the Roosevelt resolutions Gov ernor Hoey had come '••ut for Secretary of State Cordell Hull for the Democratic nomin.ttion. , Unilonm l¥ortl^ 4-H Mendberi state CoUege Answers 'Timely Farm Question Question; How much skim milk may be substituted for other in- :;redients in poultry feeds? Answer: Skim milk, clabber, or buttermilk may be substituted for all dried m.ilk products, one- half of the fi.sh meal, and one- lialf of the meat meal recom mended for the poultry ration. When the substitution Is made for the.se amounts, three gallons of the skim milk or other products should be fed per day to each 100 hens. The success of these substitutions will depend upon (he regularity with which the iiiilk is fed. Unless there is an ample supply available at all time.s no substitutions should be made. Wider tue of the diatinetive 4- H Club uniforms It being urged, by L. R. Hariill, 4-H Club lead er of State College. All member) attending the annual 4-H Short Course at State College July 22- 27 will be required to wear uni forms. Miss Willie N. Hunter, Exten- don clothing specialist, and her assistant. Miss Julia Mclver, have designed the North Carolina 4-H uniforms, which are of the name general style as used in all c.her States. The Girl’s uniform consists of green broadcloth, with white col lar and facing, green thread, white simulated patent leather belt, slide fasteners, and white pearl buttons for cufflinks. A white hat and a -pair of comfort able, white walking shoes com plete the outfit. The boys’ uniform is a white shirt, white duck trousers, -black shoes, black tie, and black belt. Many girls make their uniforms as a part of a clothing project, although this is not a require ment. Harrill insisted that 4-H mem bers wear their uniforms at out standing events. The calendar of club events for 1940 starts with leadeis’ training schools at the Millstone 4-H Camp -May 7-11, at a place in Eastern North Caro lina yet to 'be designated May 14-18, and at the Swannanna 4-H Camp May 21-24. The State Older Youth Confer ence will be held at State College June 4-8, and the National 4-H Camp Is scheduled in Washington, D. C., June 12-19. Following the short course, the Wildlife Con servation Conference will be held August 27-31, and the State Dress Review at State College on Octob er 4. The State Fair, in which 4- H members participate. w'’l be held this year October 8-12. Slieltcm Canter lEledHtioii '^^^nner DEWEY RECOVERg At Wakie Fenrest Shelton Canter, eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Canter of Nortli Wtl- keeboro, was victorious in Wake Forest College elections last week, winning a place as sopho more representative In the col lege student legislature. Canter, who Is a freshman at Wake Forest, entered the politi cal race on April 12. He ran a- gainat John Conley, of West Hart ford, Conn., and Hammond Floyd, of Barnesvllle. Canter placed first in the first primaries, but bis majority was not large enough to prevent a run-off. In the run-off election held last week, he won the contest from Conley by a twenty-majorRy vote. He will be Invested In of fice on Thursday, May 2, al though his duties as legislator will not begin until S'eptember. The student legislature, of which Canter Is now a member, has asi Hs duties the passing of all laws, rules and customs relat ing to student government. It al so reports violations of these rul ings to the student body. CedoradP Sprinfi, CtAo., 30.—Feeling mueli Impntea Thomw B. Dewey, RepnbUtatt presidential aspirant, took thldgs easy at his hotel suite today pre paratory to returning to the cam paign wars Thursday. Dewey wanted to play golf, -but yielded to advice of his physician to get a little more rest. His confldeiP- tlal secretary, Lem Jones, quoted the diagnosis of Dewey’s physici an in pointing out that Deww' had suffered from a “mild diges tive ailment,” but that the trtra- ble “has cleared up nicely.” /sreeo WINS in a race, but Slow SIMNIN6 WINS MY VOTE IN A OGARETTE. I SMOKE OWE15. CAMELS ARE EXTRA MILO, EXTRA OOOL ANO THEIR SLOWER BURNING GIVES ME EXTRA SM0KIN6 Ninety-three per cent of the ve hicles involved in traffic accidents in North Carolina last year were in apparently good mechanical condition. SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by C. R. Triplette to hlora Whittington, on the lat day of November, 1932, to secure the payment of a note of even date therewith, said deed of trust being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, in Book 167 at page 115, and default having been made in the payment of said note on de mand; Now Therefore: The undersign ed Trustee will on the 27th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court house door In Wilkesboro. North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the follow ing described lands: Lying and being in Wilkes County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to wit; Beginning on the Southwest corner of the Lewis Fork Advent ist Church lot. then running a westward direction with the F. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of R. J. Tay lor, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned for payment, duly veri fied, on or before the 22 day of April. 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, all persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement. This the 22 day of April, 1940. MRS. R. J. TAYLOR, .Administratrix of R. J. Taylor, deceased. 5-27-6t-(M) F. J. McDuffie, Attorney. INf-luniAAl. UIpCCl^ OF VIRGINIA M D other's uay Sunday, May 12 , -. and as a gift, candy is all right . . . hosiery is better . . . but Natural Bridge Shoes are “tops” if you really wisln to please her. In remembering you, she’ll forget the countless steps taken in her daily routine of housework, because Natural Bridge Shoes fit so comfortably .. . look so stylLsh . . . and wear so long! We have a beautiful line of new styles awaiting your selection ... in all sizes and widths . . . with built- in arch support for permanent comfort. Remeisber Mother ... with Natural Bridge Shoes V BELK’S EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. M. Brown, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them I Highway to B. rN«®r?vilirhoro IProffifs line, then «ith said Prof- is B(xx o» North Wilkosboro^ N. t Trifniott*Q duly verified, on or before the 29th '“’s J;. day of April, 1941, or this noticecorner, then with said Trip- will be plead in bar of their right line to Casey s branch, then down said branch to the north- to recover. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 29th day of April, 1940. MAZIE JOHNSON CHURCH, Executrix of the Estate of J. M. Brown, dec’d. 6-3-6tM NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, BEFORE THE CLERK Mrs. Ella Phillips, widow, H. M. County in Book 189, page 276, and Phillips and wife, Mary Belle Phil- default having been made in the NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by A.lonzo Porter and wife, Linda Por ter, to the undersigned trustee, to secure the payment of a note therein mentioiied, which deed of trust is record(>d in the office of Register of Deeds for Wilkes lips, L. P. Phillips and wife, Ada Phillips, Della Frazier and hus band, T. J. Frazier vs, Ralph Phillips and wife, Elma payment thereof, and demand hav ing been made on me; I will, THEREFORE, on 'Thurs day, May 16, 1940, at the hour of ten (10:00) o’clock A. M., at the Phillips, Mrs. Pauline Phillips, and courthouse door in Wilkesboro,_ of- Elcanor Phillips, Eugene Phillips fer for sale for cash to the high- and Caroline Phillips, minors, jest bidder, the following described 'The above named defendants,real estate, viz: will take notice that a special pro- A tract or parcel of land in ceedings entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiffs are asking that certain lands own ed by the plaintiffs and defend ants in iWilkes County be sold for division and to make assets with which to pay debts; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in Wilkesboro, N. C„ within ten days after the 15th day of May, 1940, and ans wer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. The said Eleanor Phillips, Eu gene Phillips and Caroline Phillips will take notice that unless they procure the appointment of a guardian ad litem to appear and defend the above entitled action or special proceedings on their behalf within ten days after the 16th day of May, 1940, an application will be made to the Honorable Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes Wilkes County, N. C., and more particularly described as follows: Lying and being in Rock Creek Township: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Joan Myers, C. W. Wiles, Charlie Byrd and others; on the South by the lands of Lee Brown; on the Elast by the lands of Charlie Byrd; on the North by the lands of C. W. Wiles and Dora Hall, on the west by .the lands of Jonah Myers; containing 79 acres, more or less. See deed from James Porter and wife, Susan Porter, dated Novem ber 22, 1930, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wilkes County in Book 158, page 499. SECOND TRAC^: Adjoining the above described tract of land; BEGINNING • . a red oak runn ing North 66 po iS to a Spanish oak then West 60 poles to a hickory; thence South 60 poles to a atone; then East 60 poles to the beginn ing; containing 26 acres, more or less. For further description see deed from S. J. Baldwin to Manley Byrd. Also Deed. from Manley Byrd and wife to'Leander Hall County for an order appointing', and wife Dora Hall,, and f^J® some suitable and competent per son guardian ad litem for them and authorizing and directing him •to appear and' defend the above entitled action in their behalf. This 15th day of April, 1940. C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Court for Wilkes County 6-4-4tm Leander Hall and wife, Dora Hall, to Linda Porter. Linda Porter deed recorded in Book 164, page 211 in the office of Register of Deeds for Wilkes County. This the 16th day of April, A. D. 1940. A. H. CASEY, Trustee. B-6-4t m 6-18-4t east corner of the said church lot, then with the said church lot line to the beginning. Excepting one-half acre where B. B. Cornett now lives. This the 22nd day of April, 1940. FLORA WHITTINGTON. 5-13-4t. Trustee. By T. It. Bryan, Attorney. WE’VE GOT PLENTY OF Chilean Nitrate Of Soda FOR YOU. Pears(«Bros. lOth Stnet Nertli Wnkertore, N. C. JIMMIE KELLY, Daring Speed Ace of fiotor-CycU Racing In recent laboratory teats, CAMELS burned 25% slower than theaverageoftfael5otfaer of die largest-selling brands tested — slower than any of them. That means, on the av erage, a smoking plus equal to SXTM SA/tOKeS T6R PACK/ FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR- Camels^ Slwif-Banfag Costiflr a GET YOUR CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA at the Cash Fertilizer & Seed Store ke Home of V. C. Fertilizers and Wood’s Field and Garden Seeds 'Phone 373 North Wilkesboro, N. C. UNCLE NATCHEL says: NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, made in the Special Pro ceedings entitled Johnson Sanders, administrator of C. R. Triplette et al Ex-Parte, the same being No. , upon the Special Proceedings docket of said court, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 26th day of May, at the hour of 12 o’clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Caroli na, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed lands, lying and being in Wilkes County, North Carolna, and bounded as follows, to-wit: 1st Tract: Beginning in the center of the Old Boone ^ Trail Highway at a stake, opposite a barn, at the nrouth of a steep ra- vene; then running un said ravene and continuing a straight course'up a ridge to the top of same: then with the top of said ridge to the J. R. Triplette line on top of the ridge that divides the lands of J. R. and C. R. 'Triplette: then a Southward course with J. R. 'Trip' lette’d line to the center of the old Boone Trail Highway; then with the center of the old Boone Trail Highway; then with the center of said Highway to the point of be ginning. 2nd 'Tract: Beginning on a sourwood, ft being the southeast comer of the C. R. Triplette moun tain tract; thence north 55 de grees west 18 poles to a stake; then north 67 degrees west 26 poles to a stake; then north 50 de- grees west 32 1-2 poles to a stake; then-north 30 degrees west 13 poles to a stake; then north 41 de grees west 10 poles to a stake: then north 35 degrees west 10 poles to stake; then north 89 de grees west 8 poles to a maple; then west 26 poles to a stake: then south 40 degrees east 126 poles to a stake; then north 60 degrees east 36 poles to the point of beginning, containing 16 8-4 acres. This 22nd day of T. & BRYAN, .CofomlBsioner . Cure, roastin’ ears arc natn- ral food for hungry folks... and mighty good food, too. And Chilean Nitrate of Soda is natural food — and mighty good food—for hungry crops. For side-dressing this spring, use plenty of Natural Chilean Soda. Its quick-acting nitrate and its natural balance of other plant food elements, pre healthy natural nourish ment, just when your crops arc hungriest. Side-dress liber ally with Natnral Chilean Ni trate of Soda. That is the way to make sure of good yields, good quality and early ma turity. Chilean Nitrate is tha world’s only natural nitrate. Costs no more. Sold every where. NATURAL CHUBUi nmumorsMA PROTECTIVE ELEMENTS Boron lodisic Manganese Potash Magnesium f Calcium ' and many more Carl A. Lowe & Sons CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA—ROYSTER’S F£3tTILIZERS Field Seeds Of All Kinds ,>^ForMter Aveeae " North WHkesbero, N. C. :i-*- ..V . •; ^.'4-