Hi- ' ibmEKJU.4>XttaC^iiSR1 t-' of ft resident sbftsed tbe te Store lo- iikea teild 'drad has re- >u8tnes8. idded much |«lreftd7 large and acces In ikosttlon it motorists ies, tires tools and J. W. StMte, reensboro and L this city, has estern Auto A ;ted in the Hot« ig on Main str •pened the store Mr. Steelft^M merchandise ft^ck pt auto sui tabes, bicycles, ra many other items. As the store is the famous couponv'^ie is in lull blast and unusuall^^.low prices are quoted througlnkt the store. For further detam relative to the store re-openinJVnd some of the unusual bargai^.-offered, the readers’ attention 14-balled to the lirm’s advertisementvelaewhere in this newspaper. ^ ■■ — Use the ftdvettlftte colnmiut of *hl« paper as your (rnida Meeting in SvOPcn Court AHeraopn end Adopl^ ' sing opened [ QUKK AtllON FOR RENT BEVKN-ROO.M Street. Lee City. bungalow on F Edward Harris, It. FOR RENT: A fiftmished three room apartment, with private bath. Close in. Phone J72-R. 5-6-lt by FOR SALE TRACTORS—W-SO w rubber— Farmall 30, l£-8(>. Dodge JlOO, Fordson. Cars—'39 small Buich Sedan, '39 Chevrolet Se dan, ’39 Packard Convertible Ooupe. Trucks—^2 Interna tional Pickup, 'Irt Chevrolet 1 1-2 ton. Wht^gsale prices. HENKEL’S, StattaTille, N. C. 5-30-8t BELECT YOUR MqfPHBBUS DAY Sifts at the Singer Shop, Gifts 26c aqjtarp. ' Skirt Markers, Buttonhole attachment, also needles, oil and repairs, near HeinaSturdivant. 6-9-2t-pd HOME COMPORT R.ANOE i.n perfect condition. Good bar gain for quick Sale or will trade for good cow. .Mrs. S. M. Burchette, Hendrfk, N. C. !(!,•’ 6-13-4t-pd HEADQUARTERS • f«*r Poultry and Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other-known pro ducts, at low prices. Red Cross Pharmacy. “Your Service Drug Store.” 10th Street. 4-18-tf STFARN'S INSULIN. Recognized by the medical profession. New low prices at RED CROSS PHARMACY, “Your Service Drug Store.’’ Phone 98, Tenth Street. 5-6-4t )l)R SALE: Scratch Pads, print ed on one side. Special, three 13) pounds* for 5c.—Carter- Hubbard Publishing Co. tf COMPLETE LINE Irfe’s Poul try Remedies; also complete line of Hog. Horse and Cattle Remedies. Red_ Cross Phar macy, ‘‘Your Service Drug Store,” Phone 98, Tenth street. 5-6-4t nrSUAL bargains in good used cars and tnicks, several Bakes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, two miles west on Boone Trail, 10-2-tf WANTED i;. W'ANTED: Two-POftSw unfurnish ed apartment. MN*f 'be close in and price reasoSwlo. Address replies to "C”, Journal- Patriot. ■i'l’C it-pd. rANTED; To do radio iw- jtalr work on all; makes and models. Expert rc^lrmen. Sat- lafactlot Tuara^asd. — Day Electric O0„ PhoB* J28. 8-10-tf Wilkes bar association held a memorial service this afternoon In Wilkes court Immediately fol lowing opening of court at 1:30. The service was in honor of J. Mack Brown, popular member of the bar who died on April 13. Resolutions prepared by Kyle Hayes, Eugene Trlvette and J. H. Whicker were adopted by the bar as follows; . It has been an honored custom for the Wilkes County Bar to pause and observe a memorial service so that the members of this bar could give expression to their opinions and sentiments when once again the Angel of death has called to his last re ward a loyal member of our Bar Association, John McKinley Brown, who was in the prime of his life. Our last gatheris.g here was to do honor to the Dean of the Bar, the Honorable Frank D. Hackett, and today we stand awed and shocked over the passing of one of the younger members of our bar, whose bright future stood out before him. But such is life, and In the uncertainty of same we stand with awe and wonder at the sudden stoppage of the engine of life. We are Informed that jubt before his going that he had a long conversation with his moth er, Mrs. M. F. Brown, and in said conversation contemplated the immortality of his soul. Mac Brown, as be was known his intimate Vlends, was a lawyer of outstanding ability and, like most strong men, he had his prejudices, but of this he was himself conscious and strove to conquer from them and to be al ways just. He was a firm believer the truth. He was eminently courteous and affable to the mem bers of the bar who were younger than he. He was considerate and tender and his Influence with them and their fondness for him a.s such that they felt his death s that of a dear relatives and friend. To the members of the Bar who were older than he, he commanded the greatest respect and we. too. feel a great blank in our Association. Those of us who appeared on the other side found him to be diligent and a marvel of indus- ,ry. He was possessed with wit and humor, and one of the best illustrations we have to offer is ;>n one occasion: W’hen the pres ent Chief Justice of the Supreme Court asked him if the opinion he had just cited had not been criticized by the bar, Mac, like a flash of lightning, stuttered and replied, ‘‘Be dogged if I know, but it is still the law until re versed.’’ He took an active part in all civic proposals looking to the bet terment of his county and state. He was active in the counsel of the Republican Party which he loved and adored and was its ef ficient chairman for six years. He believed in the justness of the living God. but there was nothing pretentious in his relig ion. Possessing these characteristics it is not surprising, and guided by a logical mind and wonderful com mon sense, he became one of the most successful young advocates of his day at the bar: Therefore, bie it resolved by the members of the Wilkes Coun ty Bar Association here assembl ed: First, That in the death of John McKinley Brown our pro fession has lost one of its bri.ght- est and most ethical members, and the State of North Carolina one of her truest and beat citi zens. Second, That these proceedings be presented to the Superior Court of this county with a re quest that they be spread upon its minutes as a permanent rec ord. and a copy be sent to his family and a copy to the local newspaper. EUGENE TRIVETTE, KYLE HAYES, J. H. WHICKER. Committee. MISCELANtOUS IA)STi On Main Street May », two $20.00 bills. Reward if return ed to Mrs. Harold, David. 704 Jones Street, r*^h Wilkes- horo, N .C. Jw It-pd filRLB! Learn Beftoty Culture and hair styling, 4» one of the ' South’s best s^liools. Three months required.. Low rates. Unroll DOW. "WrilSe for particu lars. Hlnshawr S$p|(>>l of Beau ty Culture, North Wllkeaboro, N. G. y. 5-13-5t-(M) /ANTEDff Bring •rs, cosh shines, comput writers, clocks, uliinaa that n to m* Oartar - Hi ‘ Stitrtaoa. t typawrlt- ,Addl^ Ma les, check sewliig ma- and stairs over PubllMilng W. 0- Cripple Clinic 9th The next clinic for cripples will 'he held at the Wilkes hospital on Thursday of this week. Free ex amination will be given by a specialist to all crippled and de formed persons present and ad vice will be given relative to cor rective treatment. Ads. get attention—end resolta Come on boys and get ’em. We got plenty of all kinds of seeds for yon. Save money by buying from ns. PEARSON BROTHERS. AVERY CORN PLANT- ERS—Buy one now for $22.50. A few left at thh low price. Cadton’sHdw. hX Beautiful 9x12 Newest Pattern In LINOLEUM A Beautiful 9x12 Linoleum Rug Given Absolutely free With Each Sellers Cabinet Limited Supply, So Come Early to Be Sure of Getting One F-R-E-E! Sale Starts Wednesday, May 8 SKXBRS SPBCfALt A' gcnuln* left for no more than you would have to pay for an ordinary cabinet of un known make. Built to LAST—seasoned hardwood with permment “Baked- On” finishe* in attractive colora Has Klearfront ettrtain, stainless Porceliron extending top, 3S-lb. metal flour bin, sanitary, an metal bread box or meal bin and other fine features. Smoothly finished suspension drawen that open ■ s Mt eaelty and will never jam-^oors will not warp. A sensational valua. i ^ 1 1 j| h All America, No Other Cafoet Oivei So Moeh for Tooi .u . . '■ vt w. ^ SELLERS PRIDb—Smart new modern style in a wide range of beauti ful f.:nshes, all in Sellers famous "Baked-On” enamel which will remain beautiful as long as you have the cabinet. Has full 2S-lb. metal flour with Fast Fluffy sifter, metal bread box with hardwood cutting board, Klearfront roll curtain, Auto matic Base Shelf Extender—an ex clusive Sellers feature—and 3-point suspension drawers that will not jam. 'A’ STRONOIST OnMMT ^ 2 men can itand on a ScOcra 0«EiMN|k marwl ir SELLERS BAKED-ON ENASICL wiU at«y on longer than any other enamel. STAYS Beautifell ir STAINLESS PORCELIRON withstanda iodina burning tedt. Adds that permanently stain other' porcelain tops, will not even discolor Porceliron I ,ir FINEST Hardwood Construction—Only first grade, thoroughly seasoned hardwood stock is Used I Firmly glued mortise and tenon joints. Doors will Ih not warp! Drawers will not jam or come apart. if GenuinoBAKELITE Hardware—will not tamishi if Patented FAST-FLUFFY FLOUR SIFTER strains impurities OUT as it sifts—instead of grinding them INTO your food I And Many Other EXTRA VALUE Featurest UBERAL TBADE-Of ALLOWANCE for Your Old Worn Out Cabinet On Any New Seilers— TRADE IN NOWl EVERYTHING you ever dreamed about in a fine cabinet—now specially priced! All finest hardwood wth drawers that will not jam, doors that will not warp. Stainless porceliron top, 25-lb. metal flour bin with “Fast-Fluffy” sifter, all-metal bread box or meal bin and a host of other fine features. Choice of famous “Baked-On” finishes in latest colors. SEE IT TODAY! Select Your Cabinet Today! The offer and the supply of Rugs is limited . . . some come in early and select your Kitchen Cabinet and also your FKEE RUG. You’ll be amazed at the beauty and quali ty embodied in Sellers Cabinets ... at such low prices. A Sellers Kitcben Cabinet Will Make an — 5® to HA Ideal Mothers Day Gift Remember Mother on Motther’s Day, Sunday, May 12, and give her tlie delight she’s long waited for . . . possession of a Sellers Kitchen Cabinet to save her hundreds of steps and make kitchen work easier for her. This Sale offers you a real opportunity to buy solmething she needs, and somelthing which will give years and years of service and step-saving. Get “her” one today. Easy terms if desired. Rhodes-Daii Furniturii Go. weemswm va* npt«a«a 'M NINTH STREET “COMPLETE FURNISHERS OF THE HOME' ii SEE and H«ar-tlM BRIAR HOPPE^, Friday Night, May .10, at the SdHHd NORTH WILKESBORO, N. iPM-i Av •a-.-.- ■ -■ ■■ . ■‘5- -r 1 . ■