MAY#?moi tWKORTHi?r] Hews 3TO0N, May 7.—Rerlyal at the Ferguson Metho- '^urch have been In progi-ess last week and wUl continue ‘ intll Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Revs. John Oreene, lo- “PERCE STRINGS’ irrhOVT ehl viitMr oe' SosMMi nOto sb4 John -IMllinger, _oI‘ Lenoir’, '‘ have been conducting the lerrlc^ which have been well attended. A number of local people have been somewhat indisposed for several days. Conway Foster has been a patient in a Lenoir hos pital for ten days or more euffer- THOMPSON A»«0 A SeMSOLa-THM46 ■to DO '•'O OKi IS oe TO THOMPSON RET«EN)IN6Ca THEIR HWM STMsBWOl THOMPSON RETREADING CO. PBNNSLYVANIA TIRES AND TUBES Phone 413 North Vilkesboro, N. C. Born Leaders...! o v-st €sso £sso EXTRA STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY FOR SALE BY Dick’s Service Station DAY and NIGHT Picture this handsome Westinghouse ARISTO CRAT-SIX in your kit chen! Imagine winning it FREE! Think of the en joyment it would give you. But, whether you win it or buy it. youll get a real thrill from this refriger ator. You’ll enjoy greater convenience . . . steadier food protection . . . lower operating costs . . . than you ever thought possible. Tha only rtfriserotor with m-zm CUD.' TRU-ZONE COLD, an exclu sive Westinghouse feature, gives you five distinct zones of cold in one refrigerator—all controlled by one simple dial . . . together providing the RIGHT relative temperatures and humidity for all five types of perishable food. You’ll want to sec this new fea ture. See how it gives you surer, steadier food protection! Westinghouse 6 CU. FT. MODELS as low as »23,000:!« V eitCTR^CAL »_;ae" Contests Unuse ''K«ivise'«-B. lAoy w yiestingHoOse * ‘ “ 70 • a.tri**'"'®" SirsainHn* *»•"* lag fnna an Mtamal Mrhaakta on his' am which haa gWaa hte% great deal of gMln, Mot ha la re ported to be improving and will probably be at home In the next few days. Mr. Foster ■is an expert mechanic ant operates a garage in the village. Mr. Sanford Fair childs, prominent local merchant has been confined to his room for several days with sinus trou ble. Carl Davis, son of Mrs. Wal ter Davis suffered a rather se vere Injury to his arm a few days ago when he shivered the bone at his wrist while Jumping. The school closed Saturday. April 27th, with appropriate e.ter- cises the chief feature being the very fine address by Rev. Chas. Holland, of Taylorsville. Mr. Hol land spoke very fittingly and di rected his remarks mostly to the seventh grade graduates. His sub ject was the “Forks of the Road.’’ In his discourse he pointed out to the graduates that they were so to speak at the parting of the ways and were at liberty to take either way they chose.He pictured the two roads as right and wrong. The right road would not always look the brightest at the begin ning but as they went along over coming difficultiea and solving problems the way would become constantly brighter. The wrong road on the other hand might look bright at first with all kinds of glittering temptations to mis lead them, but these false allure ments would soon fade away leav ing them helpless. Mr. Holland said further that It was better to fail in a cause that was right and would ultimately triumph than to succeed in a cause that was wrong and would ultimately fail. Quite a number of pupils re ceived certificates for graduating nto the high school next year and a large number received cer tificate for meritorious conduct, perfect attendance, scholarship, etc. Pro'. C. R. Eller was also present and made some very ap propriate remarks. Miss Louise Moore, of Dalzell, S. C., who has been visiting her aunt, Miss Janie Spicer, for sev eral days, returned borne last week. Mr. H. C. Wheeling, promi nent merchant at the old Elkvllle stand had the misfortune of hav ing his store robbed some days igo. Quite a bit of cash and nerchandise were taken. Mr. H. H. Hartley, who has icon sick some time does not im prove very much, we 'egiet to earn. The unusual cool weather las been very hard on people, es- )ecially as to colds, sore throat, etc. Mr. naua Triplett happened to ■ very unfortunate accident Mon- lay while fencing. He stuck a lick into his ear which pnnetur- (1 llie ear drum. He was taken > the Diila ho-spilal in I.ennir for vealmeiil. .Mrs. Triplett has also ieen sick for several days. The Home Domonstration club vill meet at the home of Miss 'ienlah Ferguson, Thursday aft ernoon. The demonstration will le on refinishing of floors and a good attendance is expected, .liss McOoogan, home agent, will e present. Among those attending the radnation exercise at the Wil- \esboro school last ’I'uesday •light were Mr. and Mrs. (J. C. layes. Mr. and Mrs. Parkie Hayes. .Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Kergn- on. -Miss Ina Hayes and Miss lewell Ferguson (now Mrs. Roy lones) were seniors this year and ■vere among those graduating. Dr. iCrwin. State Superintendent, de- dvered the annual address which was reported to be very fine. Homer Carlton. Jr., had an an- lomobile accident last week be- •.ween his home and Wilkesboro when his car turned turtle with lim due. it is said, to soft sand or dirt in the highway. Fortun ately he escaped without injury, but the car was considerably damaged. The Thomas Barlow old home has recently been torn down and lalvaged by Mr. George Hartley preparatory to ibuilding a modern lungalow we understand. This old .louse was constructed over fifty ears ago by the late J. Z. Bar- ■ ow. This reminds us that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow and chll- Iren, and his mother, Mrs. J. Z. 3arIow, of Buckner, Va., were welcome visitors here some days go. It had been several years ince they had visited this this lid home community. Mrs. Hazel Rowe, and Mrs. to point Uk'ely irjn eluunplMkbW - - tniMr* tha parspn «{ a rlsh Yankee who hays the plantation managed by the elder McNeil. De termined to burn the farm to tLe raising.of horses, the northerner will only he convineed that there trials, dogf in tavok dir torti hk lo7e for bto' dog^ and his 4«yi6tldB to his parenta. It la estimated that speed reepoBstble for more than 8,P0# is profit and prestige In dog-rals- traffic fatalities In the Unite* Ing If the plantation’s official en- States last year. In the face of his dad’s Richard Lane—conviction that the pup is a “biscuit eater,” a hunting dog not worth its keep, little Billy Lee pits his own judgment—and eventually supplies amazing supjmrting testimony. It’s all part of the Paramount drama, “The Biscuit Eat er,” opening Monday at the Liberty Theatrck lar Saturday Evening Post story, which imillions read and loved, “The Biscuit Eater’’ tells of a boy who lavishes hi.s affection on an outcast puppy, performs the a- mazing feat of turning him Into a 'blue ribbon champion and faces 'Biscuit Eater’ Tells SouthernSports Story A moving, down-to-earth story about life in the Georgia sporting co'untry—with a grand boy and an equally grand dog as its cen- a terrible dilemma when he rea- tral characters—is told in “The Biscuit Eater,” Paramount’s new screen drama, which is scheduled for Us local opening next Monday at the Liberty Theatre. Translated directly to the screen from James Street’s popu- Elizabeth Ramseiir, of Hickory, visited their mother, Mrs. Ella Shepherd and other relatives here during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Proffit and infant son, of Lenoir, also visited rela tives here Sunday. Mr. Bob McNeil, of the Glady Fork section, Is farming quite extensively this year on Beaver Creek. Mr. R. F. Brown, “the village blacksmith,’’ has been suffering from rheumatism for some time and has been unable to work in his repair shop. Mr. Brown is about the oldest citizen of the village and it is hoped he will soon recover and return to his anvil. Ilzes that the success of his dog will spell disaster tor his own family. Billy Lee, Paramount’s talented ten-year-old actor, plays Street’s lovable boy character, Lonnie McNeil, supported by Cor dell Hickman, Helene Millard, Richard Lane and Lester Mat thews. Lonnie gets his first chance to have a dog of his own when a despised runt turns up in a prize litter. He couvinces his father, the manager of a huge Georgia dog-raising plantation, to let him keep the dog and sets out to make a champ of it! The puppy gives the boy one disappointment after another, but his master sticks iby him. Even when the situation looks blackest, l after the dog robs the chicken coop, is labelled with the dis graceful tag of “biscuit eater’’ and even teaches the other hounds his bad ihabits, Lonnie re mains his friend and protector! Just as Lonnie has raised his Jb'f h44nt^ Suit. Look «t ifa«tpiofile.Look«ttiio«««ytl. Bat mote than that, b«'i got dM bean of a tbor oughbred. Wbo ii be? He’f''PrDfmse', dhe bero of the greateat dog itory ever printed in’The Satof- day Evaoiiig Poec.-.lbt drama of two boya wbo figbc tbe whole world foribt love ofcbcdogwbjcb lovea tbem. ■rut BIS^ .M, MUT LQ • C8RDEU HICKMAN lESra MAnHEWS-SNOWflAKE -a Thd Hmrt S*fy ^ Tv/* KJdi smd Tk*ir Dog/ HBENE irilUW • MCNARO LANE SATURDAY • SPECIAL • A Great New Song-Action Production GENE AUTRY SMILEY BURNETTE “ G A U C H O SERENADE” LIBERTY Now Showing TEe”6id Kkn’‘Roan Into Action Again '20 MlJii TEAM' V .Sianlng WALLACE BEERY laeCARIVUO'MiDMaRAMBEAU A* BAXTER MetioGoIdwyn-Mayer Production Ortmitj RICHARD THORPE IT’S, AMD 1 For CoiitKt Ntwi oml Prii» Wlniwri—h»»t 'IMcol Inuriuimi" Ev«ry Thundoy Niflht—NK Mm IMwtric DAY ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contractor • Electrical Supplies Telephone 328 North Wilkesboro Westinghonse . . . Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Ranges We Congratulate The Progressive Spirit Shown By Horton Drug Co. Lvl has so in the recent remodeling work done, which greatly improved the appearance and convenience to the public. Of course... our lumber was used. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Beginning Monday, May 6th, Southern Itailwayl train No. 14, will leave North Wilkesboro at 3:30 P. M., and arrive Winston- Salem 6:15 ..P, M., on ..week days only. On Sundays No. 14 will leave North Wilkesboro at 2:00 P. M., and arrive Winston- Salem 4:45 P. M. SOUTHERN, RAILWAY CO. [ Screen Doors and Windows! Made to Any Spedal Meature It’s time NOW to screen OUT the flies, so give us your order for either specially made or standard size screen doors and windows. Made from well seasoned white pine. Look right, and artiay right. GET OUR LOW PRICES! Manufacturers HIGH GRADE BUILDING Material — and — Building Supplies Presley Factory: North Wilkeoboi'Oi N» C.