* ^ rtii Uv- SUMMTT, May and , Mit. L«liDie B«nge aitd cMIdren, lliUars Cr^ek. st>«iii euaday In B home ot Mra. B«nM‘s aar«nU ^ rr. and Mrs. J. W. March. ■ Mr.'and J^rs. W. •A.-' Bengw 3St Bandar in the Mne ot Mr. d. Mrs. Presaley Charch. Oeone and Barnii^ Church •vcnt Saturday night ^Ih John- ■oa and Helen Church.^ Mrs. Martha Mikcal'-spent Sat- iiMay with her* daughter, Mrs. Mnnle Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dempg^ Church, Messrs.' Clint and Raiem Church spent a 'Sthlle in^he home •f Mr. lfer& I^naie Benge, mt Miiiers CrSeth,' SuniSay after noon. ' Misses Fay and Noyadeen Wat ers and Norna Oreene’ spent a ritort while in the home of Rer. and Mrs. J. W. Church,' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Church and Mis. Lizsie Church and son, Ed- sfln, visited in the home of Mr. •nd Mrs. .Emit C-reene, of _ Pur- lear, Sunday night. Mrs. Fannie Church and daugh ter, Helen, spent Sundjiy atter- 'oon in the home of .‘:Mr. and rs. Pressley Church. :tion S.tate S3'- Iee Gras t>f Rocky Mount, aiM '^we a retermn atata senator' who is seeking the Democratic nomina tion for governor, will spend next week in this section of the state, according to advice received by some of his friends here today. Gravely, who spends about halt hi: time at his summer home at Roaring Gap, promoted the leg islation which provided for state advertising and during his stay in this part of the state is ex pected to confer with civic groups relative to advertising the open ing of the Blue Ridge Parkway. His recent statement favoring a third term for President Roose velt and his endorsement of the New Deal farm program have re ceived much comment. Grand Opaninf Sale U natmead; Many. Intprpva* > meats Made in Store :f Horton Drug company ts cele brating its 40th anniversary Fri day, May 10, with formal tun ing of its newly rsmodeled > and highly modernized store. ^ The business haa been in ope ration for 40 years and since 1922 under Its present management. It has become one of the best known- drug firms in northwestern North Carolina, Workmen have Just completed the task of remodeling the entire Interior ot the store and making (of it one of the most attractive stores in this section. The Duther Rice^lass of Jun ior R. A.’s of the First Bafklst church met with Charlee Porter at his home oh B street, Mday night. May 3rd. William Johnson had charge of the meeting. A splendid program was rendered and all enjoyed the meeting. Re freshments were served. On Friday night. May 17th, they will .meet at Relns-Sturdl- rant Chapel. Mr. Johnson will be In charge of the meeting and he urges all members to be present. EMPLAYMENT OFFICE — TO CLOSE FRTOAY The North Wllkesboro branch of employment service and unem ployment compensation commis sion will be closed on Friday, May 10, which is Southern Me morial Day, and claimants sup posed to report -on ' Friday are asked to report on Saturday, May 11. Qukk AfiioN FOR RENT TWO TWO-ROOM Apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Ap ply 616 B Street. It-pd FOR RENT: Fivo-room hou.se in Wllkesboro: water and lights; good garden and nice lawn. See or write The Journal-Pa triot. 5-13-21 FOR RENT: A furnished three room apartment, with private bath. Close in. Phone 372-R. 5-6-lt FOR S.^EE: Fordson Tractor; New Type motor; Bosch Ignit ion system. A-1 condition. Yad kin Valley .Motor Co. 5-9-tf COMPLETE LINE of Lee’s Poul try Remedies; also complete line of Hog, Horse and Cattle Remedies. Red Cross Phar macy “Your Service Drug Store," Phone 98, Tenth street. 5-6-4t rrSUAL BARGAINS tn good used oars and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, two miles west on Boone Trail. 10-2-tf WANTED FOR SALE *IRA(7rOR,S—W-80 on rubber— Farmall 30, 15-30, Dodge $100, Fordson. Cars—’39 small Bnick Sedan, '39 Chevrolet Se dan, '39 Packard Convertible ^tfupe. Trucks—D-2 Interna- tional Pickup. '39 Chevrolet 1 1-2 ton. 'Wholesale prices. HKNKBt/S,"Statesville, N. C. 6-30-81 SELECT YOUR MOTHER’S DAY Oifte at the Singer Shop. Gifts 36* and up. Skirt Markers, Buttonhole attachnwnt, also needles, oil and repairs, near .Beins-Sturdivant. « 6-9-2t-pd HO.ME OO.MFORT RANGE in perfect condition. Good bar gain for quick sale or will trade for good cow. Mrs. S. M Bnrchette, Hendrix, N. C. 5-13-4t-pd HEADQUARTERS for Poultiy xnd Stock Remedie-s—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts, at lew prices. Red Cross Bharmacy, “Your Service Drug Store," 10th Street. 4-18-tf BTEABN’S INSULIN. Itocognlzed by the medical profession. New low prices at RED CROSS PHARMACY. “Your Service Drug Store," Phone 98, Tenth Street. 5-6-4t fANTED: To do yonr radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat- Isfactloi Tnaranteed. — Day Electric co.. Phone 323. 8-10-tf ESTABLI.SHEI) R A W LEIGH ROUTE available in Wilkes County. Products well known. Dealers in nearby Localities making good Sales. Good op portunity for right man witn car. See L. G. Harrold, Route 1, North Wllkesboro, N. C., or write Rawlelgh’s, Dept. NCE- 164-204H, Richmond. Va. ■ 5-9-16-13-30—6-6-13-(T)-pd The walls have been repainted and redecorated and many new fixtures have been installed. The renovating process has been car ried out throughout the store, in cluding the prescription depart ment and the Improvements have been carried out with the inten tion of making the store a pleas ant and convenient place to trans act business. One of the several major im provements has been the instal lation of a streamlined and ultra modern fountain and luncheon ette counter, which not only add to the good appearance of the store but make possible the ren dering of a high type of service. Flourescent lighting fixtures have been Installed, introducing a new and highly improved type for merchandising firms in this section of the state. The lights give daylight visibility and in ad dition to being very attractive are easy on the eyes. In connection with the formal opening Friday will be a Grand Opening sale with unusually low pr're quoted on many items of desired drug stole merchandise. Some of these values are quoted in the advertisement on page five of this issue of The Journal-Pa triot. Favors will be given visi tors and the public has a most cordial invitation to pay the store a visit. Horton’s handles the nationally famous Walgreen products and connection with the Walgreen system enables the store to have the advantage of mass buying. Substantial savings, which are MISCELANEOUS FOUND: Brown and white beagle dog. Owner may have dog by identifying and paying for this ad. Inquire at Journal-Patriot office. 5-13-2t COMMENCEMENT AT ROARING RIVER (Continued from page one) graduates: JamM Alexander, Henry Anderson,' Noah - Benton, Clay Blackibum, Lenora Black burn, Bpeie Blackburn, Clyde Burchette, Bernice Byrd, Billy Church. Edith Howard, J. P. Ma- haffey, Noah Lee Mahaffey, El ton Jordan, Jarvis Mathis, 'Vir ginia Pardue, Lillie Porter, Parks Ray, Clifton Sparks, Eileen Sta ley, Tom Tharpe, Grady Ward, James Ward, Myrtle Prevette, Mason Smlthey, Elizabeth Well born. PhiHips Talks “Cold Turkey” lINlStRA^Brg vmc» Ha^ng qnalifM W tor of the eatato at Maty C .Wood* ruff, deceased, late of WObw county. North OaroUna, this ki to notify all persons' &iTing daina against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the nnderaigned at ParsonviDe, N. C., on or bdoia the 8th day of Agiril, 1941, or t^ notice will be plead in bar -of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of April, AI>. 1940. WAYNE RICTAEDSON, Administrator of Mary C. Wo^- Tuff, deceased. 6-16-Ot A. H. Casey, Attonwy. Candidate Shows How He Would Clean Up Poli tics In District FOR THE PLAIN PEOPLE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtae of the (pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust, dated March 14, 1931, recorded in office of Register of Eieeds for , Wilkes County, in Book 166, page 23, to the under signed trustee, to secure the pay ment of a note therein mentioned from E. J. Blackburn and wife, Dovie Blackburn, default ha'ving been made in the payment thereof emd demand having been made on me; I will. Therefore, on Saturday, June 1, 1940, at the hour of ten (10:00) o’clock A. M., at the court ^ house door in Wllkesboro, offer' for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following described tracts of land: First Tract: Lying and being in Jobs Cabin Township; Bounded on the north by the lands of L H. Carlton; bounded on the east by" the lands of Arvll Green; bounded on the south by the lands rf I. M. Carlton; bounded on the Test by the lands of I. M. Carn-'j'i; con taining 6.2 acres, more or less and being the lands purchased from L M. Carlton. Second Tract: Lying and Ming passed on to the consumer, thus brought about. GIRLS! Loam Beauty Culture and hair styling, in one of the South’s best schools. Three months required. Low rates. Enroll now. Write tor particu lars. Hinshaw School of Beau ty Culture, North Wllkesboro. N. C. 5-13-5t-(M) ANTEDff Bring your typewrit ers, cash registers. Adding Ma chines, computing scales, check writers, clocks, and sewing ma chines that need repairing and :leaning to me up stairs ove; Harter - Hubbard Publishing Hompany, Ninth street. W. G larrison. 1-l-tf ADAM. NOT EVE. TO BLAME FOR THE FALL OF MAN. A learned theologian explains the revision of the Catholic Cate chism, fixing the blame tor the aftermath of the original sin on the first man—and why Satan picked the serpent as a disguise to tempt Eve. An illustrated fea ture in The American Weekly Magazine with next Sunday’s Washington Times-Herald, now on sale. “I WAS A SPY IN WICKED OLD SULTAN ABDUL HAMID’S HAREM.” Startling disclosures by Baroness Anima von Severing, who reveals what she saw, heard and suffered in the perilous “Par adise ot Women,” the imperial Turkish Seraglio of the most Mood-thirsty and lustful monarch ot the past generation. Begin her thrilling articles in The jVnierican Weekly Magazine with next Sunday’s W’ashington Times- Herald, DOW On sale. VISIT OUR USED CAR LOT BEFORE YOU BUY ‘Tine Used Car make happy Sirring OUR Low Prices make happy pdeketbook!" ’39 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach ’39 Ford Tudor Sedan ’39 F(»rd DeLuxe Sedan ’38 Ford Tudor Sedan Yadldn VaDey Motor Company North Wilkesboro, D. C. Phillips, Southern Pines, bringing bis string band and po litical “cleansing’’ campaign for congressional nomln a t i o n, is- speaking to large crowds at var ious courthouses. The Southern Pines man, one of five contestants for the place now held by Representative W. O. Biurgln, Lexington, advocates fed eral aid to schools as a means of repealing the sales tax in this state, emphasizes his sympathy for “the plain people,’’ who, he says must “wash clean" the “con fusion and bewilderment" in this country. PhllllpB’ string band of six piec es consists of guitars and an ac cordion. Phillips himself partici pates In the singing and playing. To demonstrate how he would clean up the "filth of the political war of the eighth district,” Phil lips, who is a laundry equipment salesman, carries with him a miniature washing machine. Dur ing the course ot his talk, with out interrupting himself, he pulls out a dirty rag doll with a round knob for a head. ’The head, he said, represents that of the "gang politician. It is difficult to tell whether his face is in front or behind.” “rieans’’ District He places the doll In the ma chine and starts the device, talk ing all the time. After a short while, by sleight of hand, Phil lips pulls out from the machine a clean, properly clothed doll, simulating the “cleansing" of the eighth district. The audiences are very much entertained by this stunt. Music is played while the miniature washer Is passed about and at another Interlude in the program. Regarding federal school aid, the speaker says that by enacting such aid, congress can place the North Carolina legislature in a position where It can repeal the sales tax, thus saving the cost of collection. He reiterates a previous, un qualified stand against the Unit ed States entering foreign war. “I would not cast my ballot under any condition for an American youth to go across the water to war," he said. Hits “Isms” Phillips says the three "isms” u Ich threaten the American sys tem of government are material ism, atheism and communism, the latter being brought about when the former two comiblne. He defines materialism in one sense as when "a man can go into a county, buy two or three ticians and carry the county.” He tells his listeners that "we have the power of free action, self direction and self determi nation” and that through “hu man will” coming from “an in finite God we ha-^e the power to clean out the filth of political war In the eighth district." Philips emphasizes he is not the favorite son of any county. A Chatham native, he attended Campbell colloge, has been in the newspaper business, has sold laundry equipment seven years, teaches a Bible class and is a Legionnaire. Mr. Phillips hopes to bring his band and -put on his program in Wilkes ocunty, but states that he is not going to be able to eanr; „ it to^ all^ counties la this dl'.»trlot. ‘^'(Paid ipolltlcaf AdfTertteemont.) in Jobs Cabin Township; Adjoining Jane Church the lands of Rebecca_ on the north: adjoining the lands of Elk Creek Lumber) Co., on the east; adjoining the lands of Elk Creek Lumber Co., on the soute; adjoining the lands of G. W. Black- bum on th’e west; containing 60 acres, more or less and bei^ the lands purchased from Devid E. Corbitt. (One-half (1-2) undivided interest in this tract of land). ’The 1st day of May, A. D. 1940. A. H. CASCT, ' 'Trustee. 6-23-4t(T) AVERY CORN PLANT- ERS—Buy one now for $22.50. A few left at this low price. CarltiHi’s Hdw Sure, you could bear off his ice f end seek with frisk' Arctic Grcle. But find the comfortable coolness thet you'll enjoy ell summer long in one of these STYLE-MART GULF-TONES. Smertneu end shape-retaining sturdiness are built right into the cool, crush-resistant BOTANY fabric. And of course you'll enjoy the good looks end right feel 'that come from STYLE- MART'S distinctive styling end tailoring. Come in today—-end take a cool plunge into a GULF- TONE! Economically priced at only Marlow’s Men’s Shop New and Corre^ Men’s Wear (PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) 1 North Carolina Needs a Business Administration SITUATION WANTED; Energetic businessman - farmer of fifty will be available next January to head North Caro lina’s Largest Enterprise. Neighbors and associates offer highest testimonials as to charac ter and ability. Promises future employer that he will apply the same sound methods to his new connection that have brought him success in private endeavors. Citizens interested in procuring his services are asked to place an (X) before the name of L.- LEE GRAVELY, Democratic candi date for Governor, on May 25th. i ‘It will be ay porpoee as Goveroor to give the atate an efficient business administra- tiim in which one hundred eenta of bnefit shall be derived from every tax dollar sp^t.”—From Gravely’s original announce ment. ' . ■ m ■ ka'-iUOi*-