THE JOtmNAIrPAlilSrrNOBTH IT' KOHDAT^ INDKPENDKNT IN POLITTCB f ^Llhli»d Mondays ond Thursdays at North Wnkasboro, N. C, Dl i. OAXnSB sad JULIUS G. HUBBABD PnUkiMn SUBSCRIPTION RATES: fOne Year „..|1.60 Hx Months .76 l^wir Months 60 Out of the State $2.00 per Year ' BatsTsd at ihs poet offloa at Noftfi Wflhas- ha^ M sacood iUm nattar mdar Act of Marca 4^ 18TS* MONDAY, MAY 27. 1940 Sherman Knew War If General Sherman was right in his definition of war over 75 years ago, it ^ould be difficult to find words to tell ibw terrible war is today. With much space being taken to record local happenings. The Journal-Patriot during the pastvfew weeks has been una ble to give its readers some of the descrip tions of war as relayed to this country by corespondents in war tom Europe and to day we utilize this space to tell something of modem warfare. During the past 40 years civilization as we know it has made great progress but the war dogs of Ehirope have turned the instruments of civilization into machines ■for its destruction or retardation. - Progress in communication and trans portation have figured largely in the march of civilization and are now playing a big part in the terrible march of de struction.’ It took General Sherman several months to invade and lay waste certain portions of the south in the War Between the States. Troops either traveled on foot, on horseback.or- oo-hprse-drawn vehicles. "Speed is playing its part in the second World War now in progress in Europe. The principal advantage so far on the side of the Nazi armies has been speed and the ability to strike quickly and mightily with instruments of modem warfare. Infantry no longer trudges alcng the roads on foot. The soldiers are rushed by plane, trucks, motorcycles and trains to the scene of coribat in a few minutes. Speed has made the war a horror for civilians in the countries invaded by the deadly armies. A city or town which to day may be comparatively quite and serene tomorrow may be a horrible wreck. Civi lians, women and children, suddenly find their community invaded when they do not know that troops are wdthin striking dis tance. Already thousands of civilians have perished in the path o: invading armies be cause they do not have time to evacuate and get out of the way. Improvements in planes, guns, tanks and other implements of %var have made them more horrible than they were in the first ■W’orld War. Bombing planes now' can travel at the rate of 200 to 350 miles per hour, dropp ing the instruments of destruction and getting out of danger of anti-aircraft fire in ten seconds. The technique of bombing by Nazi pi lots has been described as follows: The bombers dash from their bases back of the front across their own lines and sight their objectives while flying low and at great speed to lessen danger of being hit. After sighting their objectives the bombers soar to a high altitude and then dive straight down at frenlendous speed to within a few hundred feet just over their objective, level off, loose their bombs, and get out of the w’ay at terrific speed. There is no time to get anti-aircraft guns in position and fire before the bombers have done their worst and gone. Next confe the tanks manned by a pilot and gunner who are protected from oppos ing fire. One tank can make life almost impossible for 500 feet on each side. The tanks can go over almost any kind of ground and their speed has been stepped up from a tractor crawl 22 years ago to as much as 40 miles per hour. When the tanks have dealt out destruc tion the lesser units otf motorized troops follow and the infantry mops up in the R«d yf*T We didn’t have to do with the mjnbing of a wuf in' Burfipe. Neithei did millions of civilians who are feeling ^ horrors of conflict But the facts remains that the war of invasion by German of Belgium, Holland and parts of France has rendered thous ands homeless and suffering is acute among civilians as well as soldiers, America has always opened big her heart to help suffering humanity on all parts of the glob^ and the dire occasion which has arisen in Europe will be no ex ception. As a nation blessed with, plenty of al most everything, we woOld be ungrateful if we did not help the innocent sufferers. We would not be worthy custodians of .■ great country and its bountiful supplies. The American Red Cross, which is al ways ready in times of need, is asking foi a fund of $10,000,000 to h^elp alleviate war suffering. As usual, it is expected that Wilkes county people will rally to the call, not because they might need help sometime in the future but because they feel that they should help suffering hu manity regardless of where they may be. Physical Preparedness Dr. Carl V. Reynolds, State Health Of ficer, has issued an appeal to the people of North Carolina to begin at once a pro gram of physical prepardness. He said: “A desperado and his gang are loose in the world. They are running amuck, de stroying civilization, leaving in their wake .,death and destruction among innocent. God-fearing nations and individuals. “Our President has called for a program of preparedness designed to give us pro tection against this sinister farce, involving a billion and a half dollars, which amount will be increased as necessity demands. This will give us mechanized units, air planes, submarines and other material with which to defend ourselves if this should become necessary. “These mechanized units, however, will avail us nothing unless we enter into a def inite program of physical prepardness. Let us not repeat the mistakes of 1917, when our manpower was 33 1-3 per cent unfit for active military duty. It is of par amount’importance that th^e individual be comes physically fit before he offers him self for the service of his country. It i^^ only through physical fitness that he will have the mental alertness, the healthy eye and the physical endurance to make the quick decisions necessary for the success ful prosecution of a war and then prose cute these decisions. If we must fight to preserve our heritage, let us man our m chines of war with men whose eyes are clear, whose hands are steady and whose nerves are of iron. “We can begin this program of physical preparedness no earlier than now. To morrow it may be too late. As State Health Officer, I earnestly call upon our people to take tdvantage of every means that science, through a benign Providence, ha; placed at our disposal to make us physi cally fit. Let the work of immunization against preventable diseases begin now. Let our people take stock of themselves and make the unwavering decision for physical preparedness. “North Carolina was first at Bethel. Let is be first in physical preparedness. We gave the world the airplane, war’s most modern and effective weapon. Lei us also pioneer in giving our nation the best there is in manpower. “God spare us from the desperado—de liver us from war. But in war or peace, ‘God give us men!’ . ||C>^ •ohool luiir* cUuiSd OPEN FGROM^^ .««« Story Hour will be I Ilite to • cihmu op«i to pwbile lor ine laammim, TSB JOUBNAIoPATSlOT doM wai ■*— My leopo—tWHty fw mitKJeo - iilitoil imdor tlife hMidtmi, aad Bottber endonal nor oondomiw Umib. FIomo be M brief M poedble. (MD WILES WRITES To The Repdbllcans of Wilkes: Many months ago I made up my mind not to be a candidate for the nomination of Register of Deeds of Wllkee county. In reach ing this conclusion I gave care ful consideration to the Interests of the Reputotlcan i»rty of Wilkes county, and I concluded that It was best for me not to run a- galn. I also took Into considera tion my own Interests and I felt that I had a®ent as much time In the courthouse as I should spend In serving In my present capacity. have felt for many years that it Is best for the success of onr party In the county to rotate can didates for public office. I did pot at any time want the people of Wllkea county to think I was the only man In the county that could serve the people as Register of Deeds. Many of my friends Inslated on my running again and the encour agement I received lead me to be lieve that I could have been re nominated without serious oppo sition. Since I have been holding a public office In Wilkes county I have served the people of Wllkee county in every way I could. I have tried to he accomodating to all people regardless of poli tics and I have tried In every way possible to he worthy of the trust that the people put In me, when I assumed the responsibil ity of every oilice I have held. I want to thank the people of Wilkes county for the loyal sup port they have given me In up holding my' hands in the dis charge of my official duties. I am glad I can leave my present position with a feeling that I have discharged my duties effici ently, and it I have any enemies because of my official acts I do not know It. It shall he my pur pose In the future, as In the past, to stand for policies that I think will insure to the best Interests for the people of Wilkes county. I have been a Republican all of my life and have served my party as a private citizen and public of ficial. I am now fully convinced that the best interests of the people of Wilkes county will be served In a more efficient way when controlled by the Republi cans of the county. Therefore, as a private citizen it will be my purpose to show my appreciation for the many favors extended me by the leaders of ray party by supporting each and every can didate nominated In our primary. I will exert every effort possible for the success of the ticket in the coming election. I want to thank one and all for the support you have given me and the honors you have con ferred on me. May it never be said of me that I have “sulked in the lent’’ or that my acts have shown that I am an ingrate. OID WILES. d’cloek p. m. Moh Tnedday. Tlie third Qcartnfly fionferenee Of the WiUtfl^toro clreiiU will, be held at Cbartty ehnreh the first finnday In June «i 8 p. m., Dl^ trict Superintendent 3. S. Hiatt, of 'Elkin, presiding. Rev. Raymond Templeton, of MooreevUle, la hringlni: a very In teresting and forceful series of sermons each night this week (till Friday night) at Arbor Orove Church. Mr. P, W. Greer plans to at tend the summer session of Appa lachian State Teachers’ College, prior to taking up work as prin- cifial of Mt. Pleasant school next autumn. Mr. Haga Faw has imptoved his premises by the recent addi tion nf- an- attraorive-driveway and- stone walk. ^ Under and by virtue of Haorder vrRlt "N" Avfc, lao feet to Swnfan V thence South 27 vs, Mary Stewart Churdh llartki' NOTICE OF SALE OF BBAL ESTATE forth Carolina,. Rilkes County. Under and by virtne of authori ty contained in a certain HoTtEage Deed, executed by Math Pmitt and wife Flc'ence P^tt to the under signed on the 21st day of May 1930, to secure the payment of a note of even date therewith, the same being recorded in the Office of The Register of Deeds of IFOkes Connty in Book 161 at pam 21, and default having been made in the payment of said note on demand. Now, Therefore, I will on the 24th day of June 1940, at I2d)0 Noon, at the Court House door in Wilkes- boro. North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following described lands. Lying and being in Traphill Township, Wilkes Conn^, N. C., adjoining the lands of J. T. Pmitt and others, and more parti cularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone on the Elaat side of the Skin road, at the South-West comer of the old in stitute lot, rannhig North'86 de grees East with i&e in6titute‘lihb and with J. T. Pmitt’s line 20"^ poles and 11 links, then North 16 KURL'intlOBli MOfKS , Saving quidS^wf as axeentor et ■ —-—r-x rita estate of J. L Myers. dediMed,; wlflcMi COUBtjT" . Kdr^fWflfcen County, thUMtoi Unden and by virtue oi , is P. orBScSSrilSS^ Wilkes- bofO, Jf. C., on or before ihe 21at, 'g?*?*****^,,!?* if « day of May, A D. 1941, or this no- ^ d«r of June 1949, a* tice wiU be plead in bar of their i o’clock IL at right to recover. ■ Wilkeslmr^^rth CarotoU^ofr All persons Indebtad to said ee-’ f» for. to-^.hlghert *4 tate win please make immediate for ceMij ttatdWato trart oFi^uy* mass cel lot of land lying end b^ln This the 21st day of May, A. D., Nortt WUkesb^ 1940. A H. CASEDT, ExeenUm of Bstate of J. I. deeaeued 7'd-dt m NOTICB or SALE OF REAL ESTATE ib^o township county. North Osrolina: y ^ _ B^^miing at' a stake ' e4r'’M» • ^ Bast ride of Swaim street 110 feet Nortbwmrdly from the Nortbpeit comer of Swaim street Street Ave., and running Nom 27 degrees 27 minutes BR0E the Weat side of said idleyw feet to a stake; thehce SotfETtS Mw Stew^ Ch^ M«vto 27 minute* Easit along the But Stewart imd Jessie Lee Stewart, gije of Swaim street HO fe« to the same bemg No. — upon the begiSng wntaiulng 14^00 le beuK No. — npon special proeeemag deefeet oi'^miid com-t, the mMuSfMid 'Shhiinlii- ahmer wiU, on -fim lOtlf day'' of June, 1940 at the hour at' titOO Neon, at the ooort hoosS'^dbor' in WilkMlxmo, Norti) (Tarolfauu after for sale, for cash to the ' Ugliest bidder, the following det^bed lands, to-wit: Being a Honse and lot hi the Town of Wilkesboro, N. C., bound ed on the North by a road, on the east by the lot formerly owned by Mrs. R. A Deal, on the south by an alley and on the west by a lot formerly owned by Jnlhu Holler, now FVed Shamate. This deed covers the entire lot formerly own ed by J. T. Weibom and for far ther deaeription see deeds to J. T. Wefbom. ntis the 7th day of May, 1940. J. H. wfflcnme. J. r. JCWDAN. OonnrisaliSMn 6-A4t m square feet said land betaiwloes 88 ‘at nown and 89 in block 416 aa Aown on Tn^on map of the town at North Wilkesboro, N. C. For fur ther reference see Book 92 page 381 in the Register of Deeds of fice of Wilkes coonW. This the Sth day of May 1940. J. F. JORDAN, (Commissioner. 6-8-4t-t EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the' estate at J. M. Brown.- late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to no- ti^ all persons having claims agameb sald'cetater .to^nresent them to fhe ‘undersigned, wirose address ^ _ is Box ^ -North Wiikeri»oro, N. C., degrees East with J. T. Pmitts and!duly verified, on or before tte 29th Cheatwoods lines 44 poles to a' white oak (now down) on the Bast side of the Cheatwood branch, then North 2 degrees East 32 poles to a red oak and stone on the bank of the rock ford read,' then- Bast’With said road 76 polea to a spaairti'oak on ,the South bank' of said mod, then South 27 degrees Bask'18 les to a sourwood, then Sonth 87 _ 1st 32 1-2 poles to a stone,-gam and chestnut comer in the h4ad of hollow, then Sonth with H. A. Biua NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of power contained in Section 2436 the North Carolina Code, the Wilkes Motor Company will offer for sale at Public Auction to the higl bidder for cash on the 3rd day June, 1940, at 10 o’clock at place of business at Cricket, North Carolina, one Austin Rdst., Motor Number M18017, Serial Ntti 883876H, and Model 1931. said Motor Company having'per formed certain labw and made certain repairs on -said-car under and by agreement of the owner W. M. Pardue in the amount of Fif teen Dollars ($16.00), tids work having been p^ormed on ’April 8, 1940, and more than Thirty (80) days having elapeed since said la bor and material was furnished day of April,' 1941, or this netie* and demand having been made for will be plead in bar od ^ir right payment and payment reftiaed: to recover. the above property will be offered All persons indebted to Skid es- for sale to satisfy the Men- of the tate will please make immediate, Wilkee Motor Company as above payment. | set forth. This 29th-'day of April, 1940. Done this the 17th day of May, ■ MAZIE JOfflWON CHURCH, 1940. Executrix of the Estate of J. M. M. B. McNEIL, Brown, dec’d. 6-3-61M, Trading and D. B. A L. •— I Wilkes Motor Co. NVnCE TO creditors 6-Z7-2t m Having-qualified as Admlnis- Wood (dec.) and the M. F. Bryan tratrix of the estate of R. J. Tay- line 128 poles to a gum, then j of Wilkes County, North West with the old L. W. Sparks line 24 poles to the new Elkin road, then with the said road 186 8-6 poles to M. A. ' Bryans line, then with Bryans line South 87 degrees West 15 poles to a large Carolina, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said eatate to present them to the un dersigned for payment, duly veri fied, on or 'before the 22 dav of April, 1941, or this notice will be »n bar of recovery, all and with the Elkin i^d N^ immediate settlement. ^"containing 98 acres more orl This the 18th day of May 1940.i'AJmlnistratrix of R. J. Taylor. C. D, HOLBROOK, deceased. 5-27-6t-(M) Mortagee 6-10-4tm F. J. McD-iffle. Attorney^ mm MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 8.84-J T. H. Williams, Owner Oldsmobile Snles-Servfe« Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repniring Wrecker Service—Eneetric and Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For all make* and modela of ears and tracks The Week’s News Of Millers Creek Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Prevette and little daughter, Mary of Salisbury, vi.sited the past week-end with Mrs. Prevette’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Bumgarner. Library days at the Millers rear. Sherman’s definition of war was not an ezaRReration. 1 HAVE NO SONS By Claudia Bland (Reprinted from May Good Housekeeping) I have no sons With strong young limbs To stand straight and tall and face the guns At warlords’ whims— And rot upon the spot they fall. I have no sons to lay At the feet of the lords of war. Yet I might have had— If on a day These twenty years ago or more. They crushed beneath the torch bore he But if 5,000,000 men and the world’s greatest navy can’t hold Hitler, what can. —Winston-Salem Journal. Don’t double-cross the Red Cross, war sufferers by contributing through the local chapter- lem Journal. Help funds ■Winston-Sa- NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain chattel mortgage, executed by Roby Elledgre on the 22nd day of January, 1940, to the Motor Service Sales Company, Incor porated, and recorded in the Of fice of the Regrisf^r of Deeds of iWilkes County, ini Book 42, Page 463, to secure the payment of a note of even date, and default having been made in the payment of the note the undersigned, Motor Service Sales Company, IncorpO' rated, mortgagee, will therefore, offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Caro lina, on Friday, the 21st day of June, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, the following described personal property, to wit: ONE 1931 MODEL FORD COUPE Motor No. A4448747. Done this the 22nd day of May, -940. MO'TOR SERVICE SALES COMPANY, Inc. By W. P. Billings. 6-3-2t. m Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOR— Office Next Door To Reins-Stordivant, Inc. —Telephens 20$-R— Office CloMd Evw7 IMW WSflW**’ JJSnisss? THE LEADERS Convince Ourself That Chevrolet’s the Leader in Value Just as It’s the leader in Sales. if MODERN ROYAL CUPPER STYLING Jf LUXURIOUS FISHER BODY BEAUTY )f DYNAMIC VALVE-iy-HEAD rNGIN- , )f LONGEST OF ALL LOWEST-PRICED CARS 4- EXCLUSIVE VACUUM POWER SHIFT )f GENUINE KNEE-ACTION RIDE 4- PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES y The style Hit of the Year My on Che«nW«a4 OB HiCher-Piloed Can I on Ua4 Sea a*d to the Air k in laehcf frao Proot of Grilto to Rear of Body I at% AirtomaUe—Only Drhier Eflort y rin Laet Word W Satoly )f FIPlOE-MATiyLUTCH r Mort ReHabiB OptratioB A Six Cotta Laat to Run than an BUht N« alliar tmr, fporJtn of prko, comblntt «I1 Ihto qv«Dty fagiintiBW of piic% ‘ can match Chm^ r*l*t In pabllt 4ommm4, '659 If LOWER GAS, OIL AND UPKEEP COST ^ tower DELIVERED PRICES-PLAINLY MA^ED-GREALEST D(XLAR VMUilJ **aSTER 85 *tlSINSSS COUPf EYE IT • •Oe SfOckM Oa Una and Madtr Do liaa fariea TRY IT - ■ BUY m Otoor I ^ ntocMt priead n* CHEVROLETS FIRST AGAmr MC^I“C^R GO. TENTH STREET NORTH VOtKESBOROyi N. C