lUKlB BOCXIOtis Uttor lUaphoM w > A Zone Meetinir Is Held At llie Wilke^^a M J!. Church Tbe upper tone meeting of the Methodist Missionary Societies ot the EUkin district was held Thursday at the Methodist church In Wllkesboro with a large num- hler.ot auxiliary .members attend ing. Mrs. B. S. Call, and Mrs. J. B. Henderson, both of Wilkes- boro, serred as chairman and recording secretary. To open the meeting the group Joined in singing “The Kingdom is Coming’’, alter which Dr. J. S. Hiatt, superintendent of the Elkin district, led the deTotlonal period. Words of welcome were spoken by Mrs. P. W. Edwards, of the Wllkesboro church, to which Mrs. EMd F. Gardner, of North Wllkesboro, responded. Among those appearing on the program during the day were Mrs. T. V. Goode, of Statesville and secretary ot the Statesville dis trict; Mrs. Henderson presented the work of the children: Mrs. ^Yt Wood, of West Jefferson, iSh'o a brief history of the fifty IF If I had invested the money I had in real estate in and around North Wilkesboro when I left here 22 years ago I would have been flying with the Eag les of North Wilkesboro instead of bumping along on the ground. Moral: IF a frog had wings he wouldn’t be bumping himself along on the ground. ANOTHER MORAL: Invest now in real estate and be an eagle soon. IF I know values, I have some real bargains. SEE OR WRITE JOSEPH M. PREVETTE Poindexter Bldg. North Wilkesboro, N. C. years of work of the Missionary Society; Miss Mamie Sockwoll, of North Wilkesboro, presented the World Outlook; and Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, of Elkin and secretary of the Elkin dlatrlct gave a mes- sage from the district. Mrs. J. L. Woltx, of Mt. Airy, gave the afternoon devotions using as her theme “Spiritual Life of the Missionary Society’’. Special music for the day was rendered by Mr. Zeb Dickson, of Wilkesboro, who sang “The Holy City” being accompanied at the piano by Mrs. R. E. Prevette, of Wllkesboro. Interesting reports of the work were given by the different auxil iaries represented at the meeting. “Blest Be the Tie That Binds’’ was sung as a closing number for the afternoon session. The next meeting, which will be in the fall, is scheduled to meet at Spar ta. During the noon hour a bounte ous picnic lunch was served in the Community House. Mrs. Dan Carter Is Bridge CiUb Hostess The members of the Friday bridge club were delightfully en tertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Dan Carter at her home on Kensington Avenue. Tables prizes in the game, which was played at two tajbles, were won by Mrs. Ward Eshelman and Mrs. J. A. Rousseau. Tempting refreshments were served at the close ot play by Mrs. Carter. Presbyterian Auxiliary Gives Birthday Pageant A most interesting monthly meeting was held by the Presby terian Auxiliary Wednesday eve ning celebrating the annual birth day event. At seven o’clock the ! auxiliary members met in the hut ' for the usual business session I with Mrs. W. J. Bason in charge. Following the business period ! the group along with the men and children of the church as- I sembled In the church auditorium : for the birthday pageant, which was given under the direction of Miss Jeannle Ogilvle with several iof the auxiliary members and THAT COME WITH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION 1 QUALITY BUYING 2 LOW WEEK-END PRICES 3 ‘LESS SPOILAGE and ■ SAVINGS of LEFT OVERS Don’t be misled by the belief that you cannot afford to own an electrical refrigerator. The three facts above are just a few of the many savings you realize and almost any one of the above would almost pay the low monthly pay ments. Investigate electrical refrigeration to day and see for yourself that YOU CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO HAVE ONE! POWER COMPANY TJX McmmI WMttMC otjtho WoBM’a lOMnaMit. TTwIm of the Fin* Baptist chwrch will be Rieid at tbe chaaai Wn^iiwi. day o’ckM* buimd at »i«e 4i thevfftp^ ttoio. *ho BnsiaMa Vooiaa’s drde win be in cbai’ge, aad will have guest speiucer, tttm nmmeam Tamer, a graduate of the LooiSTllle W. M. TT. Tralaing School. The Woman’s BiWe class of the North Wilkesboro Metho dist church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 8:80 o'dock at the home of Mr^. Isaac Eller. 'The Rendearous Mountain chapter of the Dani^iters of the American RevolutlOB will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home at Mrs. C. H. Cowles In. Wllkesboro. Mrs. Joe E. Johnson will be in charge of tbe program. “Electricity Is Cheap—Ute It Adequately” Phone 420 — North Wilkesboro, N. C Hours 9 A. M. to S P. M. children taking part. The entire offering for this occasion, which was observed throughout the Presbyterian churches, 'wlU be used for the next ten years in holding dally vacation BiHle schools. The pa geant portrayed the need of child hood, and of how important it was to teach children Christ. A social hour followed in the hut during which time refresh ments were served. The Lut and church both were attractively dec orated in peonies and red roses. On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the church hut the Executive board met for an important ses sion. Union M. E. Auxiliary In Meeting Tuesday Woman’s Auxiliary of Union Methodist church met with Mrs. Worth Blackburn on Tuesday aft ernoon. After the call to worship Misses Mozelle and Marie Turner, sang a duet, which was followed by a hymn. Mrs. D. E. Turner was the leader and response was by mepvbers, the missionary topic be ing “Christians In Deed and In Truth.” Short talks were made by Mrs. C. W. Mahaffey and Mrs. Earl Baker. Mrs. Mahaffey di rected the prayer. The president presided over the business ses sion. Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs. Howard Owens are to keep flow ers in the church during the month. Fifty-five visits and car rying of two trays and eight bas kets of flowers to sick were re ported since the last meeting of the Auxiliary. Mrs. L. T. Barnard dismi.ssed with prayer, after which the lios- ,es3, assisted by her little daugh ter, Lenna Sue and Mrs. Baker, served delicious refreshments. Next meeting will be held with Mrs. Ezel Crysel on June 11, two o’clock. Liberty NOW SHOWING • THURSDAY - FRIDAY ’’GONE WITH THE WIND!'...AndNou) Glamotoui Vivien Leigh tkrilla Robert Taylor'a arms Pr.NC „ALUCILE WATSON VI RGI N lA FI E LD MARIA OUSPENSKAYA C. MJBREY SMITH m twr*:' •hoQh ¥ f St. Bii^ay Dinner A surprise dinner was, given May 19, la honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Holbrook and Mrs. Louln Kilby and little Betty Jean Hol brook. It was a birthday affair a- round which each of their birth days centered. This celebration was an occasion of great pleasure and Joy to all who participated. About seventy friends and rela tives gathered at the Holbrook with well filled baskets to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook and Mrs. Kilby on their return from church. A sumptuous dinner was spread on an Improvised table on the lawn, and the writer will say, in the many we have attended, we believe this to he one of the best we have ever had the opportunity of partakinr. The Re'. C. M. Caudill made an inte jstlng talk, in which he referred to each one for whom the dinner was in honor and also pointed out—that It was an old custom of Bible origin, through which days ot Importance were commemorated. After the delicious dinner had been served, we believe, to the satisfying of every one present, the friends all lingered to recall old times and renew old friend ships. It would be putting it very lightly to say, it was a Joyous occasion for every one participat ing, and all felt that Paul and Lexle had played a beautiful hand in honor to their loved ones. Now to Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook and Mrs. Kilby. May you live to enjoy many, many more happy birthdays and Joyous occasions like this.—One present. Germs are bbing used to de stroy germs in garden and field soil in tests being conducted suc cessfully at the New Jersey Ex periment Station. at Baleiii une t, Dr,^H(gn« preetieut,-lMr JUlmnn4a hlUp’s Pro-Cathadnl in Aclonto, Georgia, will deUreF tke eemr' oddiwi* 4 M •,0,4 lontlng, JonUp S, Inlienprta^ Ball, The boecalanraftie speal^r lU fbe Dr. |Byion,]& Horne, poo- r at, the: Montrinn. drarch at titz, Pennoylvania. Saturday^ June 1, will ^be . ob- sened-os Alnmnao Day when ont- of-town ahunnae return to., the campns. A meeting .ot the Exeon- tfre Board of the Alumnae Asao-. elation will ImmeiUately precede a meeting ot the General Alum nae Association at noon. The. an nual alumnae luncheon with the reunloning classes as honor gnetts will follow. Officers of the Alum- ran ft. 'Npi jant«t.';IU«UinF 11 The concert^ presMted'hy etedentlF .(dl tbeiBol- wn College-Schoei of.4CtMde nriU Uke idaee Saturday erewlng, aft-' er which Dr. and 41m.* Howard B. Rondtheler .will entertain at the President’s reception honoiv Ing the famUles of the senkm end the elaffinoe. , “Senior Tewers,” ■ .tradittonoL ssrriee At Salem, wilt be held «i the lower campus at twHlght on Sunday evening. Special mnsft for this occasion will be provided by members of the senior class. Miss Mbit Jo Pearson, daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. I. £. Pearson • I»^ J V , Better" qttamx.: better feedfi^ and laSher -m-kt-mU nl ^tfiSneisdid br.w North Tnikeehere, N. C. HORTONS DRUG STORE ’ A Year of Action Results in The Old North State’s “Clean Up or Close Up" Campaign Twelve montlw ago the North Caroliiui beer induelry went into action to commence weeding out Aoee relatively few beer retailers who, practices unbecoming good citizens, tended to bring r^roacb on the great law-alxding majority. ’’Clean Up or Close Up was the ulti matum issued them and we feel that out action results speak, for themselves. To date, 78 beer licenses havte been revoked—rewW bemuse 78 beer dealers used their licenses to shield illegal activities. 'Dius are being removed the bad spots that, left alone, would smear the repu tation of the thousands who operate within the bounds of decency and ethical business conduct. As a new year begins, this committee states anew its determination to carry forward aggressively its now well-established propam . . . ^d aid. continuance alertnew to patronize only dec«^ routable beer outlets. Brewers and Hortli Carolina Beer Distributors Committee EDGAR H. BAIN, State Dkwdor 813-817 CuwUBWwhl BwWhg RaW^Jt-G.. aiA.. Our Gif t to You! A Lot of Perfectly Good $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Bills... and Here’s How To Get Your Share: ^ ■ Come to our USED CAR LOT and pick out the car or truck of your choice. When you get our marked-down price, you will find that we have “shaved” the price from $5 to $100 below its actual worth, an ac- tual cash saving to you that can stay in the bank instead of being m- vested in the car. ly33 Ford Coach Only 1938 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1938 Ford Touring Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan Radio 1939 Chevrolet 4-Passenger Coupe 1937 Plymouth Cabriolet “Springtime Special”— 1935 Chevrolet Coach Special— Sure, We 11 Trade And You’ll Be The Scotchman! $139 ^345 $445 $39 $445. $595 $625 $195 $625 ‘“sja.'???-'’ $195 $295 $465 $245 $65 BE SCOTCH 1936 Chevrolet 1%- QC Ton Truck. 1938 Chevrolet 3-4 Ton Pickup: $395 1939 Chevn>let 3-4 Ton Pickup Slock Body $495 Special 1937 Chevrolet 1%-Ton Truck Has Good Body $295 Special- 1934 Ford %-Ton Pickup\ — 1936 iChevrWlet 1%- Ton Truck. 1934 Dodge %-Ton Pickup 1934 Ford V4-Ton Pickup 1936 Ford 114-Ton Truck $165 $265 $85 $195 $265 VERY SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON 4 DOODLE BUGS, READY FOR HARVEST FIELDS USED CAR DEPARTMENT Gaddy Motor Co. 10th STREET ■ -■s ■ - nil