!■ tiwir tater* wtUwt ud VSROl]B(»r, J«M S.- I >M- a *i iwJ tncte4Mtlk^«^ Mr. >B»»r ji|r B. HartlsT’ ImI TMsds)^ Mm* , Hf «ru a shock 'tba coaatWKi Ii®Bolr, and t^iolr gioihsr, do aU «o«M))« to atone life’s rncfod pathiraj^^^. Mr. and lb*. Ooorg* of Kingi Orolto. Mr. ^ynvm Las* Mk- Mr. Hartley was bom and MRd in this ffossmatoty, attond- ' ■ too local school, later attend- Id MeraTlan ^MalkMiaBdeiBy vhan |Mt school was at Its best atol frisked his edacation at KhMe ■la, Tonn. He had boon taming Mr mny years-ndd^wad rcoldtog OM htoterm one MUo want of IMr- Msan at the tidio 'otilUo desth Mho toneral in chacgo Of Soins- Mardlrant UndeiMors was con- tketod :by Rera R. L. Isbel, of Smoir, and W. F. Pmtlar, Of Mfckory at the Boarer-Creek'Md- anctist church of which Ur. Hart- Mgr was a memher. Me was laid to rest iby the side of hls wife nlK> was formerly Miss Ida Har- ito, in the Bearer Creek cemetery. Mrrirlng him are three children, (tow) Hartley and Misses Kmay and Dixie Hartley,' all bf Fergu- aan. Hls aged mother, Mrs. Jolla ■arUay and two hrothers, Chaa K, 0t Buckner, Va.; and-Frdak J. Mhrttey, of WUkashoro. also aar- vtre. The sympathy of the entire aaaavnnlty goes 'out to the retSif ttres and especially to the three toildren. iwho are left alone at the 0d home. Mr. Hartley was a bithful father to hls children phn had been motherless since Meywere mere children. We trust toco, Bmsy and Dixie will realize tolly that they hare a sympathetic cMnrch and community behind ROTICE OF SUMMONS 9«rth Carolina, VOkes County. IN THE SUFKRM» OOURT John A. Blair, plaintiff TS. Didha B. Blair, tSu defendant Dotha B. Blair, defendant shore named, will take notice that m action eititled as above has Mem commenced in the Superior ChHit of Wilkes County, North Ckrolina, to dissolve the bonds of mtrimony heretofore existing be- ttoeen the above named plaintiff mi defendant, and that the plain- *ar seeks an absolute -divorce on Ac grounds of two years separa- sbm- the said defendant will fur ther teike notice that she is re ared to appear at the office of Ibr Clerk of Superior Court for flfilkes County at the Courthouse to Wilkesboro, North CaroliM, •rithin thirty days after completion • at services hereof .as required by tow, and answer or demur to the amplaint of the plptiff in ■ad action, or the plaintiff will ■fpear and apply to liie Count for lAc relief ,4etasnded in said com- * 'ibii ^ ‘ rd* ' tins the Slat day of May, 1940. a. C. HAVES, ' ■ Clerk of Superior Court. M. Forman James, httomey for the plaintiff. 0-24-4t (m) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE itoth Carolina, •i&es County. Under and by virtue of aathan- eontained in a certMo Morigage Rked, executed -by Malh..F*tdtt a»d tofe Florence Pruitt to the oitder- ■gned on the Slat day May 3B30, to secure toe Myment of a ■ate of even date toerewith, ^ mne being recorded in-the Office MThe Register of Deeds of Wilkes flbonty in Book 161 at page 21, and toCanIt having been made in the payment of said note on demvid, K>w, Therefore, I will on the *4th to; ef June 1940, at 12KW N*on, at the Court House door in Wilkes- loTo, North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder toe following described lands. Lying and being in Traphill tonmship, Wilkes County, N. C., ai^uning the lands of J. T. Bmttk and others, and more parti- odarly described as follows, to wit: 'Bbginning at a stone on tbe East •riBe of the Elkin road, at the fcoth-West cjmer of the old in- Mitute lot, running North 86 de- wees East with the institute lot mt wtth J. T. Pruitt's line 20 j tofea- and 11 links, then North 16 iipMS East with J- T. Pruitts and CSeabwoods lines 44 poles to a wfcRe oak (now down) on the E&st ■ie of the Cheatwood branch, then Morth 2 degrees East 32 poles to a aed oak and stone on the bank of toe rock ford road, then East with ■cd road 76 poles to a Spanish oak ■ ,the South bank of said road, toen South 27 degrees East 18 poles to a sourwood, then South 87 tokt 32 1-2 poles to a stone, gum ■h) chestnut comer in the head of a hollow, then South with H. A. TTood (dec.) and the M. F. Bryan Ine 128 poles to a gum, then West with the old L. W. Sparlp ■w 24 poles to the new Elkin mad. then with the said road 136 3-5 poles to M. A. B^ns Ine, then with Bryans line South 17 degrees West 15 poles to a large Rack oak, Bryans comer, then up and with the Elkin road North 13 degrees West 26 poles and 10 links to ^ beginning. Containing 98 acres mor I^SS This the 18th day of May 1940, C. D. HOLBROOK, Mortagee 6-J0-4tm Mrs. Alonso Lazton, of Khtgi Creek were rlsitora In the com- inanity Sunday. A singing stoool was conduct ed all last week at the Beaver Creek Baptist church by Prof. Collins. We understand that a- hont forty-four took music tn- 'StrucUons which Is calculated to assist very materially in develop ing the music talent of the com- mtnlty. Among *those from a distance attending the H. H. Hartley tn- neral hero Thursday were Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coffey of Waxhaw, N. C. Mr. F. J. HarUey, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartley, of Wll- kesboro. Col. Will J. Horton, although somewhat Indisposed continues very active on his farm near Fer guson. He is frequently seen cul tivating hls garden, or walking some distance to the village etores or to converse with his many friends. Mr. Rich, County Agent of Pen der county, together with two prominent farmers of that coun ty, Messrs. E. L. and G. H. Eng lish were business vlBltors here Monday. - ^ Among those attending the Commencement and graduation exercises of Davidson College Monday were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ferguson and family and Misses Blanche and Beulah Ferguson. Their nephew. Jack T. Ferguson, of Richmond. Va., was among the graduates there this year. Mr. Clyde Taylor, of Salisl^ury, was buslhess visitor hero Satur day. Several from here attended the Grange meeting at Happy Valley last Thursday night at which time the officers of this Grange were installed. Among those attending the Dis trict Home Demonstration Club meeting at North Wilkesboro Thursday were Mrs. S. F. Miller, and Mrs. W. H. McGuire. A tine meeting was reported with a large attendance. The County Health Authorities were around Tuesday giving the typhoid vaccination and many people took advantage of it. They will be back Tuesday of this' week and also Tuesday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of Cove Creek, Watauga county, vis ited their son, Mr. Lester Fletch er here Sunday. They were ac companied by Mr. Harvey Deal, Messrs. Mace and Ralph Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. John Hinson, of Sugar Grove. A Junior Loyal Workers So ciety was organized at the A. C. Church Sunday by Miss Janie Spicer, who is one of the teach ers in the Sunday school. A Mrthday dinner was given for Mrs. J. B. Russell at her home near the old Pumpkin Creek school house site Sunday. This was the seventy-second birthday of Mrs. Russell and a large crowd of relatives and friends gathered to do her honor, par take of the bountiful dinner pre pared for the occasion and to wish for the highly respected lady many happy returns of the day. Among those enjoying the day with Mrs. Russell were the fol lowing children, grandchildren, and friends: Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rus sell, of Lenoir and Boomer, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anderson, Mrs. D. C. Russell and son. Paul, Miss Bertha Laws, Mrs. H. H. McGee and children of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walker and family, of Boomer, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Ed- mlnsten and daughter, Mrs. Chas. Edminsten, Misses Connie and Winnie Edminsten, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Edminsten, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Edminsten. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HarUey all of Boomer, Mr. and Mrs. George Laws, Mrs. Alice I.,aws, of Patterson, Misses Dare Edminsten, of Darby, Mr. Bob Colvard, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eller, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bivens, of Hudson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marley and children, of Fergu son. ChiMraa Mid 'Yotmg l^agftipaltorljr'Slriiisct To AoWmiU DWvtag In thfl ninnnnr, ..iiidfho nil oftoM «6,«6d^60 ftodilMtok: the sQgQtiy'Mnm to he o«t -nt same toM, -ann tio n plenowre a nlghllltore. Atlar^onMltlag wiUi nnair w- perleMM-wotoritU, toe NstfannT ConMPVittoa Bnnnu, aceltont prevention AteMon-eMhe Aaaoel- atlon of Georntty nod Beret; BxecaiUree, lesnee n .pet of -hinte which, it followed, will save the driver snd hie tamll; meeh .grief during eoning months. The annrber of eerious motor vehiele-'accidents "begins to climb during early summer, and con tinues to rise almost without a break throughout the warm months. Bureau experts point out on the basis of three-year aver ages. Younger people suffer most from traffic mishaps daring this period. According to the latest complete figures, children under five have the bigheat proportion of traffic deaths In July and Au gust. Augnst also is the high month In the 6 to 14 year group, while September Is the peak for persons 15-24 years of age. Pedestrian deaths from motor vehicle accidents, the Bureau points out, start climbing rapidly in July and continue upward eve ry month until the end of the year. Summer months, incident ally, are among the highest not only for motor vehicle fatalities hut foi all types of accidental deaths. How To Live Longer To motorists who would avoid trouble on the road this summer the National Conservation Bu reau offers the following hints: 1. If you are a family man planning an automobile vacation ■ on a fairly close budget, keep In mind that every ten miles added to the speed rate adds dollars in gasoline and oil costs and In tire and engine wear. The added mm tine. gUo eauM some tbat.andMr hi havp la|M a )oiig 'ettoet-.of; fer'tottrna Pntoter oB at tonopoaf:stor^and 4he eloaln#W: iltif (M«Ur a geed part of ii^ muiceta to thetoBHeaMaii) da; 1g hitMdOM, aa it t. 8feMdlBg%osad WtfpM to-RfAddg tattRiP to the ttOttahl RaM figQBi^ etoNe'ot -aAMUritk fli. Mde-ottOl|Ar'tr»reL (Me toe; pint ttae' raM • di7> '0B9^bP. to^itoeid'.Qa tototortalde of a «Otoi buy jMWMt the tires (roii pMpF- ^ tltophmtneatlirtlRe toe^ ii off tolMKe to; naidag the tura. 9he toRT to to .pete te to Blew 6awt anUfirtnn U the road is «d -atbtoe, wet or dry. at evme. S. Halo Wtope two (SfaeatoeA tor toe driver, It tMite to «Mto toe road-iltoiito' dedaisir^lMtomi 'bitotoeitod'titoBetoaplw&toto titope' to to todeiito jwtod. utoi 4. Overtofetog to another pro lific source of danger on crowded sttnmer highways. Improper pass ing Ig'toe rewlt 'either of • Ignor ance > or aoRMtlfied haste. The doable line down the middle of the road, now used In some states at points dangerous for passing, is a safe guide for the driver to follow and should never be violat ed. 5. Because of longer daylight, many drivers 'are tempted to stay at the wheel too long. Trying to thread your way throngb large cities after doing 200 or SOO ■_ ..n isuplM proto^at eoadirlep are toginning to hare a ^dgetded M~ on the prieto'itf foodetafts. I. WhM more than toe oeoeplM the car on a kmf «se the etohange ayatoaA Ito i#e more ezpefeteoad driver take the wheel throagh eitlto aa crowded hlghtoys. then ft^Mvey to tbe relief driver on the eWer atretches. 7#'' 7. Heat pnnishes tirw especially on long rnns. ^s good idea' to get ont and the tlfM when yon stop for gas •od -to the road.' the 8. ‘Ihe experienced driver Aaot only securee Information about traffic conditions on (he main ^ highways over which he is to travel, but tries to avoid being near large cities or. week-ends and holidays. 9. If poMible, plan to follow good roads where traffic Is com paratively light, rather than ex press highways where it is usual ly heavy. 10. Another holiday-driving tip ie to start out early and start back earl.v. MmGB OF OF LAND Under and by vRtiia of the pow er cf lels coiwldned in a certain peed at Trash wc/rntted on the 7th diy 'of Angnto iPSS, by Clifford a, eSnoch to^E, S' Bargees,.’Rms- tee tor Da T. JohMhm, Bowie & Bowie and Bngeae Trtratte, to se cure tow pgymtnt cf certain notea, which nous are feet due and un paid, and reqneet navtog been made npon me by the Iwtders of said notes, the andtodgned Trustee will etoose to sale at public anc- " at Bm coorthoase door in hstoro, Nbrth Ghrolina, on the IgtMy at Jni^, 1M6, at twrivs (fdloek; noon, to the higfaeat bidder Xo- .. at Trait, and and mors partteahnlir ’ and defined as ftootos: Two tracts of land on BIS of .Beeds branch ' lanli of lak lOeek W. L Holman, and ' _ , 67 acres in the mold or less, tt conyired ,to Cinirdi be Aeed firsn jpq king and by fm from 1L (Thitrch and wifou which deedf recorded in the iCSoe of t"' * ister of Deeds eg Wilkas and to wifch deed hertinr made for full and caaqMi; desOtftition of ssh land. ^ > TWtoie 81st%rwf Hnr, Udl;^ H. H, SUECaaS, Trustee' 6-24j|d trate, la^ ( The Highway Safety Division has revoked 27,867 North Caro lina drivers’ licenses since 1935. NOTICE! - NOTICE! Pay Your E^lectric Sorvico Bill Before the 10th of the Month and Save the Discount Dtdce Power Co. PHONE 420 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C E NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of power contained in a deed of trust eocecut- ed by Paul Beshears, Single, to the undersigned trustee, said deed if ^ trust being of record in the ottito of Register of Deeds for Wilkes County in Book 193, page 11, and having been executed for the pur pose of securing a certain note to the Bank of North Wilkesboro, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and demand having been made upon the trustee to sell said lands as prescribed iqi said deed of trust; The undersigned will, therefore, on .the 21st day of June, 1940, at the hour of 12 o’clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., the following described lands: Beginning at a black gum at the Yellow Hill Grave Yard, runn ing a south direction about 76 poles with the school house lot to a maple, a corner of tlie Shepherd tract; then East about 100 poles to a stake at the road; then up and with the road to Garrett Shoun’s lot: then .-.est with his line about 40 poles to a black gum; then with the Summit road Northwest about 40 poles to X hickory stump in the hollow; th^ a East direction to the mountain road; thence Northwest direction with the road about 40 poles to R. V. Beshears’ hickory stump cor ner; then a West direction about 75 poles to a sourwood corner; then a south direction about 60 _ poles to the road at the lower I side of .the Miss Lee lot; then a South direction 12 poles to a maple at the Church lot: then 12 poles East to a chestnut stump; then East 12 poles to a red oak atump. Church comer; then 12 poles West to the beginning. Containing about 30 acres, more or less. For further description reference is made to deed from John Besh ears and wife, Nealie Beshears, to Raul Beshears, recorded in the of fice of Register of Deeds for Wilkes County in Book 178 page 35. This 21st day of May, 1940. KYLE HAYES, Trustee 6-17-4t (m) With a charming air of ro mance and pleasant sentimental ity, the company were discussing how each married couple among them first met. “And where did you first meet your wife?’’ the little man in the corner was asked. "Gentlemen, I did not meet her,” he replied solemnly. “She overtook me.’’ Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOR— Office N«t Door To Rdae-StardiTUit, Inc. -.Tekto^me — Office Ctoito Ermj EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. M. Brown, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to no tify all persons having claims iresent them ose adtoess Wilkesboro, N. C,, duly verified, on or before uie 29th day of April, 1941, or this notice will he plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said es tate trol please make immediate payment. This 29th d^ of April, 194g, MAilB JOriNSON CBful^ ~ ' of the Estate et /*. dec'd- . NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTA'TE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of _ Wilkes County, made in the special pro ceedings, entitled David Stewart, vs. Mary Stewart Church, Marvin' Stewart and Jessie Lee Stewart, the same being No. — npon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commis sioner will, on the 10th day of June, 1940 at the hour of 12:00 Noon, at the court house door in ■Wilkesboro, North Carolina, offer for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described lands, to-wit: Being a House and lot in the Town of Wilkesboro, N. C., bound ed on the North by a road, on the east by the lot formerly owned by Mrs. R. A. Deal, on the south by an alley and on the west by a lot formerly owned by Julius Holler, now FYed Shumate. lids deed covers ,ttie entire lot formerly own ed by J. T. Welbom and for fur ther description see deeds to J. T. Welbom. lUs the 7th day) of May, 1940. J. H. WHICKER, J. F. JORDAN, OommiMioners 4-S-4t ill Amazing Offer!! Now at last We can give YOU a genuine MORRISO GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free This Offer Is Open To Everyone Yes sir, that’s exactly what we mean I We'havabeen fortunate in making a cooper^ve advertising agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Mormon Lifetime Ser vice Pens fw* a limited time. There erd no “atnngs'*^ offer—no ponies to own ' no nundbers Yo'Saw-^-oo emifett to winr—no subseriptioas to go out and tell. All YOU need to do to obtain one of these beautiful and useful gifts is to eouae into our offiee,^ pay a yetur’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Fmer Pens V>o* -*4'. • ■ \ jt-, 1 'ihe Morriwn is a Pen of Beauty and Dis* tinction It is degant in appearance, yet conservative in st^ It is hand'tumed and buffed to a lustrous finish that never fades Jt has Micromatic Bcdance • • • • A Smooth'gliding, especially processed point To suit your own individual uniting . * Patented features that no other l>en can offer a And it comes to you widi an . unqualified guarantee of Lifetime Service 0 The Morrison is told in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it IS manufactured and in countless other stores in the large metropolitan centers. / It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. You Should Ad Now!' Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! r-FT IT NOWh MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find $ for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to The Journal-Patriot. I enclose my Morrison pen in— men’s) style, to me to cents postage for which please send (Men’s) or (Wo- NAMB CITY and STATE STREET Subscription Bate in State, $L50; Out of State, $2,00 Come In and See It! We cannot too stroogly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun tain pen and who does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time you show it to a friend! The Journal-Patriot WILKES COUNTY’S ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER

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