tjox )T, IGSLO, ‘ Mr. and M^. A. 7. Oresr a&d and Mr. A. B. HajBlett, of ^igrilt Branch,. Iowa, who are vla- ' ^ *1[tlng In thd Oreor home a few dare, all vielted in the Taylors- 'jf,' fii.' WUbnr Shaw won hie third Indianapolis SW^Mile Race last wiek and ““ tey ed the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to win two years in snccMSioii. 5 tUh year’s race, Shaw rode on Firestone Urea and when ho flashy finish line at the end of the SM-mile grind it marked the twenty-first consecutive victory for Firestone. QUKK AtViON Akron, Ohio, June 12.—When Wilbur Shaw carved another niche for himself in racing’s hall of fame by hanging up his third WO OR THREE rooms, newly i victory in the Indianapolis 500- decorated. Private bath. Close Mile Race last week, it was a trl- FOR RENT Shaw Wins On Roosevelt Backs Firestone Tires *Stop Hitler Now’ Movement In U.S In. Call journel-Patriot. “M’’. 6-17-2t-pd OK RE.NT: Flve-rooni unfur nished apartment on street floor; modern conveniences. See Mrs. Mabel iKites at The Goodwill Store. It-pd TWO NICELY furnished bed rooms, gentlemen preferred; also one good, concrete garage for rent. 733 Kensington Ave nue, Phone 228. 6-13-tf FOR SALE SPECIAL B.\RGAIN1 One slight ly used Fairbanks-Morse elec tric refrigerator. Markdown Furniture Co. 6-17-2t WANTED WANTED: To do yonr radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat- ttfactlon guaranteed. — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. 8-10-tf SPECIAL! Ice boxes, loe refrige rators and electric refrigera tors traded In on new -Frigi- daires; as low as $2. Henderson Electric com-pnny. 6-13-tf Owe ooiujdeSe set Uptons Unit Material, One Set Child Craft. Good price. Call R. S. Longmire, 379. It-pd. FOR SALE: Pordson Tractor; New Type motor; Bosch Ignit- ' ion system. A-1 condition. Yad kin Valley Motor Co. 5-9-tf BPECIAL! B-Z-Do Wardrobe, inst the thing for storing woolens, going at only 21.9 8 each as long as present supply lasts. Mark-Do-wn Furniture Company. 6-13-21 lEADQUAKTERS for Poultry and Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts, at lew prices. Rod Cross ^ i Pharmacy, “Your Service Drug (Special Sale DreSSeS umph of far-reaching importance not only for the intrepid drive, but for engineering research as well. While he tied Lou Meyer’s record of three wins in this great speed classic, Shaw achieved even greater distinction by becoming the first man to win two Indift- napolis races in succession, it was the 21st consecutive year in which the winner rode across the finish line on Firestone Tires. Every car in this year’s race was equipped with Firestone Champion Tires. The three for eign drivers, Rene Dreyfus and Rene LeBegue of France, and Raul Rigantl of Buenos Aires, came to Indianapolis with for eign tire equipment, but changed to Firestone upon the advice of American drivers, and after hav ing given the American product rigid tests in actual practice runs on the track. Despite the fact that the pace was fast enough to es tablish a new track record at the 300 and 350 mile marks, there was no semblance of tire trouble on any one of the 33 cars entered in the race. Up until the 375 mile, when rain made it necessary for the officials to hang out the yellow caution flags, the race had been a three-cornered fight with Shaw, Rex Mays and Mauri Rose battl ing tor the lead. Although Shaw was out in front most of the time, both Mays, who finished second, and Rose, who finished third, wrested the lead from him at times. The Information obtained since Firestone won the first of Its long string of victories at Indianapolis 21 years ago has been utilized by Firestone In designing and con structing a better and safer tire for the average car owner. Central Service Station, operat ed by H. P. Eller, is the local Firestone dealer. Store,” 10th Street. 4-18-tf FOR SALEt FairtMUiks • Morse Light Plant; in good condition; price reasonable. Also want to 'buy good hard yellow locust posts. J. A. Caudill, Route 1, North Wilkeeboro, N. C. 6-13-2t-pd JRT8CAL BAROAlMs in kumi I aaed cars and tmoka, several • Bake* and models. Wilkes Mo- r ter cMipany, twe miles west M Boons Trail. 10-2'-tf MISCELANEOtn WHOEVER pioked up my black leather coat, which has a checked lining and cost 27.50, «n Cub Creek hill June 1, please return it to Journal-Pa triot office at once. S. O. In score. It-pd LOST OR STRAYED: Female set ter bird dog; white, black ears, answers to name Susie. Also white and lemon pointer. Liberal reward for return to Ted Hayes at G. P. Store. It-pd GENERAL RADIO R«q)alr work now One-Half Price. See us for quick service. Parker-Triplett Electric Co., Phone 22-W. 6-13-2t WANTEID: Bring yonr typewrit er*, cash registers. Adding Ma- cblnae, computing scalee, check writers, clocks, and sewing ma- ehlnee that need repairing and cleaning to me np stairs over :!artsr - HnMard PnbllsUng kmipany, Ninth street, W. Q. larrlson. H-tt kbtablished rawlbigh ROUTE avsllable In Wilkes County. Products well known. Dealers In nearby Localities making good Salee. Good op- portaaKy for right man with ear. See L. O. Harrold, Route L Etoith Wilkeeboro. N. C., or ) 'glMli.'BmrlMgh’s, NCE- Richanond, Va. -SO—8-6-II-(T)-pd - . - ■- '' ' J Now On At Goodwill The Goodwill Store is now fea turing a special shipment of la dles' dresses for summer wear. An unusual buy enables the store to offer its patrons -nany speci al values in attractive dresses in silks, sheers, prints, and other materials. Mrs. Mabel Lotes, manager of the ready-to-wear department, is anxious that the ladies of this section take advantage of the special bargains now being offer ed, and will be pleased at any time to show the attractive new summer patterns now carried in stock. This special lot of dresses em braces many of the latest style dresses for the season, and the price is remarkably low due to fortunate buys on the market. “Don’t miss the opportunity to buy at such great savings," Mrs. Lotes states, “and make The Goodwill your shopping center for beautiful and comfortable summer dresses.” Washington.—Warmly endors ing an organized “stop Hitler now” movement. President Roose velt worked yesterday to rush all possible material help to the Al lies, while Congress continued Its rapid-fire action on the national defense program, now grown to 25,021.619,622. The Chief Elxecutive announc ed to a press conference that the nation’s lists of military supplies were being combed to see what might bb spared for the beleag uered French and British. At the same time, the Senate, by a G7-to- 18 vote, approved legislation to permit the government to dispose of surplus World War gmns In a way which will make them avail able to the Allied armies. Reporters attending Mr. Roose velt’s press conference noticed upon his desk the full-p.ige ad vertisement which was inserted In many newspapers' yesterday by the "committee to defend A- merica by aiding the Allies.’’ It bore a big black streamer: “Stop Hitler Now.” “We can help—if we will act now,” was one of its statements, ‘we can help by sending planes, guns, munitions, food. We can help to end the fear that Amer ican boys will fight and die in another Flanders, closer t o home.*’ A reporter asked the President for comnfent on the advertise ment. He replied that he had not paid much attention to it until he learned it had been written by Robert E. Sherwood, dramatist, author of “Abe Lincoln in Illi nois,” and the current play on Finland, “There Shall Be no Night.” Without meaning, Mr. Roose velt said, to endorse each phrase contained in the advertisement, he thought It was a mighty good thing, a great piece of work, edu cational to the people of this country- It was well, he said,-that William Allen White, the chair man of the committee, was plac ing such things before the people of the country. Pinnacle Inn To Open On Saturday Fanner Elk.—Pinnacle Inn, the only college operated hotel In the country, will open for the summer season, Saturday, June 15. The summer hotel, which Is used during the school term as Lees-McRae Junior College, af fords excellent accomodattons. Is ideal In location and distinctive in management. College students, working their way through school, help with all the phases of hotel service. Located 4,000 feet up In the Bine Ridge mountains of North Carolina, the Inn boasts one cf the loweet average temperature ratings In the state. An average of more than 70 degrees Is con sidered very high for the nvort. Miss Bert Holman Will Open Studio Miss Bert Holman, a native of Wilkes county, will open a voice studio during the months of June, July and August. Miss Holman has studied extensively, with teachers of national reputation, among whom are Charles White, and William Whitney of Boston, Arthur Hackett of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and Milan Petrevic o f Cincinnati, Ohio. William Whltnev, with whom Miss Holman studied for two years has the distlr :tlon of being the only teacher jf the winner of the Metropolitan Opera Company audition for 1940. The University of Michigan School of Music, from which Miss Holman received her Mast ers’ degree in 1939 Is considered one of the finest university music schools. Arthur Hackett, head of the vocal department Is widely known throughout America and Europe. Miss Holman spends her win ters in Phoenix, Arizona, where she Is supervisor of Junior high school vocal work In the city schools. In addition she melntains a private vocal studio. Is soloist In the Episcopal Cathedral of Phoenix, and is a staff artist of K.T.A.R. broadcasting station. Adi. Mtentton—«Bd nndti. Legion Will Elect Officers On Friday A special meeting of the Wilkes post of the American Legion will be held at the Legion and Auxil iary clubhouse on Friday evening, June 14, 7:30 oMlock, post offici als said today. The meeting has been called for the purpose of electing offi cers for next year and delegates to the state convention to be held In High Point on June 24 an 26. Every member of the poet UCj asked, to be prooon^^^^ 'fiMr and^-^. and Mri' .Bagijpiiiwor and Mn. Juliu* Bhla- gansr. aU d MoAwivIBdir and Mr. and Mrs. Bldiier7S0lV.‘ii.~ ' Title, YlsUors “ T. ' Snndar Rogers, of Taylo?*^, Ing In the home A. F. Graer„7i^ 'rille. community this week, f' Miss Jewell Greer and her sis ter, Mrs. Carl Cummings, of Charlottesville, Va., are spending a few days with their grandmoth er, Mrs. Mary Rogers, of Taylors- this week. ’'-’ Mise Margaret Roesell, of Char- ieitte, Is spending a tew days ; ln this, community: " Rev. S. I. Watts filled bis regu lar appolnbments' at Mt. Hermon and Llledown,. Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Peeler, of TaylorsvHlejjjjad^rs. J. M. Mar- ley, of StatwReTand Mr.'Char lie F^rguscb^oif OoShen, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillips^ of Lenoir, all visited in -the home of Mrs. Julia PhllHpA^Sunday. Mr. LawT^jK’^illlps, of War, W. Va., vlsifl^T^ grandmother, Mrs. J. E. here last week. Miss Hassle .Wall, teacher at Newton, Is taking her vacation at home with her-mother, Mrs. Vick. Wall. "" Mr. and Mii. .Charlie Bumgar- l«a -^riidsatty Mrs., Mrs. ard Watsh, whA been sick for sevei^ days, ,(Hed’ irop«»n’iir^*’^ at her home Monddy~ af the ggst^Td* of 22 years, one month'’^ndi^td days. Mrs. Walsh was the dJi^SC^- ter of Mr. and Mn. Felix Her father died about two months ago. She leaves her husband, one, mmocrauc leaaers wve iu«u son, her mother and five hrothofli^ Jnne 22 as a tentative adjourn- aetts, the: ffl, to plan fori and three sisters, with many oth er relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Funeral services with Rev. S. I. Watts In charge were held at Zion Hill Baptist church where she was a member, after which she was laid to rest id the ceme tery to await the glorious resur rection morning. May God’s bless ings be with the stricken family. Episcopal Services Vesper service will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal nburcb. Sun day afternoon, June. 16th, at four o’clock. Friends and visitors are invited to attend. ^1- ' .■.3gJiBi!day''that the '^^I^aibaiHlMi Its this mon^. Democrsfic teasel’s have fixed mont date, and President Rooee- velt told his press conference yes terday that he believed Congress could finish up its principal leg islature tasks In 10 days or two weeks. He said, however, that, he had made no specific suggestion that Congrees adjourn promptly When It had finished work on the legislative program, which In cludes taxation and defense leg islation. “They’ll give np, the'idea In a week,” Martin said. A short time before he spoke the solidly Democratic Honse delegation from Virginia voted unanlinonsly to oppose adjourn ment. House and Senate Repuh- tbro, wd' aeeepm tori: ,|he United’ States Ms at the district becdqt erulting station' local* postoffice building at was V^nsferred to thh^ Barracks, Parris Island, 8. (L . a brief period of training, Upon completion of hie tnp' he will be assigned to some ice school, ship, foreign statUn or marine barracks for duty.’^^ Entrance examinations fopd llstment In the Marine Corp^l now being held at the U. S. 1 rlne Corps recruiting stations, Ic ^ cated In the postotfice building la" Winston-Salem and Raleigh. Fall Information and applica t i o Rt blanks will be forwarded npofir request. Last month while retuShlg^ proofs, we discovered that the; printer had set this heading,- ‘Wedding Bills.'? Evidently he?s a married mat. : An Amazing Offer!! Now at M We can give YOU a genuine MORRISO GtJARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely' Free This Offer Is Open To Everyone Yes sir, that’s exactly what wo mean! Wa have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Morrison lifetime Ser- vice Pens for a limited time. There are no “strings” to this offer-^ puxxles to solvo—no numbers to draw—no contest to win—no subscriptions to go out and seU. i ■!’ All YOU need to do to obtain one of these beautiful and useful gifts conso into our office, pay a year’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN vriU be handed to you with our compliments. Uub! ” ' ^Isds, I '. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Fmer Pens ^)O»OOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis* tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand'tumed and buffed to a lustrous finish dust never fades It has Micromatic Balance • • • • A Smooth^gliding, especially processed point ••••••*••* To suit your own individual writing . * PATENTED FEATURES Aot no other pen can offer •••••*•! And it comes to you with' an , unqualified guarantee o( Lifetime Service iimmmn ^■un^i^llooww^^s^w n 11 The Morrison is sold in the exclusive gift shops in New Yoik City, where it I is mimiifafchired and in countless oAer stores in the large metropolitan centers, [’ It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in yonr choice of points. ybn Shoidd Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! ’7 =GET IT NOW!—^ MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find % for which kindly psy my subscription for one year to nie Joamal-3*atriot. I enclose cents postage for which plecM send my Morrison pen in (Men’s) or (Wo men’s) style, to me to NAME crrr and STATE STRE3E7T Snbseription BHits In State, $1A0; Out of State, $2,00 Come La and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in ■ml see this fine gifL Every man, woman smd child 4^0 can read and write has need for a foun tain pen and wha does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time you show it to » fneudl WILKES COUNTY’S ONLY SIMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER

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