lBr Jwiah (W. fiafiiirt - r* StetM i A3»ve fully suypQii^ SBt*B atondura ot;0«M(D4; —.- -,r * wiw “mcMure y; “Bhurt of w*r" I uiiittaijSiM ' Ml means meMOtoi tm do M sniif pteiu» la^ ajffgtfe«^,p^PM«s to pianos, to in- an4. M* £w . , . . , cnuo io.000. Of ^ec ady dwttntrtaiMoa I tnisi It aiis floyht to bsL iiiihrtstda^ atouuate for MUtSs^^ijiil/^ hare ordered only 7^ sdditUi^ We Ore nov producini' abodt 4^ that me caip[ibt affottt'tft/Sot ,1to the mar now little dy ao good wouM be accbmpliehed Slid «». .u« ^u, ,«d"’:215r*“'"" ““ »' doing at the present time either with iMasares short of war or with war measures. Our country has • swrplns of agricultural products fBd I am faror of supplying Amo to the fullest extent as de- »aad arises. The following statement is sub mitted in order to inform, those who are writing me as to the state af our National defense. In The Air: As to the airplane pilots, we lare only 2,800 pilots in the army. We are planning to lift this to 7,- fOO, but the training of pilots will require a great deal of time. We have in the navy -2,602 •ilots. We are p' 'Js- number to 16,000, may be gotten up to 800 » month ‘>0 quire a great deal As To Airplanes: Ee the army, we have only 2300 irplanes and less than 800 of these are up-to-date. We plan to Ift-; the number to 8,000, but it rwinires a great deal of time to build a modem, fighting airplane. Lass than 600 of these 2300 air planes are combat planes of fairly modem design, but they are lack- mg in armament equal to that of the German planes. The army by January, 1941. We now have a capacity to pro^ duce 8,000 planes of all types per year. It is proposed that we shall increase this capacity to from 30,- 000 to 60,000 a year, but this will require a great deal of time in the assembling of material, expansion of plants and the production of the necessary machine tools, not to mention actual construction. The authorities do not hold out the hope that we can get the produc tion up .to 30,000 planes a year within twelve months. The Navy As to the navy, we have, as the Ing to lift' probably the itr^hiwwill navy in the world, but even so, our navy is sufficient to defend our shores on only one ocean front. It is now in the Pa cific and we should be well aware that they may be needed for de fense in the Pacific at any time as well as in the Atlantic. There are those who think that if we should be engaged in the Atlantic or in Europe, we would be attack ed in the Pacific. We are propos ing to increase our navy and the process is going on with the build ing of battleships, but the build ing of a battleship usually re quires four years and sometimes longer. We will not have a two- ocean navy within several years. The Army: As for the army, we have in the regnilur army 298,500 men and of ficers. This is a small army. It is good as far as it goes, but it is wholly inadequate compared with the size of modern armies now en gaged in war. We could not spare 75,000 men for war in Europe. In addition, we have a National Guard of 261,000 men and officers. The National Guard is, a strong or ganization. We have in the Re serves, men and officers, 192,000. That is to say, in the Army, the Natoinal Guard and the Reserves; we ^ve a _ than 760,000 men i-iboff"muwutwv'‘Uh the newspaper statement today Qukk Aoion FOR RENT NEW FIV&KOOM boose In WU- kssboro, good location, medern oonveniencee, rent re.^son:-ble. Mrs. Bctha R. Hodges, Pores £oob. It-pd TU'O NlOEIiY fnmisfaed bed rooms, gentlemen preferred: also one good, concrete garage for rent. 733 Kensington Ave nue, Phone 22S. 6-13-tf 4 -3f>~ hath and modern conveniences; close in; suitable for ooaple. Absber Real Estate company. Phone 262. It FOR SALE ■PEOIAL BARGAIN I One slight ly used Fairbanks-Mcrse elec tric refrigerator.' Markdown Furniture Co. 6-17-21 WANTED W.-INXED: To do your radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. .Sat isfaction guaranteed. — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. S-lO-tf ■PBOI.4L! Ice boxes, loe refrige rators and electric refrigera tors traded in on new Frigi- daires; as low as $2. Henderson Electric company. 6-13-tf TOR S.\LE: Fordson Tractor; New Type motor; Bosch Ignit ion system. A-1 condition. Yad kin Valley Motor Co. 5-9-tf iKADQUARTERB for Poultry sad Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts. at low prices. Red Cross 'Aarmacy, “Your Service Drug Store,” 10th Street. 4-18-tf newspaper that in the German line of battle In France there are two million men. As To Equipment As for tanks and combat cars, we have only 503. As for anti-a|rcraft, we have only 463, hardly more than suffi cient to defend two cities. It costs from $40,000 to $60,000 to build one anti-aircraft gun. In field artillery, we have only 235 gpins. Of anti-tank guns, we have only 228. Of semi-autoifaatic rifles, we have only 40,000. The foreoing will indicate that we are totally unprepared to en gage in a war at this time. For those , who consider that we might send our civilian sons to Europe, let me say that .the rule tbat it requires not less than six months of intensive training to make a good soldier of a civilian. In the World War, we called for recruits Ithropghout the country, but they were not placed in the battle line until sixteen months af ter we had entered the war. That is to say we entered the war the first week in April, 1917, and our soldiers, other than those in the regular army, were not engaged in combat until July, 1918. Sixteen months were required to train and equip them, and we never did rOK SALE: Fairbanks - Morse Light Plant; In good condition; price reasonable Also want to buy good hard yellow locust equip them, but depended upon the posts. J. A. Caudill, Route 1,'Allies. North Wllkesboro, N. O. I If we propose now to send our reserved for domestic defense, how far’ .the United States may wisely be committed in a situation so gra'/e, I consider that gpreat de ference must be given the expert authorities, the staffs of .the army and navy. They know a great deal more than we do, and they are ex perts. Bordeaux Report ^ Retain Says French Have Ceased Battle Bordeaux, France.—(By CBS short-wave facilities).—r Marshal Philippe Petaln, new premier, an nounced today that France had given up the tight against Ger many. Petaln said he had communi cated with the German high com mand during the night, immedi ately after taking office from Paul Reynaud, who had been pledged to a finish fight. France, he said, had communi cated with the German high com mand in an attempt to effect an honorable cessation of hostilities. As soon as he had taken office. Retain met with his colleagues under President Albert Lebrun. Immediately thereafter, Paul Bau- doin, the new foreign minister, gave a secret communication to Jose Felix de Lequiericay Erqul- za, Spanish ambassador, for his old friend Generalissimo Francis co Franco, the national ist leader and friend of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. This communication, it was indicated, asked Franco to convey a message to the German high command asking for peace. The French high command had already Issued its morning com munique when Petain, the 84- year-old hero of Verdun, made a radio speech ofhgC^y^MtSfi'^Snn The French nation, an nouncing that he had contacted France’s ancient enemy, now in Paris and at the final French de fense line on the Loire. The Mag- Inot Line had been smashed, sur rounded. It was with this in mind that the aged soldier told his people that he, in office to do his tragic task, had given up the fight per force. 'Citf> N. Ji, JoM 14.— K Cromwi^ £»nh«r U. ^ Csaada, said today Vaa unprepared fot wiur of jackaaaes that stalk ^e halls, of Congress.” TlieBe ^ojun Jackasaes In our ^nate and House of Representa- rives," said Crotncwell at a press conference, “lulled our people to sleep for years, with their coosia- tent atatements that'' the- United States had no'lnterest in what was going on in E^pe . . . ”"TTieBe Trojan jackaasM,'-who have refused Arherican help of any kind to the .AUics are respoiuible for our preso^j|»repared condi-^.” tioA both -a^BHfy. and montal- ly: t Presid4ar^|naievelf and 8«^ retary of State Hull gave them th inside infonnation aa to what was going on in Europe a year ago, but yet theyW^W^ued to mislead the people.'* ' • Cromwell, whb'iii now the Dem ocratic candidate for U. S. senator from New Jers^,’ declined to name the so-called “Trojan jackasses,”) but said most of them were high- standing members of the Senate Tallinn Report Reds March Into Latvia And Estonia Stockholm. — Tallinn, Tartu and other large towns in BSstonia were occupied today by Soviet troops who marched in shortly after the government accepted Moscow’s ultimatum. Latvia was also entered by the Soviet sol diers. (The Berlin radio said Riga, Latvia’s capital, was occu pied.) Tallinn, Estonia.—Soviet Rus sian troops crossed into Estonia and Latvia at 6 a. m. today (Sun day midnight, e.s.t.) to establish new garrisons In accordance with Moscow’s week-end demands ac cepted by the little Baltic na tions. Towns and areas may be occu pied by the Red army which were not Involved In the mutual assist ance agreements effected last year. dMKld - libq^ ]Buc4N^.afthfiiBk an either .Grekbtf^-Jhih-# ffitler*B fhrew UstM vktaty. weidd '‘ppt .. an to.” He expresB«||:h^er'^t Britiah gOTeap^ bad to See to Can^ then VfMdd W «.^tedt coalition” at the QHUah’Uad Unit ed. Statee gorermlientBr- with the British defending - the ’'Western hemisphere In the Atlantic and the United states fleet in the Pa^' clflc. ‘*U the British fleet eaeaptt lo this continent intact,’' said Crom well, "Hie Nazis could not invade Butcher’s Love Sons* I never sausage eyes aa thine, And if you’ll butcher hands in mine, * And liver ’round mo every day. We’ll seek some had>i-Iet far away, And meat life’s frown with love’s I caress. And cleaver road to happiness. —Cokesbury PI. ' " .Wtf.’SF'**'- AU Shim t*idAH.D4r^‘ “ H«ld ^MnisAmii Regula/ teihi«nnual meeting of the WRkea County Angers as sociation will be. held' at the courthonao th Wllkesboro o n Thnrsday, July 4, beginning ~at ten a. m„ according to an a'n- nouocament issued by J. A. OU- liam, chairman, and Wm. A. Strond, secretary. The announcement said: “All singers are urgently requested to attend and take part in this sing ing, and those who like to hear good singing are also Invited. Id case we have more than can coi'- fortably be seated in the coor - house, we have arrangements tor installation of a new amplifier in~ order to ax»:omodate all Who will attend.” Letters of invitation to the singing have been mailed to many singing class leaders but officials point out that some may have been overlooked and that all slng- Vgaty: V«to- ftso ligiur For mab man, SMi He’s b«M fired to’ tin«»v.n In de las’ two wortn,**- ' •IS- "Ah wants marlnh Jnmr For mah. man, He ain’t had no bath In de present year.’’ “Ah wants theft insuranea For mah man, John'Dayi' fie ain’t stole no chickens' Since de firs’ of May.’’ Harriet—So Ruth concIude«r|p accept that rich young scapegntea in spite of bis bad record? Mabel—“Yes, she forgave past because of bis presents.” BUY TOUR Lawn Mower Now Buy A Reading Pennsylvania-* 42 sold last year—24 sold this year. Ike best is always Um. chespeaL We swap. Bring year old machine. Prices $4.75 np. Carlton’s Hdwe. London. — Great Britain, Its empire and Us national life at stake, faced Germany and Italy alone today with the threat of an 6-13-2t-pd sons, we should understand that imminent German invasion and aUBUAL BARGAINS in good need oars and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, twe miles west on Boone 'Trail. 10-2-tf MISCELANEOUS GENERAL RADIO Repair work now One-Half Price. See ns for quick service. Parker-Triplett Electric Co., Phone 22-W. 6-13-2t WANTED: Bring your typewrit ers, cash registers. Adding Ma chines, computing scales, check writers, clocks, and sewing ma- ehinee that need repairing and deanlng to me up Btalrs over asrter - HaWtard Publishing issiipsnj'. Ninth street. W. G. la'Tlaoa. 1-I-iL ■STABIilSHED KAWLBIGH ROUTE STSllsble in Wilkes County. Products well known. Dealers in nearby Localities making good Sales. Good op portunity for right man with ' ear. See L. G. Karrold, Route I, North WUkeoboro. N. C., or ggita Bawl^h’s, Degti. NGE- ’ 1M-494H. Bfehmond, Va. > 40—l-6-18-(T)-pd we cannot prepare them for a field of battle -within six months, and cannot equip them in less than a year. The foregoing facts speak for themselves. I am without reservation for the whole program of National de fense including that portion of it intended to get rid of the disloyal element in this country, and, of course, including the expansion of industry and plants with a view to producing the gums, the planes, the ships, the tanks and equipment that may be necessary. I do not think ft prudent for this country to get into the war as a belliger. ent. We are utterly unprepared and one may look abroad and see for himself what it means to go into a modern warfare unprepar ed. One should consider that the Al lies are just as short in man pow er as they are in mechanical pow er . The newspapers report that on the Continent of Europe, they are out numbered more than two to one. I am opposed to sending our boys to fight in Europe. I re^>ect the views of those who are ur^kig us .to get into this war, but I am asking them to inform themselves on the eubject at our the possibility that the French fleet, second most powerful In Europe, might be turned against it. It was disclosed now that a French surrender had been ex pected, that French military lead ers had decided long ago that the German blitzkrieg could not be stopped until the United States and Britain gave aid on a scale which proved impossible. It was disclosed that there had been an aireement between Brit ain and France that. It French resistance on the continent be came impossible, the French would carry on with its air force and its navy and the reaources of the French Empire as a govern ment in exile. Today, when Marshal Philippe Petain announced that Prance had asked for German peace terms, it was not even known what would happen to the fleet, and whether France’s naval bases In the Mediterranean basin would be turned over to Germany. Twenty-eight American cities, 32 counties, and one state bear the name Washington. Amazing Offer!! Now at last We can give YOU a genuine RRISO GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free MO one that’s exactly what we mean! We have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising ^^eement with the Lanufacturor, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Morrison\ifetime Ser- vice Pens for a limited time. There are no “strings” to this offer—no puzzles to solve—no numbers to draw—no contest to win—no subscriptions to go out and selL All YOU need to do to obtain one of those beautiful and useful gifts is to come into our office, pay a liar’s sub^ptSrto The Joumal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Finer Pens jp'i; I Ilf I I The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis> tinedon It is degant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand'tumed and buffed to a lustrous finish that never fades ..•••• It has Micromatic Balance • • • • A Smooth-gliding, especially processed pAnt ••••••♦•*« To suit your own individual writing . « PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer • • • • • • ••••SI And it comes to you with an , unqualified guarantee o( Lifet^e Service The Morrison is sold in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the l^ge metropolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of pomts. Yoa Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! GET IT NOW!—^ J MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find | tor which kindly ^ my subscription for one year to Hie Journal-Patriot. I enclose cents postage for which please send „(Mfen’s) or (Wo- my Morrison pen in— men’s) style, to me to CITY and STATE STREET Subscription Bnte in State, $1.50; Ont of State, $2.00 Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun tain pen and who does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time you show it to WILKES COUNTY’S ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Ads. gat.-y^eajwiiij Kand ‘S'SSv--’ \ ■i- .■