JDAY, JU^ 20, mo THE J( •yrxr* '>’• SI S3 HAMIS SOCKI^ELL, Editor TtlaphoM Hi Miss WiUa Jean Hayes ^ Is Wed To Mr. Wanless Greensboro, June 19.—Duke Dnhrerslty chapel, Durham, was aetting tor a wedding of keen In tereet to Greensboro and of more than state-wide Importance last erening at 8:80 o’clock when Miss Willa Jean Hayes, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Johnson Jay Hayes, of Wilkesboro, b e- came the bride of Julian Thor Wanless, of Springfield, 111., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wanless, of Springfield. Dr. J. Clyde Turner, pastor of Greensboro First Baptist church, of which thfe bride is a member and which her family attended during Its 12 years in Greensboro, officiated with the bride’s uncle. Rev. James M. Hayes, of Win ston-Salem, also a Baptist min ister. The Duke chapel was chos en for the marriage because the bridal couple became betrothed while both were studying at Duke university, where the bride has Just completed her second year ’’fijllnd the bridegroom, a graduate of DePauw university. Green- castle, Tnd., just received his law degree. 'The bride was in magnolia sat- ^ 1th veil of illusion in the same rich white. -Ml her attendants wore silver mist grey net with trimming of blue and the wedding tableau created an effective pic ture In the magnificent chapel whose chancel was banked with tree ferns and tall baskets of lil ies and white gladioli and lighted by white tapers in ecclesiastical '•andelabra. Escorted by her father, judge of the United States District court, the bride was attended by Miss Helen Plyler, of Greensboro, maid of honor, by her brother’s bride, Mrs. Haydeiv Hayes, of North Wilkesboro. dame of hon or, and by six bridesmaids: Mrs. Henry Barber, of Springfield. 111., sister of the bridegroom; Miss Anne Hayes, of Greensboro; Mrs. Hadley Hayes and -Miss Gwen-1 dolyt; Hubbard, of North \Mlkes- boro; Miss Susan Hall, of Mont- flair, N. J., and Miss Janice Cook, of 'Trenton. N. J. Mr. Wanless’ brother. Paul F. Wanless, Spring- ^ field, attended as best man. Ush ers were Johnson Jay Hayes, Jr., Hayden Hayes and Hadley Hayes, of North Wilkesboro, brothers of the bride; Henry Barber. Springfield; Robert Tunnell, Georgetown. Del.; and Rouzet, of Hagerstown, Md. Before the ceremony John P. Wagoner sang "Calm as the ^Ight’’ and ‘‘Because.’’ Paul Rob- p^son was at the organ. The wedding gown of magnolia de luxe satin was fashioned with V-neckline, long fitted sleeves. ^ molded waistline, full circular skirt and cathedral-length train. The veil of magnolia Illusion fell over the train draping from a cluster of white orchids. The bride carried a bouquet of orch ids. swansonia and gypsophial bordered with tulle and wore pearls, gift of her bridegroom. Dress of the eight bride's at tendants were of silver mist grey net made with sweetheart neck line, draped bodice, cap sleeves | banded in blue, skirts in three tiers shirred on at the waistline, j The blue accent for the honor at- ^ tv Udants was Alice blue, for the i ot,- ers waltz blue. They wore sil- I ver mist grey mitts, hats of the grey net in pancake style tipped over the eye and trimmed with topknot of the blue. The maid of honor carried a fanshaped bou quet of Gloria roses, the dame a similar arrangement of Better Times roses. The six bridesmaids had fan-shaped bouquets of sum mer flowers. After the ceremony Judge and Mrs. Hayes, who at noon enter tained at the wedding breakfast.; received several hundred guests | at the Washington Duke hotel. ; TThe bridegroom’s parents stood with them. Mrs. Hayes wore pink- j orchid lace with chiffon bodice and lace jacket while Mrs. Wan less was in violet marquisette . with bodice of Alencon lace. Both had corsages of gardenias. j The bridal couple left during j the evening for a three weeks’j trip to Colorado after which they j will be at home at Ann Arbor, j Mich., while Mr. Wanless pre- *■ pares for his bar examination at the University of Michigan. After f^oterober they will be at home in'springfield where the brld^ groom will practice law with his brother, last night’s best man. ^ For travel the bride wore a dress of nillh chocolate brown chiffon, ^.tnral linen torso jacket trimm- with milk chocolate glass but- . Li .-aw hflt- with roll who assisted at the reception were Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Plyler, Mr. and Mrs. D.* T. Trlvette, MaJ. and Mrs. L. P. McLendon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds. Also going from here to assist was Mrs. Wil liam Quenzel, of Detroit, Mich., daughter of the Trlvettes. Among those from the Wllkes- boros going down for the wed ding were Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Sr., Mrs. F. C. Hubbard, Mrs. Joe Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hub bard, Jr., Mr. Kyle Hayes, Mrs. Warner Miller, Mrs. Cola Parker. Miss Vfc’varee Elllis Weds Sam Pierce Amid a setting of beauty and simplicity at her home near Mt. Pleasant, Miss Valvaree Ellis be came the bride of Joseph Sam Pierce on Saturday. Jane 15. at 7:30 o’clock. The Rev, Atwell E. Watts, pastor of the bride, offici ated. using the ring ceremony. Only members of the families and a few immediate friends were present. The vows were spoken before an improvised altar arranged in the living room in front of the mantle, which was banked with greens and against a background of pines were silhouetted tall floor baskets of white double larkspur, maiden hair fern with seven branched candelebra on either side of the altar. The bride’s only sister. Miss Faynetta Ellis, was her attendent. She wore melody pink lace and a shoulder corsage of pink roses ard valley lilies. Preceding the bride and bridegroom to the altar was a^ nephew of the bride, Jessie Ellis, who carried the ring on a white satin pillow. Wedding music was rendered by Miss Roena Bullis, of Wilkes boro. She sounded the bridal chorus from Lohengrin for the HOT, NORTH WILaSHORoTN. C. mmm i»ii, pUy*4 panted nbtae of Ton -Truly.’' Mendetaeohn** ding mureh was tued u cessional. Miss Bullis, n coasts of' thn bride, wore cubm pink nld> a corsage of pin), roses and val ley lilies. The bride, a^ attractive bru nette, wore a Lelong costume, of navy and white made along fitted lines with a fashionable swing skirt. Her accessories were of navy and white. She wore a shoul der corsage of white sweetheart roses with valley lilies. For the closing benediction the bride and groom knelt on a white satin kneeling stool. Immediately following the cere mony the bride and groom left on a motor trip to ashington and upon their return will be at home In North Wilkesboro on F Street. Mrs. Pierce is the oldest daugh ter of Mrs. Kinsa Ellis and the late Jessie Ellis, of Mt. Pleasant. She attended Mt. Pleasant high school and lor several years has been envployed by the Wilkes Hosiery Mills in North Wilkes boro. Mr. Pierce Is the son of Mr. Walter Pierce and the late Mrs. Roxie Hayes Pierce, of Millers Creek. He was graduated from Millers Creek high school and bolds a position with the Miller- Long Grocery Company, of this city. ^ 13it Booing Homd OM0H>Uatr»- tibn club fftTU a duHgbtfnl imrty and Ilnsn shower Friday night, June 14; at the home cf pMrs. Glenn B. Carlton, honoring Mias Harriet McOoogan, who will tie married in August. The husbands of the club members and Mrs. Rosa Church, of North Wilkes boro were special guests. As the guests arrived they were greeted on the lawn by Mr. Carlton and on the porch by Mrs. Carlton, where an hour was spent by the older ones In conversation while '.he younger ones took a swim and boat ride on Mr. Carlton’s lake, rrhe* members and gueets were then Invited Into the living room which was beautifully deco rated with greet jars and bas kets of Madonna lilies, pink snap dragon, and pinK and blue lark spur. Several contests and games directed by Misses Eva German and Annie Lou Ferguson were enjoyed for awhile. In the “Wed ding Necessities,” contest. Miss McGoogan won the iprlze and In Jumbled Flowers,” Mrs. Carl ton and Mrs. J. E. German tied and both received a prize. Miss Eva German then announced the next game to be “Follow the hbuoF^ot your at marmgo of her BlteabeUi,.to Oormoa Attue John- 'aba oa twenty- ninth of Jnaw'lit eSbt o’clock at First Baptist church. North WU- kssborcs North Cipi-bllas.’*^ Plsas have boea completed for the wedd.lng. Miss Shoaf will.; be attended by her-'Sister, Mrs. J. Glenn Greene, as matron of hon or, and her bridesmaids are to be Mrs. Doyle Hutcheson, of Burns- rllle, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Gladys Earl, of Shelby; Miss Hattie Lee Costner, of Lln- colnton; and Miss Ruth Sher wood, ot Boone; the latter three being classmates of the bride-elect at the Appalachian State Teach ers at Boone. Little Miss - Beth Kirkpatrick, of Taylorsville, and a conslB of the bride, will be a junior bridesmaid. She will be given In marriage by Mr. Greene. The groom will have as his best man, his brother, Mr. Neills John son, of McClellansvllle, 8. C.; The groomsmen are Messrs. Paul Shoaf, brother of the bride; K. L. Johnson, of Crossnore; Nicholas Antonakas, of North Wilkesboro; and Cecil Shoaf, of Warrensville. Rev. Eugene Olive, the bride’s pastor, will officiate, and the m leader.’’ Miss McGoogan was ap- j wedding musicians are Miss Ruby • « « J ^ ^ Ayv’DlM /%v>ero fail pointed leader and told to go to ' Blackburn, organist; Miss Sara Methodist Auxiliarj- In Monthly Meetine; Thirty members were present for the monthly meeting of the North Wilkesboro Methodist Aux iliary which was held at the par sonage Tuesday afternoon. The Gardner circle was In charge ot the program and at the close served delightful refreshments. Christian Brotherhood” was the theme and was presented un der the leadership of Mrs. Edd F. Gardner. Mrs. James McCart ney gave a most Impressive devo tional talk, and Mrs. Harry Pear son and Mrs. Arnold Kenerly told about the life of Nannie Holding —the Texas-Mexico Missionary. Mrs. W. D. Halfacre presided for the usual business session, at which time she gave an explana tion of the new set up in the Missionary Society of the Metho dist church. the dining room, which was mass ed with the same kind of flowers used in the living room. The din ing table was lovely, with a snowy damask cloth covering It, and In the center a large white bridal cake, surrounded by a wreath of lilies, with a miniature bride and brideg-oom on it. The large num ber of exquisite gifts were open ed by Miss McGoogan, and after they had been looked at, and ex claimed over, ice cream and cake was served by Mrs, Carlton, Mrs. Ralph Swanson, Mrs. I. J. Broy- hill, Mrs. Earl German, and Mrs. Herman Brookshire.—Reported. Shoaf-Johnson Wedding Cards Have Been Issued Invitations have been issued here reading as follows: "Mrs. Deaton, of Kemersville, and John Kermlt Blackburn, soloists. The wedding reception will be gl- en immediately after the cere- mv/uy at the bride’s home on Main Street. !• Wiurld's fair »r Aayvfcur*! Am Neir jMk .... $1LM NaaliTille __ ft^ 8m FrawiCM $99.99 Norfolk $7Jf - CMnfo. IlL $17,»S Myrtle Beach ..$9M OREYHOUND TERinHM. M. C. Woodie, Aceat 'Phm 21$ •JO!;; r Job Is Being Done! NorA Cvolha W oftom bah> W ika Bmwihb ewd Nedli Ctnifaia Bmt Oistributora Comawttoa. k«T« eaublkhea a worthy record of wenrliag o«t the nuBociljr of objectioiiable hoer indiwiriBl ooopwi^tKMi m kiw oh- ‘'(ms W feathem.” TWa aenraaea Is Quietly, earaeatfy, i!m NofA CsroUna Be«r Indua- tty k eanying out ita “rlaan up or doae up" pladea. Tka daalata u4o wfi aot ka (air to tkoar iadaatry aad tfaeir atato ara beooeaiac fewer aad fetoar. Wo kaow. mmd oe do tkoy, that tko job it baiac dooo. Mrs. James McCartney Entertains Her Chib Mrs. James McCartney enter tained the members ot the Young Matron’s Contract club at her home on Ninth Street Monday evening. The high score prize in the game, which was 'played at two tables, went to Miss Mamie McNeil while Mrs. S. T. Taylor held the traveler’s award. When cards were laid aside the hostess served a salad course. A variety of summer blossoms made at tractive decorations for the home. Tko p«d>lie CUB kolp by putrouisiuc oaty lopuKy opocatod placeo whoK boor and ale are wid—^ud by reportipc any objeetioiiaUe conditions to . . . Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee EDGAR H. BAIN, State DhrMtor M-17 OOMMBICIAL BCILDINO BALCraa, N. O. T T _ a. ^ I AT of of Elmer t^ns, matching straw hat with roll shoes and natural from brim, brown bag and gloves. A number of guests Oroonoboro attended the wedding and reception. Those from here See Our Sales People Wearing Sports Wear FashionableDenhn r trim 98c Flattering Smart-alls* slacks in lovely colors Well made! *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Girls’ Slack Suit Bright striped Jacket, trim little slacks! /Well-made! .$1.98 7 to 14.. Cubana Dress 98c Gingham checked, Full Skirt. Over a sun suit Badminton Suit Little hooded suit, under a button- on skirt! $1.98 Gay gingham dots! —. Misses Slacks 49c Sizes 6 to 14. Sanforized CANVAS Sport Oxfords 98c Fine for Beach or House Use! Girls’ Sheer Wash Frocks 39c Fash Colors— Onlyi - SEE THEM. MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUMMER Large AMortment Of Colors CAPS Sheets CASES 42x36 Men’s and Boys’ Sanforized Sport Suits $ 1.98 Buy Nation-Wide

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