^orTECTior for only 4c a day... • Nkf-M«w( kan Ik* Mkwt Mnataf* d “t* tm FNi»Mik.* at * ••■* tk*t I* *««i«Ha 1 |ivw Ik* f*a*r«*MOT SB kW*B* VkM k* li lk*l ataHi tk* **■* iajr, aa4 ratitihai ut k* aaaa* *f tlaakOItj. ka; laate *( tkaa* wart* aaa awnaial* Ikla anata(*, aa tk* b laimatbt *a4 akatla, Laara aara akaat “rarfael Pr*> kj aaaitai ta tk* **a**a kalav. H aaka* a kl( gllMiBii at la DHfaraat.'' INSURANCE COMPAl Ihmt r«a Oea^ktioii •f Ctty Bbihikte North Wilkeaboro Agency Supervised By J. Roby McNeil (Office Over Blackburn’s Store) TELEPHONE 312 NORTH WILKESBORO “Celebrating lU twenty-tlttb Bttcceesive year during rTbrcb, based on production and sales records.' an accurate estimate is that more people have ridden on its tires than that of any other manufarinrer. The Goodyear Tire 4k Rubber Co. Is marking the oc- lllllilllll Acclaimed By North WOlmsbore Marie Geers To Be Better Than “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” I DON AMECHE AUCE FAYE HENRY FONDA in BOB STEELE, III, ENDORSES W. 0. BURGIN FOR CONGRESS Rockingham, June 18—Bob Steele, III, who ran third in the first Democratic Primary, in tte five man race for Congress in the Eighth iCongreseional District in which the present Con gressman W. O. Burgin led C. B. Deans by* more than 2^, re leases the following statement for the press of the district. “I think it would be wise for me ,to remain neutral and refrain from taking sides in the second primary, but there has lieen so much pressure brought upon me and so many political threats and intimidations by Deane supporters that I am unable to remain neutral. I wish to inform my friends over the dirtnct that I am supporting and endorsing our Congressman, the Hon- W. O. Ba^n. I am fully aware that I can not tell my supporters how they should vote next Saturday, but I can tell them how I shall vote and the reasons why. In the first primary I was the only one of the five can didates that received any political mud and it came from the Deane side. They seem to forget that the first primary was over on May 25th, but continue with slinging the mud and other de ceptions. On the deceptions—below I am quoting a letter signed by my first cousin’s wife. Mis. Robert L. Steele, Jr. In order to show to the people to what extent the Deane supporters >» ill. go in order to carry their point. Rockingham, N. C. June 18, 1940. Mr. Bob Steele III., Rockingham, N. C. My dear Bob: It is my understanding that several newspapers over the District carried an item whereby my husband R. L. Steele, Jr.. claimed that you had made a false statement to the Press when you said you did not know a Bob Steele, II. Some time back Mr. Walter L. Parsons came to my house and requested Robert to endorse C. B. Deane for Con gress, telling him that it was most important for a Steele’s name to be on the endorsement. Robert started to sigrn the pa per, the same as he always signs a paper, R. L. Steele, Jr., but Mr. Parsons insisted that he sign as R. L. Steele, II. At the time he insisted he sign that way Robert and I told him that he always signed papers as R. L. Steele, Jr. When Mr. Parsons was at our house Robert was not well enough to sign any pa pers and I feel that Mr. Parsons took advantage of his condition. Some time later, it is my understanding, you stated in the press that you did not know a Bob Steele II. Mr. I. S. London sent a stack of papers, by Jack Covington, for Robert to sign and in which he stated that you had made a false statement, in which you knew he was Bohl Steele II. Fr.mkly, I do not know a Robert L. Steele II., R. L. Steele II., or Bob Steele M., as Un cle Bob did in May, 1926 and was Robert I.. Steele II. I married Robert in 1914 and I have never known him to sign his name as Robert L. Steele II., R. L. Steele II., or Bob Steele II., or even spoken of by these names. He has always been kno^m, as far as I know, as R. L. Steele, Jr., Robert L. Steele Jr., Pete and Chicken Steele. I can also state that all the legal papers I have known him to sign bear the signature R. L. Steele, Jr., or Robert L. Steele Jr., as records at the Richmond County Court House will show. It is true that Robert’s Grandfather was Robert L. Steele, his Uncle was Robert L. Steele IL, and I had known you as Robert L. Steele III., or Bob Steele III., and I am reliably informed records at our Court House will show this to be true. If this letter will help to get “Record Straight’ feel I have done my part. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Robert L. Steele, Jr., (Signed) In his paper “Eight the Wrong’’ he flatly states that he will not support the Townsend plan, yet Dr. Townsend has ad vised his followiers that ho is endorsing C. B. Deane for Con gress as he, Deane, has pledged to support his bill if elected to Congress. Deane is either misleading the voters of this district or Dr. Townsend. In this great crisis and world upheaval we need a man in Congress that has all the people at heart and most of all the welfare of our great nation. Congressman W. 0. Burgin is a member of the very important Foreign Affairs Committee, in Congress, and in my opinion we need to keep him in during this nreaent crisis. His record will show that he has stood by “OUR GR^T PRESIDENT, FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, and no one knows who C. B. Deane will support if he is elected; he says he will siwort Mr. Roosevelt, but Dr. Townsend says that ke pledged to support his plan. How can you place your fiaga on Mr. Deana^” ‘Lillian Russell” Today - Friday DOUBLE FEATURE Monday-Tuesdaj FEATURE NO. 1 mOro than tiro years, ago; ‘ wcceffltfoHy, proved by - ' — 'tfs^i^snivice miles on the mZ.iL. aa:«dli» the recently announeeil dveto; Swofford ^ tiro, built to .ft tttt'cmnt of the majority mark et of users, Mr. Swafford said that, currently' he was able to of fer the Marathon In sets of two four tires to meet the peak market in which there should be more replacements, either in s'eU or units, of worn out cuings now niimlag on the highways. "ft it tine,' as everyone in the great middle class group of car owners realises, that tires ought to be replaced oftener,,,eepecUlIy in the best of Summer driving when there are more cats moving on the roads' and tire failures en danger a greater number of per sons, ibut the matter of cash out lay has prevented buying over one tire at a Itme,’^ explained Mr. Swafford. ‘“Tbat la, owners could not buy the tire of a recognized manufacturer et a ' price • that would permit replacement of two or four tires, and the thrifty per son wants to get as much in quality lor his outlay as he can. So, when we offer the Marathon with Its high-wide tread, new roll grip non-skid and dual cord breaker protection against bruis es and punctures, and stand back of It with a lifetime guarantee, we believe we are doing our part to put good, lower-priced tires within the reach of the majority, thus furthering highway safety.” “The new All-American, Good- year’s contribution to the rock- bottom price range of tires Is a great guaranteed value for thia field,” declared Mr. Swafford, who urged that car owners Inves tigate their own tires’ safety, or drive in for a no-charge, no-obll- gation inspection, because he wants to continue his part In helping reduce motoring accidents due to tire failures. McNeill Supervisor For Occidental Co. J. Roby McNeill, who has been in the insurance hnslness for a number of years and 'who Is well and favorably known In this sec tion of North Carolina, hae been appointed supervisory agent for the Occidental Insurance com pany, which has home office ir Raleigh. Mr. McNeill has opened an of flee over E. M. Blackburn’s ston on Main street and associater with him are A. V. Nolan, forme: principal o f Mount Pleasan school, and Monroe Blevins. Further information relative to the agency and office may bf found In an advertisement else where in this newspaper. ZORINA RICNAIO GREENE BHCH VON SnOMBM rnttioiK » Mifc CHli> Na WOa* FEATURE NO, 2 “CAVALCADE OF ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS 1928-1939” Produced By h’rank Capra All of Your Screen Favorites Are In The Cast FREDERIC MARCH VIVIEN LEIGH SPENCER TRACY CLARK GABLE PAUL MUNI BETTE DAVIS CLAUDETTE COLBERT SHIRLEY TEMPLE CHAS. LAUGHTON KATHERINE HEPBURN LUISE RAINER ROBERT DONAT FINAL SEQUENCE FROM ‘Gone With The Wind” F^^SUte Tmam Officials today aamiinBeM the schedule of games for ‘the 'WllkSb county amateur baaefaalt league for Saturday aud Sundayr' On Saturday Mdrplains will play at Pnriear, '■( Tnpliill at Cliugman, Moravian .Falla' at Rock Creek. -1 On Snnday Olingman will play at' Moraviin FUls, Rook Creek at Fahplalda, Purlear at Trap- hill. The first games in the league were played last Saturday with Purlear winning over Rock Creek ten to five and Moravian Falls taking one frou ’Traphill six to one. On Sunday Moravian Falls cut loose to win over Purlear 27 to ten' and Traphill edged out Rock Creek ten to nine. The remaining games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday-''Vere rained out. F^Uotied inty&ry (tetAl!. ^ I ot Vofl w* bar fiaxoos and dimities, witb' Jovely linRei^-touches,'-tucks fahd D8se«.'’GffurioU8 new prints a«d pis^ls l^at you‘will Jiave, td'see to appreciate. ^ery new pattern and colo(/ are just what you wj^fii^ iRep cool and comfortabl^-d^cftuib’ ion rigrht too. Sizev’^'12-62. Don’t miss these extraordinary values. Special each only . . . $1.94 ^.1 Mias Bert Holman Will Sing Sunday Miss Bert Holman will sing at the eleven o’clock service at the I North Wil'kesboro Methodist ■ church Sunday morning, June j 23. ^ I Miss Holman, who is supervisor ! of junior high school vocal music in Phoenix, Arizona, is spending the summer at her home in Wilkeeboro. The Goodwill Store ‘THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS”_ Advertising Pays Dividend in “Your Entertainment Center” ORPHEUM iiiiiiiiiiii ARE YOU AN AMERICAN? DO YOU KNOW YOUR FLAG? AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU? THE|f;FlAG UPEAKT 'TSckkiooBo^ Bob Steele III. (Pditicai Advurtkiar)