■TO JOURNAU^gglm |-%Mds tt WjrttoTlIle, Va. ''-^■ftoL J. W. Harrelaon, ot State '^CdtoCe. ■waa a vteltor In thia city Tliiday. lllis Amy Katbryn My^^, of. SlUn. is spendhUt'^la week in' th* bom* of Kxp. J. I. Myers. bfr. and Mr;.. Rom H. Pearson are spending sometime sit Myrtle Beaeh.- i., Mra. Cecil Adaaeon is risitlng relatisea in Sarannab, Qa. for two weeks. Messrs. Henry Todd and Bill Oi^ome have returned from a week’s trip to Washington, D. C., - and Alexandria, Va. Mm. H. L. Pattie and son, Hugh L., Jr., of Amarillo, Texas, arrived today to spend a few days as guest of Mrs. R. W. Gwyn. Mr. Charles Butler Huleher, who has a position with the Duke Power Company here, was a bus iness visitor to Hickory yesterday.. — We are glad to state that Mr. C. M. Cranor is able to be out a- galn after being ill at his home in Wllkesboro for a week. Mrs. A. H. Berry, of Brerao Bluff, ■ Va., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L,. Welborn, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Berry and son, Thomas, of Richmond, Va . srej veiling relatives in the county. Mli of Mr. and Mrs.'J? B. McCoy,'b«f entered summer school at A. 8. T. C. In Boone. • Mr. Gordon Porester, who is connected with th; local branch office of the Duke Power Com pany, attended a compdny salek meeting in Hickory yesterday. Mr. and Mra. J.. W. Joines and Miss Beula Joines','of Greensboro, spent last • Sunday vlsltlijg M»> asd Mrs. John Morrison, and oth er friends in the Wllkosboros. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bentley and two children and Mrs. Btokes Hunt, of this city, enjoyed a mo tor trip Sunday to Boone, Blowing Rock, and Linvllle, We are pleased to state that Mrs. R. W. Gwyn was able to re turn to her home on Sixth street after undergoing a recent opera tion at The Wilkes Hospital. Mr. C. G. Day has recovered from a recent illness and has re sumed his duties at Rhodes-Day Furniture company, of which he is president and general manager. Mr. John Jones, who has been taking treatment at the state sen- atorium at Black Mountain, was moved to the tubercular hut near the county home Saturday. We are glad to report some improve ment in bis condition. ANNOUNCEMENT Miss Bert Holman w91 teach voice during the month ofi June, July smd August M. Degree—New England Conservatory of Music M. M. Degree—University of Michigan RADIO — CONCERT — CHURCH Wilkesboro ’Phone 23J B RIGHT THE WRONG and ELECT Co Bo DEANE To Congress He Stands For Certain Definite Objectives and Will When Elected Work For Their Immediate Passage. DE.WE ST.ANDS FOR: 1. The repeal or amendment of the Johnson Act so that the the people of this Nation can sell, lend, or ^ve the hard pressed allies (France and England) airplanes, ammunition, cotton and other agri cultural and manufactured supplies they so sorely need. 2. The passage of an Act for the relief of Dependent Widows and Orphans of Veterans and for a more eiuitable relief and aid for Veterans of All Wars. 3. To secure a Federal-State Agricultural EJxperiment Sta tion in the 8th District that will give to the Apple,, Cotton, iGrape Peach, Tobacco and Berry growers a service they should have had years ago. 4. To work for the passage of such legislation that will make possible the marketing of the farmers’ produce and to the ex tent that they shall receive a fairer return for their toil and labor. 5. To work with the m.tnufacturers of the South and give T|r,y whole-hearted co-operation to see that they shall be given equita- ^bie freight rates in keeping with other sections of the Nation. 6. To support immediate Federal Aid for our School Teachers as a supplement to the State schedules to the end that our Teachers will not cont^ue to leave the Education Field in search of other eir.plojTnent. Ou'* boys and girls must have the best. 7. I will stand by our President Franklin D. Roosevelt and work to the end that the better prices now enjoyed by our FarmeJfs and fairer wages and hours that have been given to the .'“'.merican Working Man are made secure. During these days when all the talk is about War I am thinking about our own folks and to the end that their interests are protected and not forgotten. 9. I shall never take any stand or make any representation in an effort to try and mislead the good people of my Kstrict. FINALLY, I CALL YOU, MY FRIENDS, IN EACH PRECINCT THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT TO GO OUT and WORK HARD SATURDAY. WE ARE WINNING but WE MUST GET OUR VOTES INTO ’THE BALLOT boxes. see that our VOTERS ARE BROUGHT TO THE POLLS. I THANK YOU EACH ONE FOR YOUR LOYAL SUPPORT YOU HAVE AND WILL GIVE ME SATURDAY. c. a DEANa (Political Advertikiag) a; ^Glrl 'i? I, and ot Nottlt W!lkia)>oro.,|^ WilkoMloro tha adumar fiM»^ dSoBf «as«iad:h9 Otara and ratuniad sfe y 1 ; >'Mr. and Mrs. J,' O.-Chlpman and phfldren, Edwin a&d Sara Lot, vlalted ralativea Sunday in GalatL Va. They .were accompan ied froi^ .^rta by Mra^D. C. Duncsn. Mr. and Mra. Leater Bmithey and two ohlldren, of Columbia, pnaaed through the city Monday on reuta to Durham to attend the Hayee-Wanlesa ■ wed- -dlng *1b the Duke Chapel. Rev. Paul Townaend, pastor of the Boone Methodlat church, and Mr. James Coundll, of Boone, _ _ „„ „ district engineer for the state X ' fhot of highway commiaalon, spent sev eral hours here Tuesday. Miss Evelyn Sharpe, home ecor nomics teacher in the North WJl- kesboro high school, returned to her home In Greensboro Wednea- day to spend the summer there with her parents. Miss Nancy Lee Yates under went an operation for appendici tis Tuesday, at the Wilkes Hos pital, and is getting along nice ly. She is a daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Yates, ot Wilkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bumgarner, well known residents of fSis city, celebrated their twenty-fifth wed ding anniversary on June 19tb. Their many friends wish for them many more years of happy mar ried life. Messrs. James Crews and Bill Crews arrived this week on a visit with their mother, Mrs. W. H. Crews. James la a coach and instructor at the Fernandina high school, and Bill holds a similar position in the Lake Wales high school. Both schools are located in Florida. Mr. Robert Shoemaker, foun tain man at Horton Drug Co., is spending this week in Charlotte attending the Walgreen System school for fountain dispensers, and learning the newest methods in the operation of his department to improve service to his custom ers. Mrs. W. P. Horton has return ed to her home here from Dur ham, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Phillip Rob bins. While in Durham she at tended the commencement exer cise at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where her granddaughter, Mary Emma Robbins received her A. B. de gree. Mr. and ?frs. Robbins ac companied her here for the week end. Mrs. Henry Steelman Funeral Held Today Funeral service was held today at Harmony church for Mrs. Dar- ctis Jane Steelman, age 74, who died Wednesday at the home of her son John Steelman, of Wil kesboro route 1. Rev. L. B. Murray conducted the service, assisted by Rev. Gil bert Osborne and Rev. S. N. Bum- gerner. Surviving Mrs. Steelman are her husband, Henry Steelman, and four children: Mrs. Bessie Parsens, of North Wilkesboro: Thurman Stelman, of Mulberry, John Steelman, of Wilkesboro route 1; and Mrs. Mamie Dale, of Whltnell. hove LMotr near the Grandfather Biogntain, . . „ , The camp couDcilon.. for 'the week were the ,01rl ftont Cap tains and Lieutenants for their respective troops:. Mrs. Carl Van- Deman, Mrs. Mack Reavis, Mrs. B. H. Helms, Mrs. , A. E,. Snelson, Mrs. Bill Prervette, and Miss Mar- E. Jones and. Mrs. W. C. Brewer, were camp dietitians and general buslD^ managers. W. P. Werllck ot Con over is camp manager and re mains in camp all 'summer. ne following eeha3u).e was fol lowed %eh4B3r.*-'Y:'0S,tn«ie call; 7:16, setting up exercises'; 7:25, devotlonals and announcements; 7:30, breakfast; 8:00, barracks cleaning; 8:30, inspection; 9:00, badge work; 10:00, swimming, arts and crafts,, nature and bikes, games and planning programs; 12:00-12:30, tree period; 1.2:30, lunch;. 1:00-2:30, rest hour; 2:30-3:30, tree gwlm; 3:30-6-30, free play; 6:30-8:30, catch-up- peiiod; 6:00, supper; 6:30, vis it to the store; 7:00, program; 8:30, taps. Programs at night: Monday night, stunt night; Tuesday night, singing, games, and music; Wed nesday night, costume ball; Thursday night, dramatics; Fri day night, camp fire. On Friday evening the campers voted on the camp superlatives and the following statistics were read by the camp fire. Best all around camper, Nancy Rousseau; best all around camp er in Troop—Number One, Tykle Bowman; number two, Margaret Jones; number three, Nancy Rousseau; number tour, Betty Jean Llnney; number five, Nonna Smoak; neatest Scout. Marjorie Miller; most enthusiastic Scout, Nancy Forrester; wittiest Scout, Patsy Waller; most polite Scout, Nancy Forester; most agreeable Scout, Lucy Greer; best athlete, Nancy Rousswu; biggest eater, Joyce Brewer; biggest baby. Uncle Farel”: most capable, Barbara Ogilvie; peppiest Scout, Nancy Forester; slowest, Joyce Brewer; moist talkative, Betty Tuttle: craziest Scout, Betty Jean Llnney; sweetest Scout, Barbara Ogilvie; best hiker, Carolyn Lin- ney; best singer, Kathrlne Irvin; Scout improving most In swim ming, Ann Cragan; best nature lover, Norma Smoak; best bird lover, Nancy Forester; most tal ented, Barbara Ogilvia. A swlmkHag meet; Tdrtehl WILLIAMS MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 334-J T. H. Williams, thvner Oldsmobile Sales-Service Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing Wrecker Service—Electric ard Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For aU makes and models of cars and trucks — WILKES’ FINEST LIBERTr GN THE STAGE Tuesday Only SEASON’S SMARTEST GIRL SHOW Broadway Brevities A STAGE FULL OF GIGGLES Girls and Gaiety — Featuring — Honey Chile & Budy Lake VAL DE VAL Late Feature of Sally Rand’s NUDE RANCH I8Peoplel8—7BigAct$7 and The Ray Samuels Charmettes ‘SEXTETTE OF GORGEOUS GIRLS” FORTY SECOND STREETERS STAGE BAND ON THE SCREEN Stage Shows 2:45 7:15 9:30 • Stage ^low Prices Mat. ...Ja0-25c NOTE—TUg a Nigkt ,.28^ lilM Vi CHARLIE RUGGLES’ NEW Go MED Y... ‘OPENED BY MISTAK:e> Janice Logan a Robert Paige | William Awwlejr _'J JpV* and Waller; MelMl. Maiihrat '''Jiiaia; ' haali: tloaL .Blanehe UrlBfsfbB, Patw -WMIng tint dt-i vIsloD, RathhrlDe Inrtn: ^sesend division. ^ Bet^'"' Gray " ^toirehr. third dJVMoaj^-i buUo ' Mp^; crawl, Naney Rouasean; aUndlng front diver, Norma Smoek; hon- orehle mentioa, Margaret Jones and Betty drey Ohwreh. Events for apeed: Crawl, Mancy Ronasoan; free style, Nancy Rons- sean. " ” 9901^' *|Hfinta.'>. A dKW a yoor aelaerim. ~ Siaea 12-82. price. Hegnliur |1.00 Valnas, Special! Now oaly >py lieaw dreeees. E»' tmi colon. Made iMroadcIpths M it boiamiful YOUR STORE F. S; A: ExecutiYe Spendg 2 Days Here Marshall Thompson, r of Ra leigh, associate information ad visor of the Farm Security Ad- mlnistratldn, spent 'Tneaday and Wednesday in Wilkes county.' The Goodwin Dq^artmoit Store “The Place For Bargahu’' BIG BOX Matches 5 for lOc ELECTRIC Fans $1.72 ThennosJugs97c 100 HINKLE With Coupon Pills for 8c lOo— (With This Conpon Powder Puffs Ic $1.00 WINE OP Cardui.. 69c $1.00 Hinds Honey Almond Cream 49c DO /IpfaAtoiatt Hoarteniog, indeed, is the eneonragement this eom- mnoity has given os in our Miley of operating a real neaeription Phamucy. And the purpose of this an- nouneCment ta to make puhBe acknowled^eot of our ainoere appreciation. Again wo pledge that the highest ethical standards wiD always prevail in onr eatahUalunent I that we shall fill every peeecripUon pso> I the Doctor direetei dady ae t that prices shall be reckoned fairly upon the eoet ef in gredients and time, pins a modest profit. Two Registered Drnggists On Duty AT ALL HMEB C. C. (CHARLEY) REINS PALMER HORTON PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT PHONE 360 10c ATLAS Shot Polish.. 4c BIG BOX MOTH BALLS OK Modi Flakes .15c 50e PH’SODKIT ANTISEPTiC 2 for 51c $1.10 MARVELOUS Make-Up Kits 55c LARGE BOTTLE U ZooM”.... 97c Gives Plants and Flowers A- New Lease on Life. TENNIS Racquets.. $1.79 UP SQUIBBS INSULIN A Standard Of Purity, Get New Uow Prices. LIFEBUOY -lOc— FOR to.' PROTECTS HEALTH lUXSOAP ACTIVE LATHER FOR COMPLEXION AND BATH You Can Save On Your Di^g Stoie. Needs 365 Days Each Year At Horton^s Cat-Rate Drug Store OAA PRESCRIPTION OCA ^UU DEPT. PHONE OOV FOUNTAIN AND FRONT PHONE- Ice-cold Coca-Cola is all pure refreshment. Its taste satisfies completely and a refreshed feel ing follows that leaves you wanting nothing more. u' S, i- T H A-t- ■ R. E F, R'.k ‘iMiJ ■AiRfci^i)i.