MolftJAy; THE J()l](&iJAl>PAt5flbT/NOI Pores: liu Meeting a '"—— •E i. :>Th« Pore# Ksob Home'Demon ic'^ ttrKtioa club met June 14tb at home of Mre. P.- M. Lowe with the president, Mrs. Hurtle Brorhlll, in cbArjie. The dero- I Uonal was led by Mrs. L. P. Bent ley. Roll call and secretary’s report by Mrs. P. M, Lowe. Miss Carmine Broyhlll gave an interesting pic ture study of “The Spinner.” Mrs. Bnrtle Broyhlll gare a report on the district meeting which was held May 30. The Demonstration given by Miss McGoogan was on pictures and acceseories, bringing (Ott the fn«B and^jioed bad ones and th«^ferehf4^pes end sties to bang together nd slse of waUs ^they should be hung on. And the hind oi pictures for different rooms In the home. Miss McGoogan also took group .pic tures of the club, there' were thir teen present.' Thee* pletaies will be used in tbe annual rep^ for tbe county. At the close of the meeting the hostess, Mrs. P. M. Lowe, assisted by Miss Carmine Braybill, serv€>d cakes and candy and lemonade. itenis I A well-driven golf ball leaves tbe head of the club at a speed of 135 miles au hour. UBERTY ALL HOUDAY WEEK PROGRAMS! Tuesday Only Mickey Rooney Judy Garland... RAISE THE ROOF WITH JOT IN ... . “BABES IN ARMS” ALL M-G-M CA.ST lOcWednesdaylOc YOU M.U3T IT NOW! SEE" Wallace Berry CHESTER MORRIS VIRGINIA GREY “THUNDER AFLOAT” CHAPTER NO. 2 RED RYDER SpCGIAL 4th 6F JULY PROGRAM . Hr^ and Mn. vlalted ,^rs. Regan’ parenh^ (tnd Mrs." W. V.-Watts, of Taydwa^ vine, Sunday the Idth and ,Jt admned like all of the family re- memibered Father’s Day for Mrs. Rogers' meet the other nine chil dren there and all had a greet time together with father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wptts ore out standing characters in the com- munit]^ In which they live, es pecially with reference to their loyalty to their church and their helpfulness to their neighbors. Among the 58 present were the^^ children whose names are as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. Unsday Rog ers and family, of Boomer; Mr. and Mrs.'George Watts and fam ily, of Tifton, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Watts and family, of Tay lorsville; Mrs. R. S. Barnes, Mrs. H. A. McLeod, Mr.’’and Mrs. Cub Watts and family: Mr. and Mrs. R. S. White and famly, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Watts and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnson^ Mr. and Mrs. Dolmas Kerley and family, >all of Taylorsville. At noon a bountiful table was spread near the yard under the old walnut tree. The place thvt had been the playground for all the children in the years past and gone and all enjoyed a good feast together. Another thing that add ed to the joy of the occasion was the presence of the pastor. Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, of Taylorsville, who after some brief remarks, led the audience in thanksgiving for the blessings enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Watts are proud of their very fine collection of sons and daughters with their j families and we hope tor them many more happy meetings to- I gether at the old home and a final meeting in a more glorious clime. —Reported. JHii9 18.—*A. imm* toww hsn b«bn ' la-Hie lastw •a in *^ }aaCw:«dE:|t» tottar WM givan Rtf fiik iSH-DIRfcCTOI ■ CLAIF.E OhN WALTER 1 TREVOR WAYNE PIDGEON t X l K A ALL COLOR CARTOON “A KICK IN TIME" AND LATEST WAR NEWS The Federal Government Defense Tax Must Be Paid By The Public. These Added Pennies Are To Apply To The Govern ment Defense Fund. NOTICE! Federal Defense Tax Now In Effect ADMISSIONS MATINEE; No Change 20c NIGHT: Admiission 27c Defense Tax 3c Total 30c Children 10c WEDNESDAY 10c TO ALL Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, of Tay lorsville, filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday and as usual preached a fine sermon. Rev. Henry Hamby, of Lenoir, preached at the A . C. Church here Sunday. Rev. S. I. Watts filled his regu lar appointments at Dover and Llledown Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Llnsday Rogers and family visited In the home of Mr. Rogers’ brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rogers, of Taylorsville, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Llnsday Russell visited in Taylorsville, Sunday. Miss Marjorie Howell, who has a position in. a dry goods store in I Winston-Salem, is visiting her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. How ell, a few days this week. We [hope she enjoys her vacation. .Misses Ruth and Dare Howell ; have returned to North Wilkes- ' boro where they have a position in the Wilkes Hosiery Mills. The farmers in this community are busy in u battle with the weeds and crops are looking fine. John F. Lambert Claimed By Death Funeral service was held today at the Pentacostf.l Holiness church at Congo for John Frank lin Lambert, age 58, who died | Tuesday afternoon. I Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Marjorie Lambert, two sons and two daughters 7/^ MORE FOR YOUR GROCERY MONEY! because you can take advantage of quality prices with ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Buy in larger quantities . . . shop when food prices are lowest . . . cook in larger quantities . . . save your left-overs for other meals . . . make your ow'n frozen desserts . . . and you’ll marvel at the way your “housekeeping pocket- book’’ stays lilled! It is being demonstrated year in and year out by electric refrigerator owners. If you won’t take our word for it, ask the housewife who owns one! POWER. COMISANY *£l^rtcity Is Cheap-—Um U Adequately** Phoqe4^, itatheriy at her hodle in honor of her rirCv-ninth ***■- ' A large number of trfenda'Jt'wid relatives gathered tor the occas ion and Mrs. Matherly’s son La fayette was master of ceremonies, Ijifsybtte la always very attentire to hlB parents and aees that every remembmee and pleaeure are ac corded them possible. Sunday, June 16tb, Mr. Thomas C. Weet aged and honored 'citizen,' waa given a birthday dinner in honw of his eighty fourth annlverary, at the home of his son, J. Carter West. We understand (hat all of Hr. West’s children including Ji R. .Weet'and family, of Lenotr/'J. T. West and family, of the com munity, Mrs. Hayos Walker and family of Boomer, Mrs. Anna Triplett and family of Boomer and Mr. J. C. Weet and family were present for the occasion. All the grand children and great grandchildren were also present, besides a large numbbr of neigh bors and friends. Born last week at a Lenoir Hoepltal to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wheeling a son. We have not as yet learned the name of the new arrival. Mrs. Curtis Eklens and chil dren, Misses Louise Moore, An nie ^stelle Segars, Virginia Cum mings all of' Dalzell, S. C., are visiting their aunt. Miss Janie Spicer tor several days. Mr. Dana 'Triplett, who had a severe ear Injury some weeks ago is reported to much Improv ed. T. W. Ferguson and family and Miss Blanche Ferguson attended the Commencement at Chapel Hill last week. The new store building, being erected by Mr. Genio Walsh Is nearing completion. It will be a very large building and Mr. Walsh expects to open up his mercantile business and service sUtlon at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. John Brookshire, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brookshire, of Lenoir and Hudson visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brookshire of the Beaver Creek section last week. Several from here attended the Grange meeting at Happy Valley last Saturday night. The local Grange will meet next Saturday night and a good attendance is ex pected. ...^ War news seems to be holding the attention of every one and It rather difficult to get any Inter est now except In the very grave war situation. The great progress Hitler has made In the last few weeks would seem to Indicate that he will win over Britain as well as France In the next month or two. In case this is true It 1s very likely that our country would have to try and stem the tide which would most assuredly spread to our hemisphere. We have hopes, however, that Ger many li; gradually growing weak er, because she has lost much wealth and men in .her recent struggle for supremacy and all the -.ountrles she conquers must have an army left with them in order to hold them In subjection, besides she must have a vast army to keep up her aggression with Britain. Britain Is tighten ing her blockade all the time and this blockade is far more effective now than before Italy entered the war. No doubt our country Is be coming more deeply Involved all the time because of our avowed help to the allies. There Is a faint possibility that with American help now Britain may yet win, but ^e might as well prepare for the iworst if Britain looses. The American people have always been equal to any occasion that might arise and she will not fail now. BoonTille.—Lm tut ■ fbf r- sniooa Aboat U:|S. D^eloek. lYJ^rKiB^BjF ■Se , - - . , ..KotHA teuiu-' Th. bothr Prather Stanley tf. About iOO mea sesrohed the rlTer.^4hra_nshont the^'eftemoon In several row boats, and motor boats before tbe body was located’ about 400 yards'from the point where church went down for tl^e last time. 4... ' ; One ot the workmen ^dropped dne ;of^his tools Into the river. Church bad retrieved a tool sev eral days ago tramp tbe same place in the river by wading out Into the water, wbl^ was shal low and calm at that time. Church went after the tool. The river wae swift and after wading a short distance, Church found he could not reach the point without' swimming. He Is said to have told one of the'work men he could swim and started after the object. He went down In sdz feet ot 'water where the current was strong. The -boy was drowned anyone could reach him. - SnrvlTlng are the father; three sisters, Mrs. Virginia Miller, Ruby and Margarht Church, all of North Wllkesboro and one broth er,, Zollie Church. He was a nephew of W. J. and Turner Church, ot this city, Mrs. Ruby Church and Mrs. Claude Miller, of Cricket, and a grand son of Mrs. Martha Church, of Cricket. J , Income tMMa confd ha A; :-wdI«& Bnpfihrft'.nre ha*, to what - m worth. aighk': lp!dlowinff an 'inqoart eondoetcd hy. Coroner R. D. TomUn Snoday, .l^lph' Lambert, 19, vnuR ^ordered held "on mansl«qifatar charge in eonneetion with the death and Hn- bert Beaver, 21, was hdd as a material Vritinsas. The evidenee Indicated that Moore, was enilking on the left idumlder of the Wilkes- boro higfawa'w near Lunsford fill ing station, ■ 21 miles north of StstesviUe. Lambert, driving on the left side of the paved road, struck Moore in the back and left his mangled body'by the roadside as he kept going. Later Lambert was apprdiend- ed at a station a mile farther north. Hubert Beaver 'was riding *with Xambert. Policemen are popularly sup posed to be mostly Irish, but only before about 8 per cent of the police of New York City are Irish by birth. MASONIC NOTICE Special Communication North WilKesboro Lodge No. 407 A. P. and A. M. Friday, July 5th, at 7:30 p. m. Work In the First De gree. All members urged to at tend. Visitors welcome. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Ha'ving qualified as Administra,- tor of the Estate of A. G. Whit- ting;ton, deceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Reddies River on or be for the 16th day "of June, 1941, or this notice 'will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 16th day of June, *J40. WILLI® H. WHITONGTON, Administrator of the Estate of A. G. Whittington, Dec. 7-26-6t (t) EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as exeertor of the estate of J. I. Myers, deceased, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned whose address is P. 0. Box 406, North Wilkes- boro, N. C., on or before the 21sf day of May, A. D. 1941, or this no tice 'Will plead in bar of thei right to recover. All persons indebted to said es tate 'Will please make inunediah payment. This the 21st day of May, A. D., 1940. A. H. CASEY, Elxecutor of the ESst^ of J. L Myers, deceased 7-l-6t m *3' Nonci OP laTffuVttsaost COURT ’ W. A. J- $ at pm cpnlaTned in a fadgntot or deerw of His Sc. Hayes, duly otMtad m‘1 17& day - of Jana, 1940, hi gbova-entiUa*-aetteo; whjA^ and.Jbfeta ttw . ai the noper^ Mreinafter daii* geilbed, i^. raienfgiMd coBiaiiAt] therefore, offer tat pie, for cash, at {rablie aaeq^ to the hig^ieat bidder on MowSBy^l July 29, 1940, at 12:00 " o'clock 1 noon, the .following describrti property, to-'wit: 4| , B^mNlNG on a sycamore ^at the* ford of Blady Ford Creek, B. H. McNeil’s comer, nhmtai|r Nortliwastwanfly course with the old Stony Fork road to the top of the hill. West of J, C. Manay; thence South 20 degreee East to 1 chestnut oak comer of the Elk Limber Company; thence East wf& the Elk Creek Lomber Corn* pany line to H. B. iWalsh line; thence North with H. B.'Walsh’s line to the beginning, containing one hundred fifty (160) acres, more or less. Done this the 24th day of June, 1940. CLARENCE JONES, Commissioner. 7-18-4t (t) MOTOR CO. WILLIAMS TELEPHONE 334-J T. H. Williams. Owner Oldsmobile Sales-Service Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing Wrecker Service—Electric a^ Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For aU makas ind models of cars and tracks NOTICEI-NOTICE! — -7 Pay Your Electric Service Bill Before the 10th of the Month and Save the Discount Duke Power Co. PHONE 420 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C ' Sensational! B£LK’S Astoanding! July Clearance Bringing Bigger Crowds Daily FIFTH If France should be cut off from the American market, the United States would lose its fifth best customer for farm products, says the D. S. Department of Agriculture. ■'V . ADldlNISTRATBIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the Estate of W. T. N id ols, deceased, this is to notify al persons having claims against t' decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned administratrix c or before the 26th day of Jun--- is an insignificant trifle coding a | penny or a threshing machine, the firm delivers the goods on one just the same as the other. No order is too small; no order is too large. Has become headquarters as a paint store, carries a complete line of house wares and a large assortment of shelf hardware. 1941, or .this notice 'will be plead in bar of Uieir right to recover. AH persons’indebted to the es tate will make immediate settle ment. This the 26th day of June, A. D. 1940. MBS. W- T. NICHOLSi Administratrix of the Estgte,, -W. T. IHdiols, dsosMOi, Children’s Oxfords- Sandals Special Lot At Foot-Lift Garbage Cans (White or Red) Special Lot Rayon Panties AND STEP-INS 15^ Ladies’ Dress Shoes and Oxfords Special Value at $1.00 Tuesday Only Limit 24 To Customer Men’s Blood Hound Overalls, 8-oz. Sanforized, 79c Men’s “Red Cap’’ Work Shirts, blue and gray Coverts, CQ^ also blue Chambrays, each — One special lot Men’s Work Pants, some of them 7Qr* values up to $1.50. Sale price s J V> Percale Prints for Dresses, at per yard—. 13c Printed Lawns, Voiles and Batiste; yard wide and fast colors. A regular 15c cloth. iSlale price, per yard.... lOc Curtain Goods, priced at only, per yard— 5c Extra fine quality Brown Sheeting, 38 inches ■wide; Q yard OG Children’s sheer and Percale Printed Dresses.. On sale OQp speoial during our Clearance Sale at, each Feather Pillows (IDixie),.size 17x24 on sale at, 79c One special lot Men’s Work Shoes, all regular ^ 1 QA $3.00 values to close out at Men’s Dress Oxfords, in black, white and new tan. $1.79 New lot Men’s Dress Shirts, vat dyed, no wilt A Q - collars; each — Solid color Percales and Broadcloth—all fast, colors. Priced special for our July Clearance Sale, at yd— 13c Women’s Dresses—made of good quality Percale and *7*7 Printed Poplin. On sale at endi— — f # C Full Fashioned Silk Hose, sUg^tely mended, ■ at pair JUC About 200 pairs /Women’s Dress Shoes to assorted # | A Q styles and colors, a pair MR * •‘■O. 86x105 ,Aa«ortod Colon *