rrsPf- lln. Saunett Qraena. of netlon, wffrtitt- I ^er* irlth trtsDds 0stiwd||7'. .Itn. Qaorgla Keriey and >6n, of TuDtfn^Io, TlBtted Mr. Mn.'lraUO.MeKeil, Friday. Mr. Heary Smlthoy, of fiikln, 'i^at wroral ^nr« la Wllkeo- iboro yoatorday witk kla parents, I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smlthey. Moaara. B. T. Prottit and J. C. ^Tliompeon, of Porlcar Route 1, wore North Wilkeahoro Tlsiton :6atiirday. ite.^W. O. Johnson has gone to ■i Bporta where he wUl operate a sandwich shop. Mr. Johnson’s new place will open this week. Mis. J. C. Henry, Misses Sara and Rnth Hmut, of Greensboro, are TlsltlBg relatives and friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawrence, ^of Vilas, were week-end gnests ^of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hayes at ^Millers Creek. Hai , -I** -.'Wi.-i.■i-rr-rr . Mr. aj^ Mrs. O. Fv Bamhan^. ahd lllai^terBi Bfary Jane and MoUi«( of DenyUle, Va., vhifted In the home of-Mrs: Bambardfs mother, Mrs. W. H.':; Toeter/ In Mnikes^rOt and Hr. Barahardt's sister,. Mrs,, Ira D. Payne, in this city, last week. r iC’-Aiur Among those here the'.!^ the Fourth was Mr. C. F. Browh, who was formerly a manage- of the A. ft P. Company store here. Mr. Brown* is a member Of the national guard company In Statta- vlllo and is owner of the Brown Displ:;y Service in that city. %t^day Night PpKm Sdjtiiim Stnl«o From AUiw ‘KiUips.fai ^ North. , FeUcs Ohlet^r®.'Walker said tpdajt ihnt m fraee of a .^1940 model I^ymonfii tndor sedan stol- ,en here Batnrday night has been •'^Idund. ; -.vj.,, T%e' dsr, which Vri! belonged-^ tieth Anniversary Celebratira on Allen nnirpo, of Millers Creek, was stolen sboat ten o’clock from where it was parked in'^the rear of Hotel WUkes. Misses Polly and Vivian Aber nathy, of Hickory, were here last seek visiting In the home of Mr. Jrs. Ed Long. They are nlec- ^rs. Long. Miss Margaret Hubbard re- .tvrned Thursday to Richmond, where she nurses in St. iiilkes Hospital, being accompan ied there for^the week-end by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jones. While here Miss Hiihbard vWted her sisters, Mrs. W.r L.' Lofti, at Madison, and Mra B. B. Banner, at Banasr Elk, also accompanied iby .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hubbard, attended the presenta tion of "The Lost Colony” at Manteo. itWM and Mrs. Frank Gentry and ^Wrwln, of Wilkesboro, spent '•eek-end in Burlington with Gentry’s parents, Mr. and feMra C. M. Walters. FMra. Master L. B. Dula, Jr., has re- Itaraed to his home in Wilkes- Iboro alter spending several weeks ■with his sister, Mrs. R. I- Smith. iJr., near Draper. led Mr. James McDuffie has retum- to Fort Bragg, N. C., after a tew days’ visit with his parents, .ttorney and Mrs. F. J. McDuffie, Wilkesboro. Mr. date Meadows and soai, Johnny and Wade Dean,‘'of Hen; dersonville, BCr. and Mrs. H. B. Keek, of Greenville, Mr.^and Mrs. Mont Jones and Mias Mary Lonise Jones, of Oakwoods, were gnests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows at Pores Knoib Sunday. Dr. and .Mrs. Norman Lee Barr, of the United States Navy, are receiving congratulations from their friends on the birth of a daughter, Mary Fairchild, June 26th, at the Boston Quincy Hos pital; Boston, Mass. The child has been named for its maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ar'.aur G. Fos- B ter, Congo, N. C., grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Fairchild of Champion, who re cently celebrated her 87 th birth day. At the present time Dr. Barr is stationed aboard the new air craft carrier “U. S. S. Wasp” as flight surgeon and is now cruis ing in southern waters. Brother To Mrs. T. ^ F. Handy Is Dead Mr. Charles Oockerham, 77, died Sunday morning at his home, eight miles west of EHkin, follow ing a two weeks’ Illness. He was a life-long resident of this com munity, a farmer, a member of Pleasant Home Baptist church, and a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cockerham. His wife, Mrs. Nancy Bauguess Cockerham died several years ago. Surviving children are J. I. Cockerham and B. A. Cockerham, barbers, of Elkin; J. Q. Cocker ham, Washington, D. C.; Rev. Carl C. Cockerham, Mrs. Roy Brown. Lester Cockerham, Roar 6u‘Here0te4di oSjlis Unit To Stinin^to In toPMt In Annr Miko* F Rofular VltH H«r4 A United' States amy^reei’nlt- lag ear made its moatbly visit ^ thii'c^ Thnrsday to - sign up amy reernlUi. ' j.... , Prtvate E. A. Rohr and Cop- porab C. O. Marshall, of the Chitrtotte headquarters, accom panied the mobile unit. vj>iscnss-. tec the veemlitec, i^eratroas, (hey said that the io0hU«|..nnlt la dsed to idimuiide Interest In the anay and te.^eoatact yoanc men Stone Monntain Qoartrt Maciag eoavehtioB will be held- at Moua- tala View a^hol OaOdlac on 0nn- 'day attemooB, Jaly S>, beCInatei ai. one qfcihck, aceoMtef to u g IniOOieetneht taded today by J iL GJUlaa,'ehSmaan. AR qUMF teta have.cfplnvltatloft ‘to between- thk "^aa^qf ,1? and vrtio are totseesttST'lh' Wh oppor- tnnlties the army affords. The qualifications for enlistment, they said, are that the appllcanta mast be aingle, between the a«eeH^18 and 36, and be plqreiailiy-fand mentally sound. TTid , unit will irtslt this city again Ir 'A few weeks. Meanwhile, persons inter ested in enlisting are asked to call at i-crultlng slationa In Wln8ton^lem..pr Len«^^‘*‘ ' aomwneg aofu - ana mum rMee for 3. Pi ItSb J. U. Palmer and Mn. Clate: qrho died at Ms home la Crlqketf;., MCfe- Bnrl^- — ,„_/ea aad Ch«e)A > UnEwa creek; Jlfmrs. Ri^vtmd .'iNft S9 ■ lie la fbil n* isTitatiOft w tSm •IkSc^d ^h tf WJIbaA ■MC»c ana ^erlau this aftei to adtend.’' WUiar.M^dlu^' Diedoif Sqn^l Jdkii F.ThMier Lmgcrfaif' ^ Rjkoa.H4d •John F. Daney, Well*-kawn merchant of the -srahik coanian- lty,'dled at The WUkm. Bospltal In this city yesterday-mOTif^ at 1:S0 o'clock, following-aav^biese of long' duration. Mr. Dani^ waa. 3 years of age, and was one of the county's well known citlsens. The funeral service and bnrlal service were held this afternoon St two o’clock St the RCddles ehnMh,';tl(e ■ge;^f BSMer Iftiide , . |lr- Dancy had been « MehmM of this ehanoh for a^aoia- ber ef/irears. -.. . ThsHdeceased is sarviv«|!4)9r the wNtowi Mm' Ca Daaay, gad .the IciBdwbt »ohS ' and daughters; battaf Mplese tWo -after- er of aorrowittg velatlvee . ..H.LL-.HeMfhUl, of Wilkeahoro, eatemd 'oa hk new dntiea aa leA ter earrler.-oa Route t, Wilkea- boro. *%ta mondng. Sometime ago ap examiaalion was held to fin the vacancy caused by the retire ment of Iredell Aaderson, and the three eilglUee as announced" by the civil service commission were David Wright, E. R. Spruill, and E. L. Hemphill. J. R. Ronsseau, chairman of the county Democrat ic eyecuttve committee, recom mended the ,appointment Miv J. L. JP«gv Die* »AfW&liiiii>ero Hoom hotv-:-Wedneeday, were .1.,..Keaeiwr V AM«g#ny iift«iBoo»i •» jl •feloek. ehtari^ waa.la M^ih Oar ■emrtwfaat , . The ftoCMMd mi^vw W- •erarlSA Wvriiig besqM^HA | rural epcuuhitf nea^r^Mql;^*!^ was the f0|.Af O. and Laina WataoB 9t$g. He was twice aitter^ lied. Drst te OOh Fanile ITeian|, iSe list afantege waatoMmlhe Kealaw, of HMh Point. SarHm lag mlattves fhchide besidae dM widow, afelt SOBS and daughters Ig. the first marriage, and one ae»' aad one daughter by the laat ama-^ riage." Sr. |Ved N.'Pegg and 1. Ii, Pagg, Jr., of Kemersville, ana among the parvlvlng sons. Hmnpbill to Congressman W. O. | welcome MAMNKl NOTICE Special commnnicatlon North WUkesboro lodge number 407, A. and A. iM., Friday nigbt, July 12, 7:30. An members are urged o f' to attend and visiting memheta ,t>rCJWU, IrtSOkCi V>Wttk34 fc*sa*aaa, .auvue and great- Rtver, R. F. D.; three broth- Mr. W. A. Fender, of Washing- Iton, D. C., a former citizen of IthiB city, was here last week at- Itendlng the city’s 50th annivers- Rary celebration. Miss Bessie Lee Anderson re- Bturned home Sunday afternoon Jkfter attending a house party fgtven by Miss Mary Norman Tom- of Statesville. Use the advertising columns of this paper ae your shopping guide. ers, Haywood Cockerham, Roar ^ Ing River; L. D., of Alexander, [ Ind.; and J. T., of Elkin; one sister, Mrs. 'i'. F. Handy, Dehart, Wilkes county; and a number of grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at Pleasant Home Baptist Church by Rev. Grant Cothren. SHOES REDUCED THE SARGAI SPOT Etn. Jeeeie Weet, grand-daugU- of the late T. C. West, of Fer- laon, underwent an operation week at the Caldwell hos- in Lenoir where she resides. SPECIAL LOT CHXLDBEN’S SHOES— VALUES - W I piui Miss Eulh Andrews, of Galax. |Va., visited In the homes of Mr. land Mrs. I. M. Myers and Mr. and {Mrs. Presley Myers for several [days last week. Ladies’ Shoes MEN’S Reduced To 98c $1.49 $1.77 Sport Oxfords $1.98 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drum and I daughter, Mary Dawn, and Mrs. tBa*rd Drum, all of Greensboro. Sunday here with Mrs^ Bill lyrum’s mother, Mrs. E. W. Trog-; don. fCfiss Gwendolyn Hubbard spent [ the week-end at Boone as guest of Miss Emily McCoy, who is tending summer school there at the Appalachian State Teachers College. Messrs. Raymond McDuffie, j James Garwood, and Junior \\ i - m have returned to Fort Moul- ie S C,, where they are station- ’after spending a few days _last ik with relatives ' in Wilkes- Ittorney J. Milton Cooper, D. C., was in this hhlngton, u. - j to attend the 50th annivers- celebratlon programs July JRurth. Mr. Cooper is a former citizen and practicing attorney of his city. Mr and Mrs. John Tull spent fte week-end in Franklinton vis iting with relatives ^ lompanied home by Mr. ■rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. ^ • Tull, will spend sometime here them. r and Mrs. J. M. James and Herbert, of Richmond. Ya.. ed relatives in the county 'week. He is a brother to Mr. E James, of Wilkesboro ie 2, and Mr. T. J. James, of 1 county. . and Mrs. John Reitz and Jack, have returned to their at Charlottesville, Ya., after ng here with Mrs. Reitz’s er, Mrs. E. W. Trogdon. Miss Rudd Trogdon, niece of Mrs. accompanied them home visit. W. L. Kerley, of Taylors- Mr. and Mrs. Felix Kerley hlldren, Celia Fay and Pat- York, S. C.. Mrs. T, Z. Web- ,nd Miss Stella Lou Chap of Taylorsville, spent th b of July with Mr. and .treble J. McNeil. t A. Leach, of Statesvillf ,'and son. Mr. T. C. Leach, MVllle, were among those I the Fourth to witness Fiftieth Anniversary Cele Mr. A. A. Leach is r Nddent rf the Moravlar V/IAJDJD UUA IftlJnAAiaitF Lux and Lifebuoy Toilet Soap, cake 5c Crisp, Washable Cottons SaHyLeaDresses 87c Men’s Spring ud Summer and Yesu" ’Round—^All Wool Comfortable and cool for morn ing marketing, pretty enough for a church meeting are these perfect little summer dresses! Trimly tailored or frilly styles, with such details as shirring, pockets, and collars that style conscious women love! Of crisp flock dot voiles, and gay prints in your favorite col ors. Get seveiral of these little dresses, and be fixed for all__ rniHITl*- ■ ■ .. . .-9 Sizes 12 to 62. SUITS 10 REDUCED TO- MEN’S ALL WOOL Sport Coats VALUE. ONE CROUP—Fast Colors 14 to 52_ - - 49 Men^ Straw HATS ■ Reduced to MEN’S PAST COLOR m Dress Shirts.. 48c

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