rWi th» MA4li iutd armMUiy ■•at at tb* ttMiUk dt ow hnAaM •a4; ' • JO* (CJUtW/ S. J. CitAVBN. At Ul r IS ^OratioIAe, “S’ tt*' ail, CM TOO '.-Jiytt, , t!^r ‘ FOR SALE 8AIJB:, t'cmpieto Radio $10.00 cash. A real op- Ity to learn tha radro'fe- Bttslness. See John WIlea Day Electric Co. ’ 7-2*-2t Mi BALE—1089 Ford V-8 In Jt-t oondltton; 'will sell reason 'With small dcrwn payment I ojmjr terms, or trade for ' 1U^ ear or irick-up. Barlw •« ^^i^Ikesboro 7-13-lt-pd MKBiT E; 7-yoar-oId horse, also Mtwbw and new NIssen Wag- •B. Mrs. J. E. Winkler, Wilkes- IT. c. it-pd JERSEY COW; 7-year- •B saddle horse, five-gal‘ed; lB«ionths-old guernsey bull; BBt*yellow locust fence poets, Tfiet long, 10c each. A. T. ■ Mobiolk, Wllkeeboro route 1. 7-18-tf rail ,SELL CHE.AP for qwick 1936 DeLuxe Foi^ coupe, BM; tires, good condition. Mrs. ■tt' P Byrd, 911 Hinsbaw Meet, Xorth Wilkesboro, N. C. it-pd S.ALE: One eight-room iBasc. with one-half acre lot. Anted in Marlon, Virginia. For •am particulars write R. E. yketer. P. O. Box 116, Char- MA, North Carolina.’’ 7-18-3t 3DR SAIJil OR TR.ADE for prop- ■rty in or near Xorth Wilkes- Asro, 100 acre farm, close to jBMring River, 1-4 mile off Vghway 268. W. M. Alexander. 7-22-41 FOR RENT We large rooms with bath, .■aoftf painted, behind Com- sinalfy Store. Information call 3*t-W Or see C. B. Grayson at .ffRiWir Company. IVpd. RE.VT, .Ao^st, garage amd filling station and fenced *e TO corner ot Cherry and 'Vllkesboro Avenue. See C. A. Ffmmette, Ronda, N. C. 8-29-4t-pd (■FPiCE SP.ACE for rent on sec- mid Door. Steam heat. Will re- BMtel to sult.-^ee Palmer iSfeiton. 7-22-2t Jidy IS Le Petit Daif^hloois Mid fodi foreigA Aplbmi||4tc d’lMwtars' Switaerlaad ^Kid bMitl a ptojbe&. wi AttMkt()n BngMuid by 600,00^ Oermasa had >t«en s4«la7hd b^.' the ht^ imand, but that the ^jittaeh may be lannchad FHJa»till|ht. Gennans. have a»nw hundreds of ships for thp atwiy the newspapers said in a from'Bera. ^ W ■ • According to Le Petit Da^hln- ois, the commander-in-chlef ^ Jthe German Army and other geA erkts opposed the plan of attax first set for July”^ 9-10 becaui^ they thought It too dangerous $6 the attackers In its original f«nlu The ships, according to ' thtf newspaper, range from German and captured French, Belgian an^ Dutch freighters and passenggr ships to fishing smacks and barg es to be' towed by tugs. They are lying along the coast from BresL F'-nee,*to Bergen, Norway, the paper added. The fleet’s escort of light gun boats, submarines and fighting planes, to be preceded by mine sweepers and waves of bombers were ready when one group of ■renerals headed by General Wal- ther von Brauchltsch, command- er-ln-chief of the German Army, pretested that it was too danger ous, the paper said. A modified plan of the attack may be launched Friday night, the paper declared. The dispatch .said that General Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the gen eral staff, defended the original plan before Hitler, but the Fueh rer nevertheless delayed the at tack to consider the objections. Italians Opposed The Von Brauchltsch group, the dispatch continued, argued that minesweepers could not clear the lanes well enough for such a mighty fleet and that two-thirds of the force might be lost, leav ing 200,000 men to risk destruc- :ion by the British defenders. iboR A MriM W ’wlTaTsel^loM ’WM begin hi 1l»w church n|gi' GUroath on Sunday, July if,v'ni6 pMtor,; Bey. J.^P. Roher- ’Bon, win be nsalilied . by Rev. Chirlle Poole and the irttblle ^luw a oo«tta toritgtlon nil the aerytfihl. V. ■ ' A.«pecU4-^tnre of the serylp;. es wUl be gfhglng by the “ a male quartet com' pt 0«M‘ge AlM*ndcr,' Ted HayM,' Oomer H-affmin and Roe , Shn*l|{ mate. They have sung on several oceasiona In Wilkes and adjoining counties and their ability to ren der gospef music la becoming widely known. A Mr. Geitkian Is Honored By The Sunday School Mr. and Mre. J. B. German, of Boomer, were pleasantly surpris ed Sunday evening, July 14, when friends and neighbors began gathering at their home. After everyone had engaged In Interest ing conversation for awhile, the ^roup gathered around a table placed on the lawn. Mr. W. J. Earp spoke briefly saying, that the members of Zion Hill Baptist Sunday school had chosen that way to show their appreciation for Mr. German’s faithfulness In serving as Sunday school superin tendent for a number of years: he then presented a gift to Mr. German from the Sunday school. Mr. German responded with words of appreciation. J. E. Caldwell returned thanks, after which the ladles served cake and Ice cream to the seven ty-eight people present. First Demonstration Dominated By N. C.’s Banner For Roosevelt nparb, July 18.—iUiilted Btitesi propeAy Ini Fntoce' bu emenjed fiom the w^. with d«aa««* ' ^'Ijnited StotM official* Mid no Mtitnata ^f total toesM wa* arall- able, but that reports received isls^ Prance made- terms with any indicated damagee had held to a minimum. . Saved By-Kodoeo HqH than a thousand notices signed 'by 'I^’ler ■ ,>ThoBtplon of New York, third secretary of the Enrhasay, had been tumted on United States property, certifying to Its ownershfPi and this was. In genmal, untouehelL American oil companies, which were ordered.^by the retijeptl^ French to deetroy their‘supplied*' and communications companies, whose coastal cableheads came under' heavy fire, were believed to be among the heavleet losers. S ffwuiiB Uakea' Over Two private American homM at Verealltts, those of James Hazen Hyde And Mrs. James Gor don Bennett, vrere if requisitioned by the Germans. Hyde’s home, a showplace, was ransacked and books from Its famous library were scatteMd., Later, German troops were quar tered there and In Mrs. Ben nett’s home. dgarets VanWi a^Sf headiaB, Aer oondsipiMJlIiiM* RlaaM '.he • M bfleit;^ possible, TBLM W lldltor TIm Joarnal-Patribt: i^ieasO prilt ibB foUowinr lew couat of my^ipnin imd a write up of my thCTgliUs Ih^onnssUOn Vith the - I'e ^ Wdlees told a tttatnsii Yussday ev»- tome Mrs; mty present'lKr%' lOller, class, ereshW: for hh lafeiiMlJ dlsettS8loe> on -ways of niysslidsd tbo progreae of tbs claa^. Sna 'elate I Permsit hsVe^Miliii president wf Uwo god a %al^il-, “ Uess Jtader th«f»i>4 . , iw# ths J IfM My Dream , I thought ths king ot Bogltadv stood by my bed and preaoaied:- hit hand to me. I twice gra^d hbi' hand In our nsnal way, tmt this did not seem to st^tlsfy blih;. and then I grasped hb whdk hand over the thumb and this, ap parently, satisfied him. Next he prostrated himself ovsr-i me, waring his arms as If la dU-1 tress, called my name and si^ [ ^4he wanted me to pray to God that his country would not be de stroyed. The astonishing part I had In ( this dream was that he called me by name; the thought was, bow could the king' ot England know ' •my name? I I ’Hope In Prayer ' j ' A thought In connection with j >my dream. Questions: Is the so-.i j called democracy that England Another group was assigned to and the United States claim to u JtU /m /Am' . ’ r .. .EADQUARTERS for Poultry and Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts, at low prices. Rod Cross Pharmacy, "Your Service Drug Store,’’ 10th Street. 4-18-tf niSUAL BARGAINS In good used cars and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo tor oomitanyp twe miles '■■“Vn Hoone W.ANTED: Handy man and wom an, colored preferred. Man must be able to drive car and milk. Woman must he free to assist with house work. Ogilvle Gardens, Phone 27-F-04, Oak- woods, N. C. It Chicago.—As the first demon stration of the 194 0 Democratic national convention was touched off last night by Senator Alben Barkley’s mention of President Roosevelt, a North Carolina ban ner dominated the stormy scene. The huge banner, proclaiming "North Carolina’s 26 -rotes for Roosevelt,’’ was promptly unfurl ed and joined the parade that pushed its way around the hall. Reaching the corner where Garner adherents -wm-e trying, to MISCELANEOUS RENT: 5-room apartment, Stotisbied or unfurnished. Con- Hftlently located; water and Apply Teague’s Dry 'awning. 7-lS-4t "wanted VAHTRD: White Housekeeper 5kc family of two, applicant :1« of good character, rea- ible intelligence, and over Bty-five years of Awer- em- jtfsyment continuous. Address 9mx TI, care ot The 'Joufnal-'l SWtrfot. 7-18-U-*4 VAXTED: To do your radio re- giW' work on all makes and Models. Expert repairmen. Sat- i' isfketion guaranteed. — Day ' iBMkrie Go., Phone 32S. 8-10-tf ^■tlAL! Toe boxes, loe refrige- Twtors and electric refrlgera- ■ “.mt* traded in on new Frigi- dWfrmt: as low as $2. Henderson aSWtrie company. 6-13-tf ESTABLISHED R A W L E I G H ROUTE available. Many North Carolina Dealers making week ly Sales of 175 to flOO and more. Unusually fine opportun ity for a man between 25 and 50 with car. Write Rawlelgh’s, Dept. NCG-164-204, Richmond, Va. 7-4-ll-18-25-4t-pd EZ-DO Moth-Proof Wardrobes, $1.98, $2.75. Mark-Down Fur niture Co. 7-18-4t s west uarner anuoicuiB ?>TdWr' ilt> iMMSdMwesMtMW— tearing down banners, the North Carolinians took a determined hold on their standards and el bowing aside all assaults took their banner through on high. The huge red. white and blue banner, by far the largest of Its kind in the hall, kept waving wildly throughout the course of the demonstration. BARGAINS In used and reconditioned Geiser, Turner, Frick and McCormick-Deering Thresh ers. Used and New Bailers, FRICK CO. E. Kerr, St., Salisbury, N. C. Tomlinson’s Store Staging Big Sale Tomlinson’s Department Store, of this city, today announces drastic price reductions on sea sonable merchandise, and the values offered should attract a great throng of buyer-s. The sale opens Friday morning, and In the advertisement of the firm Is listed some very special offerings for Friday, Saturday and ^Monday mornings, along with store-wide attractions featuring apparel for men. women and children while the special sale lasts. Be sure to read every item quoted in the an nouncement today, and be among the firs^t to reach the store Fri day morning when the doors open for the big clearance of popularly priced merchandise. 4V2% Penalty On 1939 County Taxes If Payment Is Not Made On Or Before .August 1st 1940 Pay Your 1939 Taxes Now And Save Thi* Penally card op thanks We want to thank each and every one of our neighbors and friends, doctors and nurses for their many deeds of kindness, help and sympathy during the sickness, death and burial of our dearly beloved husband and fath er. We appreciate from the depths, of our hearts all that was done for us and may God’s richest blessings come to every one of you. MRS. J. F. DANCY AND CHILDREN. Ebridence of the rapidly Increas ing popularity of Mo-Skeet-0, miniature trap and skeet shoot ing, Is seen in the recent delivery to the Pruitt ’Shooting Galleries, Birmingham, Alabama, of the first carload of targets ever shipp ed to a gallery operator. Thompson’s house at Saint Cloud but left on learning that it was the property of a United States official. Another loss was that of 15D,- 000 American dgarets consigned to United States Ambassador Wil liam C. Dnllltt. They disappeared at the border. German authorities have promised_ to track them. W’indows Shattered ’Thomas Calnan, an American manufacturer at Montmorency, Informed the embassy all win dows In his house were shattered when the French blew up a fort there and that other homes near by were sacked. Dies Group Hears Of Reds’ Efforts To Sap Defenses Beaumont. Tex. — John L. Leech, of Portland, Ore., who de scribed himself as a former Com munist leader in California, gave oWHbIbrxllegedEOmfHbirat forts to weaken the national de fense structure yesterday. Committee sources said I,«ech’s testimony was the most complete account it had received of Com- munist methods. Through his testimony ran charges of Red infiltration into the ardied forces of the United States, with young ladies as bait for susceptible sailors and, sol diers, and of Communist power in the great West Coast seaports. The hearing, conducted in his home district by Representative Martin Dies (D), Tex., chairman of the special House committee investigating un-Americaa activi ties, was held behind the closed doors of a hotel suite. have worth saying? And would it be to the glory of God? If so. It ought to be worth praying for. And if i|orth praying for. It would be worth God’s at tention sufficiently to save it. It has. been demonstrated time and again, according to the scrip tures, that God has never failed to hear and answer prayer that was prayed In sincerity. G. H. STALEY. Route 2, Box 22, Roaring River, N. C. mm ;-r- if V *ITTU OKIIU loel SMS Mai wtiTiNS M«rou4. ANCI AT A MAIAMAHT IflW MllCf EXECUTRIX’S NOi’ICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Having qualified as executn> of the estate of John F. Dancy, de ceased, late of Wilkes County North Carolina, this is to notify f persons having claims against to' estate of said deceased to ^hib them to the undersigned at Mille’ Creek, North Carolina, on or be fore the 18th day of July, 1941, this notice will be pleaded in ha' of their recovery. All persons it debted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment, iniis 18th day of July, 1940. MAGGIE DANCY HAYES Executrix of the estate of John F. Dancy, dec’d. 8-22-6t- Some Fisherman! The lad who caught tears by putting salt on their tails has nothing on Actor William Henry. . . . . While on a Paramount Long Valley location he reported that after hours of unsuccessful fish ing he .saw .sea gulls snatch beau tiful trout from the water and alight nearby to devour them. . . . Enraged at their good luck. Henry let fly with a barrage of roc^,^frl44ten§(4j^i*y.,^he b wltlT 16 nice flshntbr hls^'dirnwri’^ •m iuYw« toxij w« ruTUIt UM . . . KM CHitsTMAS sms. rr MIH«S COMTlIMi NTS TtOM MY F«lf NOS ... AN aamovinc -wur utou MY lUOeST- 2iotdU iUm l444tal 2uo4M4fl Sum -I'M SUYINC lOXtS AND loxis TO TaU AlONO TO SCHOOl NEXT FAU SO THAT MY UTTEU WIU It A SOCIAl SUCCESS.- 100 Do-jble Sheets 100 Envelopes 100 Flat Sheets 100 Envelopes Carter-Hubbard Publishii^ Co. Telephone 70 North Wilkesborc -V. ul**--.: T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUffTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administi'a- tor of the estate of Sadie Martin Petty, 'deceased of TWilkea County, North Carolina, this is to no^y all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on or before the ISfii day of July, 1941, or this Notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 18th day of July, 1949. WADE HOUCK, Admr. of Sadie Martin Petty., deceased 8A8D4ife4 NOTICE In The District Court of the Unit ed States for the Middle District of North Carolina. Wilkesboro Division United States of Aiherica —V— Ford Coupe, 1932 Model, Motor No. 18-133819 In obedience to a WarrEUit of Seizure to me directed, in the above entitled cause, I have seized and taken into my possMsion the j following described property: For 1 Coupe, 1932 model, Motor No. 18 133819. For the causes set forth in _th libel now pending in the Unite States District Court for the M' die District of North Carolina, f' Wilkesboro, I hereby give notice to all persons claiming the s' describe property, or knowing ot having anything to say why tb same should not be condemned aT* forfeited and the proceeds thereof distributed according to the pra^ er of the libel, that they be and appear before the said Court,' tx be held in and for the Middle Dis trict of Norfii Carolma, at ?*■ United States Courtroom, in the City of Greensboro on the 29tK day of July, 19'A *t .l0:0i0 A. M„ if the same be--#;.day'of Jurisdicti^ otherwise on the next day of Jurie? diction thereafter, then and tq interpeie a daiBi.jBDr the same 4^ to omke their aSegations ih Oat behalf. WlLT.DOm , United States Marshal for th Middle IMateiet of N, C. AnnoDncing MARLOW^S Semi-Annual Of Suits and Furnishings Of Quality! A Rare Buying-Savings Event! Entire Stock Regular YEAR-’ROUND SUITS Reduced 20% to 40% One Rack Summer SUITS at.... V2 REGULAR PRICE now $9.95 and $12.50 ALL STRAW HATS $1.50 ALL $2.00 ^ -- Manhattan Shirts now. $l.b5 ALL $1.65 NUMBERS IN jf Shirt-Craft Shirts, now. $1.45 REGULAR $1.65 ArlinJ^oii Shirts now .. $1.25 ' (With Guaraatead Collar) ' PONT MiSS THE$E BIG VALUES! M A R UU W ’S MEN ’ S E.l."- WakMborO) N. ^ ALL Summer Shoes Reduced To $2.95 $3.95 ALL $1.00 TIES NOW 65c Men’s Hanes SHIRTS OR SHORTS 6'”$1.00 AH SuBUuer PANTS' Rednced,.: - I