ferU940 Tst! * ^-- :—rk. ir Tfit^bm m Hre, C. W. Ballis Is €has Hostess Tke MonthlT meettng of lU Holman Bible class of I^'ll WtlkMboro Baptist ehureb the the was held^Thorsday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. Bhllis. hay ing MTeral members present and thre^ yisHors. The program con sist^ of songs, prayers, and talks, the central talk being glyen by Mrs. Myrtle Freeland, who need as her theme, ’’Tarry ye here and pray, and as sure as the Lord llyeth, and thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee.’’ Mrs. J. ft. Turner, the ylce president was in charge of the usual business session. At the close of^the meeting the hostess was ass^ted by her daughter, Miss Roena Bullis, and Mrs. Tur ner In serying tempting refresh ments. The next meeting Is sche duled to be held with Mrs. Char lie Howard. liac>- Carlisle Jordan Is liPdge Club Hostess The members of the Wilabri >te^e club in Wilkesboro were ^Hfhtfully entertained Thurs- evening by Mrs. Carlisle Jor dan. The high score prize in the game, which was played at three tables, went to Mrs. Charles Hul- cher. A salad course was served at the ronclu.sion of p'ay. Bfrs, L’oyd Is ■ 'Wd Ewty AtBridige Iffb. fiholin Kerbangh was a pretty party at her htM on 3 Street ^Thnmday egwato eatsttatnlngi tor her 'UM FfanoM Howoll, who In Chreefl^ro; and lllsa ' Catherine Myw^ of SU^, af bride-alect of the,;aummer.s%.i dessert eoum preceded the br^e game, which .was /ptaFed at three taUes'^j^op acora^ prise was .won by MlatrBeth J!ohea and low score ^ MIm I^rs. Both-of Feted At Cittd _ , . Mrs.,Lloyd Phillips was ^aud- ti,,^pnoreea wolved lovely idits. ed a dellghttal courtesy Thura- Mra-Xerh«i«ut:. day evening'when Mrs. M. B.- Mc Neil entertained at a card party at her home we^ ^ cUy ^al?A??Iw2Si Three tables were arranged lor bridge and two for rook In ' a colorful setting of summer blos soms. An Ice course was served at the beginning of the play, tne hostees being assisted by daughter, Elisabeth, and Mrs. C On Saturday aftemooh from two. to five o’clock,^Mrs.'' fWenn Wlliiams enterUtned at a lovely party honoring her two attrac- tlve daughteis, Mary Sne- and Nancy on the.r twelfth and, ninth B. Lomax. llZol/sJUl* shUU lUlB* w* “ . , ' a ^ Mrs. Phillips, ,who birthdays. respecUvely. About prior to her marriage last month in New York City was Miss Rach el Nichols, was remembered with crystal in her chosen pattern, and her place was also marked with a lovely corsage of garden ias. Those winning prises In the game were Mrs. Pressley Myers and Mrs. Thomas Dula for high and low in bridge, while In rook the winners were Mrs. Lawrence Miller and Mrs. Charlie McNeil. Warren-Rich Marriage Vows Are Announced Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Lois Warren and Edgar L. Rich which was solemnized July 5, on Frid^, at the home of Rev. J. L. A. Bum garner, with Rev. ?Ir. Bumgarner officiating. The bride for her nuptials was becomingly attired in a Copen hagen blue dress, with which she used white accessories. She is a daughter of Mrs. Belle Warren, of North W’ilkesboro, and holds a * position with the W’ilkes Hosiery SERVICE BY PUBL1CATI0> NOTICE North Carolina—Wiikes Coun^: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wilkes County versus Dairy Lunch. , ., The defendant above named wn , take notice that an action entitled, Mill as above has been commdnMd inj the Superior Court of Wilkes Tobaco company and In County, North September they will be at home In Durpose of loreciosmg a tax cera , ficate and sale of land), and the Durham. defendant will further take notice. — that it is required to appear at Mrs. Warner Mucr Entertanis For Mrs, Cranor NO STUFFING Mrs. Oldhand—W’hy did you quit dealing with Schwartz, the butcher? Mrs. Nubryde — Becav.se the chicken he sod me didn't have a bit of stuffing in it, the old meanie. Rich is connected with the tte office of ihe Clerk of the Su perior Court of W ilkes County within 30 days from this date am answer or demur to the said com plaint as required by law or the .. plaintiff will apply to the cour f the relief demanded in saic 8-1 the 1st day of July, 1940. C. C. HAYES, C. S. C. To honor Mrs. Will Cranor, of Detroit. Michigan, who is here visiting with friends and rela tives, Mrs. Warner Miller enter tained at a delightful rdok party at her home In Wllkesboro Wed nesday afternoon. Three tables were placed for play in a festive setting of summer blossoms, and at the close of the game the hos tess served a salad course follow- id by sweets. Mrs. Johnson J. Hayes was the winner of the top score prize NOTICE OF SALE OF RE.AL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow- €•• and authority vested m the ra- dereigned commissioners of ttie Superior Court of Wilkes County in the Special Proceedings, -- - eatitlel: Mrs. Charity Minton,] while the consolation award went V. Lassie Minton, et als., .^q yirs, j. w. White. Mrs. Harden therein appointing the undereign-1 ^ of the winter, ciimmissioners to seL the lands i pre.sented a gift by Mrs. Miil- ■ciibed in the petition, . Cranor. Et'e will, THEREFORE, on Mon-|®r. aiso day. August 19^.. 1 ^ mI NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM- hour of vViik^’l MONS AND COMPLAINT the courthouse door in Wiik^ piIRLICATION offer for sale for cash to the ULBLiU./Aiiwi'i „fhest bidder, the following de- North Carolina, scribed real estate, to-wit. FIRFT TRACT: Lying and be ing in Brushy Mountein Town ship, Wilkes County and described as follows: Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COUR'^' BEFORE THE CLERK Joseph R. Watts, Administrator of the Estate of Robert B. Watts, de- B^IN^UNG at \*^k*j"south du“S: WaUe^r J^wS and wife! Mintons line and rtnn^g a S course 3o A 2, husband, Robert H. Wafts: Connie a North coure^ 25'M. Hallman and husband, Robert Sri;, corlj Jl. «S''‘Vlv“; ner; then a North i ^v®tts Cunningham and’ husband, to the beginning. Containing Cunningham; Mrs. Mattie Adjoiuing'Thompson (iidow); Robert Watts Mer. James Anderson, Jim 1%“reuT- . Marlow, the Wesley Ball Heirs wd lowers: beginning on a wht defendant. Ieulah Martin. I pine the Johnson’s' TAKE NOTICE that an ac- and the widow Milly Johr^n s .^^ above entitled has bee’ land, the I commenced in the Superior Cour known as the RicharfJarl^r^oU,^^ wn... C„untv before th, u v>nKes v^uuui.y before th spring branch “?^,^eross^mg ^ the creek, t . , .-^.53 ,jp I ministrator of the Estate of Johnson s line a North course ^ ^ deceased, there- the mountain to a white °ak in Kj description of V. Wright’s line; tbenc® along the, R T Weight ty another tract oflandi- between Op vie MdR. V.WnghtJ^^j^ j^ County, which the peti- thence ^ ®®^. J* V mIhI^ «oner asks to be sold for the pur- Ime to a black creating assets to pay off old Hne ^the ind'ebtedness of the decedent’s cs- with ^ arlow s old^ine to^the distribution of the ^ line to James I remainder of the proceeds derived ^Bne^ thenr^stT from the sale of said land; and, ' .-rsons line, thence East w defendant, Beulah Martin sMd Anderson s line to John .jj jjqTICE Fletcher s line; then e 1 that she is required to appear be said Fletcher’s line to the beginn-^ . .. about 200 acre.s,l‘°re tue V, . • • onn acres >•“'= Clerk of the Superioi imt; Containing about 200 “®re.s,j Wilkes County wit tract- Adioinine the'thirty (30) days from the publi- *raiRD TRACT. J g e of this notice and answer Itfids of A. M. . p: cation of this notice and answer or •^ley^BairnTirs” ^GINNING 1 derfiur to the petition filed or the oc a 'bunch of dogwoods on the : l««%r side of the oM mountain 'raul; then running South 42 de- gRes East 38 poles to a bunch of ■ ■flogwoods in an old fence row on ’ the West side of the creek; then *'E*st, crossing the creek 91 1-. . poles to a stone near the Stanley ner in the Wesley Ball Ime: 1 North with said line, crossing creek 122 poles to a double 1 gum on the top of the; = , then South 45 degrees' to the old mountain road, with saW road about same ^^rse 126 poles to the beginning; Btaining 66,25 acres, more or :niui , — re'jef sought will be granted. ’/his the 11th day of July, A. D 1940. C. C. HAYES, 3-5-4t m c Clerk Superior Court hia the 16tfa day of Jfll^ A. ^ A. H. Oi (mr ... aBnbnen, REFRIGERATOR REPAIRS All Makes, Including HEKMETICALLT SEALED REFRIGERATORS AND DRINK COOLERS WILKES ARMATURE COMPANY \ • SirK Shoon Kerbangh BnUrUm * Built 'or to o«hr. ,jired nlM of aMttoriat, and hlfl shoes ’wetb siie ^ ispuMiianan Loaet;, ;His Fifth Attempt A special casket was built tor 22-year o Ld-t RobertPershing Wadlow, the^’ tallest human bal ing, who died Monday at Mapiar t^, Mlohlgan^ tollibirlng an lllnaas ' Jabr ’4>vjBO maMng^'^i' ^of^ohal enzaawm'enc at a f«a- tlval at Manistee, > Death cams for the 491,pound giant following, f. ja«n^asl .- Kw t , ’'ru. Mew Orleans.—Honors Mlfues _ rs^^cgF '^uni^ he' iwiiitrw • Ir -eont^e yldbii^oy he will belMBr: ad Fridayifor the murder of^tidK ^ Mrs. 'Evelyn OraWtord, ^>*0- - yOars ago.,jg The SUte iupreme doa^ to^ uphald Strict .toon in ^^Ig a sanity'hearing.-; T*lee ^ 'of Hew. Iberta.yerterday logt, Bis fUtta attempt to the gaS* thirty-nve girls and boys enjoyed the delightful occasioh. TTieir .beautiful country home was made more attractive by the pleasing arrangement of garden flowers throughout the rooms. Mrs. Williams directed the children In many Interesting games for which prizes were a- warded the winners of each. After the games and contests were enjoyed the young people were invited Into the dining room where two beautiful cakes light ed with candles adfirned the cen ter of the table. Delicious re freshments consisting of cake, lemonade and mints were served by Mrs. Williams, assisted Mrs. Homer Carlton. The honorees were presented many pretty gifts. foot infection maMd’;. by , tho’li' chafing of an ankle brace. Buriats waa in'tJakwood een^etery at jU- ton, HI., his home.''\-.^'-; i. Last measaremenU of Wadtow. were taken, at a St. Louis, Mo„ hospital‘June 27, when doctors said he was 8 feet 10.3 inches tall. , Harold F. Wadlow, the young giant’s father, said that his 'ms's body will not 'be turned over to medical men for sclenttfflc In vestigation. Wadlow’s abnormal height, scientists said, was due to an over-active pituitary gland. In all other respects-, Wadlow was considered normal. At Alton high school he won a scholarship to attend college at Alton. He completed his freshman year. Both of his parents and his tw,. hrofiiers and two sisters were of normal stature. At birth, February 22, 1918. Wadlow weighed nine pounds. Although he reached 30 pounds at the end by -Of six months, his unusual growth ^ was not notlceed until he was a year old. At 18 months he weighed 62 pound.s. His favorite dish was Ice cream and his favorite diversion was travel. "I like to see everything, he remarked last year while vis iting Hollywood. Clothes and shoes were Wad- low’3 toughest problems. Every thing, Including neckties and pocket handkerchiefs, was made OF SUlOfOffSi JftR CQ6M Qirmi It tfCkkA hBr :be« -«»nr if Court U ^ by turn for the ^uqxMO-.of^obtaihipR * rf ■bu^te' dlvow*; jnbm auid don^ Oae«r Owens, npon the grot&iJs of morf then two MpanttMi sod desert!oh, and too. said defendant wQl Juicer take notice,that he Isi^itquiNd to-np- pear at tho offUe oif the (SsrK of the SniM^or CbuH of said County, in the Court Hobm in Wilkeeboro, North Cardina, WitWn thirty days from the last pUlcaticm hereof, and answeif or demnr to the Com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Com. tiff will apply to the Court for the relirf oc ' ” ‘ plaint the hlkh edurt ^denied ajn His baee has the ^psrdon twice been bMorp BllShb* Bhot Mrs. Crawford In a He# IMrts eafa when she ,wha seated. fUh her hnMiand,' when du-altel^ MM to ,,|eeir^ a with hlBj;'.Vf- - A-v ’ Mthi Crawfbrd itonwiy lived In ' B&mh^aih aad^ih Ai^|Ue. If ,—-—' "a.i-’-T- got rnmuthp —a '%.ca *> r. lEL Waum. Ow*mV OMseailii* SdlM^Satr^ Bear Fnm AKfip. •j*--.-S.E*eeI Wrecker i Acetftto* USED ad aedele ef ^‘ rnmAmmrnmAimmmi % 'B This the 29th day of June 1940.' C. C. HAYES, Clerk of the Superior Court nf Wilkes County. 7-22-4tm Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOR— Office Neat Door Te Reins-Stnrdivant, Inc. —^Telephone 206-R— Offiec Clooed Every Hmrsday Afternoon (Pt^ular Sizoa) 475.19 TUBE, only $j[.25 550.17 TUBE, only $]_.50 600.16 TUBE, only $]^.50 650.16 TUBE, only - $1.75 Good, “heavy” tubes'at a “light" price! Also low prices on Tires. Come—get a set—and GET SET for fall and winter driving. UPTOWN Service Station ROY SPAINHOUR, Manager Phone 52 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Reconditioned Refimshed AND Almost GOOD AS NEW FURNITURE! orumulations from such transactions. Much of this fur- We are Constantly trading new furniture for old, and this *i^__ices Some needs re-pa=nting, but much of it is ready niture is good as new, some looks it, and ALL worth far more than the sale pric tlAAUS v: 09 » for use. And we’re ready to save you money on I "" i '4 Wood Beds $2.00 EACH One 3-piece Mohair Suite, Convertible divan for R 00 bed w.,en needed. Very special at »\J\J One 2-piece Suite covered in rust tapestry, in A-1 dQO SO condition. Divan and rocker. Priced only One Studio Couch, green color, and a bargain at rare $15.00 One child's roller top desk, with chair. Better see this quick. Special at $5.50 One 5-piece Breakfast Room Suita, finished in green and ivory—good as «9.95 new, yet priced at only 'v- One Silvertone Phonograph, QQ special at sPVI.vf One 4-bumer Florence oil range, built-in oven. Cost $48.00 but out $ 1 7 50 goes at X • .cFVr One 3-piece .Wicker Suit $22.50 to go at One 3-piece Living Rwm velour, color blue. $1 7 5Q see this one quick! Priced.- w One Nesco oil range, built-in oven. An- ;ther great value at $ 1 7 50 One combination Kitchen Cabinet, two sections and center work sec- CQ tion with cabinet, only ™ * One Utility Cabinet, light green. Very useful and a bargain at CQ One second-hand Dresser $5 7 5 One solid oak dining room suite, consist ing of round table, buffet and eight chairs. 2y--_ $22.50 One Hotpoint electric range, old style but good as new. Priced very $55 00 One vanity Dresser to go $7.50 One Victrola Phorograph, AQ cabinet model 'P * 1 Used Buffet Oak Finish $0,50 6-Piece Suites Priced as AA Victor Junior 6-Cap Range, $J0’ 0Q 1 Used 9x12 Wool Rug, $0,50 You'll Have To Hurry If You Want These ‘Once lu A Lifetime’ Bargains ..I'-./*’.' .•v/S.-- r J.VJ - 9th STREET .jvi waikaM;!^\ .-/t

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