WJEY 22; IE JOURNAL'PJ^IP! ‘Mr.jMd Mfi. BoVert ItlM Bmme Ttelt«d - _ w _ Mta> mtab«t]i Burke In Tnylora- ^fUle ter n’tew 4nye leet week. Mn. MntUe Joinee, ot Abshers postotfle^ ipent sereral riours in the city last weak. Mian fmaem Howell, of Greens boro,' wu n fuest lut week here iOf Shoon Kerknogh. Mum Mary Jo Pearson had as her goeet over the week-end, Miss Elisabeth Tuten, of Statesville. Mr.' Johnny Allen, state bank ezanilner, was a visitor In this dty EMdi’.v. * Mr. A. E. Wingler, who resides on the Laurel Springs highway north ol the city, has recently erected a large barn on bis farm. Jr.^ and Mr. J. 0. tended n John Paul LucM^I^^., nator banguet Priday ^gvf^at Robert B. Lee Hotel In' Shlem., Miss Alda Alexander and broth er, Mr. EMgar Alekander, of HayS, left this morning ' for Wyoming and Montana to visit their slater and brother. They idan to be a- way some time. Miss knnle Lee Taylor, of Youngstown, Ohio, is spending sometime here with her grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Tay lor, also Miss Jean Quinn, of Greensboro. Mrs. Readon, of Alexandria, Va., is here visiting Mrs. J. C. Smoot at her cottage on the Brushy Mountains this week. Mrs. Jesse Long Taylor, of Kansas City, Mo., is here visiting in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Dr. G. W. Taylor, of Mooresvllle, accompanied her here last week. Lieutenant Walter Moss ^and Captain Wright have been in camp at Port McClellan at Annis ton, Ala., for two weeks. Mr. L. W. Wood, well known rlous. « en ol tbe North Wilkesboro e two community, was a visi tor in North Wilkesboro today, ittle Miss Christine Godbey, _ ghter ol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Qedby, underwent a tonsil opera tion last week. Mrs. S. XJ. Reynolds, who has been a' patient at the Wilkes Hos pital for three weeks, has been removed to the Eye, Nose and Throat Hospital in Charlotte. Her condition is considered Quite se- Mrs. J. C. Meadows, of Martins ville, Va., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meadows. Brice Windle, of Charlotte, and Doris Rex, of Salisbury, are here visiting with their cousin, Patsy Waller. Mrs. S. T. Taylor had as her guests last week her two sisters. Miss Doris Nachamson and__Mrs. Larry Madalia, both of Durham. Miss Elizabeth Carter, of which is operated here Wadesboro, has been here visiting „ . Mr. James Hemphill, who is working at Banner Elk, spent the week-end in Wilkesboro with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Hemphill. He was accompanied home by his friend, Mr. Walter Carter. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ^Wood, a seven-pound daughter, Al ma Madglene, on July 16. Mother and diaughiter ere getting along fine. Mrs. Walter Moss and little daughter, Julianna, returned home Saturday from a two weeks visit with Mrs. Moss’s mother, Mrs. John Poy, at Mount Airy. Mrs. Foy and Lieutenant and Mrs. Frank Foy, accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Poster recently returned to the city from Washington, D. C„ where they have been residing for sometime. Mr. Poster has accepted a posi tion with the. Central Service Sta- by with her Prevette. sister, Mrs. William Mr. H. P. Eller. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cashion and „ , „ . I, , . V Mr. and Mrs. I. H. McNeill, Jr., Miss Ella Sockwell, of Ra eigh, ..e I is spending the week here with her mother and sister, Mrs. C. L. Sock well and Miss Mamie Sockwell. Mrs. A. L. Love, who has been '’piSient at DuEe* Holpital il Du#- hatn, is now at the Wilkes hospi- ’ A taL Mr. A. M. Holbrook, well known resident of Abshers post- btfice, was a visitor to this city last week. Miss Mary Lillian Wilcox re turned to her home in Boone Sun day after spending a week in Wil- _^Aboro as guest of Miss Nell QHbbbard. Marjorie Miller, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Warner Miller, has M her guest, Dorothy Under- iKltood, of Gastonia, and Jean Parker, of Winston-Salem. Lieutenant Edward F. Finley and Mr. Robert Wood Finley have returned from Fort McClel lan at Anniston, Ala., where they had been in camp for two weeks. Work is progressing on the at tractive new homes being erected in the city by Messrs. E. F. Gard ner, L. L. Carpenter, and Lee Edward Harris. The new homes, when completed, will be splendid additions to the city's residential section. are attending the Lions Interna tional convention this week in Havana, Cuba. Messrs. Cashion and McNeill are delegates-of the Noith WUkuaboTO^Uojtts Club and lellvet if report Vt the con vention to the club In Its next meeting. Mr. Thomas Blackman, man ager ot Miller-Jones Shoe Co., left Saturday lor Carolina Beach where he is spending a week’s vacation. Miss Mary Clinard, of the Winston-Salem branch of the firm, is in charge of the local store during Mr. Blackman’s ab sence. Mrs. O. L. Hawkins and son, Tom, of Nitro. W. Va., visited a few days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tuterow, of Darlington, S. C., spent the week-end with Mrs. Tuterow’s Jack Washington, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gentry. Mr. W. P. Saylors, of Wilkes boro, had the misfortune ol get ting two of his fingers cut off in a machine at his shuttle block factory which he is now operat ing at Kernersville, N. C. The ac cident took place on Thursday of last week. Mr. Saylors’ forefinger was badly cut also, but It is hoped that it may he saved. J*Enj3;landi Mores w-Fa: ifilCffiBg ■mbBd I^ene Trivitle, Mi^ f. C, of-thte «b4 Mr; Mlfoh«U, A bbfdent of A.' Boon*, went « tew day* fishing on the coast .’While away wttneeeed the lUoii of . “Tlie Lent foK neralj i tTM ter 71,-^ 1 t'WOi’'" ' JgBBwfWlaii "hre h r. Q.' Leaej^JIrk. Naa Jirorte^^Ukeeboro lire, J. i*. fereea# aa* Mrei at' Bobbitt,* Wiaatoib^SntamiC Avn ’Whiter North yg;W»lw*hei» *BrUi«tK route bI iroote'two. at Eonnohe^ttlna^'^ fag laa* reanny • - . The OermaiM have laBdetfn esnQBCTors. The above detaeftliil^ Canadian prison cam^ -Cnittda^Waa rer are an spectaIisis,'1ncInding.B^;-^otSr moved to prevent daag^ ' tywY came as prisonen ot ^•tmta''abeds in Qaebce, o* „ ’ safe place ter these prisedm bcMaee they Origtiiany ImprisoBed In Fsglaad, they ’ war ani Mt.aa m aw nMfy to Miss Mamelle Livingston, of Neon, Ky., has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Livingston, of North Wilkeriioro Route 3, for the past two wfeks. She also visited friends and rela tives in Winston-Salem. Her grand parents and Mr. and’Mrs. Clarence Pruitt and daughter, Mildred, ac companied her to Kentucky for the weekend. Important Junior >. ^ rergusim Uin ^ Meeting On Tuesday Degree work will featurV tlio Davis-Booth Miss Ethel Davis, of near Wil- kesboro, member of the Ronda high school faculty, i.nd William Albert Booth, teacher and direc tor of athletics at China Grove high school, were uuietly mar ried in Richmond, Va., last week. Mrs. Booth received her educa tion in Wilkes cc.inty and Cataw ba college; .Mr. Booth is a gradu ate from High Point college. Virginia Hamby, alxteen-year- old girl of the Ferguson com munity, lost her left leg in what was reported to have .been a shooting accident near Ferguson Thursday. Lester Marley, In whose hands the shotgun was said to have been when it discharged, is being held for inveetlgation. The girl’s leg was almost sev ered and amputation above the knee was necessary. 6he Is a pa tient at the Wilkes hospital. Prison Camp Has A Winning Team — V'b of the state Baseball team highway prison camp near this city has amassed an enviable rec ord in baseball so far this season, having won 18 games and lost only four. The team, under the manage ment of Ed Beshears, won two games over U. S. Wacata camp, four from Sparta, two from CaH- well and three from the Dobson camp. The regular lineup has the following names: David Barn- hardt, Edward Hicks, Blease Young, Oscar Branch, Charlie Roberson, Wilile Willis, Willie Hoggan, Frank Ferguson and meeting of the North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Order to be held on Tuesday night. All mem bers are urged to attend. JUST LOOK DP Summer Guest (disappointed) —See here, your ad said . that this hotel bad a splendid view (or miles I see no such outlook. Proprietor—CerUlnly, rir,;J.u8t stick your head out of the win dow ai d look, straight up. Mrs. Lott Riggs Is Claimed By Death notice op SALE- North Carolihf, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT W. A. Jones, J. C, Jones, et al ^ .*1^ 4f-rV.s»t i.U»i FARMERS, ATTEND THE AUis-Chalmers Tractor-Plow THURSDAY, JULY 25th AT THE S. H. Jones, Effie Jones, Robert Jones, et al. Undet and by virtu* of the po er of sale contained in a certait judgment or decree of His Honor C. C. Elayes, duly entered on the 17th d&y of June, 1940, in the Funeral service for Mrs. Mag gie Burke Riggs, 67, Rural Hall, Route 1, were hrfd at the home at 12:45 o’clock and at Millers Creek Methodist church at 3 o’ clock Sunday afternoon. Rev W. F. Grabs and Rev. J-1 actionwhich judg- L. A. Bumgarner were In charge. | appoints the undersigned Burial was in the church grave- jommlesionet and dlrocta the aato yard. -- _ -pi iij(i*‘tf'’,*'hieetaatoir 4te- Mra. Riggs was bom in- Wllkft j scribed, Hie undersigned conmis county* October 1, 1873, the gioner will, therefore, offer' foi daughter of Dr. William Burke sale, for cash, at public aucton aid Mary Greer Burke. She lived,te the “trh'st bidder on M^^^ Wiik.. ecu.., ..UI n ago when she went to Forsyth THE MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCES A FORMAL OANCE Thursday Night July 25th — at — Moonlight Tavern Men 50c; Ladies FREE if’ Located 15 Mile* Out on Stetesville-North Wilkesboro Highway No. 115—Just A Nice, Cool, Pleasant Drive. Everything New and Up*T^Date. CoUDrinb To Demonstrate Tractors, Other Farm Implements G. G. Wellborn and Sons, who are handling a complete line of the famous Allis’ Chalmers trac tors and farm Implements and have headquarters in the C. & C. county to make her home. Survivijrs Include the hus band, Lott Riggs, a well-known farmer; five daughters, Mrs. Hoy Bumgarner, Mrs. I. H. McNeil, Mrs. L. A. Bumgarner, Mrs. Quincy McNeil and Mrs. W. B. McNeil, all of North Wilkesboro, Route 1; three sons, R. W. Riggs, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., the following described property, to-wit: BEGINNING on a on a sycamore e the ford of Glady Pork Creek, E. H. McNeil’s comer, running Northwestwardly course with the old Stony Fork road to the top of the hill. West of J. C. Marley; thence South 20 degrees East to i chestnut oak comer of the ^ Lumber Company; thence East *» , -- W.W , AJUMAWa | w.w.-w., Concord, R. A. Riggs, MlllersAwilh the Elk Oeek Lumber Com- r-. v_ _ ^ v:v nr IvVkA TT P WfilfiVk llT>0* Creek, and F. W. Riggs, Rural Hall; 26 grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Nan Adams, Coal City, West ’Virginia. Thomas £. Lyon Funeral Saturday Thomas E. Lyon, 39-year-old farmer of the Traphill commun ity, died early Priday and funeral service was held Saturday after noon, three o'clock, with burial in the Lyon cemetery. Surviving are his father ahd pany line to H. B. .Walsh line; thence North with H. B. Walsh? line to the beginning, containinc one hundred fifty (150) acres, more or less. Done this the 22nd day of July, 1940. CLARENCE JONES Commissioner. 8-4-4t (m) D. i. BROOKSfflltE FARM Fanners of this section are invited to attend the plow ing demonstration at the D. J. Brookshire farm, near North Wilkesboro, and see the Allis-Chalmers Tractor at work. It will be interesting, and convincing prodf that power farming pays: in more work done at less ex pense; work done in shorter time; more time for other things; and more profit from farming efforts. Be sure to see the demonstration, and come tsronr place rf fcaie- iness for detailed information coneening any power '■"farm eq'vipibent, prices, term*, etc. COMPLETE LINE ALLIS-CHALMERS Power Farm Implements ALSO COMPLETE UNE OF; PARTS 6. G. Welborn & M, In Old Chevrolet Building 921 D Street North Wilkesboro Service station building on C ' mother, John- G^ and Martha C. street, will conduct a tractor-• Lyon, of Traphill, and two broth- piow demonstration Thursday,’ ers, W. M. and Cbarlls Lyon. July 25, on D. J. Brookshire’s near this city on highway farm 115. The demonstration will be very a’] fp.i'TTiors arc cordially invited to attend. Splendid Revival Services Are Held A most successful series.of re vival services closed Sunday at Pine View Baptist church at Halls Mills. The pastor, Rev. Monroe Dillard, Miss Cobb To Help Piclc Party Chief Chicago. — North Carolina’s Democratic national committee- woman, Miss BeatHde Cebb, yes terday was named; to a commit tee of five that will confer with President Roosevelt and Secre tary Wallace to name a new par ty chairman to fill the post va cated today by Postmaster Gener al James A. Farley. Coincident with this action a The pastor, nev. monroe coincident with th was assisted by Rev. Purvis Parks, determined movement was launch- There were 22 additions to the to^dteft a fellow CaroUn- church and sixteen were baptised Sunday. The revival ’was consid ered one of the most successful held in many years in the com munity. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE North Carolina—^Wilkes County: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wilkes County vs. Jones and Vannoy. The defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been conunenc- ed in the Superior Court of Wilkes campaign County, North Carolina, (ter thej .~— purpose of foreclosing a tax certi-i fieate and sale of land), and the'. j(. defendants will further take no tice that they are required to ap pear at the'office of the Clerk of the Superior Court!, of ’Wilke* County within 30 days from this idnte and ansu’er or demur to t^ said complaint as required by lev [Ot; the pljdwttff iriB np^y to for tbe relkif demanded It Ian, Senator James F. Byrnes of South Carolina for the party chairmanship. Although the 'South Carolina senator declared most emphatic ally before departing for Wash ington that he vreuld not accept the position, Democratic pressure from the President on down may become so powerful that he can not resist taking the Job which carries with” It the' heaviest ’ re sponsibility In the forthcoming ' . ■ CDlit Edmund 'Aycoek, 'awlaiant farm agent in Jojin^ton Geant|!;; is telling iam pe#le to out all the nnn-lay«w t from'”' -their pottltcy flq^ *ntt to eat tt^e hens whfeb hare quit prqjltioingj ergs when they'arant chlck,^^ Things you may, KNOIY —Says Reddy Kilowatt a TEMPERATURE BETWEEN 145*-150* F., CONSIDERED BX AUTHORITIES TO BE Tf'E BEST FOR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES, IS MAINTAINED CONSTANTLY BY THE HOTPOINT WATER HEATER r • Givo your family a dependable hot wa- w ^ yc— , , — ter supply 24 hours of the day. Instoll ,a modem Automatic Hotpoint Electric Wa ter H^ter, arid have hot water when you , WWt it-r:ds you want ,it—instantly, at the I „i 4^rn oLthe foucet. Hotpoint Electric Water ^mbters are ayoikibb in capacities suitable'^ '’Jter every ne^ See tffefn. Discover how you con own brie. Come In today. ENT r"*- V t-' ,/v ■'.■M ' >-