* I»JI I O WOM 0«li|^Vjb IfAte a . CUa)0pU, Dah ‘^iMi^iiir «tk«r floWers. Algo iMdietg. ribbou«,"iiiatt8,'funer al 4e^gne. Saves Tou money. iMei' t»»en for next yoar ihlba.'Ji^. W. E. Snow, Fair- Slatna. • 7-25-2t-pd. ■WKlUgUHATOK SPlilClA L S-! HI S 1-4 cubic feet elletric re- Mserator and one 8 1-4' feet H go at special summer re- 4keed prices. Only two 'left. Hark Down Pasture com- •any. V S-25-» MIS SALiE: Complete' Radir anree; $10.00 cash. Atreal op- •ortanlty to learn the radio re- lalr business. See John Wiles ■k Day Electric Co. 7-22-2t jB THRBE-PIBCE Metal Porch jHd lawn set, $29. SQ value, for artr> $20 .00. Mark-Down Pumi- tfere company. 8-25-2t. XmSH JERSEY COW; 7-year- «M saddle horse, five-galted; K-months-old guernsey bull; .^•♦0 yellow locust fence posts. T'ffeet long, 10c each. A. T. Slehols, Wilkeeboro route 1. 7-18-tf ■kSAYE or TR.\DR for prop erty In or near North Wllkes- lero, 100 acre farm, close to ioaring River. 1-4 mile off •UYATHUfa^T .y$TA6E STAMP TW«J NfRHAUUWAH OF FIE16HT tM«E MILES LE PIE IS THE MOST POPULAR KSSERT SERVED ON RAILROAD DININE CARS NortJc'Wllkeeboro branch of the Duke Power company, a*- Ihough with h much Rk^ than some of the Hugtf towhl^ e^ed up In.third place. In the Mifht ifelrlulor^ea campaign ty selling 84 tfelvinatorg, or 108 cent of th,e allots anota ot ‘M % BUILDII60FANAVERME RAaUAD FREI6HT CAR ^ R»}UIRES MATERIALS ROM I STATES AND PROVIDES iPUJVNEMTBQUAlTOTHEtlWE OF ONE MAN FOR A YEAR Mteei»tiew w ammicaw mwo*»i i Monnt Alryi iHth a quota of oU||^ 40, had Ae highest percent- ,aRei with 180 and Chester, S. C., «ea second~^th 173 per cent of a of onlsr’ 30. j, ' j ' ■JT, O, Forester.^f tee local bnmch, was awarded a $40 prise for oqtstendlng^ work, being eightfa ranking salesman pver the entire Duke Power company system in tb%g||;o Carollnas. *^6 showing made by*^ the .'Npitli Wlikes^ro branch la par ticularly In^tqqaiTe in view of ;the comparatively high quota set [for this branch.V ' - Tellett— -r .,1th Sea Islanden; hove tee sedh^i^ther the year FOttlldr ' FOtkpd.- Askett-r-GM'dhess, how do they .opeir their ‘ Citfvef sations ^ As Pncle gem’s Maasasrth tmtel heBdiag prograie ge$a wlOw Weyi Adnilral O. H. W»alwa«^ autedaiH af tee nM jiaHt Artffot, drfm tee lltat Hret to tey tea keel of tee aew tJeHed States T ■ tr. 8. 8. Iowa at the BrosUyn navy yard. Observing the oeremewy are Ciwletas C. A. Dean sf tee aw 1 (left); T. B. Bicliey. pri)diio«se offlcer ef tee yard; eej-faiitiiMuiiee t. . Klemae. The pnbUc was net in Ht|o the keeMaying, becaiae k the twoeaaity far printcy and spsad. ^ ■h Oeliaplane and Roaring River Route 2 News Kghway 268. W. M. Alexander. * 7-22-41 FOR RENT HR REVT, .August 1st, garage and filling station and fenced hat on comer of Cherry and Wilkesboro Avenue. See C. A. Bimmette, Ronda, N. C. 8-29-4t-pd •BWCE -SPACE for rent on sec- •■d floor. Steam heat. Will re model to suit.—See Palmer . . . Borton 7-22-2t, Wilkes Hospital last ROARING RIVER, Route 2, July 20.—Services wwe held last Saturday and Sunday at Cranber ry, Oak Forest, and Union Grove, the colored people’s church. Mr. B. L. Johnson returned a few weeks a.go to Asheville, where he has a position with the National Park Service. after spending his vacation here. Mrs. Frank Sparks and little granddaughters, Elaine and Don ald Dean Wheeler, spent a recent week-end in Kannapolis with the children’s mother. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, dau.ghter of Mrs. Sparks. While there. Elaine was feted at a birthday party. Mrs. George Sparks was a pa- Pores Knob Home Club Has Meeting The Pores Knob Home Demon stration club met July 12th. at the home of Mrs. Tom Jolnes, with the president, Mrs. Burtle Broyhlll in charge. The devotion al was led by Mrs. J. M. Bentley. Roll call and secretary’s re port was by Mrs. P. M. Lowe. There were nine present for the meeting. Due to the absence of the home Demonstration Agent, Miss Harriet McGoogan, members and visitors of the club discussed pickling. After the business meet ing and hour of conversations, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Rom Brock, served cakes, candy and lemonade. New Business CNi Highway No. 11| WANTED 'HtBKTED: Handy man and worn- mflk. Woman mult b« frM to amist with h'OUSe work. O^Iviq Rnrfens, Phone 27-F-04, Oak- ■wmxis. N. C. It TABLISHED R A W L E I G H KRfTE available. Many North CHnIina Dealers making wieek- Rr Miles of $76 to $100 and mRe. Unusually fine oppor- ftmity for a man between 25 and SI srith car. Write Rawleigh's, Bept. NCG-165-204, Richmond, 1b. 7-22-29-8-5-12m ■BFCEO: Experienced cook for ttrtb; Popular Cafe, next to Heuncni Drug Store, Wilkes- ••ro. N, C. week. T. H. Settle, local business man, has just completed'a new Harry Johnson and a youns i tavern on the North man called “Peanut,” both of , « High Point, were guests last their FMTKD: All around Beauty Operator. Must he experienced. 311 Mrs. Leila H. Lowe, Wis- Htla Beauty Salon. 7-22-tf BlUlTED: Three wide awake ieys with bicycles to start mtralar daily deliveries o f dfertotte’Evening News. See T. ■ ■Wf-' Jrowelf, 721 Kensington. iSftve. after 6 p. m. Tuesday . leaning. It-pd .week-end ■ in, the .home of Mrs. Frank Oakley has appar ently recovered from a recent Ill ness, for which she was treated in the Baptist Hospital, Winston- Salem. Before her marriage in the early summer, Mrs. Oakley was Miss Pauline Sparks, attrac tive third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Sparks. Those visiting at the old Tilley place, or Mrs. I^aura l.inney’s, last Sunday afternoon were Mrs. D. S. I.ane, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mobley, and Miss Mary Lane, all Tf t*'e Wilkeeboros; Messrs. Har ry Z. Tucker and Bill Young, of Stokesdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Church, of Cricket. Mrs. Linney’s niece. Wllkesboro - Statesville .blghf^ No. 115, and the place Is*, itw, W'larifssibMtil is made In this iss^e of a of a forn etd- dance to be held ’Thursday nlng of this week, and all lovers of dancing are invited to attend. Read the ad for complete details. The new business is known as “Moonlite Tavern,’’ and is equipp ed to give modern service in high quality eats, cold driuks, candies, tobaccos, etc. It is un derstood that the business will be leased shortly to someone who will continue its operation. The public is cordially invited to pay a visit of inspection. SOCIETY Church is Mrs. , Mrs. George R. Johnson i Upsons Of C^tlifomia .111!). VJCV,it,v- - ' upsuiin Xj-IIlIIIl IHtl brother-in-law, Robert Johnson, lGuests Of E. G. Fm«ys 1,000 Suits and Dress- r atean and press. We do 19k Tj'g*h{. Prompt service. iHenes Dry Cleaning, Tenth ■ktet: 7-8-tf-(M) spent Friday in North Wilkes boro. While there, she visited her mother, Mrs. Minnie Sparks, who was in the hospital. Mrs. Celia Lane, of Wilkeftboro, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Laura Llnney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparks have returned from Reddies Riv er and are living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sparks. _ Mr. Julius J. Johnson, Wilkes-I boro. Route 2, has been hauling | watermelons. Tothill-Smoot Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Finley had as their guests la.st week, Mn and Mrs. B. W. Upson and daughter. Miss Rosamond Upson, from Car- penteria. Calif. They were on their way to the Lions convention in Cuba. While here the Upsoils were extended a number of informal courtesies, also w'ent to Elkin for a tea given by Mrs. Alex Chat- 'HBnTED:' To do your radio re- •Rt wcurk on all makes and models. Etpert repairmen. Sat- | cbnt Sunday. Itflflfon guaranteed. — Day BSKtric Co,, Phone 328. 8-10-tf Many of the family and friends enjoyed the fine birthday dinner set for Mrs. Tirzah Sparks a re- BRCTAL! loo l^es, Ice’refrige- ■mtoTS and electric refrlgera- 'tos'* traded In on new Frigl- Hhres; as low as $2. Henderson JDectric company. 6-13-tf JHBQi'ARTEKS for Poultry Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro- Bnets, at low prices. Red Cross Jharmacy, "Your Service Drug Store,” 10th Street. 4-18-tf SENSATIONAL SALES EVENT Engagement I& Announced Word has been received here of the engagement of Miss Irma Grace Tothill and Charles Calvert Smoot, Jr., both of Alexandria, Va. The wedding to take place in the early fall. Big SaTifices Made During Clean- I'p (« U:ed .And Rework- ' ed Stock J. Q. Rhoades, 45, Is Taken By Death Funeral service for J. Q- If the people of this sectiM Hays com- could fully realize what is meant | Friday, was held at Haymeadow church Sun day at 11 a. m. by the offering of Rhodes-Day i BBHIl IT BARGAINS In good wd ears and trucks, several •ties and models. Wilkes Mo- r company, two miles west k Boone ’Trail. 10-2-tf RARGAINS jH and recimditioiied Turner, ^ek and liiCiMTnick-Deeruur Tliresli- qip. Used and New Bailers. " F®CK CO. Kk Kerr, St*, v «i®rt)ory, N. C. He Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Pearl Rhoades; and ,,four children, Eugene, Lonnie, Ruby and J. R. Rhoades. MASONIC NOTICE Furniture Co. in their sale of used and re-conditioned furni ture. there would be a rush to the store as soon as this announce ment is read. Elsewhere In this Issue will be found the firm’s advertisement, which describes and prices many of the articles, wjiich includes suites, ranges, phonographs, kitchen cabinets, odd pieces, util ity cabinets, etc., offered In a sale that should bring crowds dally as long as the articles are avail able. As an Illustration: Three- ^ piece living room Assistant $17.50; $48.00 Florence oil COW tetHctlie Grand stove for $17.50; 10-plece soUd oak dining room suite for $22.60, etc. Th4 gives you an Idea—now go to the store and see the re mainder. The -.ale is being held to make room for incoming- merchandise bought at the Ournl-; ■ xure show now taking place. , x U^Ada. ffit ■♦triitfftti and There will be a special com munication of North Wllkeeboro Lodge No. 40T, A. F. and A. M. Friday evening July 26, 7:30, at which time J. W. Nichols, District Deputy Grand Master, 3Srd Dls- tflct, wBl be iBsUlled. J. F. Mar- Jriind Grand Lodge’'of «atte ’ Ci^llna, wUl have charge of ''i'-the biitallatlon ceremonies. A. good repreeeate- tlon from all lodges In this :di^ ttlct la e^Alcted. - '' . ' GHORGtt Master. r-:. • li--' T*r ■■A*:',,,. '.vf“ Amazing Offer!! Now ett last We can give YOU a genuine MORRISON GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free Hus Offer Is Open To Everyone YeSi sir, that’s exactly what we mean! Wa have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising alif • ■ agreement with the manufacturer, which enables ns to GIVE AWAY the famous Morrison lifetime Ser vice Pens for a limited time. There au-e no “strings” to this offer—no puxxles to' solve—no numbers to draw—no contest to win- subscriptions to go out and sell,. ' ' { .T . . year’s subacriptioD to The Joumaf-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One 01 America’s Fmer Pens %)OgOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO>OOOOOOOOOOOfN”WW*>Or*NTf The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction, It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand-turned and huffed to a lustrous finish that never fades ...... It has Micromatie Balance .... A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point .......... To suit your own individual writing . . PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer ........ And it comes to you with an unqualified guarantee of Lifetime Service The Morrison is told in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless odier stores in the large metropolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. You Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! GET IT NOW! j:r= MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannat Come T' The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT, Enclosed find $ for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to .’The Journal-Patriot. I enclose cents postage for which please send (Uen’s) or (Wo- my Morrison pen inj: men's) style, to me to NAME CITY and STATE STREET'" Snfascription in StaMifiLSa; Oitt (tf C.me In and See It! We cannot too atrongly urge you to come in .nA see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun tain peri and v^o does not like to own the best? Yoh will need it every time you write your name; yori-WW be provd of k every trine yon show it to a friend! r,uV .J wiUCES COUNTY’S ^EMI^WEEKLT NEWSPAPER •f -J

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