flMO -w nil ■Vc>to W.- A, idbmiifciHi Mte tiilf^a MUIer, ot Salis- • {2' 1N«^>0Bd with ,[P Jlii|M>«l|t. Church, i. ■ 'I: ^ Lonlu KlH)y, of ttie Tru^i- hUli''eommunity, was In this cttyi 1 Tlaitfhg frtends Tuesday. 1 Miss Maxine Harvel, of Wln- ! stoB-Salem, Is spending a week here with her cousin, Miss Char lotte Harvel. Mr. B. F. Bentley and family, of this cKy, visited relatives and friends in Watauga county Sun day. Hr. W.-'fi; Steelnm. A, isran^, tor in this city to Mmter Be ed hone 8| relatives.^ ton, B. C. f^ st after yrlsitlhif »M Clttn Mayor J. P. Jordan an^ Attor ney F. J. McDuffie Irtt,^onday for Roanoke Island, whm they spent several days. Mrs. Boyd Stout, Mrs. Ivey Moore and daughter. Miss Jean Moore, were visitors in High Pol at last Thursday. ^ ^4 JS?.:- DEFENSE DEMANDS FOR STENOGRAPHERS, BOCMSKEEyERS, SECRETARIES, ACCOUNTANTS One big company called Monday for 15 or 20( men and wo men for offices to be opened in Southwest Virginia— wanted men and women from that community. Defense Program « Both men and women who get ready now can serve their country in essential industries in permanent, pleasant, ard profitable employment. Fall Term Begins Sept. 3 Reasonable tuition rates, easy terms, unequalled ment opportunities. Write for 84-page catalogue. :;mploy- National Business College ROANOKE, VIRGINIA “Take the National Way to Positions That Pay? KNOW^ Does a Banker Grant a Favor When Fie Makes a Loan? NO. Profits are essential to sound banking; and a bank’s profits come throtigh having its loanable funds employed. Credit is part a bank’s stock in trade, and so the banker is as eager to mend owdit through making sound ,, loaiu M a merch^t is to sail bis goods. The prospective borrower should no more hea* tate to request a loan for a sound purpose than he would hesitate to purchase a suit of clothes. By borrowing from the bank he becomes a pur chaser of credit and the bank becomes a seller of credit. The chief difference between the banker and the merchant is that the banker does not sell the funds outright, but merely sells their use. Consequently he must use care in granting a loan b^ause the money he lends belongs to the bank’s depositors. The Northwestern Bank Resources Over $4,000,000.00 Serving Northwestern North Carolina .Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mmc; of WM Ain^tor.her* the week in th6 home of iHr. [l^ Mrs. Boytf^t, / , -M 'Mri 'John known attken-’hl. aHittity, WM r vMierila thts'cl^ ^ and, iira-; ■ CWvin Hlntdn (laufSter, Hafiqrle, of Rlch- noiidr Va., ^^/M^ral days last xmk witljf Mi^,Heian Dixon. iSrn. Ivey Moert and daughter. Miss Carolyn Mpbre, and Ml*, and Mrs. Boyd etoht, spent Wednes day in High Podnt.^' Mrs. Dale Carroll, of Savannah, Qa.,' has been here visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ad amson. Miss Betty Halfacrc Is on an extended visit in Aiken, S. C., wHh her cousin, Miss Mary Sue Busch. I Mr. and Mm W. D. Halfacre and son. Billy, left Wednesday for Blowing Rock where they will spend'a ten-day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley S. Hill and children returned Sunday from a week’s vacation trip to Ocean Drive Beach, S. C. Mr. C. A. Dimmette, well known citizen of the Ronda com munity, was a .business visitor In North Wilkesboro yesterday. Mrs. William Barber and daughters, Mary Gage and Betsy, have returned from a visit with Mrs. Barber’s mother, Mrs. M. E. Gage, at Bakersville. Mr. J. R. McCartney, local J. C. Penney Company stoife man ager, attended a group managers’ meeting in Winston-Salem this week. Mrs. J. C. Meadows returned yesterday to Martinsville, Va., after spending a few days at Pores Knob with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows and family. Miss Jessie Davis, who holds a position with the Anabelle Beau ty Shop in Lincointon, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Davis, in WilResboro. iit- . Chapel Hill. er, Mra. Irene Seroggi. iw family. M«g- % tik I Rie^ of. «ndxMra. .Mnh’i atea. P- Wn'A aftetji with f- . MHw BHa8ae1cw*Nf^4rf Rae Wh* tt’wpemair thik ww»R’!^wiai' i ihk bwp, moforptt t* Jeffeifra, Rbak* Rockkn^ had ath Mr gneM>1^ Ing Oapr and Elkin, Sni.4ay. ' nee«[K^ Thursday Miaa ■ .Mr. i i jid., Aiiaihiui ■SiLSSiSSlSSi-''*'''’ spent the WTOk-end v^th hi* wffe, , .'-I'l. ■jiiii.'f** V. Mr^ B. h. Rich, of Mrff": Wilkesbom. Rich .'to the former ^ss, Lois B. Whiren. ' ‘ Mrs. J. Tr'^Hedrtek, Jr., and two danghten, Martha Craig add ^oan, ate hefre visiting,Mrs. Hi^; rick’s parents, llr^i And ’Mn. /pS E. Johnson. ^ fiCiAltl Two I29A0 Siauaons Hidert to close out at special .rtunmer price of only $16.00 each. Mark-Down Fomitore Co. 8-2^2t CUT FLOWERS, GladioU, D a r lias .and other flowers. ’ ij|p' baskets, ribbons, matte, tu^^r- al designs. Saves you Order taken tor next ' year bulbs. Mrs. W. E. Snow, Fair- plains, . 7-26-2t-pd. UKK AtiiON FOR SALE FOR SALE: Fresh milk cow; purebred Jersey. J. M. Costner, Route 1, Pores Knob, N. C. 7-25-lt-pd. FOR S.ALE: Iot on .Moravian Falls-Wllkesboro highway; size 190x200 deep; 225 back. See W. E. Smithey, Wilkesboro, N. C. 7-29-2t-pd WATERMEONS NICE, LARGE ONES Ice Cold NORTH WILKESBORO ICE AND FUEL CO. TOMLINSON’S Store ■ Wide CLEARANCE IS NOW IN Full Swing! Folks, the values are here for you—plenty of ’em so hurrj in today and get pick of the values. You’ll save plenty, because prices have been cut deep! Sale is now in full swing. SPECIAL—FRIDAY A. M. SPECIAL—SATURDAY A. M. FATHER GEORGE SHEETING REGULAR 25c BROOMISl- | C Limit 10 yards to cu.stomer—Yard OC 4-.string Ybasement.) pach XOC MEN’S WORK SHOES $1.29 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS 47c BOYS’ OVERALLS 48c BOYS’ SCHOOL OXFORDS .... $1.19 1 Lot Ladies' White Dress Shoes and Oxfords—Main Floor—Paif $1.00 SPECL4L—Another Lot Sl'.eer Goods —Regular 12Vic yard (basement) iJC SPECIAI^MILLINERY—All Summer HATS, now 50c Pure Silk HOSE—First Quality— 55c 2 Pairs for ....$1.00 PEGULAR 59c SILK HOSE 44c BIG REDUCTION ON ALL SPORTS WEAR SPECIAL PRICE ON BATHING SUITS AND TRUNKS BIG SOAP SPECIALS 8 BIG BARS LAUNDRY SOAP 7 BIG BOXES 0. K. POWDF.R 24c 24c MEN’S SUITS $2.00—$I0;00 SATURDAY—Ritz Dress Shirts ^ $ f\f\ —Regular $1.65 I .l/U Big Lot Remnant Rolls—-Big 26c Roll—Special (basement) at 13c Another Lot Ladies’ Dresses—^Val- □e.s to $2.95—basement—each 25c MEN’S STRAWS ONE-HALF PRICE RBFRlGlERATOK gPlOLTA L S ! One 6=1-4 cubic feet electric re- ffigeratCr and one 8 .1-4 feet to go at special summer re duced prices. Only two left. Mark Down Furniture com pany. 8-25-21 FOR SALK; 1 2-year old pure bred Jersey Bull. Extra charge with papers. Come see, or write C. C. Hayes. It-pd.^ IE THREE-PIECE Metal Porch md lawn set, $29.60 value for only $20.00. Mark-Down Furni ture company. 8-25-2t. Amour deulefa 'UUeadfng=jih« oiina deuMrlF etwviRMotPlu B tog''R»Uk>*hU ’wahk:'wWw A;, . Kltbyi'.’if Ihe Taak»fWlfjr;l%' tor Co., . -i---.-., ■RESH JERSEY COW; 7-year- otd saddle horse, five-galted; ]6-months-oId guernsey hull; 1.000 yellow locust fence posts, 7 feet long, 10c each. A. T. Nichols, 'Wilkeahoro route 1. 7-18-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT, Angnst Is*, garage and filling station and fenced lot on corner of Cherry and Wilkesboro Avenue. See C. A. Dimmette, Ronda, N. C. 8-29-4t-pd NICELY pn ENI-SHED front room for couple, cool; also garage. Close In. Phone 299. 7-29-2t WANTED WANTED Haady^ynaa aad wom an, colored preferred. Man must be able to drive car and milk. Woman must be free to assist with house work. Ogllvie Gardens, Phone 27-F-04, Oak- woods, N. C. It ESTABLISHED RAWLEIGH ROUTE available. Many North Carolina Dealers making "week ly sales of $75 to $100 and more. Unusmdly fine oppor tunity for a man between 25 and 60 with car. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NOG-166-204, Riciimond, Va. 7-22-29-8-5-12m W.4NTED: All artnnd Beauty Operator. Must be experienced. See Mrs. Lelia H. Lowe, Wis teria Beauty Salon. 7-22-tf NTED: 1,000 Suits and Dress- I to clean and press. We do I right. Prompt service, .’eague’s Dry Cleaning, Tenth Street. 7-8-tl-(M) WANTED: To do your radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat isfaction guaranteed. — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. 8-10-tf PBOIAL! Ice boxes, Ice refrige rators and electric refrigera tors traded in on new Frigl- dalres; as low as $2. Henderson Electric company. 6-13-tf .EADQUARTERS for Pouitr) and Stock .Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts, at low prices. Red Cross Pharmacy, "Your Service Drug Store," 10th Street. 4-18-tf ESTABLISHED RAWLEIGH ROUTE available. Many North Carolina Dealers making week ly Sales of $75 to $100 and more. Unusually fine opportun ity for a man between 26 and 60 with car. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCG-164-204, Richmond Va. 7-4-il-18-25-4t-pd Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes (Basement) 50c and $1.00 Ladies’ Special! Big Lot Girls’ Regular $2.00 To SCHOOL DRESSES lOc TOILET SOAP $4.95 DRESSES 5c Just Received $1.00 Regular $1.00 Sizes 7 to 14 \fUSUAL BARGAINS in good need oara and tracks, several makes and models, Wilkes Mo tor company, twu miles west »n Boone Trail. 10-2-tf Many Others Just As Good! Come, Take A Look Over Our Store TOMLINSON’S DEPT. STORE Main Stkeet North WOkeaboity, N. C MISCELANEOUS LOST: Wednesday morning some where on Main or 10th Streets, package containing white slip from Spainhoor’a, also Elastic Panties, from the Jean Shop, together in hag from Spain hour’s. Finder return to Jourhi 'al-Patriot office and receive reward. 7-29-2t-pd LOST OB STOLEN. Sunday after noon lii Nimth WilkWbepoT . 'White pockatbook. eontififilnf: Btun of money, ate. jUvitfd .t^r c •’W.*’ SUMMER ' -i^sieep D ■^5seT ’mi 25c 47 c Cool and UrdMY ^ Reduced t^ YYiepe— MEN’S s lilRts these — ^ ..otG MAC” «ASH ^ „ i all ■KIWIS SHOtS gpEClAiL BVnf PAIE — MEN’S SWrts 49 c' — OithiacOverafts l6_Value SIZES 2 to pair- " 49c SALES ARE CLIMBING! BECAUSE THEY ARE ’’ COMPLETE SERVICE For All BUICK ■ i- > OWNERS Trained mechanics for every repair job. Guar anteed parts and ser vice. All through the years, when better cars were bulit BUICK has built them. Today is no excep tion to that rule. The local Buick dealership is home-owned—you deal with folks you know and can trust for a square deaL Come in and get an appraisal value on your present car in exchange for a new Buick. Our liberal allowance will in terest you and make it easy to trade. We are Buick dealers in North Wilkesboro and adjoining towns not having a Buick dealer, and will be pleased to demonstrate to anyone in-J terested either in a straight sale or trade. ,;J ■? Before you trade, be sure to get our figures.;^ They have already proved worth-while to many— they will meet with your approval, too. A Few Good Used Cal’s Traded In For New Buicks 1939 Buick Sedan 1930 Oldsmolde Sedan 1938 Chrysler Sedan 1937 Chev. Town Sedan "V : ■ ■■■■■ ■ -t. --■r'-.-A.:.’' 'ibpkeM 4IS IMk WnHittffH.