• •''iVji, m. ‘Hi ' .HihM U4 |iaaB«4 ;0B U “^“■“ fey'the North CairoUah , of H»lth. '"^.eif, the prese.releue ehtsser-(r^ beg) hl^ not Men enjr' dieeaae. -T-. ,7- ***• ®® “f- 'the eummer, end early fall '^Mfene It' Is neceeeery to go into -liiMe of tall graea or ■weeds, or ^Vateerer there la hetTy nnder- .IC iho^ M cording to Ae *“ Service. '' ^ ,. _ t.y| ‘Sf' • .-. ^ "Contrary^ tOJ j^nlar. '^M^fti&res^ 8 to J. the chlgger doe^ “jpt bdW®1f the skin and ijtnW its . entire body. The ailte apfWTentiy'feeds- on the upper layer of the ekln after this tlaeue has been’ .dis* solved by a substance wUeh the chlgger Inlects into, the skin. It th. TT.itz^ o„Ku..ii8 the effect of thie anhSUnce Cnrwth. the united States Public I associated with the attack of this annoying mite. >’*■! '■ Vr “After the chlgger has become engorged with food It domnipff'^Its hold and falls off.” • '■ ■ r i^'JBsalth Service suggests the use , ok flowers of sulfur, applied lib- «nHy to the stockings and under clothing as a partial protection liUtfnat ‘eUggera.’ “As soon as posstble after be- OFFICE JOBS Thousands Will Follow The Selective Draft A good BUSINESS EDUCA TION will assuiN'f you good eCMiIoyment. Write for infor- ■uttion about our COMPLETE BUSINESS AND SECRE- TARIAL course. Free employ ment bureau for grradnates. Jones Business CoUegi 126 (/ji W. Commerce St. High Point, N. C. I (Accredited by A. A. C. C.) 8-19 HEARTACHE5S OF A FAMOUS’ BOY GIANT. Relating how a real- life Gulliver, tried, unhappily, to make the best of It. But that lit tle gland made him different from everybody else. Don’t miss This unusual story in the August 11th Issue of The American Weekly, the big magazine dis tributed with the Baltimore American, On Sale at All News stands. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of John F. Dancy, de ceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify i persons having claims against tht estate of said deceased to ^hib them to the undersized at Miller Creek, North Carolina, on or be fore the 18th day of July, 1941, this notice will be pleaded in ba: of their recovery. All persons i> debted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment. This 18th day of July, 1940. MAGGIE DANCY HAYES, Executrix of the estate of John F. Dancy, dec’d. 8-22-6t-' JliH ■ " id" leTchlggwr. (H > IT ^ ; ^Bcldile tiif Your ''•jpaaei-Tii^M A a. .. I ■■■ — ■vim Ml * N ■•yli Tffii three Ebooifvil North ttema vrtU pUM between Uie two Ifin b*e sfedbtiiig ^ WMt' or Better. ifHiec vrere aplft Mmiiatt FaDs Traphiil ,Foi^«i!e Tip MotA' ,vian F«U» and ClingittaB Defaati Puriear ' Moravian Falla'edged Into the load by a half a game over Pur- lear Saturday -by a forfeit game from“Trao)hlll while Purlear was losing a 12-innlng free hitting party to Cllngman 12 to 11. Cllngman also advanced by winning Sunday over Rock Creek 12 to 9 and Fairplalns took two, one over Rock Creek Saturday 9 to 8 and one Sunday over Trap- hill 22 to two. Standing of the six teams In the league now is as follows: TEAM W. L. Pet. Moravian Falls 11 2 847 Purlear - 11 3 786 Cllngman — - 6 7 4 62 Fairplalns —^ 6 7 462 Traphlll 5 9 367 Rock Creek 2 11 154 On Saturday of this week Mo ravian Palls will play Purlear at Purlear and Purlear is tentatively scheduled to play Moravian Falls there on Sunday. Fairplalns will play Cllngman at Cllngman Saturday and Cllng man is scheduled to return the game Sunday. . Traphlll will play at Rock Creek Saturday and Rock Creek is scheduled to play at Traphlll Sunday. ' Aki^B, Ohio.—A hekd'Ohvf.ehl- tMia.jirltli' a f^ght train erhah- Jk Railroad ges- hloiiiie-electrlbji^h mina last Blflitiaad'fMrted'ii ^ to .(tolng'-dh^ ■ ’'Raflraad ; pifIcHa»^ 7»ld the fimoh) ebuttlitac fi^^'iladwtu Ohio, to Akron, hnexplalhediy fatied to take a sidetrack to allow the ^uble-englned, 78-car freight train to'paee. All thoae killed were, in the red-{MUnted steel eoach, whose gasoline .tknka, Inuwting .at the d^^enlng impaot,* tnmed the Mr Into a ftery trap. * '. /y All the passengers died. - The enginema^ and conductor of! the coach leaped to safety, but were severely Injured. Another trainman, riding home "dead head,” also lived to tell of the tragedy. Recapitulation five hours after the collision, which occur red at 6 p. m., indicated these these were the only survivors. Gamble When You Choose Your USED CAR Or Truck FROM THE USED CAR LOT OF YADKIN VALLEY MOTOR CO., BE CAUSE WE ARE CAREFUL WHEN WE TAKE THEM IN, AND RE CONDITION THEM IN WHATEVER WAY IS NEEDED TO MAKE THEM FIT FOR THE ROAD AND EQUAL TO THE SERVICE YOU CAN REASONABU' EXPECT. WE TRADE TO TRADE AGAIN ft fha:tiira ■- -WM :-ya.' _'iMtsr-1!|V' 9^; H^aholOk atiffarad-a. ~ opilaibone, - agly JMHI :il IsphMlf 9rhieh nlil^ lidl for their «Ul mftt^ tfe'dbtaln;^ - •' The oMef YoHoiiwd ME' TilllSi'laA sab jecttB'f^'’''peir&fej^’t and Mrap metal control syatem. Tbe'^priilaiffBP>'> :iaa tatfil otamatio^ hpv^verir inerfd9’'‘iia.h^' jeeted t£ni».esaeiiiUaL^rto lhafw- lata to export lU9niei)|E!-Xodi^s: avlaUoa-fael od^dei tha Westens Hemisphere. ^ .■> ■' Under the order, Great Britain as well as tte axis powers—Ger many, Italy and Japan—are harp- M..from access to suimliee of aviation fuel in this country. Bicycle Crash F^tal Boone, July 31.'—Fhineral serv ices were conducted this after noon at Three Porks Baptist church for Ray Hollar, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hollar of Boone, who was fatally injured in an automobile-bicycle collision two miles east of Boone 6;unday afternoon. Simon Tate of Boone, driver of the automobile, was ab solved of blame in connection with the fatality by a coroner’s lnqnl»‘y held yesterday afternoon. Young Hollar died late Monday in Wilkes hospital, where he was taken Immediately after the crash. Concussion of the brain was given as the cause of death. Both the bicycle and the car were traveling In the game direction when the accident occurred. Hol lar was In front and. In an at tempt to dodge a highway sign In the road, swerved in f.ont of the Tate car. His skull was frac tured when he was thrown to the pavement. Hollar is survived by his parents, three brothers, and two sisters. P. E. Dancy Opens ' Office At Jenkins P. E. Dancy, who has been en gaged in real estate and insur ance, business for several years, has opened an office In the Jenkins Hardware company building. Mr. Dancy, who Is well favorably known 1 n Wilkes, specializes in health and accident insurance sales and in real es tate bnalneaa Those who are in- ^tested In insui^ce or in buy ing’’ or selling real estate are In vited to call on Mr. Dancy at any time. Ads. get attention—and results T J fofi UKK A(:ion FOR SALE FOR S.ALE: Good 9-room hou.se ■with garden; opposite North Wiliesboro high school. Good price. See Mrs. WllUe Felts, 306 E Street. It WITH YOU. AND STAND BACK OF OUR PROMISES. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO COME HERE AND LOOK OVER OUR PRESENT OFFERINGS IN CARS, TRUCKS AND PICK-LTS BEFORE YOU CLOSE A DEAL. WE TRY TO GIVE YOU BETTER CARS FOR YOUR MONEY, AND A COMPLETELY SAT- ISFACTORY DEAL. THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT—THAT’S WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT HERE. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY ON A BETTER USED CAR! Liberal Trades—Easy Terms! A Number of Late Model Cars Also Some la Early ’30’s Yadkin Vallay Motor Oo. Sales — FORD — Smke' m: ninth street NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. FOR 8ALE: Cut Flower,s, Gladi oli, Dahlias, and other flowers. Baskets, mats and ribbons. Or der taken for next year’s bulbs. Save you money. Phone 4 6-F- 24. Mrs. W. E. Snow, Fair- plains. It-pd. 1940 STATION WAliO.N, radio, low mileage, Ilk© new. $270 discount. Henkel’s, Statesville N. C. 8-29-10? HESH JERSEY COW; 7-yenr- old saddle horse, five-galted: 16-months-old guernsey bull: 1,000 yellow locust fence posts. 7 feet long, 10c each. A. T. Nichols, Wilkesboro route 1. 7-18-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three-room .4part- ment on street floor; furnish ed. Mrs. G. W. Sebastian, Phone 206-M. It-pd wanted, WANTED: To do your radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. .Sat isfaction guaranteed. — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. 8-10-tf PEXHAIi! Ic© boxes, ice refrlge- rators and electric refrigera tors traded In on new Frigl- dalres; as low as $2. Henderson Electric company. 6-13-tf JgADQUARTEBS for Poultry and Stock Remedies—JYalco taj^ts and other known pro ducts, at low prices. Red Cfo*s Pharmacy, “Your Service Drug Store.” 10th Street. 4-18-tf MISGELANEOUS ESTABtdbUED RAW LEIGH ROUTE avaJlnble. Many North Carolina Dealers making week ly SWee of $74 to $106 and more. Unusually fine opportun ity for a man between 25 and 50 with car. Write Rawlelgh’s, Dept. NCH-164-204, Richmond, Va. • Aug. 1-8-15-22-pd [B>EAL BEAUTY PAjaXlHB -v- , ^Pbo^e 46 for Oil -’'PferaaBwiitii: I, .G$l»er Pemko«n|^f,.rt.f6. 1«^ Winewitero. N.'U., cad^nitr a^on speeifleatlYYK^ to kwe- control of -feluM I mooidfta, it gdnliging Into tfeo RqKBOke car, i dyiren by Katha BioBnt,. of Roanoke. Other per sons In the automobiles escaped Injufy. , • i , ■ ,.X! Ada. get attattKm—and TMOltg Use the advsrtiaing cbhnnl|rxt{‘- this paper as ypor ah^piiV ADMINISTRATOR’S N0TK» Having qualified as Administrtft tor of the estate of Sadie Mortis Petty, deceased of'Wilkes Countjv NorA Carolina, this is to notify all persons ba^ving claims against the estate of said deceased to ex- htUt Uiem to the undersira^ at North Wilkesboro, North Gtfplina, on or before the 18th day of July, 1941, or this Notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. AH jflersons indebted to said estate will please make immediate-pay ment Hus the 18tb day of July, 1940. WADE HOUCK, Admr. of Sadie Martin Petty!' deceased ' 6-22-6t-t i eSMUOty. isoMy*-'V: .RM4.* SRsyywjMgsww - ~ t tOiWniiSltmm ■ ■g.14 Sf AisHtr t sooiu *v* Tada^rFridaQr "Tour Entertateaient Ceater”^| DRPHEUl# liiiiiiiiiii THREE VERY Special Offers OFFER NO. 1 ■ Great Values! ALL REMAINING lOe PIECES IN Pitchers, Vases, Bowls Suitoble for flowera, kitdben' Sold at 10c each. Slight defects; vari ous sized pieces. On sale first time at 10c each. Now On Sale at Each OFFER NO. 2 Reductions! Sale prices will continue on all SUMMER MERCHANDISE as long as any. items remain in stock, but prices ■will soon be ■withdrawn on all sta ple goods which were included in our sale to make it store-wide as ad- .vertised. Be sure to pay us another visit and share in the remaining^ great values! “Alba” Hosiery All our regular full-fashioned “Alba” Hose—crepetwist—first quality goods —regular 79c numbers—sale price— pair— 2 PAIRS FOR $110 Notion Sale lOc Items Button and buckle sets, thread, and various regular 10c items in a special sale that should interest the ladies. Each OFFER NO. 3 Save $15.00! Sale of Radios A Close-Out Purchase Of DETROLA RADIOS Full Cabinet Size, 7-tubes ^ $39.50 VALUES! Only 6 to SeD at, each ■J e -'S. *• . . '-w . A'.

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