L ■TTi nMir liyiplpa i^iOUBNA&I fjtwii i«' - ::tJr .;v etForaita '-^,a«:rrtvv r- tt AaTlns Lv;s>iik'. ' AMitment honM' dt^taeM' ia Wdk«Bbofo. raff Mr. Ward E»faelman is sp«r.d> a^jwo weeks in tiri^wlch, &n., with Mr. Chester Chapin. •Mrs. F. J. McDuffie and daugh ter. Mies Virginia McDuffie, left Monday for Norfolk, Va., to spend several days with Mrs. B. J. Deal. Mr.' Marshal ‘imiugMA lai^ {aailly, ,ol tUa cl^. spent manl days this'week ai Myrtle Beach, S. c. ••■ ■' r. and; Mrs. Paling Horton Mr. this Work is progressing on the new residence of Mr. Joe Pearson in WllkeOboro. It will be an attrac- tire home when completed. Miss Bertha Sookwell, of GreeneAwro, is here for a few days this week visiting in the Sockwell home. Mr and Mr. , , , _ , . city, are spending the ireek ' at Manteo, N. C ^ Mr. Ben Staley was li^hto city Ihiesday looking . alter business matters and visiting hli^' sister, Mrs. C. F. Brown. i Mrs. H. Q. Nichols and daugh ter, Peggy, are spending this week in Morganton vlsiDng Mr and Mrs. W. B. Nichole , Mr. W. H. Spicer, of Richmond, Indiana, U visiting in North Wll- kesboie with his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Absher. Mrs. Grant Wiles is suffering from a bad burn which she re ceived in her home in North Wil- kesboro last week. Mrs'. W. H. Parker returned to her home at Bolton Wednesday after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newton. Mr. C. W. Hendren. well known resident of Wilkesboro Route 2, was a North W'ilkesboro visitor ednesday. ^.Wr. W. D. Sears, well known business man of Taylorsville, was ^ business visitor to the city to- f Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Stone, son Ray, baby Janice, and Mrs. Stone’s sister, Miss Hester Ab sher, visited relatives at Lomfx and Dockery Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. M. Brame, Jr., and children, Bobby and Nell Gwyn, left Saturday for Myrtla Beach, S. C., where they are spending several days on a pleasure trip. Mrs. Rosa Reeves has as her guest this week, Mrs. Fred An derson, of Camden, N. J. Mrs. Anderson ^ a niece of Mrs. Reeves. • Messrs. G. W. Brown and Blaine Sparks, well known citi zens of the Traphill community, were visitors in North Wilkes boro Monday. Illllllllllll V . V I MAI Miss Rose Laws has returned to her home at Moravian Falls from Davis hospital in Statesville, where she recently underwent an appendicitis operation. Miss Goldie Erickson was able to return to her home in Wilkes boro Wednesday after undergoing a successful operation for appen dicitis at The Wilkes Hospital. The families of Messrs. A. F. Kilby and J. M. Quinn have re turned to the city after spend ing about ten days at Montreal, N. C. HE COULD k T«i 1/ a TALK A ORA , WOMAN y h 1T INTO ANYTHING! Mrs. tv. H. Spivey and son, Henry, of Rich Square, are visit ing Mrs. Spivey’s father, Mr. F. G. Holman, and other relatives in Wilkesboro. Little Cecil Dancy, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Jim Dancy, of North Wflkeaboro, has been very sick. He Is !«ome better now, friends are glad to know. 'muKm HVHOTAIKED .100 MUCH' Today - Friday Miss ilessie Lee Anderson and Mr. Waiter Jones, Jr., were a- mong those from North Wilkes- loro attendifig the horse show n Blowing Rock la.st Saturday. 11^.. [il^icoiitfiahy them homo; ' ' - (‘m . ’4:..... .'Hi , Mru. Mukybr Hunt and aon; Joa Haal, ani M>a.'J- Q- Adams have retarned from Blowiag Rocjf iwhere they were gueete tor a feV days gf Mr, and Mia. H. P. HW- shoueer. ■ Mr.’ and Mrs. J. Q.‘ Adams had as their gueets tor ft few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. R. V, Norman and two children, Sarah Jane and R. V. Jr., of Johnston City, Tenn. [*• r,st^’ . , _ igt laM^ Bewjif,' ft «4o|daff noted ipso^;, ,, ^Mra O. S. Boren,.'of 5r$e^ boro, and Mrs. (^larenee OaJI,,arii^ are staying on the BruritytMomiK tola had as their recent «Jg»Nitdi their sister, Mrs. W. Greensboro, and Mrs. % Baat’s 'diaiughtor, granddaughter,' a d» greet grandson, Mrs. Aa> draws, of . Chapel Bill, aad J|MJ .William B. ' Fackert and son, William, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Horton are spending this week at Man- t e 0. They were accompanied there by Mrs. Horton’s mother, Mrs. Donald Lumpkin, of Dur ham. Mrs. Mlnda Abeher, of Wins ton-Salem, is visiting friends Ja North Wilkesiboro this week, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt Al^ sher and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ab sher. Mr. N. S. Forester and daugh ter, Miss Esther Forester, have returned to their home at Lake City, S. C., after visiting relaUvee at Goshen and In the Wilke*- boros. Mr. Forester is a former resident of this city. Jimmy Carter, son of Mr. Mrs. J. B. Carter, had as and -V. visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L, M, Jarvis, of Roaring River, ROnte 2, last week were Mr. and Mrs. B. U Greene, of 618 South Division Street, Shli*- bury. “5 «>T citisong m so osys; tne James S. Jarvis, of 1802 graded »nd snrfhced, land ^vSfcne, Portomonth, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rankin, of V«yr Jarvis and Mrsi fill. tredoit f Onwlitl ib'ffighl^ Ite. ^1'jn^-ot jSi^bA, Grt^;. Jg '.to oomi^rt^ ii^ ^ ; # pnrf miBTOf* reed uA^iniPffbiB Harmony. tp>i Bw Wllfeisbord roMd. of this i^jledt i^ere i eoiapitiUA some time ago; now the nmaiiiiit.; et^M Ciio'idda'W seheiinled tP-W gfaded gad adHaeod. -The ^p' has been posted at the ' oopcL ihohM and, B'W ohjeetiph is by^ cHison^ in W days; 'the rbiad will, be graded and anrfacOd, ae oatlined on the map. er. A ims K ua ' nok BiiGr* York City, Mr. Jarvis and Greene visit their parents every year but it had been six years since the family bed all met at h^e i>n tho s^ify'date to spend their vacations t^ether end with their patents. iOn Bunday Mr. and Mrs. L. IM. Jarvis'Entertained all their children and served, a most bountecjs and drtlcloos 'dinner. The children were all present for the day. Mrs. H. L. Gn«ne, of Salisbury, Maryland; Mru. M. M. Mathis, of Roaring River; Mr. his James S. Jarvis, of Portsmouth, guest a couple of days the first of the week his cousin, Allan Banner, Jr., of Greensboro, who is spending sometime .on the Brushy Mountain. Mr, Edwin Holman and sons, John and Penn., of Atlanta, Ga., are spending several- days In Wilkesboro -with his father, Mr. F. G. Holman, and other rela tives. Mr. Holman is photographic editor for the Atlanta branch of the Associated Press. Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Edwards, accompanied by Miss Eloise Starr, returned Tuesday from a month’s trip to Panama, Nicaragua, Hon duras and Cuba. In Panama they spent a week with Mr. M. G. Ed wards, Jr., who is in the air corps at Panama. They report a very pleasant and enjoyable trip. Ohio; Mrs. Jim B. Henderson, Jr., of Wilkesboro. Mrs. A. Dick Sale, of WUnst'on-Salem; Mr. Jay F. Jarvis, of Winston-Salem; Mrs. Bill S. Johns, of Winston- Salem; Miss Zelle Jarvis, of Draughon’s Business College, and Mr. Lenn M. Jravis, Jr. TOUR The annual Durham County farm and home tour attracted 100 people who visited seven places In the county to study improved farming and home-making prac tices, reports Farm Agent W. B. Pace. Fairplams To Have I Revival .Seit^ca* R*f! ’•Vrt- »‘it; Rev» GilbertQaDbme, I by Rev. George , Osborne,’ conduct a revival at the munity building at Falrplains,, beginning Monday, August 22; Services will be held each ^ eve ning at 7:45 throughout the’we^ and the public has a most cor-, dial invitation to attend- Ads. get attention—and reanlta. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Having qualified as execntri: 'of the estate of John F. Dancy, de ceased, late of Wilkes County North Carolina, this is to notify f persons having claims against thi estate of said deceased to eichil them to the undersized at Mille’ Creek, North Carolina, on or be fore the 18th day of July, 1941, this notice will be pleaded in bai of their recovery. All persona ii debted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment. This 18th day of July, 1940. MAGGIE DANCY HAYES, Executrix of the estate of John F. Dancy, dec’d. 8-22-6t-* -tr.' I.- ' ' t.. ' ’ IT io RfconcSe Yow'Account » L SortdwcfaiMBeriegllyiorbsrdo**^ X Compgra raftnMl rhrrki rm 1 Iht «t On your itubt ciiM± off e«ii iMn laid fer tfaa b«A • >at oHht oMotei ood MBowts of IhoM sdi ofihinifcn To te •MB of Ifag (Mtataidhig cfascki mU 11m bi4> •ooe M Baosm OB yoor cfaedc book. 4. IftKt BM aB (hporibiirfddi do act i«)pegr OB Iho aliOMMBft Add Cbio total to tfia balk aBoa dkMm by fba MateBMoL Tha tao rawdti Mioufd agPM, aad V ai^ tha 1 saBdeaad ia conact The Northwestern Bank Resources Over $4,500,000.00 Serving Northwestern North Carolina Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mr. W. G. Gabriel, manager of Belk’s Department Store in this city, returned Tuesday evening from Charlotte where he spent two days attendiirg a meeting of Belk managers. More than 200 managers were present, and heard lively discussions by num erous speakers on the various phases of merchandising. Mr- Shirley Stone is recovering rom an appendicitis operation performed in the Wilkes Hos pital several days ago. Friends re glad to see him out again. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Norman, chore marriage wa.s recently an- louneed. will make their home in one of Mrs. N. B. Smithey’s ipartments. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newton spent a few days last week at Fountain with Mr. Newton’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Newton. They took their daughter, Mary Louise, down for a several weeks visit with her grandparents, and .brought another daughter, Mar jorie, home, who had been there for several weeks. Mrs. T. B. Scott and daughter, Frances, of Norfolk, Va., are vis- ting -Mrs. Scott’s mother. Mrs. leorge W. Johnson, Jr., and sis ter, -Miss Lena Faw. .Mr. Ray Erwin, editor of Ml- liini Beach Tropics at Miami (each. Florida, is spending a few veeks with relatives and friends n the Wilkesboros. •‘COOL AS AN OCEAN BREEZE’ ORPHEUM iiiiiiiiiiii Mr. and .Mrs. J. B, Cleary had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Royal, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Girton and chil dren. Margie, Dorothy, C. V. Jr. and Bernice, of Cincinnati, Ohio. While here Mr. and Mrsi Royal purchased a home site on North Wilkesboro, Route 1. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Aycock and daughter. Miss Helen Aycock, spent Monday and Tuesday visit ing Mrs. Aycock’s mother, Mrs. Bettie Beachum at Polkton. They went down especially to see Mrs. Aycock's brother, Mr. R. H. Beachum, and his family from W’itchita Falls, Texas, who was visiting there. BELK’S Briig This Cou|>or (gr Rings. Crowes sr LuihsB TbR CoapoD and Only 49c B Bearer to One of Ow ON SALE SATURDAY Om.Y Croat NgcklcMtet la^naiD or mttk ^rRiafle Diamonds 49 „ law Choice et Ladlea’ w Itea’a 14-K Ftaiiah Blnga odtb Fa ' OOUpOD ftOd 40C tO OUT aitOi* AXld ODO c our LockeU. Crcaa Heckhgiaa, or LadloF « Men’s Rina*. Tlile merely lielpe p»y for local ad- vertlilnc, eapreee, lalespeople. etc.: notblng mote to pay. NEW ITBEAMUNED DESIUNS Til,,, tMoutUul Ctcei Necklacec. Loekete add Btngi arc U>« new faablon eeneatlon now behu wen aftarnooD and evonlng Vartaty of wylet, molodlna Fiiangemtrit Wedding and naner RnigB aad plain or fancy dealgna In Ckoea HecklaoM and iMkam. The Loekete open to hold two ptotoaia. limit—TWO TO A CtWTOlOB Tl^ o«ar nmde poaelble by the mmntaoParcr. iSr^t^inlt QtmntlUaTThla oeiRjoo h good only whUa AdvartMag Salt la on. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.' Snyder have returned to their home at Mansfield, Ohio, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborne In Wilkesiboro. They were on their way home from Duke University, where Mr. Snyder, who is a foot ball coach, attended the Duke coaching school. Mr. Snyder and .Mr. Osborne were members of the .same school faculty in Ohio sev eral years ago. ECONOMY This Grewt Bargain Event gives you an opportunity to save on present and future needs. Wonderful bargains in every department. Truly a rare chance to save. ACT QUICK! SCOOP!... Ladies’ DRESSES SIZES 12 to 52 Buy your entire season’s supply in this great sale. Save plenty: Lovely flatter ing styles, gay colors, beautiful materi als. such as 80” square prints, sheers, voiles and broadcloth. These dresses were $1.00 each. SPECIAL . . . Two For w Ladies’ ...DRESSES Fashionable glamorous Chic New Dress es. Crepes, wash silks, shantungs, etc. Values up to $3.95. Solids and Pmits, newest in style. ALL SIZES— SPECIAL, ONLY. $1.94 Ladies’ ...DRESSES Ladies’ attractive dresses in summer sheers and prints, tailored and dressy styles, practical too. Hurry in for the.se values. SIZES 16-52— SPECIAL, EACH. 68' LADIES’ GOWNS Fine quality batiste gowns, lace, ribbon and ruffle trims, extra lengths, smart styles. 29c-39c NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of power vested Sn the undersigned by an order of re-sale signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County in an action entitl ed Mrs. Ella Phillips, widow, et al, vs. Ralph Phillips, et al, authoriz ing and empowerinng the under signed as commissioner to sell the hereinafter described lands; I will, therefore, on *he 21st day of August, 1940, at t.ie hour of 12 o’clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., the following described real estate, to-wite Adjoining the lands of T. B. Finley, Willie Miller, Albert For ester and others, and bounded as follows: Begrinning on a hickory in the Gordan line; thence North 13 degp’ees West 176 poles to a white oak sapling; thence W«Bt 100 poles to a stone: thence South with Laura Miller’s'Kne to W. D. IV. Miller’s comer; then with his I line 100 poles to the Hacket line. |W. D. Miller’s comer; thence 60 poles East with the Hacket line and Finley line to the beginning. Containing 116 acres, more or less. For further description ref erence is hereby made to a deed' from C. A. Fofester and others, to L. IE Phillips, recorded dn bwk ; 65 page 252 and 253. Tlie bid will be started at thO. sum of $1060.00. This 1st day of Auz*f» 1940: KYLE HATEHi- 8-16-2t Children's and Infants Wear Children’s Dress Sale—Special purchase fine quality 80” square prints, smartly styled, beautiful patterns and colors. Size 7-16 only—^two for , oluai ui 97 Children’s School Dresses (regular $1.00 values), a large assortment of children’s new school dresses in broaddioth, cham- brays, shantungs and prints, beoutiful styles, lovely made— Size 7-14—Special now .1— f O Save on these bargains—Children’s Cot ton Dresses, fine quality prints, princess and sewing skirts, cute and 39*^ dainty. Sizes 3-6 years. Special Boys’ Wash Suits. Beautiful quality shantung and broadcloth, newest combi nation ot* colors. Sizes 1-6 years—a rare value at this low price. Special—each.— - Children’s Polo Shirts, fine knit cotton and rayon striped polo shirts— Off c Sizes 2-6 yrs. Special 2 for A V Infants’ fine quality batiste slips, ruffl ed hem-stitch trims— _ 19' Special—each. Infants’ fine' ribbed shirts—long sleeves, button or wrap around styles— 25' special—2 for...., ox EXTRA Ltdies’ herV* an opportunity to save on ft eont.or unit. Suitable for all ^enaoM wear. Theso coats and'suits are values up to $12.96. Sale Price $2.95 '■'S ASK FOR BIG 4-PAGE CIRCtfL^^USTING HUNDREDS OF VAtUESI • I x,:>HORTH WIIXtSBORO, H.

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