rtittk tt t(t«j ts jh* An^ Maps, lfl», uio ' Ui« Army Xka Annrl equipment IH- i» to T«T7 P!>«d [ij|eiw» of or wtiere. Nary iwfli ooMaca f3. OaBunlMtoii|:'J(tkat 1» the ^■>-- \iCoagtam ^yitiaai toTtaa. r n8(io&8lbillt| ■I Defense Adrl a h to find out I MaTy need, hi 11^ and Me that; Ike Gommlssioij the Pfed- i-Chlef of the Na- Commlg- the Army where to to deUrer- ^Vdrawa no tlons, signs contracts ily adTiaea, s^^ ln negoti- ■iaaw and farilitat^ra^roduction. &' ovdiaary timeS^^e Army tAltary, halve no Jpjteculty in 'firt ^ /A/ mu rOuKK A:ion ^iittppllea THwto «| to shorta«e» and V call tor attrmovihAlir fam ai^aaea. nc^ThaU when we «eeft MeMpti Of S(«lKi|U»Am i. |arn coia-^t — * mostna^lKhd --1-« uBai#' *nis, ■uoop ^xemofurnTt A ■IDiiifl'oj -aod' BJxchange toey he^ t|ie «reR hda orsnrtliBB a iaj- that^Miiljidy the nation. la an “ the^ s^e the.,^^aa0on FOR d**BH ’ CX)W wl See Rnssel Brooki Tien Tails , first calf. Mora- ^ It-pd Two lota 50x140 lo- * 1mm fn Woodlawn! Cash or tamia. See Absher Realty Co. 8-15-at mui bXAaiON W.^iiON, radio. lew mileage, like ^^ew. $2 70 ifebUinr. BDankei'a, Statesville, C 8-29-lOt /aaBH JERSEY OOW; 7-year- eGl saddle horse, '^ flve-gaited; iam:onths-old guernsey bull; 3.M0 yellow locust fence posts, ^ f»ibet long, 10c each. A. T. Achola. tYLLkeaboro route 1. 7- 18-tf FOR REjrr ■i^._ worn BENT:, miree-rooin hou-ve ■ear WflkBBboro; garage and ather cmttttrfldlnge.—See John 0tcker»;. Vllkesboro, N. C. 8- l.S-2t HaOR RENT: 5-roofci hoiiso. See JL A. Eller, North Wil'kesboro, «. (L It-pd >DB RENT: Two flre-room un- teatshed apartments; near . «tty on Highway 18. Bee or write E. M. Hutchison. Route 3, North Wilkosboro, N. C. It-pd wanted BSTABLISHED RAW L B ’ G H BOUTE available.. Many North CtooGna Dealers making wieek- IF Bales of $75 to $100 u.nd mere. Unasually‘~fine oppor- •■■ity for a man betoreen 25 and M with car. Write Rawleigh's, BepL NCG-165>204k Richmond, T«. 7-22-29-8-5-12m dEHKTED: 1,000 Suits end iiress- m to dean and press. We do it right. Prompt service. Teague's Dry Cleaning, Tenth SbMt. ' 7-8-tf-(M) » ■ ■■■■■« • m WANTED: Experienced Waitress- m. Kller's Cafe. 8-12-2t WAIPTED; Four Salqgo^n to sell Heaia Comfbrt Hand” Washing ■MBlnes fn Wilkes county. See W. D. Sears, Taylorsville, N. C. Hr details. 9-5-8t e« difoctly. tite raw materlaU mu^ from/farms, forests, and mliTw. Chemicals In vast (tnantlitee must be produced. Important critical materials must be stored In ad vance. Tin and rubber are tUready being accum>ulated In stpek piles. Synthetic rubber shows great promise for the future. All our own raw materials are being cata logued. Availability of manufacturing facilities must be checked a- galnst transportation limitations and availability of manpower. If we call on our military forc es for protection, we cannot and must not expect them to go out without equipment. To see that this job Is done Is the responsibil ity of all of ue. To help guide this work, the President called on *he nation’s leaders In seven fields, whose special knowledge the nation needs. They are Vikhm :to~4btemlne tlM effects pronniAii on toe nailoft’a firke strnOtuiA. If prfeia of materials appea^to be tettlag out of httttd, Totontory. ments with F«^cm ar#^tt$1it. If this --toitef’^etmimdada^^ for approinrlato actftih • wUI^ ha made. •, ^ Division ff Ooiaanaer ProtecttoH Aside from protecting the’ pub lic against unjustified Increases In toe articles we need for dally existence, the Division of Con sumer Protection, under Miss Harriet Elliott. Dean of Women In the University of North Caro lina, has laid the groundwork to prepare us physically for our de fense reeponslblUtlea The Divis ion will emphasise the importance of health and pftbllc welfare In the defense program. This Involves action with civic onganlzatlons to mobilise human resources Into constructive chan nels: meetings with retailers, or- ganized consumer groups, raanu- servlng now facturers of consumers'’ goods m Inenoing, toandt to fr^^tlvit po^ilUIttles ' vi kiwl^f tha need fS bUDM don-draihaUnt workers in ~ [A of inr, A. Dank. 'State . .ntoUtrator, said In a three day itte^ng In Ashevllip laat ' week^ heath exercise# somewhft itteg ttie fashion that has been Asistont in Bnropean countries for feveisl years will bie set up in our loehl projects. These will be Hipplemented with training in the care of teeth, toe treatment, of toelpfent diseases and Im provement of diet to produce a stronger youth for the nation. Danger of v.sr and the more urgent need for trained mecheui- les has curtailed expansion of work for girls. However, toe $,- 000 girls now assigned to Home Practice Centers In North Csn^ lina will be retained. A time lim it will be placed on the periods ywiths win be allowed to work on NTA hereafter, Mr. Larg s«W, since there are already 12,000 yoUng people Ih toe State who have applied for jobs and who d“^ >eaeto tro- iSll"’oper»Htt* Sto. Whkw ooiinty.'Ti^ working 81^ and A ’ltdiDe Prius- tiiee Csat«r^into,.;iy^ $; total qnoto^ of. Mau^ eoui^ llii^lgdr, stated ti^d^l^’^pHeatldfis an still betog accM|i«ji sad placed on an "Awmlthv ;iisBtoimt^’ ttet. ueeaB. iney Acwauavao ~ aaTo apyiivu lur jws hum nuu without pay. Most of their expert and wholesalers. A major effort been Investigated and a4>- assistants also serve without is directed toward preventing un- hnve not been pay. Others have been borrowed, with clerical staff from Govern- mont agencies. Raw Materials The primary task is to Insure a continuous supply of raw ma terials for our factories.. This re sponsibility is a.ssigned to the In dustrial Materials Division under Edward R. Stettinlus, Jr. He has resigned as Chairman of the Board of the United States Steel Corporation, to serve for nothing a year. He Is in for the duration. Backed by an imposiu? array of experts. Mr. Stettinlus will get everything from steel for armor plate, to cotten cloth for hand kerchiefs. He has' helped secure strategic and critical raw mater ials. He has helped obtain sup plies of 100 octane gasoline. He has asked tor the expansion of the Tennessee Valley (Authority’s power producing taclljitles to in sure adequate electric ienergy for aluminum production vital to the aircraft program. When It comes to making things for the Army and Navy— airplanes. Unks, machine guns, uniforms, miles of sjioe laces— In fact all the supplies needed, a Production Division is function ing under William S. Knudsen. on leave from his regular job as President of General Motors. Production Division The division of responsibility between Mr. Stettinlus and Mr. Knudsen was described by Mr. Knudsen like this: “Ed.” he said, “will bring in the stuff. Every thing is raw material until I start to cut it up.” “Cutting it up’’ involves the fullest possible use of all our available manufac turing facilities—bigger plants where bigger plants are needed, conversion of plants to war work that are now engaged In peace work, and finally, construction of new plants. Mr. Knudsen’s Pro duction Division clears contracts for billions of dollars. Produc tion lines are already rolling. Transportation Division Watching the transportation lines to see that there are no snarls that will cut off vital sup plies of raw materials is' the task of Mr. Ralph Budd, President of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. In addition to seeing that Mr. iStettinius’ raw Justifiable Increases in the prices we pay; increases In living costs that would handicap our efforts to prepare ourselves physically* for instance, for such responsi bilities as we might face In an emergency. William H. McReynolds, -A.d- ministratlve Assistant to t h « President, has been designated a« Secretary to the Commission. Along with these Commission members many other leaders are serving in special capacities, help Ing with particular probleme. This whole stupendous effort must go ahead rapidly and smoothly. It requires teamwork of the highest order. At every turn the actions of this Commis sion will affect the lives of all the people of the United States. This 'Commission can only help the President and the Military Services. The ultimate success of tbo program Is up to the people. ^■■ANT WANTED for farm on wnnd«PTi’s TWkfh River, six miles above I “""r! Wilkeaboro. Stock and imple- SMBts furnished'. See Dr. F. H. esfireath. Star Rokte, Wilkes- kbro. N. C. 8-5-tf «Quma>: To do yonr radio re pair work on all makes and Models. Expert repH^men. Sat- kfiietloB gnannMSd. — Day Hectric iC’o., Phone $88. 8-10-tf > nCIADt Ice boxAsHM refri^- sators and electric^ refrigera- rors traded In onl-dwb Prigl- Hires; as low as '$8^^Henderson ZIectric company. 6-13-tf miscelanI^s MOUND: Large Gerfunn Police Dog. No collar. Ow,ser may ob tain same by seeing W. A. Brame at North Wilkeaboro In- sarance Agency. It-pd KKD.YOUR vacation at All Heeling Springs and drink the bmous water, 2 1-i imiles from Taylorsville. N. C. on Lenoir mgbw&y No. 90. W. D. Sears. 9-5-8t mm Ah BEAUTY FABLOR — none 46 for appointment. Good on Perma#«Bts $2.00. #tk«r FermanenW'^'$S.OO to (K.M. ElxperiendM licensed tmaraton. Airkindq of beanty aarvlee. 8-28-8t RAYLEIGH route avall«Wfc^#ny North Carolina Deaiw# flying week ly Skies of-’l|5#iW- $100 sod UnusnsBr)^ m B mao ivfto ear. W; NCH-184 _,:v -■•T. Aug. plants, the Division of Transpor- tati n is working on acquiring GRAND MATRON IS VISITOR AT LOCAL CHAPTER OR 0-E.S. (Continued from page one) As many members as possible were asked to attend the Robert Morris Day program at the Ma sonic and Eastern Star Home, Greensboro, August 29, at which time the beautiful chapter will be dedicated for the people of the Home. After the meeting adjourned a delightful social hour was enjoy ed, during which a lovely vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Killian. The following out-of-town vis itors were present: Mrs. Leola M. Byeriy, W. G. M., 0. E. S., Salis bury; Ml. H. R. Moaz, P. G. Pa tron, Greensboro; Mrs. H. R. Moaz, Grand Marshal: Mrs. Nel lie S. Stine, Grand Treasurer, Le noir; Mr*. Mary Tobc-y, District Deputy Grand Matron, of Lincoln- ton; Mrs. Jewel S. Greer, Past D. D. G. Matron, of Lenoir; Mrs. Lillian Gulgou. State Chairman of Endowment Fund, Valdese; Mrs. Lois McGowan, former mem ber of Wilkes chapter and now of Hlbriten chapter, Lenoir; Mrs. Blanche Willard, district chair man of "Par Heel Star News. Salis bury; Mrs. Cleva Putman, of Chapel committee, Llncolnton; Mrs. Mattie Camp, Grand Rep resentative of Illinois, Llncoln- spe 'ii rolling stock for handling ^^s. Lillie Jennings, past , . , rr>Utn .. . . r I opitortun- troops and their equipment. This ■oiling stock will be purchased by the Government. Waterways, pipe lines, airlines, and truck/ lines, are also being surveyed, so that their capacities will he known and j*eady for any emer gency. I/abor Division To see that the Raw Materials Division’s forests, mines, and tields, and the Production Divis ion’s factories have a supply of manpower, Sidney Hillman, Pres ident of the Amalgamated Cloth ing Worker? Union, heads the Division of Lat"or Supply. A traln- in.g program in the vocational schools has already enrolled tho:isands. particularly those who feel the need for new training to retrieve their earlier skills. This division has also organized a La bor Advisory Board consisting of re-pre.sentatives of the A. F. of L. and the C. I. O., together with the Railroad Brotherhoods. The Division has already been help ful in averting several serious production stoppages. Agricultural Division The Agricultural Division, un der Mr. Chester Davis, of the Federal Reserve Board, Is at work on the problem of plant location tor defense purposes. Surplus la bor, particularly in agricultural areas, will be utilized. The Divis ion will also aid in collecting supplies' u( Important agricultur al products, and is vitally Inter ested In maintaining the parity between agricultural and Indus matron, Hibrlten chapter, Lenoir; Mrs. Nell Love, secretary of Hl- briten chapter, Lenoir; Mrs. Vera Henson, past matron, of Lincoln- ton; Mrs. Mary Shuford, past matron, of Llncolnton. iproved but who have not been , I 1IL IV Rural electrlfleattim has broaght light and modern eon- venlMices to thousands at North Carolina farm homes within the past few years. ,/ “Now,’’ says D. E. Jonas, rural electrification specialist at N. C. State Coliege, “farmeca are learn ing how elbctrlclty can be 70! ta work to lighten burdens and eco nomically operate beating and re frigeration units on the farm.” He named the operation of brooders, for chicks, datry aqnto- riHHii ttotok. : power nhd: iongAtama |NHr thamiatTBa^ as ifls* with «6fs Bt ate j-:/t.; ,Rioiw-, . Conpi for.;4he Ir TO PS, hUd -te. stoirt ieu« "A' than : o^ j-'AeJoirAiMt, Saws .'"r| liHF' tba, Ttarr Racra|dl$i:; iR Saliabuxy, as snllmilii v4t' , «1W aonntr, to- IhV nunrpjo^ lie dairy fa no rac^ |eoet for Iqa: shina stalled etoctikal of Alamance Coun- r. Francis* Slegman uhty are 'entfrazed |teed grindlilg mills itrlc- motors’. Mr. lam convinced that |ng problem on my hrough use at this |id neariy 6XT bash- an hour and use ratt Hotuw at elec- kports that Ira and I Rowan comity are to pmnp water ^ it Of men toe accepjbm tor enlistment in* tow Navy from ■ ttHw:’district itnmedlstelr.*HJe .jl Navy reerniiers, Mir. Sides v aW Ifr. Brown, state'that gronpa'ist' _ accepted appUeanta feare for th4vf Naval Trainlnr SbaCfon, Norfolk, Va., each week and anyone wish-1 Ing to take advantage of thtoV^, ,1 fine apportunliy- for a career ln'_,^ the Nary are- urged to visit thwi^J Navy recruiting-office, post office' building, SallJftory, N. C. at once. To be ellglbto a young mad must be between toe ages of 19'^ and 3i, be of good character,' physically qualified and not be low 7th grade education. To anyone interested, the a$-' vantages of a career In the Narr will be explained In detail, eith er personalty or written If It la 80 desired. Ads. get attention—and rssnltel' ih. 25 and [iftoWlelgh’s, iRtohmond, _ — 'S-15-28-pd trial prices. One 0^ the main func- Southem Dairies Cooperates With Defense Program. To! Compensate Its Employees | At a meeting of the directors of Southern Dairies, held at Myr tle Beach, S. C.. July 25th and- 26th, approval wa= given to a' plan to provide compensation to members of the organization dur ing periods of military training. A decision was reached to reserve Jobs for permanent employees who are conscripted for service. Southern Dairies will also supple ment the money paid by the gov ernment^ during the three weeks National Guard training period, so that the employee will receive his average weekly wages. Sal aried employees will also be paid on this basis Group insurance will be main talned for all employees d their military training segSee. Dear Anne: The wedding wa^ perfect In every detail. Susaywas a lovely bride . . and Jfer Invitations were exquisite, rhey were RY- TBX-HYUTEd/. . . and you’d, never ibelieve ifiey covt so Httlef- 25 Invitationw or Announcementr for only $8 fat Carter-HubbSM Publishing C{>„ Ninth Street: Adi. t*^;i i«ndti{ i / Amazing Offer!! Now at last - W , We can give YOUagenuine RRISO /f GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN ^ Absolutely Free ' This Offer Is Open To Everyone Ye# sir, that’s exactly what we moan! Wo have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising , urki-i. In fllVF AWAY ihi> famous Morrison Lifetime Ser- MO no contest ht win—no I es sir, tnars exactly wnax wo oiwaoj TTouavowoou agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous vice Pens fur a limited time. There are no “strings” to this offer—«o puzzles to solve—no numbers to draw subscriptions to go out and selL AH YOU need to do to obtsun one of these beautiful and useful gifts is to conse into our offiee, pay a year’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Fmer Pens The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style •••••••••• It is hand-turned and huffed to a lustrous finidi that never fades It has Mictomatic Balance * • • • A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point •••••••••* To stut your own individual writing . • PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer ••••••• ■ And it comes to you with an unqualified guai^tee of Lifetime Service The Morrison is sold in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the l^ge metn^iolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. Yob Should Act Now! €et This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! liGET IT NOW! = MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT ^ Enclosed find $ for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to The Journal-Patriot. I enclose cents postage for which please send my Morrison pen in (Men’s) or (Wo men’s) style, to me to NAME ^ CITY and STATE STREET Subscription Hate in State, $1.50; Out of State, $1LP0'. Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun tain pen smd who does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you wiU be proud of it evmry time you show H to a friendl WUXES CWNTr» ' r

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