WIEF UpCtt NEWS il^S , e#il€ Uii , 5c’, iRTv/st itr.:,: ' :. i'tiL N- «itil k«e:TO«tCi||nivIV4l* •OS, Is Btsdsoil^sjstbojn. ’ >/i.-n Obfit r!;i, ic vsb c> ^t,•^ . is having Ws hdBo is''WUhOa^ro nvalSt- Oji-; ■'>»L ■_■,'Vi-i ’ -Utss-Jsne Perry hw -rotumed home after «(>ending her vaca, t^on at Carolina Beach. ^ Mrs. fine Turner and sons, Har old and Lloyd, spent one day last week in Charlotte. ‘ « ■Mrs. W, R. Bumgarner, of Mountain City, Tenn., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Lotes, in this city. Miss Winnie Lowe returned h^e Sunday from a week’s vis it to New York World’s Fair and other points of interest. Dick Underwood, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Ryburn Underwood, i-s visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Ellis, in Raleigh. Mr. Lewis B. Bradshaw, a teacher at Webster > Grove, Mo., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sturdivant. , Bankav^of ^njrdi.fork. Ylk,, .spool last, week here with his counsln,'Wimam .Qfiodoeri eon of Mr. and Mrs. Bdd P. OardBer. -f a Mr. and Mrs; , Joliosen -^widers left Sunday bn a:.ten,4aya-. vasal- tlon trip to Washington, D.'C., and other points' Of ihtorest. Mrs. H. A.'M^^ of Cheraw, S. C., is sipendjjtc ^mb time here with her daughter,.'Mfs " ~ Smith. -V H. B. Phil Mitcheli, son of‘Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mitchell, underwent a tonsil operation Tuesday at the Wilkes hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hodges have returned from a trip to Ni agara Falls and .points of inter est in Canada. .Mr. John Winkler and family have returned to their home in Wyco, W. Va., after spending several days in Wilkeaboro with relatives. lit. a»d Un. t. C. , So4J«f. o* ' Fl^da; Vb’ vtslUtag. ifrs. Mrtk: PV A. Afif >Torth Wllkeuhoro roatt 'Mr.' Walter Severt and ^ Mr. James" (Jentty, of ‘ Kanhadwlli, ifAda and Charlotte Wlng- leil o/’Jlendale ’Springs, motored Sparta and Roaring Oap, Sun day. ’ '■ „arfo'.--1. -Aj .'.vv - ■ I • ■ Mr. and Mrs. W.' Lj Yatee had he their guests, Sunday, Mr. and jMrei M. N. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. R; Bt Bailey, and daughter, Barbara 'jane, Of Winston-Salem, and Mr. and Mrs- Roy Mason and daugh ter, Jerry, of Yadklsvllle. Mlss" Katherine Bartes^liie re turned to her home at Jackson ville, Florida, after spending a month here as a guest of Miss Katherine Finley. Miss Finley returned with her for a visit of several days y*‘i i da a»d%||i^ BmaUd anits with no iatertbei rv’Vj!.,;-9d -i-' JC. fldvAp-'.ii aad roads jSainbBillwllL-MttP Si Police Chief-j. K Walker Skid ; Bnrvt#: ,today -that Odbrge’ Caaiipbell, ihe Master Bobby Brame is spend ing sometime on the Brushy Mountain with his grandmother, Mrs. R. W. Gwyn. Miss Margaret Faw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Faw, ot this city, recently resigned as a mjmber of the Wllkesboro high school faculty. ^‘^PEPSOOERT.' fluiifeuiflii ZSisizfs Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Snyder, of Winston^alem, former residents of this city, were guests over the week-end of Mrs. Rosa peeves on theii way home from Sparta. Mr. J. D. Hobbs and family, of Cherryvllle. and Mr. Lake Hobbs and family, of Llncolnton, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller in Wllkesboro Sunday. The Messrs. Hobbs are nephews of Mrs. Miller, and Mr. P. B. For ester who is here from Washing ton. D. C. on a two weeks’ visit with relatives. 'and J;\D. 0«fty», ‘J.r., who 'trd alleged to taavd- stolen W. ik Ah- aher’a car here on Saturday night,' hhve been thmdd obhr to fedAal officers to face the charge - of' transporting a atolen car acvosi a Mate line. ' »’ The car was found in Soat£ Carolina Monday and the two lo cal hoys were arrested there and brought back to North WUkes- tooro. They have heein released under bond for appearance at the next term of federal court in Wllkesboro in November. Chief Walker said the boys, both of whom are just out ^f high school, had confessed to an attempt to take J. D. Moore’s car a few minutes before they left here with' Absher’s car. Mr. Moore's cay 'by G.,C. Carop^ meinb^Slv;’ tfS' -A ' Stocked in weatera Ij-onto Inverted to the homp days bat his AViUSsii^ jiation is more rsmtotianT of t^ej fe.w I Ynten the flood last week ioo)t biitfjliBaotically : jfePMb Ihatvjitrt b¥ Mwy and seylouBlir damaged the road# tween the hrtdgea . he -promptly- borrowed a toy’g bicycle and th^t- .aeliodi !• of'' WnhPtalti impir/ ^ of'*«i.'«*d Koartog.Wtir lndelli|ilm w. 1 ■ViSl i^DriiM walla •tw'c^pier/Mkqr*'umSkvff, r hif ’an abknidanca oiF w^tpy.^At la alwayi ^ ^ |Hva and cold.' 28 ymmn in boaineaa. Four chinaa in ^yaratioB.^ For prices writp: C is the way the malt is heln^ trahf^ lU * ported.' -sh- .He makes better time on a bi cycle than on a horse and he can carry the bicycle over the ronghr eat spots but a horse—well it would be auite a burden. R. E. FAW HICKORY, N. C. Baseball League . Games Scheduled street and the’Wyt fled^ Both are bw with y , ^ ^ , Jtatlons a*l-'«^r^ Mrs. W. A. TayPr, Dr. i court before this time. repu- In H ORTON’Q CUT-RATE ^ DRUG STORE Mr. and Mrs. Coite H. Jones, of Durham, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. MoHie Jones, in the Ready Branch com munity. Mr. and -Mrs. T. J. Lillard, Charlotte residents who have been spending the summer at Roaring Gap, visited Mr. and ■Mrs. Pat Williams this week. .Mrs. Marion Shell, who for the past four years has held a posi tion with the Moravian National Farm Loan Association office in this city, has gone to Knoxville, Tenii.. to make her home. Miss .Margaret Hall, formerly of Waynesville, has succeeded Mrs. Shell in the offi-:e here.- 4 Join The MOOSE Now Protect Your Wife and Family! Campaign Now On Membership Fee $5.00 for short time only ■ PHONE, APPLY OR WRITE: CARR DANCY, W. H. DUBLIN, Phone 491W 914 C St. Phone 477 CHARLEY BROWN, Phone 272J A. Jack Mount, Membership Director Phone 45.5 Box 295 Taylor, and 'Mrs. \V. E. Colvard, of this city, have returned from a houseparty of a week at Ge- neva-On-The-Lake, Ohio. Others going with them ■were Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tyndall and two chil dren, Dorothy and Bobby, of Mt. Airy, Drs. Paul and Varlna War ren and two sons, Bonner and DeSha, from Huntsville, Ala bama; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cook, of High Point; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Trylor and four children, Bil ly, Annie Lee, Claude and iCbar- lotte, from Youngstown, Ohio; Dr. Norcella McGuire, of Sylvia; and Mr. Bill Wiilmouth, of Georgetown, Ky. ■Chief Walker also r^orted, to day that an' A'model Ford stolen from on Tenth street Sunday aft ernoon had been found in Mor- ganton and that Frank Somers, a resident of that part of the state, was beiiig' held there for the theft. Salvagii^ Task Well Under Way Baseball Team Will Play Sparta The baseball diamond on the fairgrounds here is covered with mud just about so deep from the flood last week and North Wil- kesboro baseball team will play this year on August 25. out of town for the first Sunday The team management an nounced today that North Wilkes- boro will play Sparta there on Sunday afternoon and asked all players to report at Dixie Barber shop in this city Sunday after noon not later than one o’clock. Flooded Factories Making Plans To Reopen As Soon As Possible The Wilkes county baseball league, which had no games last week-end because of the dbod,’ will resume operations o’n Satur day. Rock Creek and Purlear will play two games, both at Purlear Saturday afternoon or one at Pur lear Saturday and one at Rock Creek Sunday as the teams de sire. Fairplains will play Clingman at Clingman Saturday and Cling man will play at Fairplains Sun day. Managers of the teams are asked to meet at the office of The Journal-Patriot on Tuesday evening, August 27, to arrange schedule for the remainder of the season and to disc iss plans for the league next year. Others interested may also attend. Workmen are busily engaged in factories put out of operations here by the flood last week in salvaging materials and cleaning machineo' damaged by the flood waters. However, two Industrial plants were totally destroyed by fire in AD.MINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Sadie Martin Petty, deceased of tWilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agrainst the estate of said deceased to ex- w...,. hiWt them to the undersigned at Infant Dies Funeral service .was held today at Lewis Fork church for Mary Frances Triplett, one-year-old daughter of J. R. and Grace Bak er Triplett, of Purelar route 1. She died Wednesday. Surviving are the father and mother and one brother, Howard Triplett. , Stage and Screen MONDAY ONLY All your friends from WSM in Their First Big Picture UNCLE DAVE ROY ACUFF AND DORRIS GEORGE HAY The Solemn Ole Judge AND SMOKY MOUN TAIN BOYS WITH RACHEL with Weaver Broliiers and Elviry Grand Ole Opry SEE THEM ALL ON THE SCREEN NO ADVANCE IN PRICE For This Double Stage and Screen Attraction MATINEE 20c NIGHT - 30c CHILDREN 10c MONDAY ONLY AND ON THE STAGE The Pine State Playboys FEATURING CLAUDE CASEY The Carolina Hobo SARAH The Texas Yodling Cow Girl Music — Singing — Yodeling — Dancing — Black Face Comedy FROTHING FUN—WITH BILL 1 doing the FROTHING! NOW WILLIAM POWELL SHOWING MYRNA LOY in I "I LOVE YOU AGAIN” Burcham Reunion The Burcham reunion will be held at Crooked Creek church in Carroll county, Va., the first Sunday in September. This church is eight imiles east of Galax, Va., or just about two miles west of the Scenic Highway near Galax, Va. All are invited to attend with full baskets of dinner. and International Shoe company Company officials of both firms are busy checking losses and fu ture plans may not be known for some time. Officials of the International Shoe company said today that the matter of the flood and fire loss here and future proceedure will, he taken up in the next direc tors’ meeting of the large firm to be held at its home office in St. Louis, probably in September. Salvaging and cleaning work is in progress at A>merican Furni ture company. Oak Furniture company and P. E. Brown’s lum ber plant, the industries suffering heaviest flood losses, and plans are to reopen as early as iposslble. WJlkesboro Manufacturing com pany, which had substantial loss es in the flood, has already re sumed operations. 1941, or this Notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. ■nis the 18th day of July, 1940. WADE HOUCK, Admr. of Sadie Martin Petty, deceased 6-22-0t-t KNOW# • How This Bank Serves the Cohimunit}^ w. ABB naturally interested in the welfare, growth, and success of the community because an3rtbing which helps the community grow and prosper helps this community bank. Here are some of the ways we serve: We ex tend sound loans to enable merchants to lay in stocks of goods • we help buyos take advan tage of cash discounts • we assist in the expan sion of business vdudi in turn means employing more pet^le. We offer dieckin^ service vdiidi makes possiUe the rapid, safe and convenient transfer of funds • we provide a safe place for you to keep your money and valuables • we furnish advice to you on financial matters. We r«-«ih checks • encourage thrift • collect drafts and checks nationally and locally • supply au- rency, change and payroll fimds. Our service to the community truly has many sides. The Northwestern Bank Resources Over $4,500,000.00 Serving Northwestern North Carolina Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Hi lllllllllllll George W. Brown Funeral Tuesday Funeral service was held Tues day at O'bids church for George W. Brown, age 82. who died Sun day at Glendale Springs. Rev. W. W. Whittington and Rev. Carroll Burkett conducted the funeral service. Mr. Brown is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Martha Harless, of Glendale Springs, and Mrs. Clem- ie Beshears, of West Jefferson. John G. Eller Dies At Hendrix Funeral service was held today at Mt. Zion church for John G. Eller, age 72, well known citi zen of the Hendrix community who died Tuesday. Rev. B. C. Hodges conducted the last rites. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ellen Barnett Eller, one son, L. M. Eller, of Hendrix, and one daughter, Mrs. D. M. Triplett, al so of Hendrix. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled. Town of Wilkes- boro vs. Vetra Poindexier, the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of August, 1940, at 12 o’clock M at the courthouse door in Wllkesboro, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of parcel lot of land lying and be ing in Wilkesboro township Wilkes county. North Carolina, Being lots number 22. .23, and 24 as shown on map of Grafton Beights, W. F. Miller, and W. A. Stroud development. These lots front on Corporation street, for further reference see deed in Book 141 at page 660 from W. F. Miller and t^e. Ruby Miller, to Mrs. Vetra Poindexter. ^ This the Slat day of July, 1940. J. F. JORDAN,. . B-22-4t t / ^ milk EDDIE UBOT JME fflNU cHAHEswamigi SPUKlTDKni Kift A WABNEB BB08..' W Mb Mil XmIMIwIb • B 0lav7 kr WftllM IfliMli n I “M7 Plus Latest Issue MARCH OF TIME” Today-Fndjiy Ice-cold Coca-Cola is a quality drink,—the familiar drink that repre sents four generations of experience in refreshing millions. Its clean, rin- giing taste brings a delightful aftcr- isense of real refreshment. “AIK CONDmONE»”j, DBP^EHif PAUSE ,r(ORTB THAT REFRESH wriUD onn Airtwxirtir or’!» oocAx}iA ca BY !Oll. E S 4 .'r;; V' ■ •• ■ ■ • -■■■.■■ -•■;■■,■. ^ '■ i’ .Tl; T"#

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