lY, AUC. • THB%U&AWAraiOT, NORfewnjJBSBORO. H. C. NewConmAteeln SeoateTo Speed Def^ Pfogridn )■ WeahlnatOB. -— Declaring he ■j?*M conrincnd that defense prep- •ntlona 'were lagging to such an extent that “oar national secur- tty la seriously menaced,’’ Sena tor Byrd (D), Virginia, proposed the creation of a special Senate committee yesterday to oTersee the execution of the preparedness program. Byrd, -who had called previous ly for an explanation of delays In placing 'warplane orders. In dicated he was not satisfied Lv a defense commission report to President Roosevelt that con tracts were outstanding for 6,- 747 army and navy planes. Robert W, Horton, information director for the commission, de livered the report to the White House earlier yesterday. He told reporters afterward that manu facturers had signed contracts for the planes and that they were "in the process of production.” Ti e total, Horton said, included some planes ordered with last year’s funds but not yet delivered, as well as those contracted for with funds which became available July 1. Senator Byrd reiterated his contention that only 343 coribat planes had been ordered in the last 100 days and that none of these could be delivered until 1941—some not until 1942. He iched letters from Secretaries IX and Stimson which he said supported his assertions. -.Saving that a statement given Mti at the White House had con tained the language that orders were “in the works,” the senator added in a statement of his own: “W’hat ‘in the works’ means 1 do not know. I do know, how ever, that the national defense advisory committee clears con tracts, which is not equivalent actually to making a firm con tract. “What the people of America today are concerned about Is defi nite and constructive steps to ward the early and quick prep-' aratlon of our military defenses. I am convinces that these prepa rations are lagging to the extent that our national security Is ser iously menaced. 'They want air planes not ‘on order’ for delivery a year or so hence but for deliv ery with promptness. “It Is not my purpose or Inten tion to crltlclie any agency of the government, but I do feel Im pelled to voice my protest against unreasonable delay in the ac quirement of starteglc military equipment, and to promise my utmost efforts to develop the cause for such delay so that remedial action can be taken.” 'iL Craaor, 9> A&e Ciowdw, 6,\- B4ule Itevte, 4» -L Estelle IBiTla, 1, * '‘“fllBi. Macs Johiwoit, II jjauee H. Jotedson, St. ^^■5? I^ejr JohnsOii, it i.«r Jane (Mrs. Rot>y) Duacaa, 1, '2.05 A; J. JqhiiK>& Helrt, 31 ..8.70 Lawrence Duncan, 4, >. Verdie Edminston, 2, _ W. C. BBedge, 18, Clay EUer, 96, —: Gene Eaier. 44, G. K. H. EUer, 80, Ernest and Mary Holder El ler, 8^ 3.46 W. A. laier, 8, 2.66 Robert E31iott, 4, 6.78 J. W. ElUott, 4, 10.09 C S. ERiott, 2, 66J8 C. S. EUiott, 64, 82.61 J. A, Evans, 40, 10.46 Thelma LQfiD>B&, I6 Hayviliy: Mathis, Si B. 0. Miller, •V. W. Hiller. 20 Lucy Ml*e, 8 Oscar Moxley, 24 J. M. Myers, 25—........ Percy Myers, 16 2.19 .r2.89 V.87 10.04 4,46 3.16 Mies R. 0. McCreary, 26 8. M. McCreary, 25 Mrs. A. C. Pardue, 18 — Davie Pennington, 87 - 8.24 9.06 T.Ji 6.0S 3.24 .76 2.21 11.08 11.81 4.56 6.57 4.12 Ruby Perry, 10 — Llndla Porter, 96 L. R. Porter, II .. Notice Of Sale Of Land (Continued From Page Six) W. S. Soots, 7 lots, 7.16 Will M. Sparks, 3 lots, 4.37 Coy Lee Spease, 4 lots, 6.91 Mrs. M. E. Staley, 1, 2.92 Rose Stanley, 1 lot, 7:34 Joe Stanley. 5 lots, 6.90 Joe Paw, 1, .16,Mertle Porter, 66 Cager Faw, 6, 9.80 R. M. Prevette, 82 — Grace Faw, 10, 9..14.S. W. Queen, 76 — Agnes and Mae Faw, 1 lot.. 1.84 Caroline Rhodes, 62 T. H. Faw, Estate, care C. C. Faw, 8, 10.60 T. B. Finley, Bankrupt Estate, 67, — 2.10 Dr. W. C. Greene, Heirs, 29,.. 19.43'j^jary Sebastian Heirs, 30 _ C. 0. Richardson, 7 _ WlHle Roope, 20 F. I. Roope, dec., 23 M. V. Sebastian, 27 George W. Grier, 55, 11.60 A. L Griffin, Heirs, 86, Jane and RiAic Griffin, 40,- John Griffin, 126, Diana Griffin, 86, Calvin Griffin, 9, — Monroe and Percy Griffin, 26, Nathaniel Griffin, 94, Alice Gryder, 6, W. T. Hincher, 37, iV.’infield Huffman, 1, J. C. Shew, 28 Shlpwash & W. E. Long, 91 acres .90 2.63 Robert Shumaket, 1 _ D. M. Shumate. 45 _ L. W. Smithey, 4 Mrs. Sparks. 6 R. H. Stone, 1.08 4.73 2.69 .MtTR'K By virtue of an Order and De cree of the Superior Co^urt of Wilkes County, signed by the Clerk thereof, and approved hy; Walker, 3 lots, the Presiding Judge on the 8th ; gverette Warren, 1 lot, day of -August, 1940. in the w, a. Watkins, 1 lot, Special Proceeding entitled. Mrs. Ijj, l_ Watkins, 2 lots, Lizzie Dotson, Admr., and Widow p j). Welbome, 1 lot, 19 K. S. Stone, 15 — P. J. Stone, 5 If'iiuiem niui.iiuwi i - uo Eugenc Walkeri 65 Tom Huff^ir'iee,loiiSiMrs. Emma L. Ward, 69 .... Alice Huffman, 34, 2.84 C. Bessie Huffman, 16, 3.42 ‘— Mansfield Huffman, 66, 8.20 W. D. Weston, 20 W. H. Hurley, 46, 12.82 R- D. Whitley. 31 Wm. Hutchens, 3, 2.97,T. Y. Whitley, 14 — John T. IrVin, 2 1.05'J. M. Whitley, 45 Callie Kilby, 4, .43 Arvil Whitley, 45 Noma Kilby, 3 3.18 A. W. Wheatley, 45 C. W. Lambert, 7, ^ 3.73 L. J. Wiles. 29 Sylester Laws, 7, 4J51 Vestal Wiles, 60 — R. E. Lovette, 4, 9.64 B. R. Wiles, 6 „ , . oorroiJ- F. Lovette, 3, 7.17 R. P. Wiles, 26 — M. G. Steelman, 1 lot, ... 23.79 Chester A. Marlow, 2, .86 Garnet Wiles, 5 Mrs. Henry St. John, 1 lot,.. ^.■M steven S. Martin, 68, 10.78 Grant Wiles. Sr., 25 George L. Michael, 2 lots, .... 13.03 Mrs. Rhoda Wiles, 34 L. M. Miller, 25 6.25 d. Wood, 25, bal. Mrs. M. E. Miller, 9, 1.10 Charles H. Wood, 11 Russell W. Miller, 2, 2.31 p, r. Wood, 50 A. P. Minton, 27, 6.36 Garfield Wood, 25 W. T. Minton, 12, 16.18 o. a. Wood, 17 0. N. Mitchell, 16, 1.84 Marler Wood, 21 Angie Stone, 1 lot, 2.43 Harry L. Summers, 6 lots — 15.39 Hannah Taylor, 1 lot, 17.01 ’The State Co., 3 lots, 97 P. V. and Ina Turner, 4 lots, 13.88 Mrs. Etta Turner, 1 lot, 27.76 Worth W. Vannoy, 8, 20.85 J. L. Vannoy Est., 6, Lester Waddell, 16, — John Waddell, 4, 4.87 4.67 3.23 .97 7.18 1.94 Rachel McBwen, 40, 6.25 -n p -wood ’ 1 Izettie McGlammery, 6 ’ John M. McGlammery, 88, .. John D. McLean. 5, H. Pearl McNeil, 13, P- M. McNeil, Heirs, 24, Q'’°iLarry C. McNeil, 35, .81 10.02 2.88 6.16 4.06 16.24 8.43 4.87 4.12 3.49 11.74 1.27 6.15 14.87 1.84 17.29 1.08 1.37 4.87 6.43 2.54 7.73 9.63 17.85 10.13 2.69 8.59 2.18 8.36 6.33 6.06 7.21 15.51 5.15 7.55 2.31 6.79 4.67 3.73 8.32- 12.71 3.20 4.39 7.26 . — .36 -J'^lMrs. L. D. Wyatt. 115 16.62 ilno'Ernest Yates, 15 9.35 Iv-OOi „ , g 14! Colored 3'l9 Dora Cropps, 75 6.49 4.0l'Williara Dowell, 3 39 lot — iRobert J. McNeil, 20, 1.71'C. Redmon, 21 - 3.63 of Wiley Dot.son, deceased, against! John L. Wells, Sr., 3 lots, .... 36.80, lo-.-i, c McNeil’ 4l’ 594 W O Henrv Dotson. Sr., et al.. heirs atistanley Wheeling, 1 lot Oma**McNeil 56 ’ ’-II 527iJ. W. law and next of kin of Wiley Dot- Mrs. Dora Whittington, 1, — .48 pua-Up 4 ' 6 311 Watkins, 31 Waugh, 30 son, deceased, which Special Pro- ■ R. H. Williams, 7, 7.15 ceeding is pending in the Superior jE. V. Williams, 1 acre and Court of Wilkes County, directing 5 lots, 115.75 the undersigned Commissioner to i Mrs. Alice Williams, 7 lots, _28.92 resell the lands described in the!James F. W’illiams, 7 lots, — 34.82 Petition, lying and being in Wilkes Mrs. Nettie Williams, 34 County, for the purpose of mak- ■ acres and 1 lot. 104.35 ing assets with which to pay | T. H. Williams, 2, debts, and for pariition of the re-|J. F. Wood, 2 lots, ooi mainder by reason of a ten per i Doc. Wood. 2, — 2.91 cent bid having h'een filed on thejJ- Q- Yates, 4 price bid at a former sale, the un-| . - ., Colored en ' Wevslcned Commissioner will on ! Jessie J. Alexander, 1 lot Saturday. September 7th, 1940, I Mary Alexa-ider, 3 lots, eleven-thirty A. M. at the [Jof Bowers Slots,....— 1.13 8.98 15.88 Charlie Nelson, 4, 6.31 A. T. Nichols, 43, 24.94! Somers Township J. W. Nichols, 210, 21.30.L. C. Anderson, 93 Annie Nichols, 17, 1.84 J. T. Benbow. 206 C. M. Nichols, 4 lots, 11.45 James C. Billings, 6 G. A. Nichols, Estate, 28, 1.E8 Mrs. Effie Collier, 108 J. E. Nichols, 1, 06 h. C. Coleman, 9 Winfield Nichols, 7, 1.42|jonah Combs, 62 A. G. Osborne, 6, 7.93 j. e. Haynes, 62 T. M. Osbome, 12, 3.10 Mrs. Cola Parsons, 10, .89 E. C. Parsons, 1 lot, 79 Estelle Parsons, 2, .16 Hilda Parsons, 175, . H. M. Phillips, 6 W. C. Pierce, 6 lots, N. J. Pierce, 53, Roxie Pierce, 35, 8.40 1.68 2.10 10.41 3.15 Mrs. Pearl Johnson, 310 .. 11.24 ceased, owned at the time of his death in the following described lands: Adjoining the lands of Jesse Dotson. Mary Transou, M. E. 'Transou on the East; on the by Magdeline Howell, and Alflowell: on the North and Bast by Nathan Parker Heirs; on the East by Zeno Baity and others, and bounded as follows; beginning on Jesee Dotson'p i^jljtheast corner, and running Blast 70 polee; thence South 59 poles to the Parker line; thence West on said line 20 poles; t.\ence South on Parker’s W’est llv'e 80 poles to the Salisbury Road; thence W’est on said road to Jesse Dotson’s line; theoce North 100 poles on said line to the beginning. Containing 4 5 acres more or less. This the 19th day of August. 1940. CHAS. G. GILREATH, 18-29-2t. 28.83 67.47 ^ourt House door in he Town of 1 "14 4 8R Wilkesboro sell at public auction ; 3 ’ ’ 6 37 to the highest bidder for cash all i ^uby Br^ 3. "’JJiWley Pike 10 the interest of Wiley Dotaon. ! j;rp®BTuni!’Ml'IIIIir" 10 75 Ben Calloway, 3, .43 Earl Campbell, 1 lot, 8.66 Granvill Denny, 1, 2.43 ~V>3«oa»uaii, az, o.zo ’ ’ c ni M. vV. Graham, 2 lots, ^ioiC. S. Sebastian, 37, 4.12 Mrs. Cecil Johnson, 13 5.25 CVJv. r. T f Ivo Km V fix __ ^ 3.58 „ _ on lotg J- -A- Rhoades, 160, 26.20 P. Bynum, 20 W.-IS jj ^ g Fred Ryecroft, 10, 2.61 George Sale, 1 lot, 9.87 , Roy D. Saunders, 1, 10.09'„’a« C. 0. Sebastian, 12, 3.23 Sarah J. Johnson, 63 13.92 J. M. Howard Heirs, 30 .... Percy Johnson, B5 Mrs. Minnie Johnson, 105 C. J. Johnson, 96 — R. H. Johnson, 10 Mina Johnson, 25 Mrs. Mina Johnson, 20 Mrs. Ina Johnson, 83 8.42 7.65 815.82 50.84 2.87 21.17 2.82 6.16 14.91 4.19 14.74 9,17 21.21 7.41 1.75 3.62 21.53 Mrs. 0. Fterx ' . 'Mn. J. A. 44 L;. itotlir Broviir II yir*. B. F. SjrpwiL IS 2^ W. J. Brown Bhte 111 C. M. Brown, 14 ?.I4 A. 0. Bryan, 1 Iota J. W. Bryan, 81 A. O. Bryan, A«t., 149 —L Mrs. T. S. Bryan, 141 T. R. Bryan, 66 C. W. Casey, 88 Mrs. Effie Cssey, 8 Ills it«r'’M01»r, St W.«T il.ti 4.11 15.M 1.T9 1.46 .17 J. R. Caudill Heirs, 42 — Mrs. Maude Caudill, 2 lots Chatham Msat. Co., 825 28.87 R. M. Chatham, 266 18.87 Burley Cheek, 8 8.00 0. W. Ohlldresa, 78 9,7i r, W. Bhoate, 1 lot .27 J. W. Cllnard Est., 80 J 2.96 Ellen Cockerham, 60 8.30 J. F. Ctdllns, 8 1.01 J. H. Collins, 89 12.88 W. F. Cooimr, 25 8.09 J. 0. Cothren', 42 9.72 Elizabeth Cothren, dec., 17 6.18 Ethel Cox, 16 1.89 Alvin H. Cox, 16 4.62 H. W. Cox, 27 — 6.65 Mrs. T’yre Cox, 16 3.68 Glynn Cox, 27 7.57 Mrs. A. L. Crabb, 102 12:06 J. H. Dameron, 21 2.80 W. R. Dameron, 21 2.80 Watson Durham, 39 8.61 Farm Federal Mortaags Corp., 110 16.63 T. B. Finley, bankrupt, 642 48.63 3.00 2.52 4.99 20.87 8.87 26.16 6.94 4.15 18.70 9.78 G. W. Johnson, 204 Mra Grace Johnson, 295 .. Shirley Johnson, 67 14.14 Mrs. R. M. Johnson, 117 .. 11.08 Johnson, 83 — 13.87 EXlria L. Graham, 2, .68 Annie and Connie Green, 1 lot, 3.89 S. A. Grimes, 17, 18.73 •lames W. Harris, 1 lot, — 9.88 L. F. Harris, 4 lots, 10.88 Leonard S. Houghton, 2 lots, 10.04 Obie Thomas Horton, 1 lot— 6.99 E. L. Long, 10, 7.51 Edith McGrady, 1, 1-46 M. L. Redmond, 9 lots, 16.99 Columbus Redmond, 3, 5.91 H. D. Reed, 2 lots, 1.94 Bertha Reynolds, 2, 7.78 Frances Smith, 8, 7.07 Robert Thomas, 12, 10.56 Emma W. Transou, 3 lots, — 7.78 Charles Turner, 3, 3.83 Lelia 'Turner, 3, — 6.06 Fannie May Watkins, 1, — 4.86 g J. H. V. dtkins, 1, — 5.o^ ^ ^ *3 T r 15 8 31 O. Woodie, 3 J. C. Sheets, 100, 10.50 Hampton Sheets, 2 lots, 11.40 T. F. Shumate, 4, 7.27 Rich M. Staley, 3, 11.08 C. C. Staley, 20 lots, 17.49 Marcus G. Steelman, 40, — J. S. Steelman, 66, Jessie Summerlin, 32, 7.66 R. W. Miles, 61 Clyde Vanney, 10, 5.84 M. M. Mitchell, 115 __ 100 5.25 6.22 3.21 Mrs. Nannie Johnson James Lonsford, 75 Bdward Lonsford, 2 Floyd Mahaffey, 13 4.62 Mary Mahaffey Heirs, 85 7.25 19.80 Mrs. Ada Mayberry, 100 12.34 Mrs. Nora Mayberry, 163 J. C. W’atkins, 15, 8.31 I James F. Watkins, 4 4.33 'Cordelia Watkins, Est., 4, — 5.83 ; 1 H. R. W’atkins, 4 4.33 ^ e of the pow-; w. 0. Watkins, 4, 6.54 4. J- in a certain. Roxie W'atkins, 4, 7.05 ^ ® J- Coy Vickers, 5, Mrs. Winnie Vickers, 33, Virginia, Carolina Joint lind Bank, 21, L. E. Walker, 3, Carl E. Wallace, 46, Q. E. Watkins, 6 lots, ! Grant Whittington 6.68 A. L. Wilson, 1, 1.05 J. N. Woods, 12, 3.15 1.31 3 lots, 1.37 Cora Wooten, 8 lots, 3.78 J. C. Wyatt, 29, .26 Vida Wyrick, 13, 1.89 68 05 20.53 38.09 7.51 16.81 15.68 19.65 7.02 3.74 6.35 3.04 Ko«k Creek Township ''’pstsl Aboher J 4.37 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue er of sale contained Deed of Trust, executed by J. P. Charles H. Watkins, 2, Crvsel and wife, Ella Mae Crysel, Ola Watkins, 5, under date of Au^^t 11, 1939 to j MinmeN>ely Watts, 1 lot, . .„„anaer. uu North Wilkesboro Building and Ben H. Waugh, 11, A * ^In ATsJ^tation. to secure the Frank Little, I.94 Arthur Baldwin, Mvmenf of a note therein men-' REDDIES RIVER TOWNSHIP J' V- Bau^.s ^n^ Uich Deed ef Trust is re-!J. R. Adams, 28, 6 04 C. R. Billings. 19 corded’ in the office of Register of; Mrs. Ila Adams, 15, 2.78 Mr^ ® De^s for Wilkes County in Book | Mrs. J. W. Baldwin, 10 .96 C. H. Blackhurn, 78 188 ^ge 133; and, default having |j. B Barker, 1 5.25 Rester Blackburn 45 been *made in the payment of the'Roy Bauguess, 4, 10.03 D. H. Blackbuin, 12 h^ehr^ess thereby secured, and' Mattie J. Bauguess, 10, .— 2.14 Theodore Blackburn, 17 _ demand having been made on me; ,C. L. Beamon, 13, 2.6-3 A. C. Brewer, 100 2.63 Lester C. McCarter, 3 7.09|Thomas R. Nlchola‘son, 95, Iw. M. Nicholason Heirs, 21 5.25;j. A. Oakley. 115 21.47 •63lBaydon Oakley, 25 3.82 7.35 Mrs. Gaston G. Oakley, 159 14.43 8-32 Mrs. Sara J. Prevette, 160 10.27 Noah N. Prevette Heirs, 34 3.51 W. H. Prevette, 9 4.84 Owen Roberts, 88 26.08 A. C. ReberU, 176 35.06 Mrs. Myra B. Robins, 51 8.17 Mrs. Addle Sale, 114 25.66 J. I. Shatley, 33 — 9.54 Mrs. Pearl E. Souther, 15 2.83 Spencer L. Sparks, 59 13.81 S. L. Sparks, Jr., 60, bel. 19.95 W. G. Garvey, 30 Mrs. Martha Gentry, 26 John H. Gentry, 2 lots W. 3. Hall, 74 Mrs. L. W. Hanks, 60 __ T. J. Hayes, 126 James Hayes, 29 C. H. Hayes. 5 - f;aIloway Haynes, 60 Grover Haynes, 57 W. G. Hlnshaw Est. care Eva W. Hlnshaw, Clem mons, N. C., 60 6.24 G. D. Hinson, 112 — 24.52 Mfs. J. A. Hodge, 75 9.08 Herman Holbrook, 40 6.02 R. D. Holbrook, 33 — 10.65 Miss James Holbrook, 23 3.48 Tincle Holbrook, 23 —. 4.05 I. lnvell Holcomb, 21 11.41 J. H. Halloway, 22 4.52 C. E. Hutchison, 287 26.09 S. J. Johnson, 42 5.29 W. J. Johnson, 1 lot 56 S. J. Joins, 121 22.40 H. C. Kilby. 24 — 3.02 A. W. Lentz, 84 15.16 Hlllery Luffman, 10 4.05 Bina Lyon, 25 4.41 May & Myers, 63 — .16 G. G. Mitchell, 7 1.26 Mrs. Byrdie Moody, 7 2.26 M. L. Myers, 42 4.98 W. L. McCoy, Heirs, 26 _ 1.96 S. A. Norman, 4 5.15 W. H. Norman, 141 15.18 W. K. Owens, 33 5.09 K. B. Owens Heirs, 1 lot _ 3.05 A. R. Pardue, 66 17.97 Lawrence Poplin, 100 4.02 H. C. Prevette, 50 4 41 Mrs. Bessie Blackhurn Pruitt. 26 6.30 J. T. & C. O. Pruitt Heirs, 150 acres 27.72 J. T. Pruitt, 197 30.75 J. M. Reynolds. 133 33.66 Roaring Gap Inveetment Co., care R. R. Carter, Raleigh. N. C., 83 lots .. 8.72 Roaring Gap Co. 40 4.03 Royal Bros, dec., 1 lot — 2.69 W. F. Sanders, 53 — 6.36 Mrs. Bertha Simmons, 15 _ 6.89 A. G. Snow, 219 40.77 G. W. Sparks, 150 18.90 W. G. Sparks, 4 1.42 W. M. Spicer, 126 14.70 Joe M. Spicer, 74 11.53 Garland Spicer, 2 2.81 W. G. Swann, 121 20.61 C. E. Taylor, 1 lot .23 Mrs. T. J. Thomae, 1 lot — .50 I. H. Vestal, 4 2.54 Vestal Heirs, 1 lot — 1.64 D. W. Waddell, 27 8.77 Lee O. Wagoner, 100 17.44 Frank Wagoner, 130 — 22.31 R. flotlo® «Uler, iiMh If. C. 4ff A'fonr IQReri 90 ,—Lj- iln. Cora Osborn*, 41' Alex Ooborra# 44.^&.p— U.'C&OWOBS, 80 oiwai'’'D. Palmer, 71 W. r. ParMna7|foirl..l5 - Isaac Perry, 62 — Mrs. T. J. Pierce, 96 Mack Pirultt. 86 Asnio Pruitt, 21 . Millard Rotten. 26 W. M. Rotten, 42 Bine Roti^jn, 14 Ida Rotten, 10 — WeUle Royal. 80 —; Franklin Royal, 39 Nathan B. Royal, 20 C. A. Seagravee, 219 L. -M. Sheets, 34 C. F. Sheets, 33 Thlrla. Sheets, 68 Alonzo Sheets, 20 — W. B. Sheets, 66 Mia. Lydia Sheets, 37 Wint Snyder, 1 —— Ella Speers, 9 Shade Staley, 60 —.. Kelcie Stanley, 32 .... A. KMaor, fir.. IP : 1.10:1' «anpii K>6 mli Qrxiel, 1 lot' -S—•M.-'ilL Mrs. T. M.Crysai. I lota,L! MM ^ BiM i JJaxis, jLtJi. 0t& DmIa 1 lot Mb Pfirfc. leiot «Ji - WUlto 1. Davld86n. 60,, UJM v’f, Mir*. A. C. Dannia, 1 kitl— If Martin Dota^ 4ee'd., II IJfi‘ WOer''* Henry Dotaon. 20 lack Dotaon, Bstata, 10 — llf Allan Lw Dotaon, 16 ^ &• “ Mra. W, M. HlariH —— J* Rarmaa Qmore, 17 IMfi Hr*. MatUa Foster, 1 lot _ MR fitasda Fleeter, I JM Mra. Cora Foster, 3 lots — UK J. B. Qlaaa, 40 tlAfi C. O. Qlaaa, 81 L ttM. K A. k C. O. Glaas, 147 acres, balance — tJB F. J. HarUe/, 36 t Mrs. York Hayes, 2 Iota — Mrs. BdMb Hemphill, 1 lot 1.60 iJames Howell, 70 — Mary D. Jarvis, 2 R. L. Vannoy, Gdn., 60 .... Mertie Vannoy, 47 M. A. Vannoy, 30 W, T. Watson, 13 Mandie 'Wayne, 90 Krs. J. V. Whittington, 220, bal. D. P. Whittington. 43 10.61 Walter Whittington, 10 .... 5.12 Jess Wlngler, 48 24.36 6.62 6.67 6.76 4.24 2.04 2.17 6.16 .73 4.91 4.50 10.15 6.93 6.87 2.84 1.96 7.80 M. F. Wingler, 33 Lunda Wlngler, 26 6.30 5.36 6.64 .79 2.99 1.69 4.31 Austin Woodie Heirs, 20 .. David Woodie, 9 —— Doan Wyatt, 10 — Willie Wyatt. 3 Elisabeth Wyatt Heirs, 66 Feltie Wyatt, 21 G. W. Wyatt, 47 Monroe Wyatt, 75 Alex Wyatt, 24 Thos. J. Wyatt, 32 6.93 W. T, Wyatt, 200 Sherman Wyatt, 1 lot Wiley Yates, 30 LM 2a_a Mrs. Nancy Jarvis, Estate, 129 acres — John R. Jones, 1 lot W. A. Jonee, 1 lot W. L. Lee, 3 W. L. Lee A J: H. Jolnes, 2 lots, J. C. Livingston, 4 Walter Love, 28 — Mrs. C. R. Love, dec., 8 — Charlie Milam, 1 lot — W. E. Minton, 1 lot Linney & Julia Minton, 11 John L. Minton, 4 lots J. M. Mitchell, 1 lot Carey Moore, 1 let W. G. Morrison, 6 — Mrs. C. F. Morrison, dec’d. 2 lots (Continued On Page Eight) Worth E. Morrison, dec’d., 1 lot - - ZlAm Luther Morrison, 1 lot 1*JM C. B. Myers, 1 — fJLfiS Milton McNiel Heirs, care John R. Jones, 7 — ClM 9.XI 5JI X.M •-M l-M «JI 39jM 6.88 2.35 1.15 8.55 .11 .87 Colored Lee Bass, 19 Walnut Grove Township Mrs. Casey Absher, 47 ... J. T. Absher Heirs, 100, balance Saphronla Bell, 17 —- Pearl Bell. 40 Elsie Billings, 78 Jim Alexander. 90. bal. 5 5 Heirs, 80 will THERBFiORE, on Mon-|Mvrtle Beshears, 3, 4.30 J. R. Brewer, ilow Se’nt“’nber 9, 1940, at the' Davie Blackburn, 4, .31 E. A. Brewer. hoiM of ten (10:00) o’clock A. M., C. S. Bowers, 1, 2.10 Thomas Brewer, courthouse door in Wilkes- Lewis B. Bradshaw, care of ^ ° borr^ffw 'for sale for cash to the Alvin Sturdivant, 52 highest bidder, the following de- Lola McGlammery Bnggs, ■cribed real estate, to-wit: 1 23, A trac* or parcel of land in George and Roe Brown, 60,.. Wilkes (bounty, State of North Florence Brown, 51, SroHnaTadjoining the lands of G. R. M. Brown. 22. 10 dec., 80 .... 25 J. W. Brewer, 46 3J5|Mrs. Caroline Brown, 17 _ 11. D. Brown, 88 2.26 RoDert Burchette, 5 2.58 4.20 Julia Burchette, 18 ' 3.16 1.97 11.57 6.43 14,06 2.26 1.32 12.77 9.76 8.58 4.43 13.70 3.08 12.58 4.74 17.84 9.96 11.68 Glenn Speaks, 19 Mrs. Augusta S’pripkle, 7 . Mrs. Cecil Walker, 13 ._ Erma B. Weathennan, 90 . J. W. Wright, 177 3.63 1.33 8.14 14.55 30.77 -Stanton Township Mrs. R. C. Ashley, 78 _— 1.86 J. T. Ashley, 85 6.88 J. B. Calloway, 169 8.22 Mrs. V. M. Church, 347 .... 48.09 4.73 Mrs. Earl Byrd, 1.96 Iran Byrd, 33 Byrd, 6 53 fa rwvsel R A. Crysel and oth- Roxie Bullis, 32, 2.89 a. M . !Mrs. Blache Mb’s, 37, 4.20,a. Caudill. 35 ... 14.0 BEXJINNING on a stone on the Mg^ Bu^s, 16, — 4.26 jj. q Caudill, 40 8.6 South side of the Stony F\rk York C. Bulbs, 25, _ 2.57Lejj^ Cockerham, 60 7.8 f^akesboro Road m the old J. E Wm J Bur^rner 66, „.... 11.66 ^ m. Coffey. 32 ‘Itae- and running South 86 A. L. Bumgarner, 36, ^st wit^the South mar- A. G. Bumgarner, 75 '( JSTrf Sw raad 10. poles ta a 0, C. Bumgarner, 10, i'Ztuke; then North 79 ' with same 4 poles and futone: thence South ri>U*t 9 poles to a , . „„ ^ Hftirrees West 18 poles to 82, thence North 85 de^ JL’ 8..76 12.76 7.72 Mamie Combs, 94 Mrs. A. L. Crabb, 60 I pol©S vO a Ajuiinjttiiici, Av, —— i.iAi Arthur Daurv de^ East Wince Bumgarner, 72, . 12.44 t r n„wfi7’7 1 7 links to a Rev. S. N. Bumgarner, 65. „ 9.81 j' «' 1’ ^ 64 degrees Elbert Cannon, 1. 6.68 ^ stonel thence Mrs. Sarah Canter, Heirs, Mrs. Julina Durham, 10 3 33 Jesse Ester, 33 III II " 6.99 W. Pllnchem, 15 7.00 '^Sneh of d^ Rell Caudill, , .:.IIIIIIIII ll.'ee ?^“j Vc^foW ItoS; FVwbs-Chtach, ■lI'HIIIIIII '".26 J' ^ 38 V ^ ^Yh Mrs. C. C. Church. 126, ...__ 92.80 C- Harrold. 43 r W ?9 ^ be- C. W. Church, 25. 2.94 J- L. Harrold, i line 18 to rae ^ j ^ old , Containing Two and 1. 34 31-190 W. T. Church, 4, Monroe Church, 2, 9.29 Mrs. W. A. Haynes, 14 H. aam. 2Stl 316 1.00 11A2 J. C. Henderson, 60 M. L. Holbrook, 16 T. M. HoUoway, 47 F. B. HoUoway,. 16 8.40 Necy HoUoway. 71 Mrs. Mae Eller, 125 R. S. Ferguson, 82 — T. B. Fi^ey Bankrupt Est., 340 R. J. Greer, 2 — Hlnshaw Heirs, 30 Mrs. J. C. HoUoway, 10 Jones & Vannoy. 164 Eollie Parsons, 20 Beatrice Parsons, 92 Mrs. Cynthia Anne Par sons. 16 — Peyton Parsons Heirs, 30 .. D. C. Parsons, 17 — J. M. Powell Heirs, 25 — Rebecca Roten, 24 Sara C. Spet-3, 65 J. A. Watts, in J. D. Tates, 2C 6.11 6.93 30.87 6.51 2.43 .87 5.85 4.73 2.12 .46 .96 3.90 .72 2.92 7.41 2.31 .58 Traphill 'Tovnishlp Nancy Adams, 4 .... Mrs. Susan J. Adame, 61 .. Nella Alexander, 41 Trelcy Baugu-ee, dec., 61 Ted Baugueso, 2 W. P. Bell, 10 J. Cart Bllllnga. 4 Mrs. Teesle BUllnge, C. W. Blllngs, 81 — Mrs. A. C. Bluings, 4 Myrtle BUUnca, 86 . H. B. BttUag%.4li - t W. Baldwin. 71 Welborne Billings, 55 _ C. D. Blevins, 59 E. H. Blevins, 50 Mrs. C. G. Bowers, 59 Fannie A. Bowers, 25 9.45 M. L. Bowers, 45 10.08 R. L. Bowers, 110 12.82 Fannie Bowers, 94 — 8.01 Genio Brooks, 12 8.31 A. F. Brooks, 40 7.07 Elsie Burchette, 40 8.20 Jim Byrd, 28 — 4.47 L. F. Caudill, 92. bal. 11.11 2.17 C. M. Pardue, 8 —.— 5.85 Vetra Poindexter, 3 — Miss Carrie Powell, 1 lot .. A. L. Prevette, 4 Mrs. Betty Rash, 1 — J. V. Reins, 1 lot — Earl Saunders, 16 W. F. Saylors, 10 Polly Shatley Heirs, 5 — Sanford Shatley, 2 1.26 Mrs. A. M. Shew, 27 — W. P. Shew Heirs, 62 Mrs. Julia Shew, 17 Mrs. A. B. Somers, 1 lot .... 3.55 Myrtle Steele, 12 Mrs. Alice Stewart, dec’d., 1 lot Vernon Stroud, 1 — — J. Hazel Stroud. 12 W. C. Stroud, 32 Walter Stroud, 1 — Clifton Waddell, 12 Van Wiles, 3 1.04 2.36 3.40 9.76 3.93 8.77 2.52 6.73 1S.S 2.«l 14.» &.9C 12.1* .«« 4.TI 3.1s C.3* um fXA 1I.«L 14.77 35.«I IftfiB 1.17 X8.8t Vance Warren, 60 — Mrs. Vina Wilmoth, 39 — Tom Wilson, 6 John A. Wood, 3 Mary Ann Wood, 18 Paul B. Wood, 6 — John A. Woodruff, 60 Grace G. Chatham Wesley Cheek Colored Tyre Alexander, 33 Lee Bowers, 57 Lucy Dowell Heirs, 26 — Ester Fletcher, 11 - 2.08 4.25 4.15 3 1.70 8.92 2.24 3.12 2.63 2.27 4.64 6.54 5.04 4.20 4.16 5.68 2.19 Alonzo Fletcher, 1 Vestal Hoosler, 2 . Grace Parks, dec.. UNION TOWNSHIP Absher & Hlnshaw, 112 ..| 9.03 T. L. Absher, 75 6-18 W. M. Abhher, 85 —. 7.48 Glenn Bare, 30 5.77 Lucy Black, 65 —! — 3.93 Stanley Blevins, 5 1-46 Lola McGlammery Briggs, 4 acres — —r-- Ollie Brown, 48 Wiley Bullis, 17 Guy F. Cleary, 94 J. F. Cleary, 40 I. C. Cleary, 60 — R. B. Combs, 20 John Cook, 50 — Mrs. Julina Durham, 62 J. W. Felts, 30 T. B. Finley Bankrupt Estate, 1628 Gettie Gambill, 106 W. W. Gambill, 79 Ila S. GamMll, 20 William Cleve Gam-blll, 72 C. D. Hall, 32 Filo Hall, 75 Robert G. Hall, 7 Mrs.. Robert Hall, 20 W. R. Hamby, 95 W. F. Hamby, 100 - 16.56 3.84 7.83 17.40 6.10 16.38 2.58 8.06 6.68 3.15 4.64 3.36 11.4f 5.0( 65.81 8.71 19.9! 2.61 7.61 24.76 8.44 2.65 6.67 16.23 L. F. Hamby, 71 M. M. Hamby, 128 Major Higgins, 71 S. P. Higgins, 30 Hlnshaw & Shutt, 144 .— Wint Holbrook, 12 — Alonzo Holbrook, 36 6.73 Holbrook & Siddem, 50 112 H. B. Holbrook, 35 5.57 R. L. Johnson, 75 12.03 I. C. Johnson, 94 — 14.88 John R. Jonee, 50 — 2.81 H. J. Joines, 118 11.97 Kennedy Heirs, 70 6.59 Clarence Miller, 109 23.86 Charlie Miles, 5 26 R. P. Miles, 22 6.71 A. J. Moxley, 136 12.28 Mrs. Mae Myers, 136 30.11 John S. Mv-TJrady, 110 17.72 Wiley P. Rhodes, 36, bal. 4.36 Ell Bebaetian, 25 R. L. Sebastian, 66 .... Annie Bumgarner, 120 Mollie Burke Heirs, 75 — John Burke Heirs, 60 — J. W. Calloway Heirs, 13 .. Susan ChUdress Heirs, 80 T. T. Church, 4 C. D. Coffey, 69 W. T. Colvard, 100 .—.— H. A. Cranor, 23 8. J. Dancy, 47 2.31 3.84 2.53 16.17 3.46 1.73 .68 6.47 1.66 2.02 5.89 1.18 5.08 John H. Sheets, 78 _ T. C. Shumate, 126 W. A. Shumate, 160 T. J. Smlthey, 100 .. W. C. Sparks, 36 11.93 3.36 8.84 7.25 17.14 22.46 15.50 Ham & Jim Dancy, 136 — 19.63 E. S. Darnell, 25 Todd Darnell, 90 Letticie Darnell, 78 — Thelma Darnell, 75 ...— A. R. Faw, 24 —.... R. U. Faw, 60 Agnes Faw, 4 ._p T. B. Finley, Bankrupt EJstate, 700 Claude Hall, 36 Zina Hall, 4 5.60 4.94 5.06 4.43 2.49 10.99 .49 Will N. Sparks, 100 E. L. Spicer, 33 — G. H. Stanllff, 40 C. A. Teague, 162 D. L. Waddell, 60 .... Dwight Waddell, 22 W. C. Waddell, 40 P. H. Waddell, 34 H. M. Waddel, 23 P. H. Wagoner, 32 C. L. Walker. 1 S. Eugene Walker, 17 —.... Jaike WWee, 76 D. P. Tatbe, 12 10.08 6.93 4.87 9.44 5.04 1.64 9.00 8.67 8.73 .8$ .16 4.62 14.64 2.30 Colored Mrs. Lucy Alexander, 50 _ John P. Alexander, 1 lot _ Harrison Anderson, 1 lot .. Augusta Anderson, 2 lots _ Mnmmle Anderson, 6 — Fred Anderson, 1 lot Sam Bailey, 28 .... Jennie Bailey, 17 Charles W. Bailey, 2 lots _ A. Bailey, 2 lota — Clinton Bailey, 1 lot John Bailey, 1 lot Della Barber, 1 lot Avery & Katherine Barber, 2 acres .— Richard Barber, 1 A. B. Barber, 13 Alfred Barber, 8 Claude Barber, 1 Walter Becknell, 3 Ma,ry Brown, Dec’d,, 1 lot J-H MoRee Brown, 1 lot — AJ* Mrs. Ed Brown, 7 — - '9m Bill Brown, 1 lot Winston Brown, 1 lot m Joe Cockerham, 1 lot - t.H Daisy Davis. 2 lots ''-J Reben Davis, 2 lots ... James Pergnson, 2 lots — Be.ssie Finley Eetate, 52 — 5JH» Dock Gaither, 11 I-*Y Dwight Gllreath, 1 Iva Gllreath, 1 lot — A* Jay Gilreoth, 9 Fred Grimes, 44 — W.A* Ida Grlnton, 1 lot ♦-** Robert Grinton, 79 — ifi# Lincoln Gwyn, 1 lot Mrs. Helen Gwyn, 1 lot — Loree Harris, 1 lot T.H J. G. Harris, 20 — 4-D* A. C. Harris. 23 1L» Sam Harris, 2 '13* C. C. Harris, 16 11* John A. Harris, 6 —TDS Louis Harris, dec’d- 79 .... Tfifi James C. Harris, 7 —-— Mllard Harris, 13 — Napoleon Harris, 9 — Mrs. W. G. Harris, 13 Beulah A Sadie Han|a, . care Beulah Turner, sjN ' Wilkesboro, N. C., 2,Y«1.-'tW Omie Hofton, 1 Mrs. Mozelle Horton, 2 lots . tJ* Amle Horton, 1 lot ■ -fit Philo Horton, 1 lot .JMfi Louis Howell, 1 — — Octa Hunter, 1 —c- ».» Odell Jones, 2 lot* tJUS* Richard Lomax Estate, " 2 lots !•-» Larry Majors, 36 — S49E Nathan McOirdy, 2 lots Wilkesboro Township Mrs. Cicero Adams, 1 lot 3.16 R. C. Adams, 3 acres 1.31 J. H. Alexander, 1 lot Edwin R. Anderson, 6 Glenn Anderson, 6 Geo. Ashley, 16 Ed Austin, 05 P. U. Billings, 26 H. M. Hamby, 17 V. L. Harris A fi. D. Eller, 100 2 Wade Hoaek, 80 Mrs. P, W.'SotMJk, 80 — Mri. Mlwde Joiae*. 160 _ 14.|l W. M. Blackhurn, 2 Frank Blevins, 3 lot# Roland L. Bouchell, 9 M. L. Bottchelle, 3 Robert Brook#, 8 . ■ . — J. D. Brookshire. 1 lot — 14.70 7.6.3 8.71 3.01 10.81 17.1S 7.81 6.21 4.10 2.89 6.71 .16 16.86 Mrs.Isadore McCurdy, 1 let ' Isabella McLean, 2 lots — '’IDS Wm. Parks. 3 Bafi Ernest Parka, 12 6Ji Mary Jane Petty, 8 4.6fi CTande M. Petty, 2 lots _.. IZm Ida Reed, 2 — im Faanj Reynolds, 1 ■'■l.lfi Richard Roberson, 2 Henry Rotissean, 2 lots — 6-4S C. J. Ronsseau, dec., EUza Southern, 10 Adolphus Speaks, 6 Cgrl Stokes, 1 lot Leila Mae Stokee, 1 lot _ 3JS Ooik Vannoy, 6 lots HBti Gilmore Vannoy, 8 .... Laura Waters, 8 lots I. A. WUkia#, 1 lot - R. B. Watts* 6 LaU Welbon. I I Mi&C

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