MONi)Ar:i ■ ^r. 2, 1940 r'S'% 1 jIISS MAMIE SOCKWBLL, Editor Telephone 215 Methodist Women Having Specia' Meeting Tomorrow Tomorrow. Tuesday evening September Srd. all the women of the North Wilkesboro Methodist church are asked to mer-t in a mass meeting at the church at 7:30 o’clock for the purpose of reorganliing the Woman’s work of the church according to the nevf setup of the Methodist church. Since this is circle day the regular meetings of the cir cles will not he held in the homes, but following the meet ing at the church each circle will meet in a group for a business session. All women of the church, mem bers and non-members of the auxiliary and girls of high school age, are expected to be present. Each woman joining at this time will become a charter member and will be presented with a cer tificate. A membersHp offering is to be taken. It is hoped that everyone is reserving this eve ning for the purpose only of at tending the meeting. ,j}Irs, George Parlier Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. George Parlier was hos- % less to the members of the Wila- ' bri bridge club at her home in Wllkesboro Thursday evening. An ice course preceded the game, which was played at three ta bles. The traveler’s prize was won by Mrs. Charles Hiilcher and to Mrs. Edison Norman, the former Miss Eucille Culler, the hostess presented a gift. Social Calendar The PrwhyterUm Ctrctes are meeting Tuesday aa follows: Circle No. 1, at the home of .Mrs. A. E. Snelon, 8:30 p. m. Circle No. 2, Mrs. H. B. Smith, 3:30 p. m. Circle Nol 3, Mrs. W. H. t'ooner, 3:80 p. ni. Circle No. 4, Miss Margaret .McNeUl. C^lrcle No. 5, Miss Clara Gen try. Circle No. 6, Misses Liucy and Grace Finley. The three meetings at their nsaial hour. The Flpiscopal .Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mi^ H. H. yiorehouse on the Brushy Mountain Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock. Tile rejfiilar meetings of the North Wllkesboro Methodist circles will not be held in the home^4 Tuesday, but each circle U) to meet In a group for a business session following the meeting at the church that night at 7:30 o’clock. STOCK UP NM ON DEHTfll HEEDS/ .An interesting meeting Is be ing planned to open the fall sejison of the Junior Woman’s club of North Wllkesboro, wh’ch is to meet Wednesday afternoon a( four o’clock on the lawn of the home of Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant. Hostesses with Mrs. Sturdivant are Mrs. E. C. John-son and Mrs. George F‘'or- ester. .A garden pix^rrani is to be given by the garden com- niitti'e. PEPS0DE11T TOOTH PSSTl UORTON’Q * **CUT-RATE^ DRUG STORE C'mmnings-Ward Marriage I Vows Are Announced Announcement wa.s made ihi:' week of the marriage of Mi.-'S Ln- cile Ward to Carl Cummings both of Independence Virginia. The ceremony was performed at Bland. Virginia on Saturday. March 16. 1940. by the Metho dist minister. Rev. J. A. Hardin. The bride is the attn.otive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ward, of Independence, Virginia. She Is a graduate of Galax high school and Bluefield Business College. After graduation from Bluefield she was for almost two years a member of the office per sonnel of the Reins-Sturdlvant k’uneral Home in North Wilkes- S^tetnber special! fAL-PATRIOT.lJoa^ ,N.f double the usual quantity Tee time has come when you shoull lay aside your sun-glasses . . , brush the salt-water out of your hair and answer yjur accumulated corres pondence. So prepare for letters at home or at school . . . buv boxes and boxes of RYTEX n\’EED-\VE-AVE at this special low price. *>00 Single Sheets, 100 Ekivelopes Or 100 Double Sheets, 100 Envelopes Or, 100 Monarchr Sheets, 100 Envelopes Three sm irt colors .. . three smart sizes of paper to sui^ everyone in the family. And printed with vour Name and Address or Monogram. Don’t forget tc hnv several boxes for Christmas gifts luiing t i.s September sale. Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co. Telephone 70 North WUkeiboro, N. C. flh -fit-. 't' . 4 rH. > ■^:V:-V’* 1939 Chevrolet Coiipe— l936,Gievrqlet Master Coupe.. fV. m r,- ^ n 1 or..: Murv Martin ran sine we’re sure, but from what we’ve heard of Os ar Levant on “In- the River.” at the Liberty T mrsday andi Friday. Sasil Rathbone is also starred. _ boro, N. C. For the past secc- months she has been with thi Sturdivant Buriil .Association o Independon''P. V;rg:'iia. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tV. R. Cummings of Comers Rock, Virginia, but formerly of North Carolina. Mr. and .Mi-s. Cummings are making their ho:nc in Indepen dence, Virginia. Ila Holman Bible Ch icld Monthly Meeting The -August meeting of the Ila -lolman Bible class of the W’il- kosboro Baptist church •' s lie! Thursday afternoon at the home Mrs. AVaUer Watts with Mrs. >t 31NG CROSBY’S MAESTRO FEATURED IN NEW FILM -‘tf. my;. vteT.'krf,-- 9M1I^- 595.00- 375.09 193^ Ford Touring Sedan 465.00 1937 Chevrolet^rt Sedan... 395.00 1936 Dodge Coach 325.00 Farm Field Day To Be Sept. 12tb Because John Scott Trotter, maestro of the Kraft Music Hall’s air show, has developed a person ality on the Bing Crotby program and. consequentlv, an enormous fan mail, most of, which asks for a Iiiography and a physical de scription of the band leader Paramount Pictures decided it would be a good idea to answer -iherman Colvard as co-hostess, '.aving an attendance of twelve members and two visitor.!. \.r Everett Tedder gave the devotlon- >ls using as her theme "David Acknowledging His Transgres- = ions”, followed by talks on , David by Mrs. Colvard and Mrs. R. L. Wellborn. Mrs. Colvard, the resident, was in charge of the ■isual business session. At the close of the meeting Mrs. S. L. Turner assisted the hoste.sses in ■erving tempting refreshments. Raleigh. Aug. 31. — J. M. Broughton of Raleigh. Demo- '•ratic nominep for Governor, will •ip the nrineinal snppker at thp __ „ .. anneal farmer^’ field day at the all these letters in one fell swoop, '■•oastal Plain Test Farm at Wil- Wha better way than to put him '•’rd. ?pnlemt'pr 12, Commission- on every movie screen in the er of Agriculture W. Kerr Scott ; country? nniiomiced today. So to local John Scott Trottc The field day will be sponsored ^ans. the baton wlelder .become Ity the U. S. and N. C. Depart- an actor aa of tomorrow mornjn? ments of Agriculture and N. ^ 'when Bing Crosby’s new starrlnj Experiment Station. Features will film, “Rhythm on the River.- opens at the Liberty Theatre Thursday and Friday Id' Gub Entertained Xhui-sday Evening Tlie member;- of the Idlewise club and their bus-bands we:e ae- lightfiilly entertained at a iniffett supper at the home of Mr. i.nd ■Mrs. E. C. Johnson Tbursilay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tal Barnes 'include farm field trips, demon st-ations and exhibits under the supervision of Depart.ment and State College Extension specialists. Mrs. Estelle T. Smith, district home demonstration agent of State College, will be in charge of !he women’s program to be pre sented in the afternoon. State Se,nalor Roy Rowe of Burgaw, chairman for the dav. will be introduced by F. E. Mill er. Director of the Test Farms Di- .'ision of the State Department of Agr.cnluire. Other speakers on the mnrnin ere co-hosts with the Johnsons. ; program will Include Co . .lohn Special guests at the supper. W. Harrelson. Dean of Adimnns- hich was served U 6;ft o’clock. It ration. State College; Lt.-Col. ■ere Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Olive, ho are leaving the first of Sep tember to make their home at ,.ake Fore t where Rev. Mr. Olive has accepted work with the college. ' George W. Gillette. Cnited States district engineer, Wiltninglon: and James H. Cark of Eizabeth- town. They gave John Scott perhap’ Servicethe hardest assignment a playe- I can receive—that of “'being him self.’’ “If they poked a earner through the window of my hom when 1 wasn’t aware of it, and shot me eating, shaving, readin and moving about my place, they’d catch me ‘being myself.’ he explains, but when a person knows that the camera eye is staring at him. he simply can't go through doing things iincon sciously, therefore,. I’m wonder ing just who I was being—ce: tainly not myself—but seemingl; Paramount was satisfied, so if okay with me.” Since “Rhythm on the River doesn’t go very deeply into Trot ter’s LSography, a few words oi JAPAN TURNS TOTALITARIAN Mu.sic will be presented by the'the subject might not anu- Penderlea Boys’ Band, led by here. was .born on June 14 Captain Edward Peters, and com- 1908. in Charlotte. N. C H. munity singing will be conducted . liked the sound of the tam'Iy p by Jack Criswell of State College, ano when but a child, and he wa Tokyo. Aiig. 2S.—Japan took another step—perhaps the bigg est step to date—toward totali tarianism with the pronounce ment by Premier Prince Fumim- The invocation will he pro nounced by the Rev. P. H. Fields, past , of the Rose Hill and Wal la i Methodist churches. Dr. Charles Dearlog, assistant director in charge of the Test Farm, will announce other fea tures of the program. given lessons until he was IS when he left for college. He formed a jazz band at the university, with himself at tin piano, Hal Kemp as first sax. Be:. Williams and Saxie Bossell as c'^x plaver**. Bk’nny- Ennis as drummer and Harry Pond as ban- jj,..>. , j.c aggregation with Ha'. jKemp as leader, became worlt: ment by Premier rrince r u.u.m- eTATPQ PlVIl aro Konoye this afternoon of the ‘ * VlrtN ' Trotter began doing ar- long-awaited “new national slruc-. SEKVltl;. lijAAl'iiivrt. ^ | mnp^ements for the band some ” ' The I'nited States Civil Service Establishment of ^"1 commission announces an open •are. which is expected to begin examination tor the immediately, will R._i at faVostiiute Clerk Car- mad'cation of individualism, lib- -■_^^ vacancies in the .^raPsra and democr-’ • ' ' • Wiliceshoro. and at unifying the energy of the ‘ 1 . u\1f» North Carolina, rcfpio «nd Kovei mie all equally to fulfill their duties a n-'iirntioTi*! for this position as su^jpets of the Emperor. must he on f le with the Manager, ■ ■ Fourth U. S. Civil Service Dis trict. Washington, D. C„ not lat er than Sentemher 4. 1ft40. A single political party, which Is expected to be formed shortly, ■vill not he like those of other totalitarian countries, Konoye de clared, but will he one which The examination is being held to fill a vacancy in the Post Of- -vill harinon.ze with Japan’s na- fice Service. tional policy and will transcend Competitors will be required to individual as well as party poll- ^ report for written examination, tics. VFXJFrrABLE.S Growing^ fall vegetables co operatively and selling them in Western North Carolina cities is being discussed seriously by New Hanover truck farmers, says Farm Agent-at-Large J. P. Her ring. Community farm tours have proved both interesting and edu cational for farmers and farm women of Henderson county, says wji- — I ■>. ML Bennett, assistant county Bright, farm agent of the N.^ agent of the Extension Servloo' " ' which will be held as soon as practicable after the date set for •the close of receipt of applica tions. Full information and ap plication blanks may be obtained from the Secretary, board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Post Office, North Wllkesboro, North Carolina. PLANNING Warren County farmers are now making plans for seeding crimson clover and vetch as win ter cover crops, rsports R. H. 6t«Is jChrilsgs Extenatoa SsHto. rangements for the band some years later, but left the band in 1934 and went to Hollywood. .An old friend, Johnny Burke, who was writing songs for Cros by at the time, took so:ne of tht Trotter recordings to the sta; who liked them. When Jimmy Dorsey left the Kraft show, B.n, sent for Trotter to take over. He’s been there since, and ha.- recently developed a flair for comedy, which has , been that elusive spark that makes the d.f- ferenf-e between lots of fan mail and none at all. Just to complete the Trotter statistics; he’s a bachelor, six feet, one inch, has brown eyes and black hair. Beside Bing and Maestro Trot ter, “Rhythm on the River” stars wsll-known Broadway stage star, Mary Martin, of “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” fame and Basil Rathbone. 385.00 145.00 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan... 1934 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. 1931 Ford Roadster 75.00 1929 Ford Roadster 45.00 1933 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan.. 195.00 ^932 Plymouth Coupe 135.00 ' 929 Ford A Model Pickup 75.00 “BMoreOlffeoplo We have a good stock of USED TRUCKS and PICKUPS at very special prices for next ten days. Visit us today. Gaddy Motor Co. North Wilkesboro, N. C. 'wm YOUR theatre! Extra Special Attraction UBEm|»EDNESDAY lOc Red Ryder No. 11 STARS! SONGS! LAUGHS! GALS! lIKt Ml 1940’s BIGMV would use AILERIKA Jhsy WonW feel tetter. Fm 70 have Bad it on hand for 14 years.” (L. M.- So. Dak.>'For (tUICK bowel acOon and MAicf from Ubatinj fa« Alf APLSRKA today.Bed CroMf HSIUH If rhhhm ON THE. • If Oscar Lillian Cornell |ificto4 ^. VitUrStkM^i — HEAR THESE HITS — “That’s For Me”, “Only Forever”, “When The Moon Comes Over Madison Square”, “Rythm On The River," “Ain’t It A Shame Almat Name”. “What Would Shakespeare Have Said”, “I Don’t Want To Cry Any More.” NOW SHOWING. South of ■PAiOfAiO Jon Hall FRANCES F-A R M E R VICTOR ■ZZrA,

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