. ■ . • ?« 'X*i» '*.•«»'‘ ■i>Vii.'5^’ )AY, -sOSj ' r?c‘ Add^ 1^8 ir-4i^:,^iw r’toj Creek Auociatkm W. . .. ^ lA-Meetmy At Zion ■^**fMniireli S^ 28th 74- mi '-.ivj an’x Miesionary Union of Creek Baptist ''aaaoeiatioa •89^ meet on Saturday, SopUtmber '*'• *'*r»T church, ^ day's prograoD will open et'iMS a. m. with singinR of p and repeating the watch- in unison, followed by de- .1 conducted by Rer. Grady Greetings will be by Mrs. dkoi Holland and response by Pm. Richard Martin, Recognition OfTisitors will be ^y Mrs. J. M. Vrfgbt, president and Mis Hllza- ■ieth Cooper wlH render n ptx>- MMi. Miss Zelle Harris, secre- Miy, will call the roll of churches MM a short talk will be by each president. .Addressee by Mrs. Pml James, of Elkin, leader of 4Pb Wllkesboro division of the M'. ■L and Mrs. J. Clyde Turner, president of the North Carolina W. M. IT., will conclude the morn- IM program. | hi the afternoon Rev. Guss Pjws will conduct the deyotional. | Miss Esther Camubell wRl recite a poem and Misses Ruby Dean | :ad Lucille Myers will sing “Sat- | aCed With Jesus." The afternoon address will be by Mrs. Paul Il«vis. Election of officers and wauling of minutes by the.secre tary ■« ill conclude the program. Henry Fonda, r-ght, plays the role of the famou.s outlaw in The Return of Frank James,” new 20th Century-Fox Tedmicolor pr^nc- tion ecming M’ednrsdav, Thursday and Friday to the Orpheum Thea tre. Jackie' Cooper and lovely Gene Tierney are featured in the cagt. I* is not surprising that 20th I Meek. Eddie Collins and George Cen'u’’-’''"v Btufiio ha= “shot thejBnrbier are included in the large works” with la visii pro.rtu'-t'no j fopt'-red cast. of its row Technicolor Filmed in Technicolor, “The Other North Carolina area»^ still are eligible for partlclpa'lnn 'n the food stamp plan in addi tion 10 Wake, Mecklenburg, .Guilford counties and the cities If ■ Charlotte. Raleigh, Greens boro and High Point in which the .program is now operating, ac- ’ording to A. E. Langston, State director of, commodity distribu tion. Langstan’s statement came In response to an announcement by Sectary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace on the first anniversary of establlshrtfetft of the program hat the plan is now operating in *18 areas 12 additional areas already designated for future operation. ■Any locality in North Carolina interested In Joining in the new method of d^lbution of surplus joramodity'^^ndts to its needy .bould get -tb^iyrk through the ■iroper chaiHil^^o have their .bounties inclndlOg in the '’25 hpbpe areas hfptV future operation.” ^igston If smaller. ttWfhS are chosen Ly the Federal Sntg^na" Commodity Corporation five v-rhe'stamp plan about 160 addlUotfai areas will be selected, he exioialned. ‘ The State- director''quoted Sec retary Wallace tO ;^».effqct that the full effect'qf th!»'i|Fogram up on farm income pt'qWhbly would not fie reached rintll nearer, ap proach to eomniete nsMonal 'cov erage is attained, t Langston, said Wallace did not expect this goal to be reached In less than two years. The stamp plan of distributing surplus commodities to needy people was begun In Rochester, N. Y„ May 16, 1939. CATCHES HAWK IN HER CHICKEN HOUSE Charlottesville, Va., Aug. 25.— A big chicken hawk'swooped in to Mrs. C. L. Long's chicken house just as Mrs. Long entered the chicken yard. She slanumed the chicken bouse door, donned, gloves, and caught the hawk a- live. - The Kj^Wti^nfi hen noon to learft^.' North WlUp^lxfro schools a program containing talks "If vartomi fnstmetors was carrted ont. Jj B. McCoy was program chair- nian' and called on Paul S. Cra- gan, city schools superintendent, to Introduce the program. After the members stood and gave the Allegiance to the Flag, Miss -Mary Helen ZumBrunnen sang "God Bless ■'America” and led the as sembly in singing the chorua Supt. Cragan gave a brief out line of opening of schools here, saying that enrollment Is ap proximately 900 with an increase in the high school department and a slight decrease in the element ary grades. A greater variety and more desirable courses in the high school were responsible for the increase in that department, he said Jack Massey, high school fac ulty member and athletic coach, te to lar to a' ^ ''f .Wtn of Idni child would beUv'Bchobl day and with the Jourm other half. The program closed with ing of "Danny Boy" and "Da* by Mise ZumBrunnen. In the business session J. Finley called attention to the ter of rebuilding the lower kin bridge here, saying that-^ bridgea had been washed there. The matter was d»fa^ until next meeting for tuaffi# discussion. RBSE.ARCH While there has beeu a ste growth In botn personnel funds spent by federal and governments for agriculture search, the annual expend^ now is less than MS.OOO.OO^ the United States. v'^ Ads. gat attentioiHpaPd The Return of Frank | Return of Frank James” is one Eastern Star Meeting The Order of the Eastern Star *ei« will meet on Thursday night, tovtember 12. 7:20 o’clo.'k, at the lodge hall. .All members are asked i» attend. Ireatmen pk-Utre, .lames.” vhich oper.s at the Or-| of the outstanding “big budget phe-.im Theatre on Wednesday, j pictures of the current .season. For last year, when the same stu-!-Aside from extensive shooting >LA.SOXIC XOTU'E Regular coJiimunicatioii North WBltesboro Lodge No. 407 .A, F. Md A. .M. Friday, September 13, at 7:30 p. m. All members urged tip attend. Visitors welcome. I H3ui(K AfilON at the studio, the company went on location at Sonora, Calif., and Owen’.s Valley in the High Sier ras. For the scenes involving train bandit Itrotliers made the kind of hold-ups- a form of undertaking movio m*aterial that d r a w s i much favored by the James boys crowds 1—20th Century F'ox hired an en- Ft is fortunate for the produc- tire railroad and made over the ers—although it was not so lucky l to match the rolling for the forces of law and order «tock of wood-burning locomo- the 1880’s - that there were dio rrnduced “Jesse -lames.” the resulting atidion'm enth'isiasm domon-trated l>eyond question that (he colorful doings of the FOR RENT mo Ft'RNl-SHED Apsrtnientsi, three rooms each, private bath, «iaee in; Two apqrtmqnts on Unshaw Street, bath and pri vate entrance, three rooms •■eh. Phone 205-M. It-pd RENT: Unfurnished or pirtly furnished house in Wil- keaboro. Phone 146-R. Mrs. Sk; Hemphill. 9-9-tf : f OR SALE in two James brothers, and that the adventures of Frank continued in exciting fashion after the sudden i demise of Jesse. As a re.sult, two | I different pict'-re- of equally high I merit could be based upon the Ja:iv?s* sa.s:a. The cast is headen cy Henry Fonda in the title role—a part hich he al.so played in “Jesse James.” In the feminine lead is a lovely newcomer to the screen. Gene Tierney, who earned fame on the New York stage by her. uortrayal of a leading role in “The Male Animal”. Jackie Coop er, Henry Hull, John Carradine, J, Edward Bromberg, Donald ROB SAIjE: Buck.s Range (Mas ter) ; water front. Good condi- Very reasonable price, ply Journal-Patriot. It-pd JBHT BBCEIVEl)—Two dozen Mioktog stands, chromium plat- 0t. at 75c, $1.00 and SJ.25 aock. Mark - Down Furniture Op S-29-U SALE: Kour-jear-old mare, 1180 pounds, works good. R- JL Fairchilds, North Wilkes- %oro Route 1. 9-12-2t-pd OB SALE: One Iiedrooni suit aad one living room suit: cheap. 712 B Stieet. It-pd .UTIEUIi ixyr of 7-way floor dWBh to be sold as account •Rensrrs at $6.75 each. $1.00 jBWn. $1.00 week. Limited iwantity.—Mark-Down Furni- An Co. 8-29-tt REST RECEIVED shipment bean- tJfnl Card Tables, assohted col- at $1.00 and $1.25 each.— ■Arkdown Furniture Co. 8-29-tf live days. Perhap.s the hardest working member of the cast was John Carrdine. Simultaneously at work on- “The Return of Frank James” and “Brigham Young," the lanky screen player had to “commute’’ between the two location sites, several hundred miles apart. To add to his difficult as-signment, he is a villain in “The Return of Frank James’’ and a hero in "Brigham Young.” "The Return of Frank James" was produced -hy .Datryi F. , Za- nuck, with Kenneth -Maegowaa as associate producer. Fritz I^ang directed. The original screen play was written by Sam Heilman. OUR DEFENSE (Continued from page two) Shotgun As an airplane doe.s not re main stationary, it is necessary to throw up quite a few shells to make an impression. It is easier to hit a flying duck with a, couple of hundred slugs from a shotgun than it is to hit it with a single rifle bullet. Therefore, a battery of four anti-aircraft guns can fire 100 aimed shots in one minute. Klach anti-aircraft battery has a director or “mechanical brain.’’ Tliis complicated instrument is pointed continuously at any f.ir target, and automatically com putes the right direction for aim ing the gun so that the shell and the airplane will arrive at the same point together. This point ing information is transmitted electrically to each gun, and the guns do the rest. Anti-aircraft guns are supple mented by searchlights of over 800,000,000 candle-power to find targets at night, to enable the searchlight crew.-» to find the planes quickly as they approach high in the air. Sound locators are used. These sound locators )f twelve 3-lnch guns; three bat teries of 3 7 mm. guns with a total of twenty-four guns, and one machine gun battery of 12 machine guns—that makes- forty- eight guns and several thousand shells a minute. However, the coast artillery ha.s no monopoly on taking pot shots at airplanes. The troops of all other arms and some of the services fire on iow flying airplanes with anything they have handy. The Coast Ar tillery takes over the job where protection is not furnished by the other arms themselves. Now we do not have a great many anti-aircraft guns in the country, but the National Defense Advisor}' Commission has already approved raillionsi o f dollars worth of army contracts for pro duction of these guns. Tooling up of the factories is now under way, and deliveries are being ex pedited. Questions Answered Bt State College Question: AtVhat is the best temperature .to maintain in cur ing tobaci^f Ansy/er: The temperature for WANTED WANT A COOK at the Popn- l«r Cafe. If you can’t cook don’t apply. It are really over-grown ears some j cur A tobacco changes with the 20 feet high, by which trained | c^^j[ition of the weed.When the listeners can tell the direction of/{ch^cco is first placed in the the plane by the sound. Thifi barn, the temperature should be guides the searchlights to ^ihe from five to ten degrees higher ■AWl^lGH ROUTE EST.AB- LISHBD just becoming avail able in parts Wilkes County, mikesboro, North Wilkesboro. Exceptional opportunity for right man. Write Rawleigh’s, Dbpt. NCI-164-105H, Rich mond, Va. or see L. G. Harrold, Worth Wilkesboro, N. C. Route 1.’ 9;5-12-19-26-pd-(T) miTTED: 1,000 Suit.s and Dres.s- C8 to Clean and press. We do it right. Prompt service. Teague’s Dry Cleaning, Tenth Street. 7-8-tf-(M) t^BClAht Ice boxes, ice refrige- ntors and electric refrigera tors traded in on new Frigl- daires: as low as $2. Henderson ■•etric company. 6-13-tf MISCELAfieOlB IfT -WIOS RBOKIPT tor Health SMetrie-Vapor Bath Treat- Wd are experts at mas- (P we know how to aching muscles and t 'nerves relax. Oet rid ■unnecessaiT Rounds. Shoe, Phoao 432. ,.4 plane. ■; The searchlights, of coal'se, are placed in a circle at a conslder- alile distance from Lie gun bat tery. Farther out, 4n a much larger circle, are .ground ob.serv- ers, equipped wi/l their own ears and night glayfes, who give ad vance warninjr to the whole anti aircraft defjnse system. The antMircratt guns of the 3-inch typi . built for long range j^ggjQ raised from 5 to 10 de- than the outside temperature. This is maintained until the leaf is fairly yellow. The temperature is then raised four to five de grees each hour until it has reached 120 to 125 degrees. As soon as the Ups of the leaves be gin to dry it‘should be raised again to 135 to 140 degrees at the rate of 4 to 6 degrees an hour. When the leaf is dry it Is firing, are not effective against iow flying airplanes at short range. To leal with these hedge hoppers s mething lighter and quicker is needed. For this pur pose we h .ve caliber .50 machine grees an hour until the tempera ture reaches ISO to 190 degrees. This is held until the leaf stem Is dry in all parts of the bam. guns and craft gun. stream of the 37 mm. antt-alr- A machine gun fires a tracer bullets l-21nch In dlametjr. The tracer bullets burn like a Roman candle—with smoke in the day time and light at night, t o that the gunners high up can follow this stream of de- sthuction lor nearly a mile. En closed in I that stream are better than 500 ‘shells a minute—not a very pleasant thing to meet on a dark nlghtl. A war I strength anti-aircraft regiment tkmtalns one searchlight battery with fifteen searcbllghtfi -hree gOtf batteries with a total V i;' Dear Sandra; I’m glad that you are goipg to share your room with me at school this year. We always seem to have so much in common. EJven our Intense admiration for RYTEX TWEED-WEAVE Print ed Stationery. And in case you don’t kitow . . . it’s on sale for September Only in DOUBLE THE USUAL QUAN’n'TY . . .200 Sin gle Sheets, or 100 Double Sheets, or 100 Monarch Sheets, and 100 Envelopes Jl.OO, printed with your Nafaie and Address or Mon ogram. Be sure to^H^t boxes and boxes at Carten^HmSbard Pub- Amazing Offer!! Now at last We can give YOU a genuine ORRISO GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free This Offer Is Open To Everyone Yea sir, that’s exactly what we mean I We have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Morrison Lifetime Ser vice Pens for a limited time. There are no “atrings” to tkia offer—no pugzles to solve—nonumbers to draw- - -no contest to win—no subscriptions to’ go out and sell. ■‘ ^ AH YOU need to do to obtain one of these beautiful and useful gifts is to cotue mto our office, pay a year’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Fmer Pens The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis* tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand-tumed and buffed to a lustrous fimsh dust never fades It has Micronuitic Balance • . . • A Smooth*gliding, especially processed point •»•••••••• To suit your oum individual writing . • PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer And it comes to you with an unqualified guarantee of * Lifetime Service The Morrison is told in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the I^ge metropolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. You Should Act Now! Get Thk Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! -GET IT NOW!^^ MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find $ for which kindly psy ray subscription for one year to The Joumal-Patnot. I enclose cents postage for which please send my Morrison pen in (Mien’s) or (Wo men’s) style, to me to name (riirr and STATE sissErr Subscription Bats in State, flJO; Ont of State, Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun- fain pen and who does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time yw show it to a frieadi (I WILKES COUNirf^ ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER i’.*