'■'Sii 16, •:Vi. - iol mUm Women’s Church, Civic And Social Activities MISS MAMIE SOCKWELL, Editor—Phone 215 oy K Bridge Chib Hostess with Mrs. Roy Reare as hos tess the members of the Wilabri bridge club were delightfully en tertained at the Reece home Thursday evening. Three tables were placed for play in a colorful setting of cut flowers. Miss Helen Call won the high score prize and the traveler’s- prize went to Miss Annie Laurie Hulcher. Mrs. Edi son Norman, the former Miss I^u- cille Culler, was remembered with a gift. Refreshments fol lowed play. G. A. Group Met With I Mildred Stafford The Intermediate G. A. Group number 2 of the First Baptist chiircli held a splendid meeting Thursday evening with Mildred Stafford, lioselle Caudill led the ievotional period, and the pro- .•ram for state missions was dls- ,■ --.-,1 hy .Miss Manie Brewer, leader of ihe group. Plans were •r ail lor tlie regular September alverttsmg >o'umne e as your ahoDP’ug oruidr Buing^erGtif^h Marriage Vows"-Announced Announcement la made of the nariiage of Miss Clara Wilma lu-mgarner, of Millers Creek, to Percy Lee Goforth, of' Purlear, which was solemnized on Satur day, September 7, at Mountain City, Tenn. The attractive bride wore a lovely dress of teal ^bluo with which she used black accessories. Mrs. Goforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bumgarner, of Millers Creek, Is a grraduate of the cla.ss of 1940 of the Millers Creek high school. Mr. Goforth, son of Rev. and Mrs. U. G. Goforth, of Purlear, is connected in business at North Wilkesboro. After an informal re ception at the home of the groom’s parents, the couple left for a short wedding tour and up on their return will be at home with Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Goforth. N. Wilkesboro P.-T. A. Met Thursday Afternoon Ttie first meeting of the North. Wilkes'boro P.-T. A. for the our- renf school year was held in the [..cbnol auditorium Thursday aft ernoon at '1! 1 ii o’clock with the vice president. Mi's. 'G. C. Faw, presiding in the a.bsence of the president. Mrs. ,1. B. McCoy. Eighty some were present to hear a most interesting program pve- sonled by the faculty members under the direction of the siiper- •niendent. Paul S. Cragaii. .\iiss Mable llendren led the (ievolioiial period. For ttie pio- giii.ni Mr. Cragan imroduced the faculty members, each one tHl- iug liriefly of their work. During the Imsiness session Mrs. Faw presented the chairmen of the different departments, at which time they told of their plans for the year. Officers for the year are as I'ollows: President. .Mrs. .1. B. Mc Coy; first vice presidetit. -Mrs. C. ('. Faw; second vice president. Miss Estelle .\rdrey; con'espond- ing secrelary, Mrs. \V. 1). Half- ai'i'e; rectirding secntlary, Mis. Paul i^. Ciagaii; Ireasiircr, Mrs. Kdil F. Gariiner: and liistorian, Mrs. Dan Car.cr. The following are cliairmen of the cmmillees: Child study ..ronn, Mrs. J. C. Reins; finance. .Mrs. Carl Coffey; student aid. Mrs. J. 1^. Clements; social ac tivities, Mrs. Ivey Moore; ho.s- litalitv; Mrs. George Forester; loumis. Mrs. W. E. Jones; mag- izine. Mrs. W. K. Newton; juve- ■ ile protection, Mrs. Palmer Hor ton; legislation; Mi’s. J- A. tousseau; radio, Mrs. A. H. Cas- 'v; Founders Day, Mrs. T. A. Finley; summer round up. Mrs. \{ P. Casey; parlimentary refe- n-e. Mrs. C. D. Coffey. Jr.; mem- .MM'ship. Miss Estelle Ardrey. (ieii.aral grade representatives, one lo three. Mrs. W. K. Sturdi vant ; tour to five. Mrs. R. T. Mi.Neil; si. to seven, Mrs. John .instice; and eight to eleven. .Mrs. (;ordoii Finley. .Ml'S. F. ('. Hubbard Is ,>ev\ iii” Club Hostess The meinia*rs of the Wednes- ,|av Sewing clul) and a couple of visitors were charniingly enter- .lined .liy Mrs. F. C. HuVniard at i.-i lio'iic Wednesday afternoon. l'!ie home was attractively deco- i;il,.,i aiili a profusion of tall lilii.ssoms making a pretty .-^etliug for tile guests, who spent an iu- forimil hour together. Miss Gwen- 1,,lvii llnhliard. daiigiiter of Hie liostess and a student of Hollins ■’.illege. ill Hollins. Va.. delighted ■li,. group witli a number of jii- ,,uo selections. .Mi-. I.. M. Nelson ;s pn-sideilt of the eltih. .U the close of the afternoon the hostess served leuiptiiig re- rishmen's. Visitors of the club .,ere Mr.s. C- '■ Smoot, of .Mex- .iiidria. Va.. wlio is hire visiting Mi'.s. J. C. Smoot, and .Mrs. R. B. Williains, of Carey, who was a goes; oi Mrs. Cordon Finley. Iloili guests were former mom- '.)ers of the eluli. wt) Meetings Scheduled !'()i Methodist Women T’.vo imimriant meetings are , I,,.,Ini,.(I to he held within the few wimks for the Methodist '\'i.in,'ii's Soeieiii-s of Cliristian vi. " ill this district. The first I- . j. I'le Ol'lici.rs Training Day I,,. 1,,.1,| at Hie Broad Street I i \ ■ t...li-i l•llllr,•ll in Statesville ...| lo I o’clock on Wed- ; , p. I,.mi er jn. Tills nieet- . 1 , p.,p- all the officers of ! .1 SiK'i.'t i,'s in the Elkin and .. P!,. liisl riels, 'I'll,. , -:i .1 inei'iiiig. whirh is , a,-III at Hie same place, is (l•.■loher 1. and is to lie a a - I'le Confi'i'eMcr Or;-’an- I.’ial nn-eiing. The meeting '.,1 : I III n’t lock. Delegates J I , a .-. 'i'ig a;-e all the newly I I,. I ill.-nts of the soi'ie W"sl,.i', North Caro- , lleir nPer- I ' I 'ail ll .1 .i !lll'm‘'■.■|■- • X •rtli Wil- ■ I ha:.;,. w:-.:i- til . Kd'l F. -.1 ■ . I ■'!' I !l|. :.e!l’si|.g I'li.'nii's I paiF. .Is your shopping g-uiu- The PresbyterUn Anxillarjr will meet Bt the church hot Tneeday afternoon at 4 o^dock’ to be prMWded by the ' Ezecn- tire meeting at 8 o’dock. Mr. KtMMles, a teacher in the Glade Valley Sthool will be the speaker for the meeting. The Womaa’s Socioty o f Christian Serrloe of the North Wilkesboro Methodic ci^jirch wUl meet at the chordi hnt Tharsday afternoon at 8:80 o’ clock. Attention is called to the members of the society that there wlU be no diaiWes in the work of the society un til the end of the year 1940, except in the Execntlre offi cers. The circles, and all cliair- nien will continue as they are until the close of the present year. S. S. Class He'd Monthly Meetintr Friday Night The monthly meeting of the Young Ladle-s Sunday school class of the Walnut Grove Bap tist church was held Friday eve ning at the home of Miss Eunice Baker, having around fourteen present. Mrs. Earl Meadows, the Tire-ldent, was In charge of the business session' during which time the following officers were elected. presidci||t. Mrs. Bentley Parlier; sccretairy, Miss Grace Broyhill: and treasurer, Miss Eunice Baker. ,Miss Jennie Par lier was the devotional leader. Farm-Home Agents To Attend Meetings Through a series of program planning meetings, a schedule of expanded service to the farm people of North Carolina will he mapped out tor county and home agents of the State College Ex tension .Service, Dr. I. O. Schauh. Extension director, has announc ed. The first of these two-day dis trict meetings will begin October 1 fi and the last will he held Oc tober .71 and November 1. There are five exten.sion districts in the Slate. Three of the conferences will be held in Raleigh, one in Statesville, and the last in Ashe ville. Dr. Schauh explained that the meetings will be held to coordi nate county farm and home edn cational programs with the work at State College. Suhjefct mattei srpeciallsts of the Extension Ser vice will consult with eaxth of thf agents and make arrangement for visits to the counties to giw method demonstrations. The type and number of result demonstra Hons to he placed with farmer and farm women also will be dis cussed with each agent. The schedule of meetings Is as follows: Northeastern districi October 16 and 17 at Raleigh. Southeastern district, October Ik ind 19 at Raleigh; Northwester!’ li.slrict. October 21 and 22 at Raleigh: South western dDtrict October 29 and 30 at Statesville: and Western district, October Z' and November 1 at Asheville. The conferences will he it i-harge of district farm agent, ■iiul districi home demonstratin' agents. Farm and home agents wil ,'onsiiU with county lioards o agriculture, county AAA commit- 'ees, and home, demonstration county councils about plans for their counties .before attending Hie coiifcreiice.S'. “Through these meetings we hope to continue the progress we have made during the past year in a hetter-halanced, more eco nomical North Carolina agricul ture.’’ Dr. Schauh said. Questions Answered B) State College (Question: How should apple- lie graded? Answer: The first step corne al harvest time. It has been esti- iiintnd that one-sixth of the ap ples discarded as culls were dis posed of liecause of rough hand ling at picking time, or rough ireiitinent on their way to and in the grading and packing shed. A Ihofoiign knowledge of V. S Siaiui ird grade.s is also necessarv ill cliissitying apples. Then. loo. the fruit must l.^e free from spray re-idue. dirt, or any defects that will sorionsly detract from Hie appeaiaiice or keeping finality o! the fruit. ■•V,„i don’t smoke cigarette do you litHo lioy'.’’’ ■■N,i iin'nm. hut 1 inn let yo i;i—V,. a i-liaw of leihai'ker.’’ WILLIAMS MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 334-J r. H. Williams. Owner Oidsmobile Saies-5ervire Roar r'r.ame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Renairins W.ocUer Service—Electric and Acetylene Welding r.SEO P'RTS—For all makes mil inede s of -.trs and trucks (Continued from pnge two) B. Jobnaton, lira. J.J.Hayea, Mrs. C. C. Paw, Mrs. I. B. Pearaon, Mn. Paul S. Cragan^ Mra. Jack Hadley made up the committee trho got the cook .book out and the club Is indebted to them. Quite a few coiplos have been sold but there are still some on hand. Park Committee: Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, chairman, Mrs. J. C. Reins, Mrs. A. B. Johnston, W. R. Absher, jid Mrs. F. C. Forester. The park committee have done outstanding work in developing the park. Chairman of the Community Beautification is Mrs. J. C. Reins, Mrs. J. R. Hix, Mrs. W. P. Hor ton, Mrs. J. E. Spainhour. Mra. J. D. Moore, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. R. M. Brame, Mrs. W. E. Jono.a, Mrs. S. V. Toml'ii/*'” C. Call and Mrs. Rufus Church. These are the committees to look after the beautification ol ilic- town and ermeterie's. Mrs. Paul S. Cragan, chairman of the pU'Llie.ly committee, Mrs. W.‘R. -ibsher, historian. International Relations and -Membership CooMnitte-- H. Casey Mrs. I. E. Pearson, and .Mrs. K. F. KBei- Legislation: .Mrs. W. R. Ab sher. Chairman of Committee. These officers -and Chairmen Wbmut?i Club wUdh 1 ta»l fby pnaitei rV7 Indebted to for all the outstan«|Ing work of the last two years. Large Enrolment Leas-McR^ Collet Banner Elk, Sept. 12.—iLeee- McRae College opened iU 41st session here today with a capacity enrollment and one of the best years of Its history In prospect. 'The traditional chapel exercis es, attended by the entire student body, faculty, and many friends, were conducted by Lee K. Pritch ett, dean and registrar. Students I were given a hearty welcome by Edgar H. Tufts, president of the I college, and Rev. M. J. Murray I pastor of the Banner Elk Presby- : Iterian Church, was in charge off ! the deyotlonal. Special music was ‘in charge of Mr. Kenneth L. Mc- Sween, newly-elected head of the | Imu'lc department of *hp pollegp. ■ I The faculty and staff held their |fir.st meeting Tuesday eveniu.T ' Several new faculty memiiers have joined the staff tFis '-e-'r .They are: Miss Fronde Kennedy. I «!n?rtanhurg, S. C., head of the 'Bible department and acting dean . of women; Miss Ellzai’eth V.’hi'- I json of Weaverville, teacher of ac- I count n-' ! Mr. MeSween of Newport. Tenn- I esfee. j An orientation program for ■-pshuinn was held in the affer- ^dNlw s£a4imt'I stu^t Christina MtodatioK-ttipglj various other duntphs orgsalwb^ '* tlonal 'jj-a-t--- Asslgiimeiit of TocatlOBal e4*-: cation and woih projects for stn-' dents has been made, and t' thff program begitn with the sebedtdip of clase work. ' v.tij! , , I ■ “ForTwenlyYeai^ Fve fonnd ADLERIKA „ tory." ..(H.B.-Mieh.) When ed with gae, annoyed by breath or sonr stomach, do* delayed bower action, "y ADUt» RIKA for QUICK rriief. Get 18 TODAY. Red Crose Pharmacy. *S. Ada. get attention —il FUNERAL SERVICES COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL brfVlf'AfhtnC ASSiSUHCg ^ FROM FIRST tNSrftUCTICN ^ TO FINAt SATISFACTION ^ Reins-Sturdivant WE LIGHTEN YOUR TASK .-y4iai OUTSTANDING VALUES ...with Sensational Performance f4ek^£ JUST GLANCE at a New 1941 Emenon and you’ll know here’s a truly sensational engineering achievement. Tuae it in, and you’ll know here's SENSATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Then look at the price tag .. . these advanced new models sell themselves . . . one every 5 seconds of eve.y business day! Come in for an EYE-AND-EAR DEMONSTRATION, GUT BROADCASTS DIRECT FROM EUROPE .. . i05 . ODEL 343... Tune in the world . ith this beautiful radio ... for- ign and American broadcasts as veil as police calls. Operates oa VC or DC current. Has a power- ul 6V2" speaker. No outside .vires —just plug in! A mar velous value — ie sure to see it. Own a New 1941 EMERSON sn EASY TERMS 77 NEW 1941 EMERSONS ...to seHsfy •very purpose and ovary purse A MAGNIFICENT VALUE $/i f|95 CONSOLE V • AC OPERATION MODEL 368 AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BROADCASTS. Has autO’ matic push button tuning for instantaneous, accurate response . . . 6-tube AC Superheterodyne . . . large 12" electrodynamic speaker. Beautiful butt and heart walnut cabinet. No outside wires —just plug in! 95 MODEL 336 AC-DC OPERATION Brings in standard American broadcasts and police calls with clearness and power. Has beautiful streamlined walnut finish Bakelite cabinet. No outside wires —just plug ini Nothing else like it at the price! ectric Company FIiONE 3C-F-C2 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.

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