THE JOURNAL-PA'JTIIOT. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. \BOUT now Mr. T. Ward, Jr., soil of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ward : K>lielnian, Sr., this city, will ! Ii-avc tomorrow to enter Wood- hirry Forest Military Academy II Vir.uinia. loda.i Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Laxton Mini danshter, of Sanford, spent , .lie week-end at .Moravian Falls with ilr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vestal anil .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Critcher, .Ir. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Poole, of Wa.shinaton, D. C., have return ed to their home after spending two weeks with relatives in Wilkes. Mrs. Warner .Miller, of North Wilkesboro route 3. a sis ter of Mr. Poole, and Miss Runda Hendren, of North Wilkesboro, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Pool to Washington, where they will spend a week visiting relatives. Mooseheart Grad. Ai*'\- I Cl illcal- j ■ I'l-jl. Among those from Wilkes at- I tending the Young Democrats I Convention in Raleigh last week were Sheriff C. T. Doughton and V.'illiain.s. '.a-' Week V. nV ■ ■e ; hat 1 M. My- her heme weeks, is W(' are plea.sed to state that .\Ir. W. D. llalfacre, vice presl-1 deni of the Bank of North Wil- Attorney W. H. McElwee. keslioro, is improving nicely I Mrs. J. W. McOlaskey arrived iioin an operation performed on j last week from Gallatin, Mo., to '-.lesday at The Wilkes Hospital, .make her home with her brother, Lvr. B. F. Estes, during the win- .Mrs. Presley Alyers returned (gr. home Sunday after lu lu*r liniiip Sunday after receiv- ing tiealmeiit for several days at the Wilke.s hospital. .Much im-1 „ . j ,ement is reported in her con- Among those attending the A. g c.-University of Tampa ature, miu(c, and ar^ learned to Ui« game' on the athletic fields of this noted child city." Acoording to the Moose- heart records, she has shown con- siplcuous Buccesa In dancing. The home-coming of this Mooseheart graduate will be ap propriately celebrated by the lodge at an early date. A feature on the program will be the Initia tion of a "Mooseheart Graduate’s Class.’’ Present indications point to this class being the largest of the year. ' -I^wboy-^ilF taJring a trip tlaroni gallon pi whfeky _ bites,. • ^ - -- , yiattoi?i!feld what iW fig along? , , ■' ;V> Cowboy—two rattlesnakes. p Two N. C. Firms Get Big Army Contracts provs ditiiiii. I iii.'li-,.-r Ilf . I'.s. I'f this . : I his wfi'k 1 . . ,-hcr's ('id- .Messrs. Wiley Webster and John Winkler have returned to their hcime.s in Wyco, W. Va.. aft were Don Story, Bob' McCoy, Jack Hadley, Clinton Hulcher, Eddie Adelman. Robert Taylor, .Mr. and .Mrs. Pete .Moore, C. C. Fa.w, Jr., Ray Cline, Ira Baker, Bill Phil- r spending llie week-end in Wil-I lips, and H. D. Howie. Appalach- ■ l.'u Finley vi k .Mr. iiiui ..i Cary, and -tparniw. of keshoro with fliel.ds. relatives and '..It Satur- ::i I'ollege at ■ ss Kiiw is a -II.! Mrs. t.’. r. .Mr. lia W. Day. who lias been residing in Wilkesboro since Jan uary. left today for Reading. Pa., where he will reside sometime. .Mrs. Day and Richard, left for Reading week. for son. last \i. rli- Wiles , ::d at I.aurin- !Wiles’ sis- WI liters, ami I Mrs. W. F. Gaddy spent ! lerday at Randleman with her i brother, .Mr. P. J. Hudson. -Mr. .Hudson had the misfortune of I losing his home by fire Saturday j niglit. The los.s was partially cov- :ered hy insurance. ian won the of 13 to 6. game by the score Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Harris, daughter, Mrs. E. T. Hackney, and C. M. Gilreath, Jr., returned to the city Wednesday after a motor trip to the World’s Fair in New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, and many other points of interest. While in Chicago they yes- attended a service at the famous Cadle Tabernacle, one of the largest tabernacles in the world. I .1 (' Meadows, \'a .-.[.out the . . Kii.'b with .Mr. vlr ai.d Mrs. \|, who has ■ . lioiiic by ill- week, has i- ai. glad to Miss Constance Smlthey, of North Wilkesboro Route 3, has entered Woman’s College, Greens boro, where she will We a mem ber of the Junior Class during the coming school year. P F. Forester :i;':'L' :i. allri' siieiiil- Wilkesiioros Mrs. W. W .Parlier. Mrs. Tal lulah Sanderson and Mr. Charles Sanderson, of Montgomery, Ala., and .Miss Lucille Beaty, of Char lotte. spent last week-end with .\lis Lola Brown at Moravian Fails. 1941 Chevrolet On Display Saturday ‘v I i- r. I .1, t • .| .-.r'lool at ’! '’artH'i’s I’rivati* Janit'S Mcnuflip has ! Pow*r nuiini.d to Fort Bragg. N. C..| feature, will ■liifi-e he is sliitioned in army, after speiidin ai Wilkesboro with the ; a few days his parents. |.\tlornev and .Mrs. K. J. .McDuf- lii ••1 • Will I.I-: \f]' . Itial '•4 . 1 ariieii n.'lliiis. Va., , i: M’l • liere as . I- -''. iidiiig thi- i; !. i- parent.-i. Mrs. J. 1. Myers and .son. John I I.. and daughter. Iiia. and Mr. I. .M. Myers, of this city, visited ‘ Air. S. tj. .Myers at Lenoir Stin- jday, Mr. .Myers, who has been ill i.i; Lenoir for several weeks, rc- ! iiaiiis about the same. W. F. Gaddy, president of the Gaddy Motor Company, today re ceived word that the new 1941 Chevrolet will he formally Intro duced locally and nationally, Sat urday, September 21st. Mr. Gaddy said he was not in a position to confirm any advance information on the new Chevro let car, but indicated that it will be much licger inside and out, than last year’s model. Vacuum- Shift. original Chevrolet ie standard eiiuip- meiu on all 19 41 models at ro extra cost. Mr. Gaddy said, and the new car will have an even sturdier and more modern valve- in-head engine. "Chevrolet has led in motor MARY LEE HANES Here Is the brief story of a home-town gir] who. In spite of .early and serious reverses, has made good. It concerns Mary Lee Hanes of Winston-Salem. In giv ing the details, F. M. Quinn, Sec retary of the local Moose lodge No. 466, 607 Summit Street, said: "Immediately after the death of Mary’s father, application was ■made to the Governors of Moose- heart by the lodge for the admis sion of the girl to the Moose Child City of Mooseheart, the In- ternaticnally known trade '.nd academic school in Illinois, found ed in 1913 by the Loyal Order of Moose. The a.ppplication was granted, and Mary was admitted in May, 1923. With her came her brother Wilson, who graduated in 1935, and her sisters Louise and Mabel, who graduated in. 1933 and 1938. "For seventeen years,” con tinued Mr. Quinn, "Mary Lee Hanes has enjoyed all the privi leges and opportunities of the Moose program of child welfare. This program means for every Mooseheart child the best of care in homelike surroundings, spiritu al and moral training, and a sound education—both academic and vocational. In the latter, Mary's vocational training has fitted her as a homemaker. "In addition.” continued the .secretary, ".Mary has received a Award of army contracts total ing $13,593,919 nas been an nounced at Washington by the war department. Major contracts included: Chatham Manufacturing Com pany, Elkin, N. C., blankets, $892,500; Marshall Field and company. Spray, N. C., blankets, $267,585. ‘^‘^^PtPSOOEnT flURfeuuia • r ; HORTON’S * * CUT-RATE ^ F R EbE! ONE QUART BANKERS’ INK This Coupon, brought to Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co., North Wilkesboro, will entitle any school prin cipal in Wilkes county to One Quart Bankers’ Ink Free Offer limited for short time.pnly, and to school prin cipals in Wilkes county. Name School- Address. ! visiled I'v, IInr.->‘ i.i'- ' HI .'^latrs- ' •' •' am! I Mr. -Nicholas .Xntoiiahos, of |:hi city, has gone to Forsyth jcimiMy. where lie will tie a mem ber of the .Mineral Springs school paciilly for this year. Mr. .^nto- imikos taiiglit in the Wayne coun ty schools last year. car sales for nine out of the past ten years,’’ the Quality dealei said, "and with this hetter-than- ever 1941 car, we certainly should repeat again!’’ Gaddy Motor Comp-any expect- a big Fall upturn in new car sales, indicated by the large number of advance orders al ready placed by those who want to be sure of early delivery. .Mr. and Mr-. A. N. Critcher mill clnldien, Miriam, Royster itid .\niie. of Oxford, spent flic '■.‘(•eU-ciui at .Moravian Falls with -Mr, Critcher’s mother, .Mrs. J. C. I '’l itctiec, Sr., a n d brotliers. I .Messrs. L. G. Critcher and J. C. Critclier, Jr. Miss Marjorie Oabtiel and I liiss .Mary Louise Clements en- |tered the Woman’.s College of the j Fniversity of North Carolina at itlieeiisboro last week. They are members of the sophomore class this year. You may spend hours and hours on plans for your redding. But a few minutes In Carter-Hub- bard Publishing Company’s office and you can go back to your mil lion and one duties serenely con fident that your W’edding Invita- tion.s or Announcements will be flawlessly beautiful . . . correctly styled ... that is ... if you se lect RYTEX-HYLITED WED DINGS’. .‘\nd they’re so modestly priced too . . . 25 In- vita‘i.ions or Annoiincenients for only .$3. Carter-Hubbard Pub lishing Co., Ninth Street. UILT TO BE FIRST AGAIN The New 1941 n:i^7;|i|ld Will Be On Display Ads. get attention—and results, for , less money. Try it. Mr. E. O. Woodie. of West Jef- eison. was in the eity a few lours today enroute to Ohio ■vliere he will purchase new bus ’s tor u city service in Rock Hill, s. r. Before returning home Mr. .oodie ’.vill attend the National ' IS Owners (.'oiiveiitioii in Chi cago. lo .Vlr. and .Mrs, W. B. Somers live leturned lo Georgetown. S. .. alter bringing their daughter, •Mis.s Peggy Somers, to Winston- aleui, where she has re-entered alem Colliige. While in Wilkes ,lr. uTid .Mrs. Somers spent sev- :il days with relatives and friends. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Gentry .ere North Wilkesboro visitors .ast week, passing through the ■ity On their return to their home It Haye.’i'ville, N. C. Their daugh- cr, .Miss Rebecca Gentry, enter- jd Greensboro College at Greens boro last week, and Rev. and .Mrs. Gentry carried her to Greensboro for the college open ing. Saturday, Sept. i5«r ^4 Chevrolet... The Nation’s Leader S', WINSTON- Mi Mrs. Geo. W. Miller, of North Wilkesboro Route 3, la spending lew days in Greensboro with ler son, Raymond A. Miller, and vith .Mrs. Raymond A. Miller, vho is a patient in a Greensboro lospital, where she underwent ill operation for appendicitis on . hursday of last week. NEW PICTORIAL RJfiiVlKW JECTION IN COLOR. You’ll en- ioy the ibright new Pictorial Re view, a section revealing many pictures in. color, special features and short atorlea. Look for this innoyation In the Baltimore Sun day American, On ,S|^ . at ..AU. NevMtaBda. ” * ' ' CO. Stetson created h... blocked it higher on one side than the other, so the crown acn*. ally a ^ereot and strikingly smart angle. G>me in and get a alani oi yourself in this hat... you’ll watt the new "Slant"... bjr ScataottSS. /ayneUothingCo. You don’t have to take “claims” for “proof” when buying a Chevrolet automobile, and we urge you to come in Saturday and see the PROOF that CHEVROLET is ALL and MORE than claimed for it in improved features, inproved styling, and improved performance! There are too many new things to tell you about here, so we suggest thait you EYE IT, TRY IT and BUY FT. SEE IT SATURDAY tS'-i NQtSm c > Vv^y fSp’ IV . •v.'y -^-O. J V, . ■