MC^AY, 8BPT. 16, 1940 i ^ -■ _je: ■ «k»' ■- :-■; 3HB JOUBNAL-PATRIOT. NORTH WILKESBOBO. N. a m Sam Win ^end Total IS BilHon DoUars [Nearly 20,000 Airplanes, Two*Ocean Navy And A Big Army Washington.—President Roose- [volt’s $15,000,000,000 prepared ness program was sent "over the last Friday when the Senate Joined the House in approving a |5,251,486,392 "total defense III, last segment of the long in«e program. The chamber acted swiftly. [ without debate and with no record vote. The House gave final ap proval to the measure Thursday and It now goes to the White I House for signature. The bill releases funds for 118,421 warplanes, for starting I construction of a two-ocean navy, and for establishment and mech- lanizatlon of an army of 1,200,000 (men. It is the largest army-navy sup- Iply bill In the cation’s peacetime history and boosts total defense [appropriations and contract au- Rthorisations voted this year to I i approximately $10,125,000,000. [iTTiis figure does not include the j$4,125,000,000 naval expansion I bill which is purely an authoriza- I tion lueciiure. IMi measure retains a provis ion in existing law giving the sec retary of the navy power to com- I Hinder private plants and fix the ' coiispensation to be paid for them. The house yielded to the Senate on this point because the entire question of plant commandeering t—either by the War and Xavy ' Departments or the President— LaGuardia Gites Support To F.D.R. Indianapolis. — Although ac knowledging he had differed with Wendell L. Wlllkle over the pro posed 60-day postponement' of conscription. Chairman Joseph W. Martin Jr., of the Repnhlican na tional committee, declared yes terday that congressional Repub- licaris would cooperate with Win kle “after he becomes president.” With Senator Charles L. Mc- Nary, Wlllkle’s running mate, and Governor Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota. Wlllkle and Martin luncheon conference here. Much of the session, Martin said, was devoted to details of Wlllkie’s western speaking tour, on which the nominee left last night from Rushvllle, Ind. • Martin, talking with reporters after the conference, said that while some Republican congress men "may differ with Mr. Will- kie” on postponing conscription, “the country wants Congress to do some thinking of its own.” Wlllkle recently expressed hope that a House-approved amend- m e n t postponing conscription would be eliminated by a joint Senate-House conference commit tee. The committee took that ac- t‘on Wednesday. action, or the plaintiff win apply to the court for the relief de manded In said complaint. This the 9th day of September, C. C. HAYES, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, N. C. 9-30-4tnm Mrs. Gossip: "So your daugh ter is about to marry. Do you really feel she is ready for the battle of life?” Mrs. Chatter: "She should be. She’s been In four engagements already.” .\OTKlE OF S.41.E OP LAND N'orth Carolina, Wilkes County. Vnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer ADMINISTRATOR’S NOpCE Having qualified as admlMtra- tor of the estate of Mrs. W. P. Horton, late of WUkes ^nty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estote to present them to the undersign ed, whose address is North Wilkes- boro, N. C., duly verified, on or te- fore the 9th day of August, ml, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All pCT- sons indebted to said estate will ple&se mske iniixiediate settlement. 'This 9th day of Angurt. 1940. ' MRS. PHIDUP ROBBINS J. P. HORTON, Administrators of the estate of Mrs. W. P. Horton, dec’d. 9-16-6t-m Ckmnty veiwaa Will B, .Walkg and wife, Mrs. Will B. Walke^' the underdgned Commlaeionl will on the 10 day of Oct., 1944 at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at thi courthouse door In Wilkesboro. N. C.^^offer for sale to the high est bfadw f^ cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Boomer Township, Wilkes Coun ty, N. C., being 35 acres of land, more or lees, listed in Boomer Township in the name of Will B. Walker In 1937, being all the land owned and—or listed In Boomer Township In 1937 by Will B. Walker. Ft>r further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page . In the Regltter of Deeds office of WUkee OOMrty. ^ This the’'4 day of Bept., 1946. ■\7. 3. BtcDUFFBB, 9-S0-4t-(m)' Commieeloner. Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. P. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the joint will of W. C. Watte Md „ , Lucinda Watts, deceased of Wilkes, undersigned Commissioner will NO’nOB OF RAUB OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Alonzo Walker and wife, ,MrsL Alonzo Walker,” the county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased parties to exhibit them to the un dersigned at North Wilkesboro, N on the 10 day of Oct.. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract NOnOB OF SAXiB OF lAiND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of WUkee County, entitled "WUkee County verma Mrs. Rose Myeri and husband, Myem,’’ the undersigned Commiselofier will on the 10 day of Oct, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the oOurt- house door In WUkeoboro, N. offer tor sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in New CasUe ’Township, WUkee County, N. C., being 10 acres of land, more or lees, listed In New Castle Township in the name of Mrs. Rose Myera In 1937, being all the land owned and—or listed in New CasUe Township in 1987 by Mrs. Rose Myers. For further deecripUon refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Register of Deeds office of WUkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. p. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Commlseioner. land, more or Ism, listed In Mtv ravian Falls Township in tha name of Cicero'BroyhUl in J987,,' being aN the land ojmed and or —rllsted in Moravian Falls Town ship In 1987 by Cicero Broyhill. For further deedriptloo refer ence la mada to deecriptlon found in Book , Page —, in the Register of Deeds office of WUkee County; This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. 9-30-4t-(m) Commisaloner. C., on or before the 12th day of lying and being in North August, 1941, or this notice will be wilkesboro Township, Wilkes pleaded in bar of their recovery, county, N. C., being 3 lote of All persons indebted to said estate jand, more or less, listed in will please make immediate pay- jjorth Wilkesboro Township In raent. [the name of Alonzo Walker in This 12th day of August, 1940. 11937^ being all the land owned C. A. I^WE, and-^r listed In North Wilkes- H>ecutor of Joint Will "•!f,oro Township in 1937 by Alonzo C. Watte and Lucinda Watts, 9-J9-6t. m ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of W. P. Wyatt, deceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit same to the undersigned at North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on or before the 22nd day of August, For further description refer ence Is made to description found In Book . Page , in the Register of Deeds office of WUkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-{m) Cammissloner. the pending of the reserve artillery . will be settled in conscription bill. Other major sections ! bill provide funds for [stocks of tanks, guns, land ammunition for a second ar my of 800 000 men, if mobiliza tion of such a force becomes ne- ficessary; $100.000,000 for hous ing for defense workers: J12S,- 1107,115 for construction of can- ! tonments for mobilized national guardsmen. |i It also contains $201,000,000 for construction of flying fields I and buildings at military posts throughout the V. S. and posses sions and $18,315,000 for pro- jjects at naval stalion.s. Most of army fund is for housing. tain deed of trust executed on the^g^ 1,^ pleaded 22nd day of January. 1936, ami recovery. All per- sons indebted to said estate will jtt^e recorded in Book 173. Page 87 in the Register of Deeds Office of W’ilkes County. North Carolina, and the undersigned. Kyle Hayes, having been substituted as a trustee In said deed of trust. See substitution of tru.stee recorded in office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, on the 2nd day of September. 1940, which instrument substitut ed Kyle Hayes, giving and grant ing to the said Kyle Hayes all the powers and authority of the orig ins' trustee, and: Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and demand having been made upon the substitute trustee to sell the said propeny, therefore, the im part of which is designed to care dersigned substitute trustee will on the 14th day of October, 1940. Linemen to be drafted under the [pending conscription b’ll. Also in the 1)ill a provision au- fth“orizing the secretary of war to [enter into airplane contracts a- I mounting to $1,002,600,000 be- [fore next July 1. It' was e.xpected that part of fkhe equipment provided for in [the measure would be used on tabe naval and air base sites ac- [quired from Great Britain Tues day ILb tlie trade for 50 over-age destjreyers. luestioias Answered Bv State College VHiat is the closing jtstion: is.te for currying out soil-build- /ing practices under this year's farm program? .Answer: North Carolina farm ers have until October 31 to car-1 various courses so as to include made liy 0. G. Elledge at the hour of 12:00 o’clocij. noon, at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, Wilkes County. North Carolina, sell at public auc tion for cash to the last ami high- bidder the following described real property, to wit: First Tract: Beginning on a stahe on Hub Johnson’s line and running Eaastward with Vestal .Vbsher’s line to a stake in Elija Johnson’s- line, then Northward with the Elija Johnson line to a stake at the branch; thence with the Walker line to a white oak: thence with A. C. Billings’ line to Hub Johnson’s line; thence with I Hub Johnson’s line to the begin- |ning, containing 12 acres, more or lees. Second Tract of the nineteen fl9» acres as a part of Eli Grimes tract and beginning at a stake please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of August, 1940. WADE HOUCK, Administrator of the Estate of W. P. Wyatt, Deceased. 9-30-6t (m) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina-Wilkes County: n Wilkes County, N. C.. l^ing NO'nCE OP SAI.E OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus James F. Wadkins and wife. Mrs. James F. Wad- kins.” the undersigned Commis* sloner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkes boro, N. C., offer for sale to th( highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land, lying and beln( In North Wilkesboro Townshij NOTICE OP RALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes Vounty, entitled "Wilkes County versus W. G. Garvey and wife, Mrs. W. G. Garvey.” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct. 1940. at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door In Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain teact of land, lying and being In Trai^ hill Township, Wilkes County, North Carolina, being 30 acres of land, more or less, listed in Traphin Township in the na,me of W. G. Garvey in 1931, all the land vy lu Traphill Township in 1937. by W. G. Garvey. For further description ence is made to description found k^gSoTVj/^ffi^rTf Rilkes ^This the 4 day of F. J. McDUFFIE. 9-30-4t-(m) ’ Commissioner. NOXIOE) OF BAIiE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Snperior Conrt of WUkee County, entitled "WUkee, County Versus Brown-Rogers-Dix- on Company,” the undersigned Commleeloner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wllkeeboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for Cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Rock Creek Town- Bhlp, WUkee County, N. C„ being 60 acres of land, more or less, listed in Rock Creek Township in the name of Brown-Rogers- Dlzson Company in 1937, being ail the land owned and—or list ed in Rock Creek Township in 1937 by Brown-RogersDlxson Company. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the •Uned CteBoiMoner wtlj og 10 dar oC Oet.,^1949, at 11:« o’clock, nboB, at the conrtMtaa door in Wllkaaboro, N. dOv for sale to the kisdest bidder tar cash, that certain tract of laai, tying and being in BooaMr Township, WUkes County, N. C* being 290 acres of land, more ig lese, lieted In Boomer TowneUv in the name of T. 8. RusatBlr 1937, being aU the land ownadl and or listed in 1937 in Booaar Township by T. 8. Rnssell. For fnrt^ description refer ence is made to description ImM in Book. , Page , in the Be|9> ister of Deeds Office in Wflkaa ’This the 4th day of Sept, F. J. McDUFI 9-30-4t(m) Commissiaagr NOTICE OF SALE OF LAMB Under and by virtue of an arihtf of the Snperior Court of ‘WBrnt County, entitled ‘‘Wilkes CbasH' versus ^hn A. Webster and wlfki Mrs.' J«i£a'A. Webster,” thO Register of Deeds office of WUkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under ana by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Roy Johnson and wife, Mrs. Roy Johnson,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at dersigned' Commissioner will a* the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 13:09 o’clock, noon, at the courthoaer^ door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Boomer Town ship, Wilkes County, North Caro lina, being 13 acres of land, mors or less, listed in Boomer Town ship in the name of John A. Webster in 1937, being all tbm land owned and—or listed in. Boomer Township in 1937 bjr John A. Webster. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deeds Office in Wilkee County. This the 3th of Rent., 1948. P. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t(m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court--of the Superior Court of Wilke* house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., County, entitled ‘‘Wilkes Counly offer lor sale to the highest old- i versus Wiley Smithey and wifev der for cash, that certain tract Mrs. Wiley Smithey,” the under- of land, lying and being in Ed wards Township, Wilkes Connty, N. C., being 7'7 acres of land, more or less, listed in Edwards signed Commissioner will on thn 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 *- clock noon, at the courthoim door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer the undersigned Commissioner land, more or less, listei r® ^v^^'^tlrf Heiriette'ln North Wilkesboro Township in C. Sparks vs. the name of James F. Wadkins 1937, being all the land owned Spariirividow of F. L. Sparl«) tenl^ot^'ed the undersigned commissioner will “xpose to sale at' public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, on the 30th day of September, 1940, at the Courthouse door in Wilkes boro at ten o’clock, A. M., the fol lowing described real estate: Lying and being in Wilkes Coun ty, North Carolina, Edwards Town ship, and more particularly de scribed and defined as follows; Being a part of the tract of land lurchased from A. M. Church, S. I. Jennings, and others, under iate of 1884, the entire tract con taining 600 acres, more or less, but at the time John Q'. A. Sparks died he only owned 224 acres, and the original tract of the land lyhich he did own at the time of his death was bounded on the south by the Yadkin River, on the west by the Hemnhill Farm, on the north by the lands of , on the east by the lands of . and containing boro Township in 1937 by James F. Wadkins. For further description refer ence is made to description refer ence is made to description found In Book , Page , in the NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Unde- and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Wilkee County, entitled County versus Mrs. F. C. and husband. F. C. Holman, the undersigned on the 10 day of Oct., the courthouse door in boro, N. e. at ^2:00 o’cl^k. noon, offer for sale to the h gh- est bidder for cash. tract of land, lying and being in Boe-°r Townshin, Wilkes Coun- Townshlp In the name of Roy for sale to the highest bidder for Johnson in 1937, being all the cash, that certain tract of land, land owned and—or listed in Ed- lying and being in Moravian wards Township, in 1937 by Roy j Falls Township, Wilkes Cftnntju Johnson. N. C., being 38 acres of iund. For further description refer- more or less, listed in Moravian ence is made to description found [Falls Township in the name oT in Book , Page , in the^wiley Smithey in 1937, being aB Register of Deeds office of Wilkes the land owned and—or listed in County. [Moravian Falls Township in 1937 This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. by Wiley Smithey. P. J. McDUFFIE. I For further description refer- 9.30-4t-(m) Commissioner, 'gnee is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg- of the Superior CO'Urt of Wilkes — County, entitled “Wilkes County ty N. C., being 40 acres of land, f, j) payne and wife. ’ listed in Boomer „ „ „ the nndersign- Reglster of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept.. 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-41-(m) Commissioner. 224 acres, more or less, and kno'wn as the John Q. A. Sparks Place. TTiis sale shall be subject to the confirmation of the Court. This 30th dav of August. 1940. CLYDE HAYES, Commissioner. 9-23-4t \ry 0"t -oil-hiiiirtimr practices un-|the plot I * . ^ _ I _ .1 .. 1 de- the 1940 AAA farm program [This means that growers partiei- I paling in the program must com plete their soil-tniilding practices l^y the end of October jf tl'cv ev_ Ipect to receive credit on this pyear’s program. at the spring branch and running 'vnTICE ftp S.ILE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled Wilkes County versus John Patterson and wife, Mrs. John Patterson,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct.. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, b'ing and being 'n Elk Township, Wilkes County. N. C., , . 1 heing 30 ni-res of I-'d •’irire or known as the Eli Johnsons home-, Tov.nship in stead, adjoining the land or p.,, 30fb u,v --f An-, f IQKI terson, heing a)] the land owned r® ■ Hub Johnson, beginning at a listed in 1937 by John pHvnncnd bid having been the spring branch run- ‘ placed on the the ._t>n1er- „„^th 18 degrees west ab 1-3 , description refer- to a white oak, the N. ' • ' jg made to description found Myers corner: thence North with i, the Mvers line 24 pole.s to white oak South 81 1-2 east cross-; Ann^rt T*nrTior>a hranf^h 1 1 ” of rk-sai e of > Pursuant to an order contained in a certa'n Deed of Trust o'-f- Iguted hv C. M. Petty and -a-ife. 'Mae Vi't'y to the undersigned trustees. |,i Ss',’ 'ar,i bav'ng bcon sold on having hpen l'»!v rouord^d in office of the Kegister of Deeds of Wilkes County. I The above described tracts of ' land are sold subject to the fol- ‘ lowing reservations contained in a deed from Eli Johnson and [wife. Carrie Johnson, to Blanche 'Billings, and recorded in Book 163. Page 595: "party of first part reserves life interest to for ’said tract of land” T)"'rd Tract: Also the lands i NOTICE OF SALE OF lAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Tilden Saner and wife. Mrs. Tilden Saner,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door In Wilkesboro, N. C„ offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying .and being in Boomer Town ship, Wilkes County. N. C., be ing 25 acres of land, more or less, listed in Boomer Township in the name of Tilden Saner In 19.37. being all the land owned and—or listed in Boomer Town ship in 1937 by Tilden Saner. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page . in the more or less. _ Township in the name of Mrs. C. Holman in 1937. being all the land owned and—or listed in Boomer Townshin in 1937 by Mrs. F. C. Holman. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book . Page . In the NOTICE OF SALE OF L.4XD Deeds“Office in Wiike* Under and by virtue of an order bounty .. WHS.. . ^5^ F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t(m) Commissioner Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Co.mmi8sioner. .oiirppu ‘-Mc-tpfv,- will again offer for sale in front of cn„rfbo"~n 'door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. on the (24th day of .Sentember. 1 940. at IJ12 n’cifirV noon, the following ; described land. to-„'if' i First Tract: Pe°'’nni'’ff on a lli-ed oak. Martin’s Northeast cor- Iner running West with b’s Iii8.-I{i>'>”s: thence North 5 2 poles tfo #/ed oak; tJience east 18 in Book , Page . in the “ ' Register of Deeds office of Wilkes ing and down Turner’s branch 5 3 1-2 poles to a white oak on ‘bp hank of said branch; thence South 62 poles crossing a small branch to a Spanish oak: thence west with the C. W. Wiles line 5 poles to a white oak. West 33 poles to Henderson Dowell s cor-. p^jpg to a stake. North 18 de- mer a Spanish oak near the Stone- ^ppg ,vest 1 pole to the begin- [joak road: tbeT''’p a South oonr^e' containing 30 acres, more l.witb Ms line .5 3 poles to the be- jggg [ginning, containing 6 i-? acres * ind being the land deeded to me by David Tbarpe. Second Tract: Adioinlng first flrac*. beginning on a Spanish oak fn IVest side of Stone oak road corner, running South 84 This the 4 day of Sept.. 1940. F. J. MoDUF'FIE, 9_30-4t-(m) Commissioner. XOTTCE OP SAI.E OF L.4XI) Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkee Co'unty, entitled “Wilkes County versus Lewis Teague and wife, Mrs. Lewis Teague,” the undersigned Commissioner will This 6th day of September, [ the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 1940. (12:00 o’clock, noon, at the coiirt- KYLE HAYES, house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., 9-30-4t-(m) Substitute Trustee offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain traci Pllolea to a small black oak, tha ^■Jolvard old comer, thence eAst *^3 poles to a small sourwood on] NOTIUE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court. William Martin vs. Wavie Feat side of ridge road; thence Corns Martin. The defendant Wavie Corns l^orth 84 poles to a small white, In Tidiine’s line: thence with Tidiine’s line 33 poles action entitled as above has bea*' in Tidiine’s line: thence Martin will take notice that an 'eet with Tidline - - , - - ^ ,._4. i rui l-ui luci ut^viuiiLivu rcioi- the beginning comer, contain-tc^n^enced in. t e ence is made to description founrt of land, lying and being in Ed wards Township, Wilkes County. N. C., being 5 acres of land, more or less, listed In Edwards Town ship in the name of Lewis Teague in 1937, being all the land owner and—or listed In Edwards Town ship in 1937, by Lewis Teague. For further description refer Page in the o'res. more or less. of WUkes County. North Cariv ^ ^ ^ hnds are being sold to ima, to v:lt. an action for d-- ^ - - Trust and vorce; and the said defendant undersigned will further take notice that shej rpjjjg jjjg 4 pj g^pt 7949 is required to appear at the of-1 _ - M-T>Tn'FTF flee of the clerk of the sniperior 1 «®I>UPPIE. court of said county in the court house in Wilkesboro, N. C., with in thirty days after the 7th day of Octobw, 1940, and snswer 01 Axooutod tb0 —— on the 3rd day of Au- is required to appw^at the of- • 1939. 'is the 7th day of September, J 1* JORDAN AND F. 3. ' McDDFim TrtWteee 9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner NOTIOB OF SALE OF LAND Under and by vtrt'ue of an • -- der of the Bvperlor Court demur to the oomptelnt in said \guhee County, entitled "Wf’ .NOTICE OF' S.ALE OF lAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County ver.siis Ruff Green and wife, Mrs. Ruff Green,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro. N. C„ offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Elk Township. Wilkes County, N. C„ being 47 acres of land, more or less, listed in Elk Township in the name of Ruff Green in 1937, being all the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 dav of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(ni) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SATiE OP LAND Under £ilid by virtue of an or der of the Superior CO'Urt of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes Connty versus Glenn Gaither and wife, Mrs. Glenn Gaither,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Edwards Township, Wilkes County. N. C„ heing 100 acres of land, more or less, listed tn Edwards Township in the name of Glenn Gaither in 1937, being all the land owned and—or listed in Edwards Town shin in 1937 by Glenn Gaither. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept.. 1940. P. J. McDUFFIE, !9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner, Mrs. C. D. Payne,” the undersign ed Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00. noon, at the courthouse door in Wil kesboro, N. C„ offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying nnd being in Elk Township, Wilkes County. N. C„ -being' 2( acres of land, more or less, llati-d in Elk Township in the name of C. D- Payne in 1937, being all the land owned and—or listed in Elk Township in 1937 by C. D. Pa^e. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book . Page , in the of Deeds Office of Register Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept.. 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-41-(m) Commissioner. NOTICFl OF SALE OF TAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of NOnCB OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilke* County, entitled ‘‘Wilkes Connty versus A. W. Lentz and wife, Mrs. A. W. Lentz, J. M. I>intz, J. 'L. Wilkinson and S'. R. Lentz.” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940. at 12:00 o’clock, nocn. at the court house door in WUke-sboro, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bid' der for cash, that certain tract vl land, lying and being in Traphf* Township, Wilkes County, N. C^ being 84 acres of land, more .O' lees, listed in Traphill 'Township in the name of A. W. Lenti in. 1937, heing all the land owired. and—or lieted in Traphill Town^ ship in 1937 -by A. W. I-enti. For further description refers p-'-'p is made to description founfl in Book , Page , in the Beg- ..... -- — - lister of Deeds Office in Wike* Wilkes County, entitled "Wi kes NOTICE OP SAIiE OP LIND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus W. O. Gilbert and wife. Mrs. W. O. Gilbert and W. J. Earp.” the undersigned Com missioner will On the 10 day of Oct.. 19‘iO, at 12:00 o’clock. noon, at the courthouse door in land owned and—or listed In Elk ■ wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale Township in 1937 by Ruff Green (to the highest bidder for cash County versus Gladirs McKnight and husband, — McKnight.” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12-00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Jobs Cabin Township. Wilkes County, N C„ being 4 0 acres of land, more or less, listed in Jobs Cabin Township in the name of Gjadvs McKnight in 1937. being all the land owned and—or listed in by Gladys McKnigiit, m Jobs Cabin Township. For further description refer ence is made to description found In Book , Page '• Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-Cm) Commissioner. For further description refer ence is made to description fonnl in Book , Page , In thi Register of Deeds office of Wllkei County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Russell Horton and wife, Mrs. Russell Horton,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Boomer Township, Wilkes Coun- that certain tract of land, lying and heing in Boomer Townshlip, Wilkes County, N. C., being 8 acres of land, more or less, listed in Boomer Township In the name of W. O. Gilbert in 1937, being all the land owned and—or listed In Boomer Township In 1937 by W. O. Gilbert. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page . in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes Connty. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under and 'by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes _ County versus Cicero Broyhill and ty[ North Carolina, being 7 acres Mrs. Cicero Broyhill,” the of land, more or less, listed In Boomer Township in the name of Russell Horton In 1937, being all the land owned and or listed In ■Roomer Township In 1937 by Russell Horton. For further description refe undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house’ door In WllkesWoro, N. C., offer for sale to the higher bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and heing in Mo- ..I’l’e is made to description tonnd| ravian JWla Township, Wllkea , Pag* 1 in the County, N. C„ bsin-.: U8 acres of NimCE OF SALE OP LAND Under and bly virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Mrs. Annie Pear son and husband, Pearson,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct.. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Boomer Township, Wilkee Coun ty, N. C., being 20 acres of land more or less, listed in Boomer Township in the name of Mrs. Annie Pearson in 1937; being all the land owned and—or listed in Boomer Township in 1937 by Mrs. Annie Pearson. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page . in the This the 4th dav of Sept., 194ft, F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t(m) Commissioiitt- NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of iWilkea County, entitled ‘‘Wilkes County versus V. G. Simmons,” the un- dersicned Commissioner will on the 10 day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesborvt, N. C., offer for sa.e to the high est bidder for, that certain tract of land, lying and -being la ’'-■’ew Castle Townshio, Wilkes County, N. C., being 47 acres d land, more or less, listed in New Castle Township in the name Of V. G. SimmoTus in 1937, being aU the land owned and-—or listed In New Castle Tpwnship In 1937 ,bv V. G. Simmons. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deeds Office in Wilkee County. This the 4th day of Sept.. 1946, F. J. McDUFFTC, 9-3()-4t(m) Commissioner Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 4 day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 9-30-4t-(m) CommlBeioner. KOmCE OF SALE OP LAND Vader and by virtoa.of an orda of the Snperior Oowrt of H^es Connty, eatitM “fraODae Ooo^ Teiena T, 8. Rnaaell aM wUe, Mn. T. e. Rnaaell,’* tlift nnder- NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an -or der of th' Superior Court dC Wilkee Coainty, entitled "Wilkes County versus Mrs. M. A. Stone and husband, M. A. Stone,’’ the undersigned Commissioner wlH on the 10 day of Oct.. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for sash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In North Wilkesboro Township, WUher County, N. C., being 1 lot ofTapd, more or lees, listed in North'3PI- kesboro Township in the namee»» Mrs, iM. A. Steme in 1937. being all the land owned and—or listed In North WUlroeboro To-^nohlp, jg 1937 by Mra. M. A. Stone. For further descrl”*’"' -re»«- enee ia made to descri"‘'-''u 7fm6 In Book , Page - ♦u tfte Regiater of Deoda offic'- * "’I'lte' OouKty. •fible MM 4 day of 6- T. 3. Me?- 9-S6-44-4ai> •e^fi 'T- ■ ........ ^

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