T* Amitk Am! Sam Aa Ra^UMit VW«teiMi AmI iNirt. ■aMtfi.—Snpctm ot tke North IboHna' •lu tor mowIbc toK Mta>7 MToloclo tMte «aohc .Mm rtcMwtax for tho 4r«tt aMao4 MMiod by 11 o’clock ’VMneaday, whon, oUhoash mor totel had boos amt oat tor %9,~ .OTt lack icata, yttaco coaotr iMlth ottlcoro had citkor vtrod m tal«i>hoBod tho State Board ot JhaHh at Ralei«h for additional Mw, statlBf that their aappIleB lad been exhanated. fhla announcement came from Wr. Garl V. Reynotda, £Kate ■■dtk'Oftleer, who la algo chalr^ ■am of the auboommUtee of tho SWanU Relatione Committee of tta State and Territorial Health SMBeera' Asaociatloa for making Bali among the more than If,- •M,dtO who were expected to ngiiter Wedneadar for the draft Dr. Reynolda announced fur- •ar that special runners were aaat to, Raleigh from at least a ■bH doeen counties, inchiding aalnta as far distant as 100 mllea, Br additional tubes and needlee. Additional personnel was tumlsh- oi by the NYA and the WPA to seaUmne preparing and packag ing supplirs for distribution, he aided. “We find it absolutely essen- Btf to continue clinics, in order Bat the demand may be met,” he went on. "This prores beyond the afeadow of a douibt that the regis trants are ayaiUng themselvf s of Be gmnd opportunity that h be- Bg giyen them to take tnese Bate. Where positive results are Band they will be treated. I be- ■are that North Carolina bids BIr tc ring up another ‘first’ in Be execution ot its plan which was adopted as a working model Br all States wishing to avail Bemselyes of it. “The performance of this task am the regristrants w4U not only benefit those who are-finally in dicted into the armed forces of Be nation, but the civil -popula- BoB as well, as it provides an cxeellent case finding and epi- dnnlological study of the disease Bat causes the greatest number eC casualties in war, with the •xeeption of shot and shell. “Much credit should be given Br. J. C. Knox, State Epidemiol- dgfK, and his associatee for plan- atag, organizing and executing tke program, and to Dr. John H. Bonilton, Director of the State Iteboratory of Hygiene, and his nmoefates. for the untiring ef- Brts they have put forth in see ing that the material for making the tests was dispatched to the wariDUS counties. Their work will oontlaue with ■ perhaps Increased momentum as the results of Wednesday’s efforts are deter mined, as the blood specimens will, for the major part, be test ed fn the Laboratory of Hygiene amd at laboratories approved by matter of clinic treatments Dr. •Bin State Agency. Also, in the Knox and his staff have much work in store.” Ilujir.g the morning. Dr. Rey- anlds vmited the Wake County Beard of Health’s clinic, in the old. Rex Hospital building in Ra- MpW where he saw Dr. A. C. Bulla, county health officer, working- at capacity speed, in or der to take care of the constant mream of registrants flocking to Be building from all parts of the «ty. “While there will be no way of tabulating State totals for aoveral days,’’ Dr. Reynolds con- !ndW,''fe^ from Alamwa tyagm word that UI4 illood kV«otei«nn had bMA tok«n wh«a th« oAll onma |pr addition' al awppllaa. “So tt looks al It onr aftorta will bo rowardod to a gratltytag dogNO, and 1 want to taka thia oooartoo to thank tha pnw, tho NTA. .tho, WPA, tho Rod Cross, and all other agodeieo which havo ghon Bttch valaable aMtetanM. Without pnbticltr. wo oould not havo gone far, and but for help dn Mndlng out the auppllM we would have boon greatly handi capped. To the oonnty h^th of- tlcon we owe a debt ot gratttudo for tho aplondld manner in which they cooperated by .pnuttlng the program aoroaa In their various counties, thus rendering human ity a definite and valuable ser vice.” ? eWod^^Odeoa, at One-third of all pedestrian acci dents in this state arc fatal. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. Having qualified as Administra tor of the Gstate of Charlie Shep herd, deceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the ^tate of the said de cedent to exhibit them to the un- door "fit Wilkesbor^ N. Gjjf for sale to cash, Bat eartain trnrt of Itn^ Mng und Wta# ^ Cate bateg 8f acfts at te4. more w toi^Ustod in 19S7 in nane of Bi2U Churoh, bj^ ^ ownedgyid or listed tat 1M7 bf BlakoCbareh. .'j'-ii-- For fiirtiter domsr^tkm MeniSB ia made to daseriptioa foite tat County. lO'gl-tt (m) CommlsskaBr Mag all. fiw' land' owald and or IkSn in 1W7 by A. O. Aniy. For nirther doaeripUon rofsratea made to tteariptioB found tat ixA . t>aae-~^ tat the Begia- ter of O^ee of WUkas County, 4 ,j: lUs the SWi (IsT Of Sept, 1940. F. J, kcDUf% 10-21'4t (m) CommiasioiMl NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtua of an arte of the Superior Court of Wflkoa County, wtitled “Wilkes Comitar versus J, M, PoweB ifltd ,u^s, Hns. J. M. Powell,” tho unte- signed Commissioner wfll ®®„tM 29th day of Oct, 1940, at l-:00 o’clock, noon, at the conrthoua# door in Wilkeaboro, N. C., otter for sale to the highest bidder f« ca^ that certain tract of tand^ lying and being in Stantam Town* ship, Wilkes County, N. C„ being 26 acT’M of land, more or listed in 1937 in the name of J. M: Powell, being all the land ownrt and or list^ in 1987 by J. M. Powell. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the pla ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes dersigned at North Wilkesboro, N. C., on or before the 10th day of Octoter, A. D. 1941, or this notice, rpj^jg 26th day of Sept., 1940. will be plead in bar of their right p, j, McDUFFIE, to recover. All persons indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate setUement. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 1940. C. P. WALTER, Ad ministrator of Charlie Shepherd, deceased. A. H. CASEY, Atty. ll-18-6tm ' Norici state of North Carolina, Wilkes County. Having qualified as administra trix of the Estate of JValter Pe iix, deceased, late of Wilkes County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of the s4d de- c^ent to presmit the same to the undersigned at North Wilkesboro, N. C. on or before the 10th day of October, A. D. 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to the said Elstate will please make immediate settlement. This the 10th day of October, A. D. 1940. MRS. WALTER PEINIX, Administratrix of Walter Penix, deceased. A. H. CASEY, Attorney. ll-18-6t m NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of power vested in the undersigned by an NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow- r of sale vested in me under Mortgage Deed dated May 9, 1931, ind executed by C. L. Smoot and wife, Bettie Smoot, to M. R. Wad dell, recorded in Book 161, page 190—which Mortgage Deed was given to secure the payment of a note therein mentioned, and de fault having been made in the payment thereof; I will, THEREFORE, on ’Tues day, November 12, 1940, at the hour of ten (10:00) o’clock A, M., at the courthouse door in Wilkes boro, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed real estate, viz: A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Wabmt Grove Town ship, Wilkes County; adjoining the lands of J. P. Church, Paul Miller and others and bounded as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a white oak on the East bank of Roaring River; running East a conditional line to a red oak in Joshua Spicer’s line: thence South with said line to the river; thence 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Willie McGee and wife, Mrs. Willie McGee,” the under- NOncB or BALE OP LAND Under and by vtrtDO at an otte of the Saperiot Court of Wilktt Oowrtgr, entfite “Wllkai Cdmty Trim Carey Hostor and vnia, Mia, Carey Hnnter,” tbe nnte signed. Commissloiier will on tbe *9th day of Oct, 1940, at 1*:00 o’clock,, noon, at tha eoarthonso door in Wilkesboro, Nv C, for sale to higbest bidder for caeb, that emrtain tract tatg aztd being in Bmaby Monni Township, Wflkes County, N. C., M Bade to dlseiMKhiii. fouid BbdS-^, to fto Eel's* ter of Deeds Offte at Wllhas Uoimty. / IWs the 20tk te of Sept, 1940. F. / McDOT^ 104Q.*4t m> t Coauniaeiote Nondi OF SAba w EandT Dote nnd by rirtoa of sin order of toe Si^erioc Court of Wlflnl Connty, entitted "Wilkes CooBly vacios Mrs. G. M. Brooks sad hna> bud, —Brooks,” ^ nnder- rtgned Clmoteioner , wiQ on the Sto dsy of Oct;, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon. It toe coorthooee door to Wflketooro, N. C, otter for sale to tbs hltetet bidm for cash, that certain tract of land ly. ing 'md being in Trukill Town* ship, Wflkes &>onty, N. C., bteg 170 sciel'of land, more or lose, listed to TrapUli Townshto to 1937 in toe^ name of Mrs. Gf. M. Brooks, being all the land owned 'm. Xtol987*to toe“^S?rf SSI fSTto Hunter, being all the lend owned to deacriptiOT f^ to a;.,; "•««'»to VtoTm. 5^- For further deecription reference is made to description found to Book , Page , in the Elegis- ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDlfPPIE, 10-21-4t (m) Cemmissioner NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an c^er of .the Superior Court of Wilkes Coimty, entitled “Wilkes Connty versus Jones and Vannoy”, the un- dersigfned Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., off®*’j County, N. C., being County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. P. J. McDUITIE, Commissioner 10-21-4t (m) NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of en order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkee Coon^ versus Mrs. Hettie Eller and hus band, Eller”, the undersigned Commissioner will on .the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkes boro, N. C., otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land lying and being in Moravian Fallss Townshi; ^ oi&f 2*' 10-21*41’ (m) ContoteloMr NOinCB OF IAIJB OF LAND Under and by Ttartoe at.gn order „ &^,*aa6 ^ as versB Hn. EL E. BcoflAl and boabaBl, B. E. Bkoyi^” till nndersigned Commissioner win on toe traTte of Oct, 1940, at 12 oilelod::, aoooi at the coartboaiw door to, ’Wlketooro, N. (L, offer for sala to toe bigheet fahite for ci^ that clrtato tract of toad to* tag aad bote to Moravtoa FaOs Towali^ Wukes County, N. C,, being 76 aeree of land, more or lem, Itoted to Moravian Falls Township to 1987 to the name of Mn. R, ^ Btortifll, being all the lend owned aad or Itoted to 1937 by Mre. R. E. Broyhfll. For farther description reference is made to description found to Bools Page^—, to the Regis ter of Deeds Office of WiUtes County 'This the 26th day of Sept, 1940. P. J, McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Copunissioner HOTici!* §iSM Unte-Btd hr rtxte of ei^ of toe Superior Cote of Qmtf. «**«•* y«iwa T. B. Oreea aad T. B, QrosOf” toe NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes Connty versus George H. Finley and wife, Mrs. George H. Finley,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct-; 1940, at 12:00 Of Ocfc, 1948, at II o’O^ at toa aoarttoam door to Wfll^ boro; N. Xi^attar tat sale to too hiriiW tidte for ^ tract of lead, lylag andJbi^) to Jobs Cabin Townehip, wflBB County, N. C,, betog 68 aaua of land, more or leas, itoted to Gate Townahlp to IW to te t aame of T. E. Green, betaig aQ te land owned and or listed to 1997 by T. JL*Gnea. For farther description nfsrsBol is made to description found to Boo)4 Page . to the Bgfll- ter of Deeds Office of Wifltee Cmmto This the 26th day of Sept, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under end by virtue of-sm order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Mrs. Mary Fox,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on toe 29to day of Oct, 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, ly- irij and beinff in Moravian Fallj Township, Wukes County, N. C., o’clock, noon, at the courthouse being 24* seres of lard, more or door in Wilkesboro, N. C., otter - *' — for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, ly ing and being in Brushy Mountain 'Township, Wilkes Connty, N. C., being 160 acres of land, more or >^t|less, listed in Brushy Monntain less, listed in Moravian 'Township in 1987 to the nar Mrs. Mary Pox, being all the owned and or listed in 1937 by Mrs. Mary Fox. For farther description referemgr’- is made to description found in signed Commissioner will on the door in Wilkesboro, ^ Wilkes County, N. C., being 60’’Township in 1937 in the name of Book Page In the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 for sale to the highest bidder lorlgg,^ ,„ore or less, listed George H. FTnley, being all toe-tep Deeds Office of Wilkes o’clock, noon, at the courthouse cash, that certain J^t of land, Moravian Fails Township, land owned and or listed in 1937 County door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer lying and being in Stantm To^-.i937 the name of Mrs. Hettie by George H. Finley. — ■ ■ for sale to the highest bidder for. ship, Wilkes Connty, N. C., being ^ being all the land owned and For further description reference cash, that certain tract of land ly- '164 acres of land, “pf® p* |P%!or listed in 1'I37 by Mrs. Hettie jg made to description found in ing and being in Elk Township, listed in Stanton Townatop^in^l9371 Book , Page in the Regis- Wilkes County, N. C., being 60 ' ‘ acres of land, more or less,_ listed in FJlk Township in 1937 in toe name of Willie McGee, being all the land owned and or listed in 1M7 by Willie McGee. F’br further description referen^ is made to description found to Book , Page—7, in toe ^gis- ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “.Wilkes County versus W. A. Wadkins sand wife, Mrs. W. A. Wadkins," the under signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in 'Wilkesboro, N. C., otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in North Wilkes boro Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 1 acre of land, more or less, listed in North Wilkesboro Township in 1937 in the name of W. A. Wadkins, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by W. A. Wadkins. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the .loth day of SepL, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. IO-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Mrs. Julia Minton and hus band, Julius Minton”, the under signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for in toe name of Jones and Vannoy, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by Jonee and Van noy. For further description reference ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes is made to description found in County Book * Page , in the Regia-1 This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes | • F. J. McDUFFIE, For further description reference County. 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner is made to description found m ijbis the 26th day of Sept., 1940. Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. ,F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner P, J. McDUFFIE, 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND County, entitled “Wilkes County Under and by virtue of an order versus P. Lee Pearson and wife, of the Superior Court of Wilkes Mrs. P. Lee Pearson,’’ the under- County, entitled “Wilkes County I gjgfned Commissioner will on the versus E^ma W. Transou and 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 huslMind, Transou,” the un- 14’clock, noon, at the courthouse 1 J J r» : j tiTni vt n NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order .... of the Superior Court of Wilkes (dersigned Commissioner will on door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer Connty, entitled “.Wilkes County i the Mth day of Oct, 1940, at for sale to the highest bidder for versus J. J. Carter and wife, Mrs. J. J. Carter,” the nndersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C„ offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that terellh tract of land, lying and being in Brushy Mountain Township, Wilxes Count;t, N. C., being 33 acres of land, more or less, listed in Brusny Mountain Township in 1937 in the name of J. J. Carter, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by J. J. Carter. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order] 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in North Wilkes boro Township, Wilkes County, N- Co., being 3 lots of land, more or less, listed in North ,Wilkesboro Township in 1937 in the name of Emma W. Transou, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by Emma W. Transou. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner cash, that certain tract of land ly. ing and being in Boomer Town ship, in J937 in the name of P.' b^ c. C. Lamberth. This the’26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of toe Superior Court of Wilkei County, entitled “Wilkes Countj versus C. C. Lomberth and wife Mrs. C. C. Lamberth,” the under signed Commissioner will on tin 29th day of October, 1940, at 12:06 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Brushy Moun tain Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 1 acre of land, more ot less, listed in Brushy Mountain Township in 1937 in toe name of C. C. Lamberth, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 Lee Pearson, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by P. Lee Pearson. For further description reference ig made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Conunissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus James Walker and wife, Mrs. James Walker,” the under signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C.., offer]ing in North Wilkesboro Town NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County _ versus Mrs. Margaret Laws and] for sale to the highest bidder fori ship, Wilkes County, N. C., bein^ For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Ras ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes ^ County TTiis the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus W. H. Foster and wife, Mrs. W. H. Foster,” the under- s'gncd Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door ^ Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and be- husband, Laws,” the under- of the Superior Court of Wilkes! signed Commissioner will on the sale to the highest bidder for cash, up the river to the beginning; Con-‘that certain tract of land, lying ing in Elk Township, Wilkes Coun- taining FIFTY (60) ACRES, more and being in Moravian Falls Town- ty, N. C., being 30 acres of land, or less. I ship. Wilkes County, N. C., being more or less, listed in Elk Town- SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING 6 acres of land, more or less, list-,ship in 1937 in the name of Glenn 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for on a sycamore stump on the East led in Moravian Falls Township in: Church, being all the land owned is made to de bank of the old run of Roaring 1937 in the name of Mrs. Julia i or listed in 1937 by Glenn Churchy \ Book , Page River and running East to Joshua Minton, being all the land owned 1 For further description reference ter of Deeds Spicer’s line; thenee South with|and or listed in 1937 by Mrs. Julia is made to description found in said Spicer’s lin^to G. L Smoot’s Minton. iBook , Page , in the Regis- For further description reference ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes is made to description found in County. County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Glenn Church, and wife, Mrs. Glenn Church and T. N. Dancy, Juogment”, the undersign ed Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and be- — _ . w r t nr “ Laws being all the land owned or ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes listed in 1937 by Mrs. Margaret County. Laws. I This the 26th day of Sept, 1940. For further description reference F. J. McDUFTIE is made to description found in,l0-21-4t (m) Commissioner . in the Regis- cash, that certain tract of land, ^ 2 lots of land, more or less, listec^ lying and being in Jobs Cabin in North Wilkesboro Township in 'Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 91 acres of land, more or less, listeo in Jobs Cabin Town ship in 1937 in the name of James cash, that certain tract of land Walker, being all the land owned lying and being in Boomer Town- and or listed in 1937 by James ship, Wilkes County, N. C., be- Walker. ing 79 acres of land, more or less. For further description reference listed in Boomer Township in is made to description found in 1937 in the name of Mrs. Margaret Book , Page , in the Regis- Wilkes line; thence West with said Smoot’s line to Roaring River; thence with the old run of said river to the beginning; contain er of re-*Ure by the f*IFTY (50) ACRES, more or sSes tx •d Mrs. Ella Phillips, et al, vs. Ealph Phillips, et al, authorizing j ■nil empowering the undersigned Page in the Regis- Book ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-41 (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order Administrator of the Es- I empuwewiiK w.c , nf Dr M R Waddell dec’d Under anu Dy Virtue 01 an oruer as commissioner to sell the herein- A H CASBY Attornev ®f tb® Superior Court of Wilkes after described lands; I H. UASEy, Attorney. County I will, therefore, on the 28th day 'versus Mrs. D, C. Blackburn and October, 1940, at the hour of 12 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND husband, D. C. Bkickburn, tbe •'clock, noon, offer for sale to the Under and by virtue of an order undersigned Commiss oner-will on lighest bidder for c^h at the Superior Court of Wilkes the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at •oorthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. Uounty, entitled “Wilkes County 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse the following described real vg^sus The State Company”, the door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer •atate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of T. B. Finley, Willie Miller, Albert Fores- fcr and others, and bound^ as fol lows: Beginning on a hickory in undersigned Commissioner will on for sale to the highest bidder for the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 cash,-that certain tract of land, o’clock, noon, at the courthouse lying and being in Jobs Cabin door in Wilkesboro, N. C„ offer 'Township, Wilkes County, N. C., .. XT V 10 ®®*® *be highest bidder for being 58 acres of land, more or :9ie Gordon line; thence North 13 that certain teact of land ly- less, listed in Jobs Cabin Township degrees West 176 poles to a whitejjng gnd being in North Wilkesboro in 1937 in the name of Mrs. D. C. •ak sapling; thence West 100 poles Township, Wilkes County, N. C., Blackburn, being all the land own- •» a stone; thence South with 2 lots of land, more or less, ed and or listed in 1. 7 by Mrs Jianra Miller’s line to W. D. V.Ujgfgj North Wilkesboro Town- D. C. Blackburn. Kller’s comer; then_ with his j,j 1937 jn the name of The 100-poles to the Hackett line, W. D. Miller’s comer; thence 60 poles East with the Hackett line and Finley line to the beginning. Cbntaining 115 acres, more or less. lV»r further description reference Si hereby made to a deed'from C. M Forester and others to L. E. nfllips. recorded in book 65, page 2B and 263. The bid will be started at the aom of 11464.25 and the bidder will be required to deposit ten per mat ot the amount of the bid with Eto Clerk ot the Superior Court at te time of tiie sale, as evidence of •pod futo to their bid. Tte 7to day of October. 1040. KYLE HATES, ’ Commisaoner For further aescription reference State Company, being all the land is made to description found in ow.’ied and or listed in 1937 by The Book , Page , in the Regis- State Company. ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes For further description reference County, is made to description found in This the 26th day of Sent., 1940, Book , Page , in the Regis- F. J. McDUFTIEJ, ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner ‘^Sthe 26th day of Sept., 1940. NOTICE OF SALE oYLAND F. J. McDUFFIE, Under and by virtue of an order 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner ^^® Superior C^rt of WilkM County, entitled Wilkes Connty NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND versus A. 0. Bray and wife, Mrs. Under and by virtue of an order A. 0. Bray,” the undersigned of the Superior Court of Wilkes Commissioner wfll on the 20to day County, entitled “Wilkes Connty of October, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, versos Blake Church and wife, nocm, at the courthouse door to , _ Mrs. Blake Church”, the under- Wilkesboro, N. CL, otter for aaierrti^ Iffljsio^ Courtly,: 2^€.» ■ signed Commissioner will on toe to tiie highest bidda. fbrcsjli, ttoMT 29tkjctoy at Oat, 1940, gt 12:00 of - - '■ '■ y- '- This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m). Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Paul Trivette and wife, Mrs. Paul Trivette," the undersigned (Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Jobs Cabin Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 26 acres of land, more or less, list^ in Jobs Cabin Township in 1937 in the name of Paul Trivette, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by Paul Trivette. For further descriptioif reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. TTiis the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virxue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Belva Calloway and hus band, . ■ Calloway,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on 29th day of Oct, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to. the highart bidder for cash, that certain tract at toad, lying and being to Stontoa To|m- uf Stanton' Office of County This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order 19;i7 in thKjiame of W. H. Foster, being all the land owned and or listed in 1937 by W. H. Foster. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page . in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (ra) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND I versus .W- S. Wallace and wife, Under and by virtue of an order'Mrs. W. S. Wallace”, toe under- of the Superior Court of Wilkes signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of October, 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. .C., offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of land, for cash, ly ing and being in Moravian Falls Township, Wflkes County N. C., County, entitled “Wilkes County versus W. S. Laws and wife, Mrs. W. S. Laws,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, of the Superior Court of Wilkes 1 at toe courthouse door in Wilkes- County, entitled “Wilkes County | boro, N. C., offer for sale to the versus R. S. Williams and wife, highest bidder that certain tract being 1 acre or land, more or Mrs. R. S. Williams,’’ the under- of-land, for cash, lying and being less, listed in Moravian Falls signed Commissioner will on the in Reddies River Township, Wilkes |Townghi|i in 1937 in the name of 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12:00 County, N. C., being 7 acres ofiW. S. Wallace, being all the land o’clock, noon, at the courthouse,land, more or less, listed in Red-'owned and or listed in 1937 by W. door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer dies River Township in 1937 in toe S._Wallace. for sale to toe highest bidder for j name of W. S. Law.s, being all the cash, that certain tract of land, land owned and or listed in 1937 ■ ~ ■" by,W. S. Laws. For further description reference i.« made to description found in lying and being in Boomer Town ship, Wilkes County, N. C., being 37 acres of land, more or less. listed in 1937 in the name of R.,Boob , Page . in the Regis S. Williams, being all the land Iter of Deeds Office of Wilkes owned and or listed in 1937 by R. County S. Williams. For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-?l-4t (m) Commissioner notice OF BALE OF LAND Under and by virtue at an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wflkes County versus Mrs. Pauline Reaves and husband, Reaves,” the under signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock, nooU, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and betog to North Wilkes boro Township, Wilkes County, N. c. ■' ■ or This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner For further description reference is made to description found in Book , Page . in the Regis ter of Deeds Office of Will^^ County 'This the 26th day of Sept., 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 10-21-4t (m) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus James W. Green and wife, Mrs. James W. Green and AT F. Kilby, Trustee,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of Oct., 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes Connty, entitled “Wilkes County versus C. V. Mullis and wife^ Mrs. C. V. Mullis, Wrought Iron Range Co., Motor Service Co.., State of at the courthouse door in Wiikra- N. C.”, the undersigned Commis- boro, N. C., offer for sale to the 4 sioner will on the 29th day of Oct highest bidder for cash, that cer- 1940, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the tain tract of land, lying and being courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. in Jobs Cabin Township, Wilkea C., offer for sale to toe highest County, N. C., being 60 acres of«' bidder for cash that certoin tractiland, more or lessTlisted in fte of land, lying and being in Mpra- Cabin Township in 1937 in vian Falls Township, Wilkes Conn-j name of James W. Green, being^" XT Al X - listM m ty, N. C., being 46 acres of land, toe land owned and or more or less, listed to Moravian 1937 by Jlames W. Green. ^lls Township, Wilkes Counto, N.l For further description referenos ^ name of C. ’V.lis made to description found in loro Township, Wilkes ijounty, w. Mullis, bemg all the land owned Book——, Fags , to the rt being acres of land, more; and or listed to 1987 by C. V.iter of DsA'Office of WiKir Jr less, listed in North WiUnsboiO| Mullis. ■ ^ t County. .7^ Towndklp, to 1987 in the name of! For farther description j^erence) This the 26th day of 1944" Pauune-Reiiv®>i being nil tho is mads to description found in' ” land own^ and oe )UUd to 1987 in **’* PlwfiT i lOi^Udt ■ ' -■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ . 'I ■

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