'iMKUHT iiii noIDM I ba4 CO Or .T‘ -XSg'-> [Lnm r»ir k*%^§kt»nt at i Mn^' t. Bw Dunawi «Mat th« MkHipd In Wln^«n-Salein with [Btr. Mis. Owen B. Duncan. A dBoshteh waa honi on Hdh- I day, DMMnher i, to Mr. and Mrs. ^ B. iiowe, of Poree Knob, N. C. Mr. Iran D. Anderson and danahter.. Miss Vania Anderson, «l>ent Tuesday In Charlotte. Mr. Henry Ford Hart, of Lan dis, spent the week-end at his home at Halls M.ills. Miss Clara Gentry Is receiving treatment at the Wilkes hospital for Injuries received in a fall two weeks ago. Friends hope for an early recovery. 'Sia^’^lleD^^nV of ity, spent the - weeh^Wd atfS «t»MaaatWn Vlaar .^Irtth . iilih 'MaHe^aUlB^ttflWckfQrd. spenl'tte Wddk-end here with Mr. and ^ft. -Carl' W. Steela wtai'ac- compaiiied home'Sundayact ' mile Miss Blanche ^Hartc> has returned home after spending several weeks at Landis with her sister, Mrs. Alais Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Alais Ritchie, of Landis, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ritchie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hart, at Halls MHla, Miss Catherine Hall, of North Wllkestooro, spent Saturday night with Miss Annie Hall, of Halls Mills. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wiles and lot wlW'iMr»..>aad-. llWh tlhoduft.'jofodhls -cltTii.'? i kt. ainAJirs,; A. :V.. OhB«h, of WlnstohsialeiDi: ypwd i.MhiMclv- Ins.hbUftWS with iM«b.s Qhnrct^’k MoiAer, Mrs. Martha Rhodes, of Wllfceeboro Root® 1. - Mrs. W, A.vTnylor ter, Dr. Carhlyn Taylor,'.,,,^nt the pest Wndk^nd la Or^hshoco and High PpMit Tlsltjitk wlfh Mrs. Taylor’s daughters, Mrs. Charles W. Irvin and Mrs. RnsaeU Cook. Mr. James Minton, student in the Industrial Arts department of North Wllkesboro school, lost family and Mr. Leon Lernev rao- MOVIE STARS CAN’T tored to Pocahuntas. Va.. Thurs- LOOK SKINNY [day. No woman can afford to. If yon Miss Fern Brooks, a student of have unlovely haggard hollows and jones Business College, at High are thin, you may need the Vita- p(,jnt gpent Thanksgiving with mhi B Comidex and Iron in Vinol. parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Vinol has helped thousands— Wilkesboro route 1. Wilkes Drug Store. I Brooks, *_a IS F«MV nft .tVMOMM May Easily Be Purchased If | You Join Our $ ‘^’’1 Hoyt^ of Bnapas, Y*., ,rWit«4 relMmiii fh this combnr.’.nr week.' ■*' ■■ ■■' ' ■ hownver,; rJsttoM' Were In onr eommuaity."^ .Mr;- Q. F. ^ohols,. Mihs, Dolly Nichols and Mrs. I>bris .‘wJuiMm*. son, of Wlnstod^leoi, w®re.,?ft‘ itors at the home 'of their ents, Rer.'ad^ Mrs. Jas. T. Nicli^ ols, ThanlUfh^k.^ ■ Ret. and Mn.' a:, W. * Eller spent Thanksgiving Day at the the end of one finger while work- ,jjp^g .ur. .and Mrs. N. ^ C. 1941 t m 9 WAYS to have Money For Christmas Select one of the following Clubs TWENTY-FIVE-CENT CLASS Requires a deposit of 25 cents each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club you will receive a check for $12.50. FIFTY-CENT CUkSS Requires a deposit of 50 cents each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $25.00. ONE-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $1.00 each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $50.00. TWO-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $2.00 each week for the next 60 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $100.00. THREE-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $3.00 each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $150.00. FOUR-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $4.00 each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $200.00. FIVE-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $5.00 each week for the next 60 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $250.00. TEN-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $10.00 each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $500.00. TWENTY-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $20.00 each week for the next 50 W'eeks. , At maturity of the club, you will receive a check for $1000.00. t ing with a small circular saw Wednesday. - Misses Mllly Revls and Betty Pearson, who are students of Le- nolr-Rhyne College, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their respective families at Moravian Falls. Members of Company A at Fort Jackson who spent the week-end a t their respective homes in Wilkes Included Lieu tenant Domer Huffman. Corpor al Vaughn Pierce, C. O. Bumgsr- ner, Herman Anderson, Raymond Minton and Roscoe Porter. Ladies Aid Society of Baptist Home church will give a play at | Mulberry schotd on Thursday night, December 5, 7:30 p. m.,' for the benefit of the church. Music will be furnished by the Dixie string band and a good time is assured. Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan D. Ander son have returned from a visit with Mrs. Anderson’s parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyneman Klyce at Corinth, Miss. They were accompanied to Mississippi by their daughter, Miss Bessie Lee, who is spending some time there. Mrs. W. A. Taylor suffered a stroke at her home Tuesday aft ernoon and is critically 111. Her son, W. F. Taylor, of Youngs town, Ohio, and two daughters, .Mrs. P. A. Tyndall, of Mount Airy and Mrs. Russel Cook, of High Point, were called here on the account of her illness. She is a patient at the Wilkes hospital. The dental offices of Dr. W. A. Taylor and Dr. Carolyn Taylor, her husband and daughter, will be closed for a few days. Davis Being Held For His Father-In-Law Authorities in Kinston, say Samuel Davis of Sandy Bottom, near Kinston, was being held without bond in connection with he disappearance of his father- .n-law, Louis Gaylor. a plumber of Kinston. Gaylor has been miss ing more than a week. Sheriff Samuel Churchill said the middle-aged Kinston man was in company with Davis early Sunday and no one could bte found who had seen him since. Davis, the sheriff said, refused to say where he left Gaylor. There were reports that the men had been drinking and had en gaged in an affray. Heart On Right Side Saves Youths Life Chicago.-—John Mosley, 18, waa alive yesterday because his heart happens to be on the right side. Stabbed during a quarrel, Mos ley was still breathing when brought to the county hospital despite a wound three inches deep in the left side where his heart should have 'been. Puzzled physi cians put him under a fluoroscope and found that his heart was on the right instead of the left side. vJhurch. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarch also' en- Joled the presence of thMr chil dren, Mrs. Joe Welborn and hus- b’-nd, of North Wllkeeboro, Mrs. Ben Tedder and little daughter, Shirley Ann, of Charlotte, Lass, from Mt. Holly, and Wayne, from Belmont. Mr. Thomas Rogers, of Mt. Holly, also spent the week end with the family. Messrs. Johnny Miller and Rob ert Myers, of West Jefferson, were visitors In the home of Rev. land Mrs. Jas T. Nichols, Sun- Jday. I We were reminded that pale Old Winter is coming again by sudden drop in mercury Mon- jday morning to 23 degrees. Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner filled his regular appointment at Ar- )bor Grove Sund'ty and delivered an Inspiring gnd helpful sermon. Rev. S. N. Bumgarner was a visitor at Arbor Grove church Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Minton, who was recently removed to Black Moun tain Sanitorium, Is reported as making some progress. iik T~- ■ 4-sW' stiff' •!wes' jr oJot St ^ A., •r' Planning To Push Highways In Ashe Gordon Hackett of North Wll kesboro, who is district highway commissioner, waa in West Jef ferson recently and gave out the I news that work on the highways in Ashe county wllj be carried forward during the coming year with renewed vigor. BABirS COLD& Relieve misery fasti -extertuilly. Rub on VICKS VAPORUB L%en\.uJ V«nw« 'Mi i V- Pure, wholesome, delicious,— Coca-Cola is refreshment you want at home. Everybody likes its distinctive taste and the happy after- sense of complete re freshment that it gives. Your dealer has the handy home package, —the six-bottle carton. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OP ‘THB COCA-COLA CO. BY NORTH WILKESBORO COCA4:OLA BOTTING COMPANY a^^®^aaw*as9^asis9a®afiwh9aas:ss»isa9s9aa»sa^i»®ffla* Select These Gifts! Join Our Christmas Savings Club Now I THE NORTHWESTERN BANK | North Wilkesboro, N. C. ® Member Federal Deposit Insurance- Corporation ^ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow- ,er of sale contained in a certain Uf Deed of Ti-ust, dated June 28, 1938, I executed by John W. Cashion and wife, Georgia Cashion, to the un- S . dersigned Trustee for The North ^ tWilkesboro Building and Loan As- I sociation, which Deed of Trust is if I recorded in the office of Register ^'of Deeds for Wilkes County in ^ Book 180, page 232, to secure the payment of a note therein mention ed, and default having been made i in the parent thereof, and de-j mand having been made on me; j I will, TTIEREPORE, on Mon day, January 6, 1941, at the hour of Ten (10:00) o’clock A. M., at I the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, offer for sale for cash to the high- [est bidder, the foRowmg described .real estate, viz: : BEGINNING at a stake on the 1 Northwest comer of Seventh and G. Streets and running North 'along the West side of Seventh Street 100 feet to a stake, Clara E. Cashion’s corner; thence West- wardly parallel with G. Street and with the line of Clara K Cashion 150 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 3; thence Southwardly along and -with the line of Lot No. 3 and parallel with Seventh otreet TOO feet to a stake on the North side of G. Street, same being the Southeast corner of Lot No. 3 in Block 9; thence Eastwardly along the North side or G. Street 150 feet to the point of beginning, and being the Southern part' 'of Lota Nos. 1 and 2 in Block 90, as shown on Trogdon’s Map of the Town of North Wilkesboro, N. C. This the 2d dsjr of Dec., A. D., - 1940. A. H. CASEY, Trustee..-:; 12-2MI HUNDREDS OF GIFT IDEAS AT The Christmas'Store Shop early and avoid the rush! We list here only a few of the hundreds of gift items awaiting your selection. Come for a look through our store ! LADIES’ ROBES and HOUSE COATS $1.98 u. $5.95 SATIN GOWNS 98c “ $2.95 In Gift Packages 98c SA-nN and SLIPS $1.95 HANDKERCHIEFS Boxed Handkerchiefs 25c and 50c Give Hosiery 1 SILK STOCKINGS 50c 79c $1 ' (Christmas Boxed) LADIES’ COATS 45.95 J$9.95 CHILDREN’S COATS $2.98 u. $5.95 LADIES’ DRESSES $1.88 ,.$7.95 PERFUME SETS — 2Sc to $1.00 MANICURE SETS - 25c to $1.00 DRESSER SETS $1.98 to $7.98 LADIES’ DRESS GLOVES 59c to $1.98 ELECtRIC LAMPS - $1.06 and $1.50 WARM BLANKETS, cotton 50c, $1.00 PART WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS $1.98 LADIES’ WOOL AND SATIN SCARFS SOci SOFA PILLOWS - 79c and $1.00 Suggestions MEN’S SHIRTS Fine For Gifts 97c “$1.65 for “Him” SHAVING SETS 50c *“‘$1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS (Initial-Boxed) 50c . T A J A M A S In Gift Packages 98' *1®® *2'** MEN’S SUITS ’14 “,. ’24“ Leather BILL FOLD SETS $1.00 ,.$2.95 TOPCOATS ’14“...’16“ MEN’S ROBES $2.98 u. $9.95 HOUSE SLIPPERS 97c “$1.98 LEATHER JACKETS (Big Selection) $4.95,. $9.95 MEN’S TIES (Christmas Boxed) 50c “$1.00 GIFTS FOR BABY Dresses, Btiotees, Wool Shawls, Blankets CVips, Etc. HOUSE SLIPPERS “$1.98 98c BED JACKETS 79c "^$1.00 HAND BAGS Big Selection 98c PILLOW CASES $1.00 DONT MISS OUR Toy Depjirtment IN BASEMENT I C Big Selection, Unee- OCc to * A QC LF\/LiLrtJ da Dolls—all sizes -60 ^4.00 ELECTRIC TRAINS ’TRICYCLES WAGONS DESK SETS ICE WAGONS DUMP TRUCKS RUBBER P'”S MUSICAL TOPS TEDDY BEARS DOGS LACE TABLE CLOTHS $1.98.„d$2.98 SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH CHENILLE BED SPREADS $2.98 1

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