THS $' _ at Witkei epai^, i> to notify ntl Fo|[ttsoii Neil «»■ »_TO nowy au Mraooa havinc F*BRGUSON, Doe. l.—' B «itat* to yro- eBt-Teacher*^* Awoclatlos i. !'«wnd itaeotlng- of «nwe adpreu ia Pores Knob aai F*BRGUS0K, Doe. *.—Th'o PsV- ihold the year ^K^tbrN. aribs^erti^VdS^ Wednesday sttornoon m or boforT^ »U» day he fono»Ji»R officers for the ^ Noyraabvr, J941, orithk notice year; Mr. S. P. MlMer, President, ■111 bo yload ia bar of their right Mrs. T. W. Ferguson, rice proal- neoTer. All pwanes indebted 9 said estate will please make im- ■ediate lettiement. / This 28^ day oi Nhrei^air 1940. J. A. Revis and Preddib’Iwlow, . AdDinistrators of the estate of J. H. Ebtep, dec'd. 1-2-Ot t IBRYICS BT PXJBUCATIOS In upe North Cii-^'lina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs. Gordon Miller aa^ wife, Mrs. Gordon Miller. The defendanto above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, ffor the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendants will further! deciding lent; Miss Mary Walker, secre tary, and Mr. Lee Settle, treasur er. A number of Important 'mat- ''ers were discussed Including Im- irovements that are being made about the school building and projects that are being propo.'ied. Gravel has been hauled on the playgrounds and the guttering wll] be placed on the building soon. An urgent need Is seen for additional land In order to make needed improvements. Prof. Red man had some very decided Im provements made for the lunch room including a well equipped storage hoBse. After the business session the meeting adjourned to meet the first Wed- take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Cierk •f the Superior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this date and answer or demur to the said complaint as required by '.aw or the plaintiff will apply to. the teacher.- all going to their Am... STlI ■. . a nesday. afternoon after the 15th of December. The Tlianksgiving season pass ed off quietly, the school having closed on Wednesday and the re- rourt for the relief demanded in said complaint. The the 12th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES. f2-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs, Roy Miller and wife, Mrs. Roy Miller. The defendants above nameu will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of spective homes. A very delightful play wa.s given by the fifth grade. Miss Brock teacher, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Danna Triplett tells Us he had a very exciting and thrilling experience some days ago while out possum hunting. H.s dogs treed one of the furry animals, but at the same time seemed to he charmed by an intruder at the bwMBof the tr«e etoo. Upea f^- bf hlk spbi lifbt to. the Hepe saalce with tweWe Tattle* reedy ;o strike et the,dogs. SufflcetrU te say Mr. Triplett made work ia killing the snake, • We' are Ju*t advised of a wed ding of Interest . that occurred some time in October at Indepen dence, Va. The contracting par ties were Miss Myrtle German and Mr. Warren. Horton. The young couple succeeded In keep ing the happy, event a secret for some time. Mrs. Hortoh Is the very attractive and youngest daughter of Mrs. J. P. German and the groom Is the son of Mrl and Mrs. J.' C. West. .Although Mr. Horton Is employed with the Soil Conservation work In Mocks- vllle, it Is reported they will make their home in this community. Best wishes are extended. Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Cranor, and daughter. Miss Prances, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cranor and Mrs. EJllza Parller, all of Wllkesboro, wer-- dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fer guson. We are in receipt of the fol lowing article from Mr. John Edmund Foster which we are giving just as he wrote it: a. not able character in our vicinity is an old colored man known as Oeo. W. Horton, (we all call him Uncle George). In hts boyhood days, he was a slave and belong ed to some of the Hortons on the historic Yadkin River. It Ls In teresting to hear him tell of his boyhood slavery days. Ha now live.s near the scenic waters af Elk Creek, hack in the woods on a little farm known as Vandy’s hranrh. He .sometimes tells the mail man a story that amuses and intere.sts him. Many yeans jjoor Id wIlaiAew, N. Cm on oonsr); tik«>«*~8oatinrwrd ,, (temlw 20, i9«, At 11 d'eipek, A. Nim 22 po^i . W,i he dlscrrdr*d • vtoidw {(ji M. tht Allowing described toadsr post oak sep^; then Sooth S ■nAbA with twelve rattle* ready Coontf. of Wiliaa.BH*- ^ Ci gartgin tract of land located pblea te a JAige white oak Wel- Under and by virtue of the an- Jh Wnni Cbiinty ImSRB'a one;id9^; j^m’a eonier)i; then East 24 tboiityt^'A'-certaiin de4d of tciiat un#fktod In a aoarwood^ln Nan. Ki eitoeMta by Robert WfllxdTi^^ibitad of ,o® 2toat 21 ^ ifi loai rimiwtiAd in "lonj*. W. VM. SMer rs'WJt' dM -.aAd- Book |66 at Page W, reebrda of BBOumum oa a white vriilta Winona’ coraar; “ - . ..... . leastewrdly to W'pap- Wilkes County vs. Artie Coffey. | UncIe George borrowed some Tnc . defendant above named, a mortgage on his mule to secure debt was West Vir •r the plaintiff will apply to the|t“^ The^defen^nt court for the relief demanded m taid complaint. The the 12th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES. !2-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkc.s County; Wilkes County v.s. W. M. Wing- fer and wife, I.ucivda Wingler. The defendants above named will take notice that an action en- tftled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North C,arolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendants will further take notice that they are required ff tr'Ltrio^°couv^ t; su;;:riorc;uri of County w'ithin 30 days from this date and answer or demur to the said complaint as requiied by l;'w or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. The the 12th day of Nov,, 1940. C. C. HAYES. l2-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE BY PUBLICATION r.T .. ^ . XT .XT- . I NOTICE Wilkes County, North Carolina, Superior Court (for the purpose of foreclosing a ^ Carolina, Wilkes County; tax certificate and .sale of land), - • " and the defendants will further lake notice that they are required notice that an action en to appear at the office of the C erk ,^..^l^^j con,. of the i^upenor Court of vVilkes the Superior Court of the debt. Realizing the CoMty within 30 days from this •yyj[j.cs County, North Carolina,' coming due, he went to date and answer or demur to tl^ ^ ^ purpose of foreclosing a j j ^ railroad «.d complaint as required by law,„^ land).! debt. He worked several months, earned quite a roll of money and started home on foot. He had learned that it was dangerous for a barefoot traveler to make such a trip, as there had been many robberies in that section. He went through the fields and wood- part of the way in order to evade the robbers. In the meantime a bear got after Uncle George and it is interesting to hear him tell the story of a mi raculous escape. He can hold you spell bound with awe and admira tion uiitn his story is finished. A detective story would not inter est you more. His postman always gives Uii-' cle George something for Christ ina.- for which he thanks him w'lli a Irembliiig voice and with tears in his eyes. He is the happy recipieiit of an old age pension and waits on the ri^dside sever al days before it arrives, and al- thaiiks the mail carrier for briiigiiig it to him. He is eighty- four years old and realizes the remainder of his years are few, tint says he i.s prepared and ready to go when I’le good Lord calls him to tlie Great Beyond. ofeaiJ ‘ ^^ will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this date and answer or demur to the said complaint as required by law or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in saiu complaint. The tlie 12th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES, 12-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE^BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs. H. C. Jones. Tile defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com- SERVICE BY PUP.LICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County; Wilkes County vs. Wiley Yates and wife, Mrs. Wiley Yates. The defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been eoin- menced in the Superior tioiirt of Wilkes County, North Ciirolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendants will further take notice that they are reiiuired to appear at the offh e of the Clerk 0^* the Superior Court of Wilkes County within .30 days from this dale and answer or demur to the said complaint as required by law Wilkes Coumy, North Carolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), ind the defendant will further take notice that he is required to ai'pPur at the office of the Clerk of the Sui'erior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this tiate ami answer or demur to the. .said complaint as required by law _ ‘ •' or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in .-aid complaint. The the 12th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES. !2-.')-4tlt) Clerk Superior Court ADMIMSTKATRIX’S NOTICE Having quaffietl as .Admini.stra- lix of the e.stale of S. E. Whit tington. late of Wilkes crunty, N. C... this is to notify alt persons having claims against said estote to jiresent them to the undevsign- c'd. whose aildress is Reddies River. N. C., duly verified, on or beforo the 31st day of October, 1941, OI this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said estate will or'the plaintiff will apply to tlie please make immediate set.lement. couTl.'for the relief demanded in said” comrplaint The the 12th day of Nov.. 1940. * C. C. HAYES. I 12-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs. Mrs. Cordia Reed and husband. Reed. The defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North C^irolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendants will further take notice that they are retjuired Id appear at the office of the Clerk •f the Superior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this date and answer or demur to the said complaint as required by law or the plaintiff will apply to the, court for the relief demanded in'said complaint, said complaint. The the 12th day of Nov.. 1940. C. C. HAYES. I2-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court .MILS. S. E. WHITTINGTON, .Administratrix of ths e.state of S. E. Whittington, dee d. 12-5-6t (t) "sTlUYlCE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County; Wilkes County vs. R. H. Fr.w. Tie defendant above i.amed will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North (Harolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing a tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendant will further take notice that he is I'equired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this 'late and answmr or demur to the said complaint as required by law or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in The the J2th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES. 12-5-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs. R. E. Parsons. Tie defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North (^rolina (for the purpose of foreclosing t tax certificate and sale of land) and the defendant will furthei take notice that he is requirej to appear at the office of the Clerl of the Superior Court of Wilkei County within 30 days from this fiate and answer or demur to the •aid complaint as required by law m the plaintiff will apply to the tmart for the relief demanded in ■end complaint. The the 12th ' 12-6-4t(t) Clerk Superior Court 12-5-4t(t) Mexicans Boo Wallace, Stone U. xS. Embassy Mexico f'ily. A crowd of some "idO .Mexicans, shouting “viva .Alniazan- down with Wallace!” I fled to storm the outer doors of the United States embassy last night and then .scattered before the tear gas guns of motoreycle lioliceinen just as Henry A. Wal lace. Vice President elect of the United States, arrived in the cap ital on an official vi.sit. No attempt wa.s made to mo lest Wallace, who is here for the inauguration next Sunday of .Mexico’s president elect, Manuel Avila Camacho, administration candidate who defeated General .Ilian Andreii Alniazan last July AX .ARISTXM KATIC K.4.MILY Church School Teacher; Can any of you little girls tell me who lived in the Garden of Eden? “Yes, teacher—The Adamses.' OFFICE JOBS SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE In The Superior Court North Carolina, Wilkes County: Wilkes County vs. Margaret' Sheets and husband, Grant Sheets. I The defendants above named will lake notice that an action en titled as above has been com- rrenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, (for the purpose of foreclosing aj tax certificate and sale of land), and the defendants will further' take notice that they are required! to appear at the office of the Clerk \ of the Superior Court of Wilkes County within 30 days from this' date and answer or demur to the said complaint as required by law or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. The the 12th day of Nov., 1940. C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Clourt Secured by our Complete Business Course. Largest and best equipt school. Highly efficient teachers. Sapid student progress Low tuition rates. Girls work for part expenses. Write for information. Jones Business College 126 Yi W. Commerce St. HIGH POINT, N. C. Accredited by A.A.C.C. - , „ AAA.AMAAAAAAA,^On - the above-named County «no Stete, oak atwnp formerly Ot^'e ntd thence Me , default havfiK been made in pay- 'Wdb^'s ,eonier on the Xost aide .namon tree ^on the side of w ment of note secured therdtf, at of the State Rdi^; and nma M. 69 State Rood to the BBQINMING- the request of the holder of-the degrees W. to the white oak. which Containing 44 acres, more or leas, note, the undersigned trustee will now stands in T. H. Wall’s: yard; This 18th day of Nov., 1940. offer for sale to Oie highest bid- then W. 20 chs. te a post oak (for- J. N. FREEMAN, Trustee der for cash at the court housp merly Ed and Jack R.,-^Moody’s Frank Freeman, Atty. , 12-J2-4t t ,^T. B- OMiitootsU* jftwr Frimos Ssrvlee a AMgiimaal . CliiMri •Wr*ok«r USED FABtS—Far oB tad aodsis af cats aiol SI M 1® ■ tnen^ A ttvo''®* of coto^ an*» void *2.9 ,0>'^ .1^ 04 m\ Cu*- W -iT CUT" T his is one year when you want to strive more than ever before, to bring joy into the lives of those you love. For the girl who means the world to you, no gift can take the place of fine jewelry —whether it be a famous make of watch, a dia mond to p-ight your troth, or something lovely for your future home. Here you will find a wide colle*ction of the finest jewelry fior you to select from now—pay later. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SILVER PLATED FLATWARE (1847 Rogers, and Wm. Rogers) STERLING SILVER FLATWARE (By Gorham Tole, Watson and International) Fostoria Glassware • Haviland China Watch es—Hamilton, Longine, F.lgin, Llulova, Westfield and York Solitaire with two side di amonds in a white gold mounting.. $75.00 vrrist- 3? Ladies’ Stone Set Rings Men’s Stone Set Rings Wedding Rings . Diamond Engagement Rings $2 Silver .Service, while it lasts Four Salad Forks, special Costume Jewelry $7.75 up $12.50 up $5.00 up $15.00 up - $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 Five diamond engagement ring in genuine iridium $85.00 platinum *Ai e ffola- th a,\ gOl' Also Nice Line . . Beautiful Crosses Locket-Pendant Sets Locket-Bracelet Sets Billfold Sets Fine Line of Belts Belt Buckle Sets Beautiful Tie Sets Parker Fountain Pens Christmas Cards Cigarette Lighters Mantel Clocks Alarm Clocks Military Sets Dresser Sets Lovely Lockets Beautiful Pendants Electric Shavers Birthstone ring in natural color gold. Choice $7.75 Come in and see these and many other items appropriate for gifts or every^lay personal use, attractively priced. X- *.«• .SO eSt Carl YOUR JEWELER ■ • That’s all it will cost you to give beautiful jewelry, which will bring happiness to someone dear to you- Come in today, and open your account.

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