3 JOUyNAL-PATBIOT, NOR1 )BO. N. G. iridaydi^lMIirtsUpto^^a^^;^ Bvt Dame'Forti^ Lowers Bail Lilfc - * . \ x.*^v^v '■ -V . . . trAdltlonal Jinx day ■ho ,t^ alnflMO Woirt-.| SS'^r GW tift -Frl- ursy i: —produced a series •I miahaps that landed some vlc- IF:ns in Jail, some In ^he ditch, ■ome in the hospital, and even the country. , • Take the case of Morris Bren- del, a New York bakery route man. Brendel, whose f;rst and last names add up to 13 letters. was blamed for keeping one man "’*3 arrested on a 13-count 1 ai.i. — VinnriMaTia/l «at of the army- But the bad luck score was re duced by a streak of good for- tBue which struck in spots across ery indictment, wrhich happened to be the 13th handed up by the Queens county grand jury. Charged with altering 13 deliv ery Slips, he was put in cell 13. Brendel was arrested by Detec tive Groh—13 letters there, too. For that matter, Friday the 13th itself has 13 letters. (Head line writers beware!) On the good luck ledger was i Dorothy Guzrle, 22, who fell from a third-floor window In New York and was caught by a pedestrian, Joseph Miller. He ad mitted has was a little surprised to see a woman dropping on him from the sky. Both fell to the She was MOnCE OF SEKVICE OF SUM- HONS BY PUBLICATION Mary A. Baugruess, et als. vs. Mrs. Bessie Porter, Orville Porter, Mrs. Hessic Hoosier, Mrs. Stella IPnrter Bennett, John Porter, Jr., Charlie Porter, Lillie Porter, a Minor. The defendants above named; and. especially, the defendant BESSIE PORTER, will take notice fiat an action has been commenc ed before the Clerk of the Superior Coart of Wilkes County for the, . . , j porpose of dividing and partition-i uninjured, ng of a tract of land in Rock i taken to a hospital to be treated Creek Township, Wilkes County j for alcoholism and he went back between the petitioners and le-: to delivering beer qmdents; and, upon affidavit fil- e^an order has been signed di-i executed for murdering recting the defendant Bessie Por- . ' ^ . ,, . ter to appear and answer or demur eight-year-old -Mazie . t •o the petition filed within ten (10) i basement of a tavern, days from the completion of this; The Anti-Superstition Club of ■wvice, or the relief sought will be, wheeling. W. Va., ushered in the . , r, V. day by gathering at midnight in December,^ -haunted house.- where they ' C C HAYES I broke mirrors, petted black cats, *-2 4t-t Clerk Superior (:ourt and walked under ladders. None of the members reported serious I conseiiuences. , head, wvered and artary near the- iWain, and he .died. - The National Safety Chuneii at Chicago offered some suratesUons, for the bellev«a In the supersti tion. They ,wVre: . “Walk under a ladder hut don’t walk against traffic lights.] “Carry a rabbit’s foot. It you like, but depend on your own feet for safety. “Light three cigarettes^ on a match, but three drinks before driving are three too many. “Break a mirror, but don’t break traffic laws.” Only time will tell how lucky or unlucky Friday the 13th, 1940, was for Anthony, a two- day-old resident of New Haven, Conn. He was fonnd on the steps of Grace Hospital clinic, snugly wrapped In a blanket which bore this note: "Please take care of baby. His name Is Anthony. Will be back in two months and pay you for your services. Please baptize the baby, and God bless you.” In Chicago. Robert Schroeder. Nazis Stripped Of Arms, Jailed In Danish Riot! Gteta Ruble, good will mesienger from Mexico, who will tour the Doit ed States. She Is a direct descend ant of the last Inca ruler. OFHCE JOBS Secured by our Complete Business Course. Largest and best equipt school. Highly efficient teachers. Sapid student progress Low tuition rates. Girls work for part expenses. Write for informatio.i. Jones Business College IZS'/, W. Commerce St. 4 HIGH POINT, N. C. Accredited by A.A.C.C. Mrs. Carl Dwyer, of Wls.. said Friday the 1.3th wa.s a restful day after what happen ed to her on the 12th. She dis Copenhagen.—Several leaders of the Danish Nazis, stripped of their uniforms and weapons, were under arrest last night in the south Jutland town of Had- erslev after the worst rioting and anti-Nazi demonstrations Oneida, I [j,e German occupation of Denmark. From midnight uniil 4 a. m. On And On Let noble thoughts and a kind heart be a guide. Falter not from thy purpose, Live in the presence of this day For to-morrow never comes. Mil CaiiBniMr huplT'Inddutiyg u®?,'csmpMgu In.'^'^IStth which has reshlted in th*'fllnilDation of 140 undeslr- able beer outlets, will be pressed with increased vigor in 1941.’ The executive committee'of the Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors coinmittee, at its 'all meeting In Raleigh, mapped plans for the new year’s cam paign. Continuation of the ^ self regulation campaign, under the ■supervision ofc State Director Ed gar H. Bain of Goldsboro, was recently authorised by the United Brewers Industrial Foundation, the sponsoring organization. Organized 19 months ago, the committee has eliminated 140 ob jectionable outlets through revo cation, surrender and refusal of local authorities to re-llcense. Six dealers have been placed on probation, and 175 dealers warn ed to "clean up’’ or face "close up- action. ®q#^H«ve that »' fo will result ia ampifuwant ot 4,000,000 p«rs^ in this eohht 1I4L Um fite idveniaing cotumiu bla slier: ^ yo«r fhOPpiipiiEl Use the advertisimr columns of ,his paper as your snopping guide WE WANT USED RADIOS TO REPAIR Any make or condition quickly put in operation again, at low est cost, by an expert repair man who knows how! ! covered that burglars had ran- :acked her house. While she was (going to report the burglary, her I automobile broke down. She went !to the home of relatives and I hitched up a horse to tow her car. The horse fell dead. She walked home. When she returned for her car, the battery had been stolen. In New York, Leonard Bremen! appeared at an army induction i 13th I Explore the realm of thy Rentes. jWeed from the soul its vices— ^ For to know good and practise it, yesterday several thousand Danes 1 Is the beginning of all virtue, gathered outside the Haderslev jail, jeering about 350 of the May every man be a king Nazis being questioned by police.In the kingdom of his thoughts. TELEPHONE 75 Henderson Electric Co. Two Doors West of Reins- Sturdivant Cbri^as Sale World Famous Pianos Our Complete Stock of Spinets, Grands, Studios, and Used Pianos Reduced to the Lowest Prices for Our Chri.stmas Sale. Even the DUtinguished Baldwin, Acrosonic and Ppinet Piano*, are included in thia »ale. LIMITED NUMBER OF CERTAIN MODELS We Will Arrange Terms, if Desired. Reconditioned Used Pianos as low a* $35.00 GARWOOD PIANO CO. Wilkesboro, N. C. center, boasting that the „ was his lucky day. He was i violating a law prohibiting November 13, received many' good jobs on the .stage on the his after rioting in which 10 police men were among the injured. The demonstrating, uniform ed Nazis belonging to Fritz Claus en’s Danish national socialist party, were subdued by police, af- er tear gas bombs and fire hoses had been used against niem. and wore charged with attacking the police, disturbing the peace and the wearing of uniforms. .Most of the 350 Nazis were re- May nobles be, only where Noble deeds are found. Oh nature! Thou art the supreme creator Time Is Infinite on your hand; May life, like a brook Flow tirelessly on. kind 13th. and received his draft | gf,gp being stripped of I lue.stionnaire on November 13. “.\nd now I’m going Into the he army on Friday the 13th,” said. A tew minutes later he was re jected tor defective vision. Herbert Rees, 43. of Wood- bijidge, N. J., was a fatal victim |t h e i r paraphernalia including steel helmets and their uniforms, and only the leaders and most aggressive ones remained in jail last night. Let noble thoughts and a heart be a guide. Falter not from thy purpose. Live in the presence of this day For to-morrow never comes. —ALBERT MINTON. Air Corps Technical School Lowry Field Denver, Colorado. Reading toe ads. get voo mor ♦or less money. Try it Market supplies of hogs will be substantially smaller next year than in 1940, but supplies of cat tle may be larger, predicts -the U S Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE 1941 “HOT-WAVE” AUTO HEATERS ‘^Supreme'* Twin-Flow Soprvine Triple FUw. **!*■ •12* Healthful driving comfort in cold est blUiards. 4-way directional heat control. Modern, compact design. lx>nK“life construction. Safer WHEELTOVS Streamlineel, 12” TRIKE 16”inch P91J . ^ Others - _ an low Si 33 WAGON AlNstee). •2« "Pla-Mor" SCOOTER Only F«7 1^32 $515 And 01 Old Battery For Moll Popular Car$ S«25-26 't ^ W W • » —■—- FULL YEARS Full sIb«. £quaU or exceed* most standard equip ment bat teries. Give oTRUETgNE Rodio-The PerfectGift Luxurious 6-Tulie *^Ch€dlenger^* with outstandinif power and performance. American and forelirn reception. Rich, lovely cabinet. CORONET *1145 5 tube*. Brilliant. Modern. With walnut finish cabinet. D1015. Amba$$ador” $2Qt 7-tube. Push-but ton tuninfc D1014. . ■ -'4 OLReaUii Bi4 CMUtmOA- WtimmNFm SOQ45 M ■ B FgSlB ■■ MW F8S4R Four Choice of Bof’t or CM’* Model Speedy, Flashy. Streamllped dou ble-bar bikes. Famous^Weatern lifetime construction. OeLaxe EqtUpped Wmlem Flyere Box's or Girl's $28^5 FM*>FS53 Um Oar CoRVMiMit tay-Awag PlMi _ spoKrmepoK BASKJETBAlXe 02 *122 Official sise. Valve. IBlOe.. FOOTBALL Official. Valve type. JB177... BOXING ^VES 4-ox. size, Set of 4 $239 2B235 4-os. Set taiS 4. 2BtS7.., 9 4.1 Reguksct tasa 1B24S... ^ PUNCHING BAG mitalxeand fGtt weiffbCtBSlSr^ JH NOTICE By virtue of an Order of the Su perior Court of Wilkes County, iigncd by the Clerk thereof 9n the ith (lav of December 1940, in the case entitled, “C. A. Lowe Execu tor of the Last Will ami Testament of \V C. Watts and Lucendia Watts, and C. A. Lowe, indivi dually et al Mx-Partee”, who are the lx!gatees under the Last Will and Testament of/W. C. Watts and Lucendia Watts by reasim of be ing Heirs at law of Mrs. Minda Lowe, deceased, appointing the un dersigned Commissioner to sell the lands described in the Petition, and hereinafter described to make as- .eis with which to pay the debts of the deceased parties special Lega cies and for division among the Pe titioners KS Legatees under said Will, will on the 13th day of Jan. 1941, at one o’clock P. M. at the Courthouse Door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the lands described in the Petition, which are as follows: FIRST TRACT: Lying and be ing on the East side of State High ways 16 and 18, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stake on the East side of State Highway 16 and 18, and the North West cor ner of the Elus Gilreath lot, on which the said Elus Gilreath lived on the 17tH day of December 1899, and running East 16 poles to a stake, the Gilreath corner; thence South or near South ■with the Elus Gilreath line 15 poles to a post oak stump, in William Smithey’s line and EHus Gilreath’s corner; thence South 79 degrees East with said Smithey’s line 60 poles to a small black oak bush in the J. P. Gilreath line; thence North ■with the J. P. Gilreath line 53 poles to a stake; thence West 70 1-4 poles to a stake on State Highway 16 |c nd 18; thence a South course with 'the center line of State Highway 16 and 18, as now constructed and in use 25 1-2 poles to the point of beginning. Containing 19 1-6 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Lying and being on the West side of State Highway 16 and 18, and bounded as follows;' Beginning on a stone on the West margin of State High way 16 and 18, and running West 47 poles to a stone; thence South 16 2-3 poles to a stone; thence East 47 poles to a stone on State Highway 16 and 18; thence a North course, with the center line of State Highway 16 and 18, as now constructed and in use, 16 2-3 poles to the point of beginning. Containing 6 acres more or less. The above lands are located on the height of lands on Highway 16 and 18, on both sides of said High^way, one mile North of Mo- ravian Falls and 2 1-2 miles from ti« Courthouse in Wilkesboro, and ■will be sold in creels and as a whole, and the sale reported in the manner which constitutes the high- let Reddy Kilov^att prepare a perfect CHRISTMAS breakfast WITH ELECTRICAL GIFTS! UNIVERSAL EASY-TURN TOASTERS One of the most beautiful of all Turn-Easy Toasters. Attractive piercing on bread racks and top. Sides, bottom and top panelled. Chromium PI.ite. MIXAiASTER $C95 America’s favor!!? f'lod mixer. Has the "DIAL THE RECIPE" Mix- Finder that enables you to “tune in” the cot'ceet speed lor every mix ing need. Takes the tiring arm- work 01 cooking, baking, g tting meals off your hands. Complete with iuiter . COFFEEMASHR UNIVERSAL WAFFU MAKERS 4 he same delicious coffee every time —automatically—without watching. Clicks oft by itself when coffee is done, then resets itself to keep cof fee piping hot. All rich chromium. This new "Coronet” pattern, is built Close to the table for eas.er serving, yet table-top is always ”*■' indicator. Chromium coo.i Heat plated with “Platina" panel $6.96"$M6 :oo COMPANY es^rice for the entire lands. This 1940. 1-2 4t t the loi^ dsy of December, 309—9th StTBot Nor^ Wilkedbmpo, C. JAMES W. LOWE, ConunJadimer. iS;

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