TBK JOUBNAL-PA^ la&Tsm ■■■ ■:' >R6. N. LISTERS AND I ti II I^RENT MK KENT: N1c«l' «4(ht>rooai Ar«mng ten mile* out from North Wilkesboro on 421. See 0r write T. O. iWiuton, Cham- fi«a, N. C. 10-17-tt BATED and neatly furnished Ae4room; hot and cold water. Triephone 107. It nro APARTMENTS: Pour 100ms and five rooms; good lo- oitfon. Call at Teague’s Press- kg Club. 12-2-tf F0R SALE NOR 8AI1E: Intereedng values In lots suitable for home or busi ness. Why .not buy her a home for a Christmas gift? See Ab- sher Real Estate Co. It KIR S.ALE: Pair good mules; four and five years old; weight about 1800 pounds; ge 0 d workers. Reasonably yrfced. W. M. Eller, Congo. N. tt 12-19-2t fBK ti>e big assortment of Christ mas WretUhs and Christmas * now on sate at the City >^i»rt8t8. *11 .Main Street. Tele- llWDe 200. 11-21-tf. nt SALE: One new 6-ft. I^eon- ard Refrigerator. Sells for $145.00. Sacrifice for JIOO.OO aash. Buy it now and save »45 .00. Mark-Down Furniture Co. 11-21-tf NWO LARGE SIZE Used Uea- treitis, one used circulator, one OBBd wood range, one used adoctric range. Bargains for nub. or may be had' on easy Unn payment plan.—^Hender- noB Electric Co., Telnphone 75. 11-18-tf NOR S.4LE: One slightly ii.sed Dno-Therm Oil Heater. $89.00 u|t7it for $45.00; Oood as new. OlkrJk-Down Furniture Co. 11-21-tf NDB 8.ALE; One pair Belgian FlTHes, two years old, weight W9 pounds each; one Belgian FlUy. 3 years old. weight 1050; one team mares, weight 900 pounds each; one Yoke Oxen, itotrr years old, weight 1100 pounds each; one Yoke Oxen, 2:year,s old, weight 650 pounds aach: one springing heifer: two fat cows. Turner Nichols. Wilkesboro. Route 1. 12-16-tf MISCELAN^US URGE BROWN alligator |H>ck- etbook left in taxi in front of J. R. Hix's re.sidenro December tK, 194 0, containing money, lountain pen and other valu- iMes. Liberal reward for prompt return to Journal-Pa triot office. It-pd. JDCM): t;anva.s cover for truck. Owner may have same by de- aen'bing and paying tor ad. U. D. Hayes. North Wilke.sboro. N. L It-pd 14WT: Bulova watci« with metal baud. $5.00 reward for return to Grant Larnce. 209 Fifth ‘Jtxeet, North Wilkenboro. 12-23-2t-pd - V WItkes doanty o^fd "di|riediamiBsioners, which is'^iq^ ot. two RepuhlicaoB gotl Democrat, held Its second aeotiog j at the courthouse in WUkeeboro Monday. All three members were pres ent. The Republicans^ are M. F. Ahsher, only Incumbent and who U’as re-elected chairman, and Max Roster, who was appointed by Clerk of Court C. C. Hayes when C. E. Lenderman, Democrat who was elected In November, failed to qualify and resigned. V. T. Walsh, of Boomer, is the Demo cratic member. The board dl.scussed a number of county matters but took ac tion on only two. W. C. Beahears was appointed constable for Jobs Cabin township and F. J. McDuf fie, attorney, was employed to handle tax foreclosure suits. He will receive a fee of $2.50 for each 1938 tax foreclosure tax suit. EMPTY STOCKINGS FUNDS SOLICITED BY 4 WELFARE OFIV'CIALS (Continued From Page 1) many reque.sts for medicine from emergency cases but the depart ment has no emergency fund with which to buy medicine or to fill empty stockings. Public spirited citizens have an opportunity to contribute to the emergency fund and may re quest the welfare department for full information about any family or emergency case. Those who wish to contribute in time for their donations to he used to fill stockings which otherwise would be empty on Christmas morning are urged to act immediately. I (Cpattanwl Foster,' W. O. Barnett.'- • Ijlak ^ Dnla, John |0l' ^lilsteni W, E iloiton. ..Jobe Cabin No. I—W. A. Payn6, Ellie Woodie, Henry Be- sheare. Jobe Cabin No. 2—B. F. Whit tington, Grady Baker, W. D. Fos ter. Lewie Fork—Coy Eller, A. B. FaliyhUds, J. C. McNeill. Lovelace—Andrew Souther, Ed Johnson, -G. ,,0. Anderson. Moravian’ Falls—Edwin Joh- nlngs, Ed Pardue, Parks Bent ley. - ' Mulberry No. 1—O. O. Absher, J. P. Adams, W*. M. Absher. Mulberry No. 2—C. M. Elledge, W. V. Caudill, N. A. Wyatt. New Castle—C.. M. Wellborn, E. L. Martin, N. V. Pardue. North Wilkesboro—T. H. Set tle.—(Incomplete). Reddies River—Mrs. W. P. Bumgarner, Q. 0. Kilby, J. Coy Minton. Rock Creek—Ed O. Miller, Ell Sebastian, A. C. Yale. Somers—Henry Johnson, H. C. Somers, Boyd Lunsford. Stanton—R. D. Cooper, H. 0. Parsons. John G. Eller. ... Traphlll No. 1—Blaine Sparks', J. A. Holloway, W. Jolnes. Traphlll No. 2—H.. N.. Kenne dy. H. Y. Warren, J. Frank Johnson. Union—T. N. Royal, P. TS'. Dancy, W. H. Whittington. Walnut Grove No. 1—hewis E. Sparks. Sam Alexander, Barney McBride. Walnut Grove No. 2—Mrs, Jesse Johnson, Will Hule, A. A. Wyatt. Wilkesboro No. 1—J. F. Jor dan, Claude Kennedy. C. A. Lowe. Wilkesboro No. 2 — Arthur Forester, C. G. Glass. D. J. Brook shire. _ $acoMt^ Rliida Mdulf 4or«fat]^B$ Ajrc ^ In Wilkes County rrft i-. - 'J*. Officers of the f ■deral alcofcl tax unit on Wednesday made two snccessful still raids In Wilkes eonnty and arrested three men. . >;,,i An enormous illicit outfit was destroyed In'the Traphlll section of the ^eoanty, where Thornton BangueSs, Gny Billings and Davis Comhf arere arrested. In a hear ing before Commissioner J. W. Dula, Bauguess and Combs were placed under bond for appear ance at the May term of Federal court in Wilkesboro. Billings was transferred to Yadkinvllle, where he had formerly been placed un der probation. Another still was destroyed in Rock Creek township but no ar rests were made. At the big still in the Stony Ridge community ot Traphlll township the officers found a six horse power holler, 2,100 gallons mash, 900'gallons'spent mash, 65 gallons of' liquor and equipment to handle 4,000 gallons of mash. It was one of the biggest Illicit outfits ever found In the county. Officers In the raid were R. C., Reece. C. S. Felts. R. 'j. Russell, F.. D. Lumpkin, L. D. Fretz and William Rltzer. EVERYTHING IN FINE CHRISTMAS Attractively; Priced! Office Of County Agent To Be Closed ; 3 Diiys Neart Weekj Office of the county agent and ■ the county Triple A office will be closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week for a brief holiday vacation period. See us for your supply of Apples, Oranges, Tangerines, Bananas, Grapes, Lemons, Rais ins, etc. A complete stock awaits your selec tion here! ORDER EARLY! FRUITS NUTS CANDIES — In — i Any Quantity Respon'-lbility I have a clean, soft bed on which to sleep I have a table set with gracious things. How can. I pray the Lord “my soul to keep,’’ How can my heart lift up on joyous wings ■ While there are those about me in the night W'ho toss on filthy rag.s and cannot rest. Who have no food, no raiment, and no light? How can I sleep unless I do my best 'R» Jfcg^and comfort them, and can I Be deemed a follower of the Christ until I heed humanity’s unbroken cry And move to fe'd llie hungry, heal the ill? God help me keep rememl)ering— help me to see How great is my responsibility. —GRACE NOLL CROWELL Cooperative orders for fruit and nut trees are resulting in substantial savings for Edge combe county farm families, says P. H. Jameson, assistant farm agent of the State College Exten sion Service. H. G. MINTON IS CLAIMED BY DEATH (Continued From Page '' 'e . big in stature and with a big heart and genial manner he had won the friendship of many In a wide circle of acquaintances. For the past few years he had been employed as a WPA fore man in his home community. Mr. Minton had held many po sitions of trust during his active career. He was a former member of the county board of education, served for several years on the Ferguson school committee, was a justice of the peace over a long period, was ■ a prohibition officer during the administration of President Wilson, was a form er member of the Wilkes county board of elections, a member ot the Wilkas county Democratic executive committee and precinct party chairman for many years. One son, W. V. Minton, is the only surviving member of his im mediate family. Funeral service was held this morning, eleven o’clock at Fer guson. in hte presence of a large crowd. There are approximately 90,- 000 hospital beds for the tuber culous in this country. Authori ties say that at least 60,000 more beds, distributed according to state needs, are necessary to check the spread of T.B. N. C. S. E. S. Office Holidays 3 Days; North Wilkesboro branchy of the state employment service 'and j Unemployment Compens a 11 o n | Commission will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesda.v of next week for Christmas holi days. Claimants supposed to re port on those days are asked to report on Thursday next week. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, ar thritis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound to day. Mix it with a quart of water, add the jhice of 4 lemons. It’s easy. Pleasant and no trouble at all. You need only 2 table-spoonsfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes overnight — splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by j your druggist under an absolute ’ money-back guanantee. Ru-E!x; j Compound is for sale dnd recom mended by Horton’s Drug Store. AUTO RADIOS WATER HEATER DUAL HORNS AUTO MIRRORS SPARK PLUGS TIRE CHAINS GRILL GUARDS Fresh Meats And Oysters Fine Line Staple and Fancy Groceries Young Fryers and Nice, Fat Hens For You Call, or telephone us your needs in groceries, vegetables, fruits and nuts. We deliver anywhere in the Wilkesboros, and offer you a com plete line of quality products at very, very low prices. Plenty of fruit cake ingredients at attractive prices. ’Phone your order now! C. E. LENDERMAN TELEPHONE 16 WILKESBORO, N. C. Ads. get attention—and resnltal The Sensible Gift Hardware Gifta Make Lasting Memories —AL.ARM CLOCKS —POCKET WATCHES —KNIVES and FORKS —DISHES —ALUMINUM WARE —BNAMELWARB —TINWARE —MILK CHURN —AIR RIFLES —22 RIFLES —SHOT GUNS —SHELLS —PERCULATORS —IRONS —POLISHING MOPS —PLAY WACH>NS ‘—TRICYCLES —WALKER ALUMINUM FRY PANS —THICKEN FRYERS —OIL LAMPS —TOY WHEELBORROW - A FEW DOLLS —FLASH LIGHTS —FOCKET KNIVES Coata Nothing to Look; TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES Give Something For the Car and You Give Year-Long Enjoyment to the Family And Practical Gifts For the Grown-Ups You “last-days” shoppers will find a delight in making selections here where there are gifts for every age and savings for every purchaser. H there's anything yet to be supplied on your gift list, pay us a visit and get what you want SAVti MONEY! Complete Line of Groceries AND MEATS A tempting Une of staple and fancy groceries and meats for every need during the holidays. TRY OyR PRICES! ♦ * STILL MORE VALUES! 1937 Ford IV^-ton Truck $245 1939 Ford V2"ton Pickup $445 1936 Dodge Sedan $295 1938 Ford Tudor $395 1932 Buick Sedan $69 1938 Chevrolet Sport Sedan $465 1935 Ford Coach ^185 ^ 1939 Chevrolet 1^2-ton Truck $545 1934 Dodge 4-Door Sedan $145 1936 Chevrolet 1 V2’ton Truck $185 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe $95 1929 Ford Coach $29 1933 Chevrolet Coupe $135 1937 Ford Coach $335 1929 Chevrolet Coach $35 Easiest Of Terms! And a Most Liberal Allowance For What You’re Driving L. .lOdi Stavet . , North JWi