• I’*..- Ro^yelt Gek Hurd Term! —By Electoral l^ots Monday Waahinifton. Dec. 16.-Thefor the President, then ex- elector.1 college today , "I?*"®'* “ .?Th^v President Roosevelt a third term I ® » ^ ent the 19 —a routine bit of business at- »t again and Wlllkle got the 19 X/ ' tended, however, by some con fusion and misspelling of candi dates’ names. The electors met In the vari ous state capitals and, guided by j custom and the votes of 49,818|-j 995 citizens, cast 449 ballots for j Franklin D. Roosevelt and 82 for Wendell L. Wlllkle. I The official canvass of the popular vote on November B was completed today by the last two states—Rhode Island and Ne braska—and the resultant na tional gave Roosevelt 27.245,422 and Wlllkle 22,332,801. Forget to Take Oath Some electors in today’s ballot ing failed to show up and sub stitutes had to be hustled in at the last moment. Colorado’s six electors cast their ballots, went to lunch, then remembered none had taken the oath. (Officials ruled they could swear in later.) The 23 electors of Texas, cast ing their votes for Mr. Roosevelt, adopted a resolution declaring the electoral system obsolete and urging Congress to initiate a con- stitutionai amendment abolishing ballots. In Missouri a substitute voted "or one elector who withdrew in protest against a third term after the President was renominated. Letters To Santa c. it. Mr. Roosevelt almost received one of Michigan’s 19 votes, which went to Mr. Willkie. An elector • wmuMS MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE SS4-J T. H. Williams. Owner Oldsmobile Sales-Service Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing Wreekw Service—Electric and Acetylene WeMfaif USED PARTS—For aO mkea models of can and tnichs Reddies River, N Dear Santa: I am a little girl eight years old. I go to school every day. I am in the 4th grade. Don’t you think I am doing fine. Santa? I want you to please bring me some candy, nuts, and oranges. And please Santa, bring me a coloring hook and a box of cray- (ins. I have a little sister six years old. She is in the first grade. She wants you to bring her a Blue Horse Note Book. Thank you in advance dear Santa, for anything you may bring us. Your little friends. RUBY NELl. AND ROSA LEE VANNOY. Laurel Springs. N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl twelve years old. I go to school every day. I am in the fifth grade. I want you to please bring me a story book, a box of crayons, candy, nuts, raisins, bananas and oranges. Don’t forget my little friends. Lots of love, MAE KEY. Wllkesboro, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old, will be five in January. We have moved in our new house in Wll kesboro. I hope you can find us. I have the prettiest Christmas tree I haye ever had. I want you From Now Until Christmas Eve., December 24 North Wilkesboro Stores Will Be Open to 9p.m. Director Hoover Turns In 3,000-Word Report On Labor Leader, Party ’ Miami Beach, Fla., Dec. 16.—, A 3,000-word report declaring that Harry Bridges, west coast labor leader. Is a Communist and that the Communist party advo cates the overthrow of the United States government has been sub mitted to the attorney general, P. B. I. Director J. Edgar Hoover said here today. Hoover declined to divulge the exact nature of the "factual evi dence’’ about communism he said the report contained, and he would not predict what action would be taken in Bridges’ case. Bridges, head of the C. I. O. long-shoremen’s unions on the Pacific coast, has been the center of a controversy in and out of Congress for many montha and the status of hia citizenship hu been Investigated hr the labor and Justice departments. Authority Limited Hoover said the federal bureau of investigation had no authority to order Bridges’ deportation. Neither can It arrest any person for merely holding membership in the Communist party, he ex plained, adding that only Con gress can outlaw any group. "We are an investigating agen cy and all we can do Is Investi gate and report," Hoover con tinued. The attorney general probably will call public hearings on the report, Hoover predicted. The F. B. I. is checking on 16,- 000 reports of fifth column ac tivity, Hoover reported, and the G-men have assembled a “defense index” of 6,000 names of "poten tial enemies of the nation.’’ The direction. Union GroveNei4 »• . Mr. and Mrs. Norman _Het of SutesvI'le, spent the weeL^^ with Mrs. Helntz’a parenU, and Mrs. W. J. Lunsforde. . Mr. Walter Wright, of Cy^ spent Saturday night with h1| parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ij, j Wright. The fighters of tubercnlosift are up against great odds becauMI science has not yet found a wM to destroy the tuberculosis gems, Christmas Seal funds finance medical research. is three years old. We want yon I to please bring us a big doll with brown eyes, a little cook stove to bring me some crayons, some | paint books, some ABC blocks, a nair of red boots and plenty of , oranges apples candy and nuts. | and a tea set. Bring us some I am very good. I help mother ^ candy, oranges and nuts. Bring work and keep our new house'us anything else ‘°’ clean. Daddy is going to build me j Please remember our little broth- areal house to play in next sum- er. Robert. He Is a good little a real nouse lo , / something and "'Don’t forget brother. He is 14 bring "“i; years old hut he is still a baby ly. something too. We will be too. He wants you to bring him a good children. can- knife and plenty of oranges dy and nuts. Hope you will come real soon, HAZEL DEAN AND ARNOLD JARVIS. Lots of love, JANIE MAE PIPES. C. Traphill, N. My dear Santa Olaus: I am a little girl. Will he five year old in January. I have a little slater named Pauline. She Si special i CHRISTMAS I SALE “Lart-Day" Gift Suggestions Designed For HAYS, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy three and half years old. I’m very smart for my age. I want you to bring me a large wrecker and a few other little toys, candy, apples oranges and nuts. Please bring my _lUjJe brother u little wagon, some' ca'ndy, or anges and apples. His name is Tommie. Your little friend. JOE MYERS. N. C. — of If you've waited late to make your selections, don’t let it worry you, for we have a beautiful collection of just the things “she” would most appreciate. Ladies’ Coats, Coat Suits, Dresses and Hats You still have four days in which to come in and go through our complete Christmas stocks, and you’ll find it in- terest.ng and satisfactory to do so—today. Lovely Gifts for Lovely Lady Hays Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy nearly six years old. Start to school next year. Very anxious to go. I am a very good little boy. I help my mother a lot, carry in wood, wat er and care for ray little broth er. I want you to bring me a large fire truck, a blackboard, candy, oranges, apples and nuts. Please don’t forget any little boys and girls. Your little friend, BILLIE MYERS. GRANULATED or BROWN Si^ar, lb 4*/2C CONFECTIONERS Sugar, 2 lbs 15c SHREDDED Cocoanut, lb 19c SEEDLESS Raisins, 15 oz* pkg... 10c SWANSDOWN Cake Flour, pkg,.... 25c Jell-0,3 pkgs (btinge Slices, lb.... 10c Christmas Mix, lb... 10c ASSORTED Gum Drops, lb. 10c 10 c Many Other Variety of Seai- K>nable Candy. Ih. CRYSTALIZED Creams, lb 15c DELICIOUS Bon Bons, lb 15c 17c 9 oz. pkg. NONE SUCH Mince Meat, 2 for ... 25c Reductions If there’s a lady on your gift list, surely you will find the answer to your gift problem when you view our big collection of every dajf necessities, and many, many special items for Christmas giiang, all priced so low you 11 find it ecdnomical indeed to make many pur chases for a very small sum. A beautiful assortment of Coats and Dresses priced very remarkably low. Gift purchases Christmas wrapped without cost, if desired. on all Winter Coats Coat Suits y2-Price 25% Off On All WOOLEN and VELVETEEN \> Hays, N. C. Dear Santa: I am a little boy seven years old and go to school every day. 1 want you to bring me a watch, tractor and big wagon and have a liltle sister four years old. She wants a big doll and rocking chair, so please, dear Santa, don t be late. J, I). AND ALMA LOWE. Fruit Cake Ingredients 1 1 o?. can OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce... 15c FIG or PLUMB Pudding, 41/2 oz, can 17c Stick Candy, 2 lb. box 20c CHOCOLATE Cherries, 1 lb. box . .20c NUTS AND FRUITS Chocolates, lb. box . ,23c ASSORTED Chocolates, 5 Ib. box 97c Nice Grapes, 2 lbs... 15c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CAKES 4 Large or 8 Small Cans Pet MiUc 28c _ Laurel Fork News ^ Of The Past Week Chocolate Drops, lb. 10c A FULL LINE OF EXTRACTS AND SPICES I DRESSES — Gift Suggestions — ONE LOT DRESSES AT HALF PRICE. All $4.98 and $3.98 HATS LADIES’ COA’TS LADIES DRESSES LADIES’ HATS WARM ROBES EVENING JACKETS CREPE-SATIN GOWNS GLOVES and BAGS COSTUME JEWELRY LADIES’ HOSIERY GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS BATH TOWEL SETS ADORABLE SCARFS BEDROOM SLIPPERS Rev. W. W. Blackburn, of Grumpier, filled his regular ap pointment at the Union Chapel church Saturday. Mr. Sanford Ltne recently moved in the tenant house- be longing to Henry Perry, near McGrady. Mr. Pink Fry and family, of Hickory, visited Mr. and Mrs. Os car Long, last Friday. Mr. Odell Key. visited Mr. L. B. Holbrook, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Arlle Welch vis ited Mrs. Welch’s mother, Mrs. (Myrtle Taylor, Sunday. Mr. Fred Johnson took his father, Mr. Ern Johnson, to a doctor in West Jefferson. Satur day. Mr. Johnson was very 111, but his condition seems to be better now. LARGE VARIETY FRUIT CAKES Ri.h Flavor Coffee, 2 lbs. 25c Master Blend Coffee, lb. 15c R^uced for quick selling to $2-95 — Each Jean’s Dress Sbop B” Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. , ^ Schools At Sylva Closed By Measles Sylva, Dec. 16.—Due to an epidemic of measles that caused more than 200 absentees on Mon day, A. C. Moses, Jackson county superintendent of schools, order ed the high , and elementary schools here closed. The schools ^ were originally scheduled to close for the Christ mas holidays next Friday,-' Royal Flavor Coffee, lb. 17c ★ Ground As You Want It Save Several Cents on Each Pound -NUTS- Brazil Nuts, Ib. 12He Engl’sh Walnuts, pound .... 19c to 23c Mixed Nuts, lb 19c Soft Shell Pecans Ib 17c Salted P-Nuts, ilb 10c Large Cocoanuts, 2 for 15c Good Juicy Oranges 10c to 19c doz. Tangerines, doz. 10c up Bananas, lb 5c Nice Size Grape Fruit, 3 for 10c Good Apples, ,90/- n-n 4 MEATS Round Steak, lb. 25c Bologna, lb. 12^4® Breakfast Bacon, lb. 25c MEATS Beef Stew, lb. 10c Picnic Hams, lb. Pork Sausage, lb. 15c Oysters, Selects, quart 0 ||^.STORE& 920 B STREET MAIQKET NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C •ik Mb-