COMMON LDS ' C0U6HS DUE TO COiM ra bottle. Ueeib U not eotirelj eat* m-mimm»y frtmpitiT rebimled. ® = ICE ONLY 25c tinf twPff ' pelitei*;'«WjNe:V»M" he*;^,^ aAd ncA^. BBd»nliH nor ModemiiB tbetn.^ PlenM Tit M bri«f M posslMo. m ^St iduWAL4MtWtfer. KOI )AT. ^Midtot^en; WUl Meet ^ WiO*ton>S«Iem on Sat- urday, January 11 :XnBp^in^ Appreciates Ekiitorial Editor The Journal-Patriot: ^ I wish to express my appreci ation of your beautlfi’J front page editorial on Christmas—what it means to' us, and could mean to all people. I hope It will be read and meditated hy many. I clipped It for my scrap book. MRS. \V. A. JENNINGS, Pores Knob, N. C. Wilkes Pair Held On Liquor Charge Rates: Ic A Word (Each Inaertton) OONIMUM CHARGE Me) FOR RENT .Wf .AP.ART.MENT, four rooms and bath, hardwood floors, priiate entrance, in Wilkesboro J-Z block from poslofflce. Mrs. W. M. DeBerry, North Wllkas- hwn. Phono 385-J, It MDR RENT: New, modem and aery convenient four-room a- lartment. Bepecially suitable a»r young or old couple. Call 42tf or 409. l-6-4t-pd. t> .AP.4RTMENT8: Four rooms and five rooms: good lo cation. Call at Teague’s Press ing Club. Statesville. — Sam Seagraves. 27, and Woodrow Richardson, 22. both of Wilkes county, were apprehended in North Iredell on Wednesday night after their liquor-laden car was wrecked. Deputie.s Sheriff Reid. Daniels, and Hayes were chasing the Wilke.^ car on a soil road when the rumrunners failed to nego- - - tiate a curve and their car wa.s , on the operation of the , j ... • til Tv A *\v n /I A T rt ■ I overturned. The cargo contained 80 galloms of liquor. The booze car was badly wrecked, but the men escaped injury. Milk Fund Dance Thursday Night RENT: Nice eight-room dwelling ten miles out from Rorth Wilkesboro on 421. See »r write T. 0. Minton. Cham- plOB. N. C. 10-17-tf North VV'ilke.sboro Dokies Club will sponsor another milk fund dance to be held at the L,egion and Auxiliary clubhouse on Thursday night, January 9. eight o'clock. The Arizona Ranch Hands, 12-2-tf [ pjjpyjm. pjitijo and stage band and comedian.s, will furnish the music and a delightful period of enter tainment is assured. Profits will be used in finaiic Arrangements are complete for the annua! stockholders' meeting of the Winston-Salem Production Credit Aasoclatlon, which will be In the Forsyth County Court house at Winston-Salem on Sat urday morning January 11. at ten o’clock, according to Paul J.. ■Vestal, president of the associ ation. who said yesterday that a >-ecord-breaklng attendance of members is expected. This will be‘ the sixth annual meeting of this farmers’ coopera tive short-term credit organiza tion. which makes short-term loan.5 for agricultural and live stock purposes to farmers of Al leghany, Ashe. Caldwell, David son, Forsyth. Stokes, Surry, Wa tauga. Wilkes and Yadkin coun ties. The association now has ap proximately 1100 members and Mr. Vestal said it was hoped that every member would attend the annual meeting. Complete and detailed reports associa tion will be made to the stock- holder.s, Mr. Vestal said. “This being a cooperative organization, said Mr. Vestal, “we feel that the members are entitled to know everything about its operations and we hope that every member will feel it a duty to be present at this meeting. “A representative of the Pro duction Credit Corporation of Co lumbia will make an address at NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County • IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Vetra Arowood vs. Cecil Arowood ’The defendant Cecil Apwood will take notice that an action en titled as above has been FOR SALE nueu as ai/uvc ---- - * . 'ed in the superior court of vyilkes ing the milk fiiiid for t bounty. North Carolina, to wit: an th» niitritinn action for divorccj and the said de-i fendiint will further take notice Hajiine Hatemniya (right) Japan’s special tavoy to French lnd»- Qiina, In. conpany of Fren^ of&clals, and Boknro Siunkl (left), Jap consnl-genetal at Mndi, Inspecting an Indo-Chinese guard of honor, upon his arrival at Haifdiong. Matsomlya was appointed to this diplomatic post in the Freacll(ipt|^ shortly iafter the Vichy government cspitnlated. ■ V w -'v- . ' - ... ' «ccI4(U)tg In ^Lt&ls Isactipn^ Ibn |jiict^^bat> rained-iay m»Bh a- mpng friends was reported. services for’ Edwh^t Falrchliiis, ifVRoanoke. 'ya,.'weri?*‘ 'held,at Yetlpilr,Rill church Sun-- day afteroooui’ at 2:90 p. m. He was the youngest son of Mr. Com 'Fairchild#,’'of Congo, and Mrs. j Ina Falhchilds, of Roanoke, Va. I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Keys and i daughter, Rosella, of Roanoke, Va., spent Saturday night with Mrs. Keys’ father, Mr. H. L. Be- shears. ' Mrs. Arnold Keys, who is a patient in the Baptist hospital at Winston-Salem, fs getting along fine, her friends will be glad to ^'liiifi' \i iji T S.V0W- , , L,’' AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR ANY EMERGENCY the close of the business session. Hardy, vice president; and L. E. Appropriate prizes will be award- Francis, secretary-treasurer. Di ed. A number of new features will be introdub^ Into the pro gram this year.” Officers of tbd'association ere: Paul J. Vestal, president: W. H. rectors In addition to the presi dent and the vice president are N. C. Speas, E. S. Welborn, and C. E. Hartman. Ads. get attention—end resnlti. Reins-Sturdiyfliit 'r. YEARS CF EXPERIENCE MARLOW’S MEN’S SHOP Portage Shoes — Englishtown Suits leged children in the nutrition classes of the city school. 3B\r CROP good quaJity fettl earn, seventy cents per hushel ii ten bushel lots here. Harold C: Brinn, Creswell, N. C. It-pd Juniors To Install that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county in the coiirt-, nffiV#»rs Tllt»*dav house in Wilkesboro. N. C.. within • rncers i uesaay ^j^r the 3ist day of 1941, and answer or de- . I ■■ ■ ■ ■ WlR MUE: Collie pai*», from a wefl-trained bitch, at Sanford Farm.—S. S. Prevette, ;naii- Union Grove. N. C. l-9-2t 8AL.E OR ..TB-Aim: 10« acres land, orchard, good house xcd outbuildings. Also 1 horse See Martin R. Spears. Parson- ■fille. N. C. l-9-2t-pd imrSALR: aO-horseiKiwiT Prick Steam Engine, high pre-isure. 18 nooif condition. J. L. White. SAon Grove. N. C. l-6-13-2t-pd.(M) North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Older will install of- ficer.s on Tuesday night. January 7:.10 o’clock, according to an announcemeiil here today. Other features are planned for the meeting and attendance of every member is desired. The newly elected officers are headed by R. B. Church as coun cilor and T. II. Waller as vice councilor. Funeral Is Held For York Hayes January, .—. - ., _ mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 80th day of Dec. 1940. C. C. HAYEIS. Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, N. C. l-20-4t (m) 3DB 8ALiE at a bargain: General Stectric cooking range, slight ly'used, half price. Can’t use xt present location. See. phone or Write Ralph E. Miller, Hays. rC-C. Telephone 21-F-40. , l-9-2t-pd JBOO ORDER on Chrj'sler or J250 on Plymouth. Big sacrifice Ibr quick sale. A. K. Pearson, Jr- Phone 281-M. l-2-2t-pd York Hayes, one of the most prominent citizens of the south eastern part of Wilkes county, deid at his home Saturday and funeral service was held Sunday at Hunting Creek church with Rev Pervis Parks in charge. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Rhodie Souther Haye.s. two sons, Fred, of I.ovelace township, Grov er. of Ferguson, and one daugh ter, .Mrs. Idtiiii A. Hendren, of Lovelace. TOR SALE: One )««ir Belgian HiUies. two years old_. weight 80V: sounds each; one Belgian R. A.’s In Meeting owTT WUU.1U3 ccw. „...^ David Livingston Chapter years old,’weight 1050; lof Royal Ambassadors held their mre 'feam mares, weight 900 Christmas meeting on Saturday \p«»nds each; one Yoke Oxen, firtif'jears old, weight 1100, pounds each; one Yoke Oxen, t years old, weight 050 pounds NCyriCE OF SALE OF REAL F,STATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. By virtue of a Judgment and order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, signed by the Clerk thereof, on the 11th day of December, 1940, in the case entitl ed “Almcdia Gaither, Administra- tiix of Mary Mahaffey, decea.s^, vs Lee Mahaffey, Josie St. John Davis, Elulah Roberts, Geneva Cass and Beulah Ladd; Rossic Gregory, Flossie Coleman, Heirs at Law of Lonnie Mahaffey, deceased; and Bob Mahaffey, Hal Mahaffey and Chattie Harris, Minor children of Lonnie Mahaffey, deccas^, ap- pc&i’in^ by th^ir Guardian ad Litem, J. M. Blackburn,” appoint ing the undersigned commissioner to sell the lands described in the petition, and herinafter described, to make assets to pay debts of the deceased party, and to otherwse be administered by the Adminis tratrix as provided by law, we will MONDAY, the 20th day of on I ^ niicht before Chrintmas at the Januarv. 1941. at two o clwk, F. iM at the courthouse door m home of Edwin Chipman. Wilkesboro, N. C„ offer for sale to After the regular program the highest bidder, for cash, the enjoyed a of nescribeti in the petition, group enjoyert a oi nescribeti in the one springing kelfer; (Chr^tmas carols led by Mrs. '''hich |re a^ follows: tWtr £ht cows. Turner Nichols, F. Kilby. FIRSl IKAG . •- S . WflJtVaboro, Route 1. 12-t6-tf rnder the Christinas tree were ing in the county of Wilkes, State . . • , Thin of North Carolina, on the waters found present.s for Edwin C p Hunting Creek and bounded as man whose !)irthday occured on • ^ BIREE PAIRS two year old „„„ ^-hose birthday occured on BEClfNNmG on a Boltvi; also six head horses U>ri(|i,y and for Mike Quinn, » chestnut that is now down, and niemlier of the group who was \yhite oak in Charlie Johnson’s old leaving to make his home in line; thence South 76 poles to a Tennessee |p>"e on a ridge; thence continuing », .1.. ^ Mrs. .1. G. Chipnian served delic- house place; thence Mod mules and 40 head cattle «f all kinds for sale or- trade. See or write C. C. Hayes, Wil kesboro. l-2-2t-pd WANTED WANTED; To buy u.sed bex^ gems, factory made and in good condition. Write price, etc.. In first letter. M. E. Woodruff. Parsonville, N. C. l-9-2t-pd. ioii.s refreshments suggestive the season. of •ANTED: Hickory I/Og:^ cut in multiples of twenty-nine inch es. Hickory Fibre Company, Sawmills. N. C. l-16-6t •E NEED PXHTr serious-mind ed, hard-working salesmen with clean past records for eombinatlon Inside and outside experience, but can use arabi- llons men regardless pf^expey- iltnce—permanent cO'ijnectlon, -efth a real chance for'advanca- erent. Apply to Mr. Moore, •ontgomery W’ard & Gotnpfl-tty, Hickory, N. C.. Monday through Fiiday, ketween 9 a. m. and 5 yf nr. l-2-2t Safety School For East with James Rash’s line to a stake in Elizabeth Chambers’ line; thence North 125 poles to Eliza beth Chambers’ line to a stake; ^ thence West to the beginning, con- The Truck Drivers Raleigh.—Two safety schools I^ chestnut and white oak in for truck operators, one at State Richard IValker’s line: thence College Jan. 22 and the other at West with said Walker’s line 39 Catawba College in .S.lmbury Ja-jPog "j/^2'’jarvTs’ old line; 29, have been arranged by 35 ^loles to a stake in State College Extension Division | g ^evi Rash’s line; then North in cooperation with the North jgQ poles to the BEGINNING r'amiiri!! Truck Owners Associ- cnni-niniiTe- 35 acres, more or less. MISCELANEOUS WASTE TIME looking for m - jiiDr Bo.' independent,.. Sell fBtwJefgS Pceducts,- Good near- route- o^. Write today, it'ki'Dept. NCA-1^4-D. '-Ta. ■It’SljL Carolina Truck Owners Associ ation. Extension Director Edward W. Ruggles announced today. Also cooperating Is State Col lege’s Department of Highway Engineering, headed by Prof. Harry Tucker, nationally known authority on highway safety, i' Identical programs will be con ducted at the two schools. Direc tor Ruggles .stated. Heretofore, one period of Instruction for truck drivers has been given an nually at State College. The dou ble program was i^quested this year by the Association to make; the school equally available to operators in all sections of the State,, thus permitting them -to attend with a minimum time from their work. containing 35 acres, more or less. This the 16th day of December, 1940. A. H. CASEY, JOHN R. JONES, l-6-4t (m) Commissioners Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOB— Office 'ft^nk-Stui xt Door To (tavuit, lae. ^Tplephahili t MORRISON GUARANTEED LIFETME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEf Absolutely Free Y... «ir iK-t’a exactly what we moan! Wo have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising r^e^Lnt llth “he which enable, u. to GIVE AWAY the famous Morri«>n Ltfetnne Ser- vice Pens for a limited time* There are no “strings” to Ihu offer—no puzzles to solve ••bs^ip^til to go out and sclL -no numbers to draw—no contest to win— ■'rX, A ll vMi J A A„. ..uj..:- M,Ai-nf~»hese beautiful and useful gifts is to come into our office, pay a morrison'pen «ni b, h.nd«i .o wi.b compliments. iCET n NOWt »O0OOOM The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand'turned and buffed to a lustrous finish that never fades ,»,**• It has Micromatic Balance * * * • A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point • To suit your own individual uniting . . PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer And it comes to you with an unqualified guarantee of Lifetime Service #ioin# Mile Better Get Your Pen Now Before This Offer Goes Out. Mail Coupon Below! The MOTTUon is sold in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the large metropolitan centers. It comes in both men's and women’s stybs in your choice of pomts. Yoa Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read aid write has need for a foun tain pen and who does not like to own the best? You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time you show it to a friend! MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come Tc> The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find t for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to The Journal-Patriot. I enclose cents postage for which please send .(Wo- my Morrison pen in (Men’s) or— men’s) style, to me to NAME - CITY and STATE STREET Subscription Riate in State, $1.50; Out of State, $2.00 ■Patriot WILKES COUNTY^ ONLY SEMIWEKLY NEWSPAPER |4 . .a' -.. .