;,Ohr«r 200 In Ri . ^»rwu Alexai^ria .sv%^_^ Oiijro.—B»tw«en.200 and 300 penons -wera killed Saturday Blgfat when axis bomibers pound- €k1 the Great British naval base at Alexandria in the second all- night raid there within four days, it was eeUmrted today. ‘ Extensive damage was added to that ddne when raiders attacked the. city last Wednesday night. More than 100 persons were kill ed in that raid, an official an nouncement said. ■ Another aerial thrust at the home of the British Mediterran ean fleet occurred Sunday after noon. but there were few details available here as to its extent. A giant three-motored Italian hea vy bomber was interceipted over the city during the attack and shot down by British fighter planes. It crashed near .\game. 31 Stores Importwt Meeting of Wheat Handlers Here Weiiesday Freed All Threahera, Combine Owners, MiHera and Buy ers Wheat To Attend Turks* Policy To Be NeutralToward Syria Ankara, Turkey.—The Turkish | government will observe a hands off policy towards iiivtded Syria, taking only such action as is nec essary to defend its own national frontiers, the British embassy was reliably informed yesterday. The Turks, with the Germans already installed on their Buro- pean frontiers and dominating ^ A meeting described as being of great importance to wheat millers, threshers, combine own ers. and all others who buy. liar- ter or sell w’heat will be held at the city hall in North Wilkesboro on Wednesday. June 11. ten a. m. Bawrence Miller, secretary of the Wilkes Triple A. announced the meeting and said that it will be for the purpose of informing wheat handlers about Important phases of the v/heat control .plan voted in the referendum last Sat urday. Samples of records to be kept by millers and wheat buy ers and threshers will be gi»"' poan irouLieis — . era aiiu imco.ic.a — the entrance to the Dardanelles, | and it will be explained that were said in informed quarters to I tt,ngg who do not conform to the view the allied drive into the [ j^w will be subject to fines up to French territory to the south with ^ jsqo and that buyers will be re- conslderable satisfaction. sponsible for the wheat penalty President Ismet Inonu was on|nf 49 cents per cent bushel, the Syrian border inspecting Ttir-1 following article about the kish defense arrangements I subject as ,=ent out from Raleigh the long-rumored British - ^tee , additional information. French invasion actually materi- j^g^g jg information of impor- alized. tance to any person who buys. 4. British military source said 1 sels or handles wheAt this year German penetration of S)-ria with j under the -AAA’s first national force detachments and the ad-1 marketing control program for vance nucleus of an army expe-1 wheat, dltion had endangered the entire | ^ y. Floyd, AAA executive of- balance of power in the .Middle t State College, advising East. Ithat any combiner, processi ’ or "grower of wheat should approach Drive Directed Towards Beirut And^DajBBfcicns 1/ his country .AAA office for admin istrative details of the marketing quota program immediately today jfttfercd thi8.ouGia«.‘^ia^is= Tbe non-allotment- farmer who .. . - hars'ests wheat in exces-s of his British Middle East Headquart. ' -g^gagg and the allotment er^. Cairo.-Brltish and ’’Free in exccvs of f French’’ forces paced by acreage must “clear” can - made Tomahawk 1 with .AAA authorities planes last night were pg„aUy of driving swiftly toward the cities , ,.enls a tnishel on excess wheat , of Beirut and Dama.scn.s after a providing satisfactory re- lightning. pre-dawn invasion "f „revage from trade ■ French Syria ami I-ebanon. gf„re lliey may re- Determined to drive n,grketing cards, l ule-s the mans out of syna and sma.-h ,■ ,„g,. (.an show his marketing left cla w of an axis pincers the buyer or toward llo- Suez ralKil. .be a d.^^^ ^British seized .be iiunat.ie iroin .red is subject to pen- Adolf Hitler tor the liist time ami | plunged into epeii war with Brtl- a prod.tcer of wheal ,te-s beaten ally oi onl.i a >i. marketing card will ^^:;:be British atid tbeir ”Kree Jli'- --rn French ” allies belieied ' ' ,• ^ .Attorney French resisicu-e might l-e hr.et , .e ^ ' e„urt if the ■>- French territories to be tie. Uane.-b^ prmlucev shows a niar- and independent sta is. ',.^,1,,., card however, the buyer 'Ca ‘ air iX mill ,0 I or combiner will know that the nrrr;.ur a.^ releasing wheat may be bandied penaity- them from France’s mandate and | tree, pr^tion answered year-long de-! Special . aw.. uml '>vnaiis. Lewis HeUF^^ Witlhout Bond of Mercy for, Britain Hearing On Murder Charge Held In Wilkesboro On Thursday Afternoon Princess Stephanie Hobenlohc, who had been held for depertation In San Francisco, with .Alaj. L. B. Schofield. U. S. iinm’grat'on service head, who ap-i '-d her release. Five Selected To Be Inducted Into ArmyOnThursday Wilkes Draft Board Number One To Send Five; No Call For Board 2 Lewis Johnson, of the Tnnhill community, was ordered held in I iail without bond Thursday fol lowing a hearing held before Magistrate R. C. Jennings In Wil- keshoro. Johnson is charged with the fata shooting of Crommle Hiitch- Jison. 43. a neighbor of Johnson, at the home of Osco Hincher, an- I other neighbor, on Sunday eve ning. Witnesses srld that the two I men had some trouble about two years ago. On Sunday they were together at the Hincher home and Johnson, who was drinking secured a gun and threatened to shoot Hutchison, who ran., Hutch ison secured another gun and [Johnson ran outside. When Htiichison went out Johnson fired from behind a granary. Hutchi son .-creamed, ran about 3' yards and fell. Solicitor Avalon E. Hall was assisted in the prosecution by Eu gene Trivette. F. J. McDuffie represented the defendant. Agreement Sij^ _ In Canvass Made A: Committee Half Morement I» SpmMored By The Junior Chamber of Commerce Five men have been notified by Wilkes draft ho-rd number one to report on Thursday. June 12. for induction into the H. S. Army at Fort Bragg. The men notified to report were Silas W Johnson. Jr., of Wilkesboro: James Lester Bald win, of Congo; James William Hugh Kilby, of Millers -Creek;' James Monroe "Vates. of Purlear; Hiiie Speaks, of Union Grove, .lohn.'on is the only The draftees iiicltide Make Progress On Widening Of Road WPA Workers WiU Soon Complete Witdening Of Fairplains Highway ingly .;^iil i/rWfre&'if'pn'^e' Wtr- plains road, widening project volunteer, j nutth of this city 'and it is ex iitl elig bte I pelted that the work will .be com men through order number 122. j Pieced earlier than first eRimat- Meaiiwhile the task of sending; . out questionnaires and classifying | Highway 13 is .being widened men coiitimies. AAMlkes draft! "'tth addition of four feet of con- l.oard number one ha.s mailed out | Crete pavement a dist: nee of one questionnaires through Im-.l or-' a'id one-half miles north from rter nnmtier 1 247 and Wilkes , Norih Wilkesboro city limits, board number two. which has r i The job is being accomplished larger list of regidrants. has | lj>’ means of.a WPA project .spon- luailed them out ilirough local or-'-sored hy the state highway com- del- naiiiiicr 1,3OH. .V warning was issued last week demanding that , nii.ssion. When Ohe pavement is completed the shoulder- will be ^‘mesti()Il“laire.s'^^ and ! wide-iied and reconstructed, bring returned in five days as instruct-1 iug abojil much needed improve- ,.,1 iinent on the highway Wilkes dr,'ft lioard iiuiiiliei two has not ret-eived a call for men tliis month. I will be growers Juniors Will Meet On Tuesday Night North Wilkesboro Junior Order rouiicil will ineel on Ttiesdsv night. 7:;!0. It will be the first ineeling since the council sii- Dokies Will Plan For Ceremonial Some of the nurses who left for England to staff the American Bed Cross Harvard hospital, now under construction In embattled Britain. Left to right: Miss Tbeodisia Hawley; Miss Charlotte Baymond; Miss Helen Johnson; Mlssi Gertrude Madley; Miss Elisabeth Phillips, and Har old E. McKensle, who is to be the hospital chef. Many Taking Advantage Of Free Pen Offer, Which WiU Close On June 30th Since The Journal-Patriot innouneed last week that the offer to glye a Morrison foun- ta'n pen with each subscription most close on June 30 many have called for their |)ens and .several have gone out by mail to those who mailed their .sub- suhseriptions. The management of Tlie Journal-Patriot announced the closing date of the offer a few weeks In advance in order to five all a free and ample op- portnnity to take advantage of UMA^offer and •^rp.one of The pens are ^nniiie Morris son fountain pen.s in either men's or latlies’ styles, are well constructetl, of good ap- I>ear!ince and have a life time service guarantee. Many hun dreds have been given since the several offer was Introduced months ago. But Monday, June ,‘M), will positively be the last day of the offer and it Is asked that those who wish to take advantage of it do so as early as possible in order to avoid the rush during the la.st days of the month wlien it may be impossible for us to secure the liens prompt ly. The offer applies to all new and renewal subscriptions and a pen will be given to each one who oi^ . Local Merchants let Instructions On Cotton Stamps Educational Campaign To Acquaint Retailers With Operations Of Plan In anticipation of the issuance of Cotton Order Stamps to cotton farmers of Wilkes county par- ticirating in the Supplementary Cotton Camp Program within a- iioiit 3 weeks, the Government is iai to be held in .Vorth Wilkes-' '“’’'’.viTiB an extensive educa- i.,ne Ml tiona> campaign to acquaint lo- lioro on Friday, June am Noi l It Wilkesboro Dokics cliil) will meet on Friday evening, sev en o’rlock. al Roaring River to lav plans for the Dokies ccremon arrangenienU - L , K .jn,i -tvriaiis made to aocomniodate mands of 1wheat hy telephone „rea. already to the ■ or mail. Floyd spended meetings teniporrrily ■ memliers are earnestly requested ,peraUon. • during curreut revivals and a to attend the made large attendance is asked. De- River home demon,stration club 1 gree work w'ill be cjirried out. will .serve dinner. to have .•Eree French’ cause. The United State.s’ strong warn ing to the Vichy regime against sunni.ssion to -tdolf iHHer ap peared to have had a Itart in launching the invasion. British Campaign In Syria Watched Closely By Nazis Annual Reunion Ellers June 22nd British Captives of Nazis in Africa At Boiling Springs Church; Program Includes Address By Judge J- J- Hayes Berlin —British open-tions in Svria were watched intensely ly Berlin last night but a news ser vice close to the Wilhelnistra^se, -yawl the .Annual reunion of the Eller familv will be held on Sunday. June ’’2 at Boiling Springs church "about 12 miles west of North Wilkest>oro. Program as planned for the oi- will iiclnde sermon at least for which Dlenst AU.S Rentschland. said the •‘affair’’ was regarded hen. at ^ (jp^rge Sebastian r the present. a.s one basket dinner sorerd picnic concerns chiefly i g,vp at iioon. Thus it was said, the official j feature of the afternoon Vichy reaction was program will be an addreas Vy greatest attention. .Iiidge Johnson J. Hayes, of A\ ‘‘The declaration of the , j^ggboro. at two o’clock. Special government also that this i music will be rendered through- tion of its empire will be defend- j other features of ed to the fullest extent of French strength is not doubted by Ger many.” the news service said. “The greatest reserve is being ,■*'« observed in Berlin, but neverthe- lees it is pointed out that this new act of aggression is in line zrlth earlier British attacks on Oran and Dakar.” ’.In the cases too, Dlenst said, __ British used “false charges -^German military plana, prepa- ktlon l>r action” to Justify at- will be announced the prognm later. ' The Ellers are one of the most widely known and niiinerous fam ilies in this part of the state a,nd it is expected that the reunion will be largely attended. All Eli- ers and their relatives and friend, are cordially Invited, snd with well filled baskets, the announce ment said. I today by Mr. J. B. Snipes, County ' Agricultural Agent in stating that My. L. H. Yountz a representa- !tive of the Snrpliis Mrrketing Ad- I ministration planned to call per sonally on the manager of every retailer of cotton products in the ! county. I “It is of utmost importance.” said Mr. Snipes “that the«e merchant.^ and their clerks fullj I understand the rules and regtiP- : tions governing the operation of 'the Program. Retail merchants I dealing in cotton goods will be one of the most Important groups 1 in this program designed to help our cotton farmers, merchants, and the Smith’s Number 1 Indus try as a whole.” “M'-ny more citizens of the United States depend upon cotton for a living than upon any other crop we grow. It la the most Im portant cash crop we gro v. On 2 000,000 cotton farms of the South arid Southwest more than 10.000.000 persons are dependent on’cotton for the'greater part of their income.” “The war has shfrpiy curtailed our exports of American cotton which, more thanbi»any other wnicn, uiuic _ .national American crop has ibe«n depend- New Orleans on July 20. M.5G CWfoliii and 1^2.00 pew year for out-of-state sobscrlptlons. Those w-ho mail their .subscriptlon.s will receive llueir i>ons through the mails a.s promptly a.s they can be mailed out. Those wlio 'lave already re- leived jiens may during the re- muiiuler of this month 'eeure others hv tiavnient of another year’s subscription. The Joumnl-Pntriol doe'- not want anyone to miss this oppor tunity to secure a liigli quality fountain pen free and we ask that you tell your neighbors who ina,x' xxish lo snhseribe that the offer will close on June 3t» and to subscribe now while they- can get IIk-ho beautiful and serviceable jiens. AVe re- siM-ctfiilly urge that you act early and by all meaiLs do not fail to get your pen wh’le the offer is In force liecause it most Imi withdrawn on June 3n. Thirty-one North Wilkesboro merchants, representing a big ma jority of retailers with the excep tion of grocery and drug stores, will be closed on Wednesday aft ernoons at one p. m. through June, July and August. Announcement of the balf holi day was made today by a com mittee of the Junior Chamber of Com.merce, sponsor of the half holiday movement. Richard Deans and Grrdy Church composed the committee making the canvass. The committee explained that due to the brief time before mak ing the announcement it was Im possible to contact ail retailers and that others will be contacted relative to the half holiday. It is asked that the retailers coope. rate, regardless of whether or not they have been contacted. The half holiday movement was sponsored In order to allow the many employes of merchandise firms a few hours for rest and recreation during the .S'ummer season and full cooperation on the part of the public is earnest, ly requested by those participat ing. The stores will close promptly on Wednesday afternoons at one o’clock, beginning on Wednesday, June 11. The agreement signed was as j follows: “We, the undersigned. hereby agree to close Wednesday were Rev. H. G. Allen Addresses Club Lions Name Delegates To State Convention To Be Held In Asheville Rev. H. G. Allen, of Statesville, was the feature speaker at the North Wilkesboro Lions club xT„,,h /'em meeting held on. Friday evening! many other western North (.a o and he delivered a most interest- Una towns. sftWttom* throughout of June, July and August.” Signing the agreement the following firms: North Wilkesboro Hardware Deans Jewelry Store Ervin's Men’s Shop Lerner’s Department Store. Jean’s ■Marlow’.s Men’s Sh'ip Crrl W. Steeie, Jeweler Payne Clothing Co. Bclk’.-' Departnient Store Prevette's Prevette’s Closeout Store J. 0. Penney Company Southern Bargain Store Hackney’s Department Store Jenkins Hardware Company Shook Hardware Company Yale Deiiartment Store Bare’s Fair Store Harris Brothers Department Store Hayes Hardware company Church Hardware company Carlton Hardware company Rhodes-Day Furniture company Ml rk-Dowii Furniture company Smoak F’urnitiire and Hard ware Wilkes Furniture Exchange Tomlinson’s Department Store Spainhonr’s The Goodwill Store Rose's 5, 10 and 25 Cent Store Cre-st Stores company. Shoe shops, according to prev ious announcement, will be closed On AVedne.sday afternoons. The half-holiday movement here is in line with pic ns which have already been adopted in Ing message. Rev. Mr. Allen is pastor of Broad Street Methodist church in 3trtesville and during the pa.U week had been assisting in a re vival at the Methodist church in this city. Twenty-six Lions from the Le noir club were visitors at tlit Friday evening meeting. Paul Fashion. W. M. Carring ton and I. H. McNeill. Jr., were named delegates to the state con veution of Lions to be held i' /yshevllle on June 22, 23 rnd 24. It is expected that several othei members of the North AV llkes- toro club will attend part of the sessions. The club also expects tc be represented In the Lions Inter- convention to begin in Wilkes Superior Court In 2nd Week ent on foreign buyers for its mar- , . ket. Accordingly, It to today more 2 MamagC LlCClWC .. I »>ion AVAV ' ’ the national Intpreot than ever before that we Increase our do meetlc consumption of cotton goods grown, proceeaed. and man Only two license to wed were Isifced during tihe past week by Wilkes Register of Deeds C. C. ^factur*2^ in this country. u vtr ***“ Mary Broyhill, of Boom- TuJa ^Ue “selftoh Brlttoh alma'er, was a vtoitcr in North Wll- yagJIy were at the bottom.’* keoboro Thursday. This picture, Ulieii somewherb in Atrioa, ekows a grosp af'BrUM ants,. farmers, apd' tl^; generri Russel Har- soMler. tTerii from the ffghttof Hms •( the eeeeaw'battto of the dark pupitc should odopdrate In this J^wn. ^tondm^Ruwi «a continent. They are ta^fte prieen to which they were re- J^iortaut national objective . of rto jnd B^ty Combe, both moTttd »fter their oftptm bf the tweeHM Itari »»d Iteltea ' increased .cotton ^ Roifcda. — 1 Wilkes superior court conven ed todey on the second week of the regular June term for trial of civil cases. Judge F. Donald Phillips, of Rockingbam. is pre siding. This morning the jury return, ed a verdict in the case of Quincy Yates, administrator, versus A. P. Huffman, for the death of Mr. Yates’ child in an automobile ac cident three miles west of this city four years ago. The plaintllf was awarded a verdict of $100. Several cases of minor Interest were disposed of during the first week. \ Junior Outmber Commerce To Meet North Wilkesboro ."Junior Chamber of tqom|iMh» moof '^i^ on Tuesdsy night,. 7:30. at city hall. »v«7'Stoomh«r la aakir to 'bo prosoat.’ k’J' '-j*. 'to..**- . A