• 6 i r txnidoa. 4 a Mithoritmtire Bdttoh MatMmt •aTto—d ^9 KMwiMHtr iet fMwu attack on Rowla and filaiaiod l)utt ;Waii troops were be^ nta^M a’ a W« •** alone the Sortot frontter.' The British Press Association eironlated the statement, deecrib- Ine It as “authorised.’* soon attw reliable sources s»ld Soviet Aan- hassador Ivan M. Maisky had as- anred Britain that Russia was tetrainlne from any new military,, f Htlr-' or economic ties with ' Oymany . i*Tha. ©osalbUlty oI a German a^ck on Russia is visualised, and there now is no doubt that Hitler la massln* troops on a bi« Male all along the Russian fron tier,** the statement said. “For a long time rumors have been heard throughout the world that German forces were moving toward Soviet territory, but these stories first were received with a good deal of skepticism, as it was thought that some ulterior motive on the part of German propagandists might be behind their dissemination. Nazis Assert 2 Million Tons Of Ships Sunk Berli.i.—The high command reported last night that 2.235,- 000 tons of enemy shipping was sunk during the first four months of 1941 and that the luftwaffe, in 38 “reprisal raids” on the British Isles, had blasted the key points of British shipping and armaments. The high command’s specially aniKihneed review said that the British bear full responsibility lor the reprisal bombings because “it WB3 England who, despite all warnings, began night raids on .German towns.’’ ' In addition to the 2.235,000 tons of enemy shipping claimed sunk, an additional 1.200.000 tons were said to have been damaged in U-boat, warship, plane and sea-raider attacks. In the air war, the high com mand reported the destruction of Stoiy Of Robbery May Service Station Attendant Writes His Story of What Happened At Store Pictured among the gadgets of bis home^raflt station, W9BSP, in Ol athe, Kan., Marthall H. Ensor, school teacher, was Oiled as the am- stenr radio operator whe '^contrlb- nted most nsefnlly to the American people.” The citation came with the William S. Paley amateur radio award. Half Heyday For Stores Is Started Here Wednesday Over 30 Retail Firms Will Be Closed On Wednesday Aftemocn In Summer Retailers, with exception of grocery and drug stores, began on Wednesday with a half holiday. More than 30 stores closed their doors ft one o’clock on Johnnie Booher, who was transferred from the Wilkes hos pital to the Wilkes -Jail last week after Wilkes officers decided his account of the robbery and as sault at Yates service station near Pnrlear was a fake and that he engineered the stunt himself, clings tenaciously to his account of the affair. i Johnnie, handsome young man who came to Wilkes about two years ago, continues to insist that three men came to the service station, where he was the attend ant, on the night of May 28, slugged him on the head, broke open the safe and took between $1,600 and $1,900. He was found there about two o’clock on the morning of the 29th in what appeared to be an unconscious condition. Blood was on the floor and on the walls. There was a slight cut on his head. He was carried to the Wilkes hospital where physicians were unable to find any serious injury sufficient to cause un consciousness. Eater officers found the money in ar. oil can in a pile of debris buck of the .service station. A dead rabbit was found on the premises. Officers said evidence indicated that Booher faked the whole thing and intended later to make a getaway with the mon ey after he “recovered.” The theory was advanced that the blood which was so gruesome on the floor was animal blood placed there by Booher as one detail of the fake assault and robbery. But when questioned by a re porter today Booher steadfastly claimed he is innocent and that he was assaulted and robbed. He reouwhJvrrhlo less” half the British losses. — - i. khHday and will clos>e at the same bon- V.'ednesd8y afternoon Vichy Admits Loss of Territory To Attacks Vichy.—Heavily reinforced De- GaulUsts chrrged behind British tanks and armored cars ye.nerday and drove almost to the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian capital, fft- er only four day.s of Middle East warfare, it was reported here last ni^ht. ^**.,’ The Free French were reported stopped just 12 miles south of Syria’s largest city by the most bitter fighting on the roed through Kissoue. Late in the day the Free French attacked violently to the east- of that village. 10 miles south of'Damascus. rttempting to drive around the French defens es, but again their attacks were said to have failed. This news capped a day-long flurry of French communiques and dispatcher detailing one re verse after another in which ‘heavy activity by aviation (of undisclosed nationality) and the severe damage of two British de stroyers in a naval battle were the only favorable factors for the defenders of Syria. .thr'"’2h June. J”lv and August, i The movement to bring about the half hnl dav w's sponsored the No'-th Wilke-.boro Junior Pastor** PatlMr, Dr. Kincholoc^ WMI Assist ‘ ^ ifa Th» jfc^ices The annual, series of speeUl evangelistic SStriees at the ’llf’st Baptist cburehTTwlll comiheosiB next Monday evening, Jhne^ !#«■.* at eight o’dtfci, end ,,wHl t iso^ tinne each eteDtng, except Bohr hrday, through; Wedneaday, .Inaa 25. Dr, J. W. Klneheloe, of RoelcP * Mount, N. C„ will be the ' guest minlBter for the caries of meet ings. In a demoBstratira at Ft. Belvoir, Va., a motorbed warstrength company of tte Fifth ed from Its trucks, unloaded equipment, and within 18 miligtes conatmet^ a enough to carry ammunition tmeks. In picture at rl|^t, runways are Uld across gmmels of Ught pontoons. Inset: Company "E” of the Fifth Engineers Is shown crossing waterway on bridge. Junior Chamber Commerce Meets Civic Projects Are Planned: Committee To Arrange For Charter Night bv Chamber of Commerce, newly organized civic organization. Included in the closing were the department stores hardware stores, and variety stores. Also closing were the .shoe repair 'hops, pre-'sing clubs and barber shops. The halt holiday was arranged in order to allow time for a few hours rest and -recreation each week for employes of retail firms and cooperation from the public is re.spectfully asked. The public is asked to keep in mind the Wednesday afternoon closing in order that no inconven ience may result. Traffic Situation Here Is Improving Police Effectively Enforcing Traffic Ordinances In North Wilkesboro British Raid Nazis’ Ship Base At Brest London.—The Nazis' Atlantic raWer haven at Brest on the or- cnpled coast of France has been -subjected to a new series of aerial (ftonb attacks in the belief that a 10.000-ton cruiser refuged there is the Prlnz Bugen. long- sought consort of the destroyed battleship Bismarck. ' The Royal Air Force showered explosive Tuesday on the Brest anchorage and docks in a concen trated renewal of the regular at tacks aimed ?t the 26,000-ton German warships Gneisenau and gcharnhorst. _ While the air mlnl?try com munique did not claim hits on • the Prinz Eugen, it said “a large weight of bomba was dropp ed on docks and anchorages” where a hlpper class cruiser be lieved to be the Prinz Bugen Is taking refuge. For the operations against the Bhhamhorst and Gneisenau the .drttlsh have used armor-piercing ■ itomhs—explosives capable of go- 4Sg through even the heavily re- lUtorced decks of such ships. Police Chief J. E. Walker said today that the traffic law enforce ment proceedure here is getting results. Tickets are being issued to double packers, overtime packers, wrong side p- rkers and to those who violate the traffic ordinances in other ways. If tickets are not returned to the city clerk’s office within 36 hours the offenders are cited to city court. General^' speaking, the police are receiving good cooperation in their efforts to liapruvc the traf fic situation. Chief Walker said He emphasized thrt traffic must be maintained in an orderly manner and that offenders may expect to pay for whatever of fenses they commit. Yellow Jacket Lake Being^Reconstructed Yellow Jacket Lake, which was destroyed in the August flood, is being reconstructed, R. Don Laws, of Moravian Falls, owner, said today. Damage to the dam is being repaired and the four-acre lake bed will be thoroughly cleaned, Mr. Laws said. v The lake will be well stocked with big mouth black bass and St. I will be used entirely for fishing and is- just going to wait an , ee. Hs said he did not knok' whether or not he would try to obtain bond before August term of court because he had never bad any e.xperlence with legal matters and had never been jail ed before. He declined to discuss the mat ter further but volunUrily sug gested that he write an account of what happened in his own words, i'is story follows: “As I sit in my cell tonight I am just wondering if an Innocent man will be punished. “I came to your state about one and one-half years ago from Bris tol, Va. I went to work at Ben ton’s place and soon had many friend^. I was soon to like this country and people very much. “I.,ater on Benton’s place was burned down and everything I had went down with the building. Next day found me with borrowed clothes on, even down to my socks, thanks to my friends giv ing me clothes to wear. “I soon went to work on the Boone Trail for Webb Byers and worked for him for the past eight months until Tuesday night the last of May: I cannot remember the date. I was alone at the ser vice station, also the night before and many nights since I had been working for Mr. Byers. I closed up as usual and soon was called for groceries. I made this sale and before I got back to bed I was called again, this time by a lady from Boone. She also wanted groceries, which amounted to $15.01. I carried her groceries to the car for her and then got to bed and went to sleep. I was called later, about one o’clock. I a?ked who it was. The reply was ‘The Boone boys.’’ As*I knew the lady was from Boone, I told that she had already got the groceries. He said her order wasn't for them. I asked them their order and told them I would get it ready and pass it out the door to them. The answer was ‘O. K.’ ‘As I stepped to the door and opened it I could see no one or hear no one. I stepped out In the door to ca.ll them and I was grabbed by the legs and went down. I was being slugged at and jammed. It Is hard for me to say it anyone was hit or not. But one of the three jumped or fell Inside the building. Then as I turned around I saw one which I think I recognized back against the building. Then a blow on the , Junior Chamber of Commerce in meeting Tuesday night laid prelimincry plans for charter night to be held early next month and discussed a number of civic projects, one or more of which may be launched within a ^ort time. President Fred Hubbard, Jr., presided at the meeting, which ieroted entirely to hasl&ew Superior Court Term U Near End dl oh'a InelMlng of the board of rectors held on Monday night. He fnnounced that J. H. Whick er, Jr., and J. W. Steele had been appointed as a permanent pro gram committee and that Grady Church, C. C. Faw, Jr., Hadley Hayes and I. H. McNeill, Jr., had been rppointed as a special pro gram committee for charter night and would work with the permanent program committee in making arrangements for that event. The committee will set the date and make complete arrange- meuLsi. Appointpieut of a publicity committee composed of Dwight Nichols, chairman. Jack Brame and Barney Arthur was also an nounced. A proposal to request manufac turers in North Wllkeaboro to change their paydays from Fri day to mid-week was discussed and a committee composed of J. R. McCartney. Blair Gwyn and T. G. McLaughlin was named to contact local industries relative to the feasibility of the plan. It was pointed out that mid-week paydays would more evenly dis tribute business and -sould be more convenient for all concern ed. 'Time of meeting was changed from first and third Tuesdays to first and third Thursdays with the first meeting each month to be a dinner meeting. The next meeting will b'e on Thursday night, June 19. ‘The secretary was Instructed to write for plans and suggestions relative to promotion of a clean up and beautlflcatloh project. Rains Effectively Break theBrought Rains Best News Of Week; Gardens and Pastures Had Suffered From Drougiit Showera beginning. Ttuesday have effectively broken the drought In this Immediate section of the state. There had 'been no rains of hit over the head, I got hold of substmtlal quantity ln‘ many my gun and fired one shot. It ' ~ weeks. Early gardens were badly damaged and pastures .were be coming exceedinfly short. Some June term of Wilkes superior court for trial of civil cases will adjourn tomorrow. Court has been in session two weeks with Judge P. Donald Phillips presid ing. A $237.50 judgme‘nt was award ed Mrs. Lela McNeill versus C. A. Lowe, administrator, et al. A de fault judgment of $1,200 was awarded N. S. Forester, Jr., ver sus F. L. Edens. Several other matters of minor interest were disposed of during the past few days. i Mass Meeting Of Retailers, Clerks To Be Held Friday WiH Be Held At City Hall; (Cotton Area Represen tative Will Speak All retalleni and their* clerks, rnd wholesalers o f American xrown and manufactured cotton merchandise are urgently request- e-i to attend an Important mass meeting to be held In the City Hall at eight p. m„ Friday, June 13. Dr. Klneheloe has heW pastor ates at Cre-we, Virginia; Prince ton, W. Va.; .Richmond, Va.; and ' Rocky Mount, North Carolina. He has been pastor In Rocky Mount for twenty-five years, and his church membership numbers over eighteen hundred. He is the fath er of the First baptist pastor here. Special music for the meetinc will he given by adult and yonngr people’s choirs under the direc tion of Mrs. Andrew Kilby. There will be congregational singing of many of the best loved Christian hymns and songs. The meeting is being advertls- ed throughout the community and a large attendance is expected at the services. “How To Have A Spiritual R^ vival” will be the sermon siilx. Ject of the pastor at the mornin* worship service this Sunday. At the 8 p. m. service the pastor will speak on, “Demands and Pe titions.’’ S. S. Association Meetu^OnSunday Wai Be Held With Pleasant Ridge Church Near Elkin Mrs. Byerly, Eocdl Resident, Retiring Grand Matron In The State The Grand Chapter of North Crrollna, Order of the Eastern Star held its thirty-sixth annual session in the new jnilllon dollar Civic Auditorium at Asheville June 8-11 with Asheville Chap ter No. 191, as hostess. The Wor- wlll preside. Speakerl 'Vlli ihr; elude—I. H. Yountz, Cotton Area Representative. In announcing the meeting, J. B. Snipes, county agent, stated that as far as possible not only merchants but their clerks should e.ttend this important discussion of how merchants may partici pate In the benefits of the Sup plementary Cotton Stamp Pro gram, soon to be launched in this area. He said that in order to be Lol ivu. arif iixjoi.xjoo. * no v* - —— - thy Grand Matron, Mrs. Leola M.'eligible to accept Cotton Stamps ....... - . SU... Byerly has been a resident of the for redemption from the Govern- Wllkesboros for some time and this town has received recogni tion throughout the Stpte. She is manager of the Social Security Office here. Mrs. Byerly honored the local Eastern Chapter at the beginning of the grand chapter year by ap pointing C. P. Walter and Mrs. ment, merchejit^ must first com plete a “Retailer’s Statement” form which will be available and fully explained *at the meeting. Mr. Snipes added that $25,- 000,000 worth of Cotton Stamps are available for distribution to cotton fanners during 1941, and ■any merchants unprepared to ac pointing U. f. waller ana mm. — - . H. T. Clark as Grand Commit- cept these stamps f ® tee mem jers and at the close of prescribed manner vioul^ be at_a her year selected Mias Mable Hen- dren as Grand Representative of the Grand Jurisdiction of Penn sylvania. Miss Hendren received her appointment and ibadge from the Worthy Grrnd Matron of the state of Pennzylvanla and she represented that state at Ashe ville. Several memhaHi from Wilkes Chapter were aqlpcted -by Mrs. Byerly as Honorary Officers for the "Mother - Daughter - Garden Session.” Mrs. Ira D, Payne. Wor thy Matron of the local chapter served on the registration com mittee. Others who attended and were honored were Miss Mabel Hendren. Mrs. Kyle Hayes. Mrs. Charlie Day, Mr*. H. T. Clark. Mrs. Slna Walsh, Mrs. G. G. Fos ter. Miss Blizfheth Cashlon and Miss Florence Gulgou of the Val- dese Chapter. The session closed Wednesday evening with the Installation of new officers. Mias Bwie Gaddy, of Raleigh and Wingate, was elected Worthy Grand Matron and Hawley C. CoW>, of Wadesboro. was' named Worthy Grand Pa- " All members of the local chap ter are asked to be present et the regular meeting Thursday night as all honorfry offteirs will be distinct disadvantage. “The simpl est way for merchants to fully understand the Program.” said Mr Snipes "is to attend this meeting. They will learp’ how they may get their share of this additional business; what good may he exchanged for stamps; the rules and regulations they must comply with in making ;ot- toh stamp sale?': how to redeem the stamps for cash.’’ *‘By aggressive merchandising methods pushing the sale of cot ton goods not only to those using iUmps—but to every family in the community—retail merch.-nta will make a sutostanilaJ contribu tion toward solving the proUem of price-depressing cotton sur pluses and under-consumption of cotton goods by a large part of our people.” .x-n>gTAm foi' the 'SteBS Mw*. tkin^Baptfsl Sunday school associ ation'to convene on Sunday, June 15, at Pleasant Ridge church four miles, florth of Elkin was an nounced todey. The program will open with, congregational singing at two o’ clock and invocation by the pas tor. John R. Jones and Winfrey Luffman will discuss the first topic, which will be "Value of the Sunday School to the Commun ity.” Mrs. J. L. Gregory and Mr*. Hattie Brown will discuss "Value of the Sunday- School to the Church.” Trerly Kilby and Mack Pruitte will speak on “Value of the Sunday School to the Indi vidual.” Topic for discussion by Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pas tor of the First Baptist church in North Wilkesboro, and C. C. Gam- ihlll will be “Value of the Sun day School as an Opportunity.** Mrs. Winfrey Luffman and J. A. Gilliam will discuss "Whr.t Is the .Mission of the Sunday School?”. W. V. Nix and Carney Lyon* will conclude the program with a discussion of “Shall we have a Sunday school revival in all our churches and when shall It be gin?”. Announcement of the associa- tional meeting urged every church and Sunday school in the association to be well represent ed. Mrs. Crosby Church Claimed By Death Mrs. Linie Bullls Church, of this city. 55, wife of I. C. Church and for .many years a well known resident of Wilkesboro. died at one o’clock Wednesday afternoon. She suffered a stroke of ajpoplexy Wednesday morning and died at the Wllkwr hospital. ChhTCh for several years as Bu Mrs.-ChiJTCB for several presented In jopcratWl'Rock Diner Cafe In during the seaston at Ashevl e. Iwhere she made comius Miss Bessie Lee Anderson has many friends. anxiety was expressed over pros- returned, from the tJnlve”sity of ^ Surviving are er u a- » %rt f/l wnATIfl ibfi ..dmm6f ESpiscf^i Service irjll |>e hei4 in Ot. | wm ue UWU aaoaaaaae». uuaaxaaai©. a a.v.« ^ |l’s Episcopal church Sunday No swimming will be permitted, head put me out. All that I re- ■ tnres had suffered most from, ino Ung. June 15th, at 7:46 o’-jThe lake wlli have a capacity of member la that I waA dragged or ^ronght but It Is hot too late to jk. The public Is cordially ln-l«lght million gallons, of water pitched into the hulldlng. It seems plant, additional r vegetables and ^tted to ettend. and wUl be excellent for fish. (Continued on page eight) 'iqjpienish the home food supply. pects for the main field crops— “and the rains came.” J. B. Snipes, county farm a- gent, arid t^at gardens and pas tures had suffered most from, the Mississippi, to spend the „ammer with her parenU, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan D. Anderson. Mtoq Anderson was Initiated lnto*K*i>Pa Balta soiwtty bofcMO leeTnW' college, and Ttolted: with' frluhds in lumbns and Savannah, before returning home. four children. Misses Geneva, Lo la and Pauline Church and Con rad Church, all of North Wllkes- horo.' - Funeral service will be held at ... .the residence In this city Friday, Georgia,’tw4"p. m„ and burial will he In -'“Moontaln Park cemetery. Several Joined U. S. Marines Recruiting Officers To Leave Here On Friday After Ten-Day Stay Sergernts of the U. S. Marine corps here this week on recruit ing duty have enlisted s«veral young, men and have taken appli cations from others. The first ones sent to Parris Island from here for training during this period of the tempor ary recruiting office were George Edward Porter, Earl Burc.'iette, Claude Sparks aad a Mr. Broy- hlll. Applications were accepted from Don Smoot, Ford Adams. Fred Hardin, Hal C. Owens, George Edwards Gamblll, Jamea D. Call and Ralph O. Shnmdte. Elkin the officers accepted applications from Earl Winston Salmons, Pan! Franklin Couch and James Rsiqih Collins. ThW will leave Friday. ■ j--** —* -

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