THE JOXJRNAL^ATMOTr NOBTH omen's Aid Swia1 Activities ^ MKS MAMIE SOCKWELL, Editor*-Phone 216 . ■ ’--•■•'•'r -•-? ' ••■ (.,1^ ■ ; iiVii,V ’ A«xffiw3a,:K, f Meeting •fjr - The’ Inae meeting of the Le- V *>*®® Auxiliary was held Monday ereBlng at Miss Toby Turner's home on the ' Brushy Mountain ■with Mrs. J. G. Smoot, Nf*'*- Char- He Pearion. and Mrs. M. G. Ed wards as associate hostesses. In the alyseiu s of the president Mrs. Andrew Kliby presided for rou- , tine business during which time delegates were chosen to rttend the state meeting in Durham. Those named to go were Mrs. Kilby, Miss Turner, Mi&i Norma Sterenson and Mrs. J. A. Rous seau. A large number of the mem bers were present and during the aocial hour the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. Robert More house, Miss Lizzie Hisle, and Miss Edith Brown, in serving tempting N refreshments. Mi^ Manii'McNeil Entertains At Lovdy I^uty Miss Mamie McNeil was hoatesh at a lovely party at her home on D Street Monday evening enter taining at eight table* of bridge and rook. Roses and larkspur made a colorful background for the guests, who were served a dessert course before play. The count of scores gave Miss Elsie Nichols the award for the highest number of points and Miss Lura Coffey the consolation prize, while in rook the winner was Mrs. Claude McNeil, of El kin. Mrs. Russell Gray, a bride of the spring, was remembered with a gift. Approximately 70 per cent of the Nation’s flue-cured tobacco is produced by North Carolina, re ports the State Department of Agriculture. bf Idtetw •» •‘Mr*. Pnbl.Bhtftp OfTl tie marrtece of hw Heton, to Mr, Thoma* Slobp on Saturday, tbn tbOOtk^^of nlnotaan >iii i;ijio»a»o.sOa»aa('a*|ibd»*ilaM^i and fortjr-Otoo, NaaliTUlo.iW^'; aea.” .'"Cv The couple ,woke their taV*:** the Plrst Baptist church at sam- irtne, Tenn.. with Dr. W. Powell aa the officiating ,*nlnlatw. For her nuptials the bride was, becomingly attired in suit with which she used white accessories. Her corsage.was of yellow roses. Mrs. Sloop, th? daughter of Mrs. B. S. Call, of Wllkesboro, end the late Mr. Call, attended Woman’s College at O^eeneboro and is court reporter for Wilkes and Avery counties. Mr. Sloop, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sloop, of Moravian Palls, formerly' held a position with the WUkes Hosiery Mills, but is now studying Aircraft Construction ^t Anderson Airplane School Nashville, Tenn. a t mm Come! Cars Nome P.eauly Week invilea you to * help youraelf to new confidence, new beauty, new glamour! Evelyn McMath will give you the Ladies Bib’e Ciass Met Tuesday Evenine Miss Bloise Starr and Mrs. A. R. Gray combined hospitality to the members of the Young Ladles Bible class of the Wilkesboro Methodist church at the home of Miss Starr Tuesday evening. Mrs. B. C. Blalock, the president, was in charge of the usurl business session and also led the ’devotion al period. Mrs. Lee Hemphill gave the program, making a most interesting talk on several fam- I Oils hymns and their authors. I Fourteen members were present I and were served refreshments 'during the social hour. Tbe.^oitof: #oimm dab BM«t «(. tte'dab hoMo ijn M MhMdMr AlibA imkp V:4A. There «4U i(e • dad idU men* KTied bo ; Jr^ wf the ufjilMlr'eoetel ' |if. of the weeic wdi the deadeyt card party given by Mwl'A. «.• Chnrch, Jr., knd HMkArtee Oil’ U»m Saturday brentag . at the WOnian’a ciabhouM oa>:7rogdon Stree$, hraorlag Mn. Warner MlUer; Jr.‘, who prior to. her mar riage w^ MIm Bdith Cietar, of thia city. ShaHng .honors with Mrs. Miller were two other .bddee of the spring, Mrs. Rnssell Gray,' the former Miss Annie Vannoy, of North Wllkesboro, and '^Mrs. Russell Pearson, formerly... Miss Peggy Church, iof Wllkeaboro. . The spacious room of the club house was decorated In a festive setting of green and white In which Queen Anne’s lace predom inated, while the tallies end ices furthered the bridal motif. Each of the bride’s places were marked with lovely corsagMi. In the game seven tables were made up for bridge and three for ■ ^Criaoi^ a! baaaar wlir *4^ jp- By HM. W. H. iOWBB The aahnat reunion pf Uam. clanVliiSit a deUghtnd: j^EBtaf^ of- tlHa-dar 'i^ Sunday, J«m; 8th, WAat thA KoiaM HlllA e.^;W. amp Ht. «oa' 0~% . Qlli&m, tivo miles southwo«t of «tkla,'... ; •' « Waa f tiaiypy day tor 'Bie eo*-|j^ ’e«rana!«f irlepda and msinhera of’**** the pa^. of ii’honi' gafb*; Oi«d;>Aa^ "hii^oi« hooi4 aitd oth ers’Joined after'-the'-..por^fiig. oerrice at t^ ehilrch here, At 18:16 p. p. the-iehElmhI, jy A. OUltam, announced for ail to aasembld and In m^ory of the late John O. OllHam, a fav orite hymn was sung and appro priate and 'impressive renmrks were made by W.' A. . Stroud, of Wllkesboro, all bowed In honvble submiasion In silent prayer, then It was broken by Rev. R. J. PiM"- due, the pastor of Bethel'church, where the deceased was a mem ber for many years and worshiped there with his parents, the late Frank and Sarrah Ann Reece Gil liam. i|iid Mra A A Itbore, of Morth WUkseboro, v'ere Cthd yonutMt yelattvos to atteod. • ' RecistarOd Ooifldd the peaiiby ptaoM vnare” from: fttataeville, Spatta, tMUaih. VmitAit A|rr,j||^ .tlnevUle. Vh., ‘WlaMon-Aalam, 18^ nolr dui W«h Piiliit. ^ , „ OmoBre.are: .ChairinhA ^ OlUiam, am} ••nfetanr, - k ; H. Joiiaa, Bdhda, M. C, ;«^,be heed to ipufehaae'a Vif'YaW -tlhA iMUallnvsnf#^ Atty. John R. Jones, of North Wilkesboro, kept the attention of rook with the top score prize gathering with an excellent bridge going ta Miss Bea God-i frey and the low score awrrd to Miss Rebecca Moseley. The win. ners in rook lor the high and low scores were Mrs. Warner Miller, Sr., and Mrs. Oliver Ab- ^her. Honor gift for Mrs. Miller N. Wilkesboro M.E. Church amous Cara Nome facial, an analysis ofl'j’Q Have Vacation School •our skin and an outline for daily care. ’ weeks vr cation Bible 'hen she’ll send you forth looking •’*'*-’^^^,.1,001 ^jn begin at the North oic’ure ” with a g brifying makeup. -'Cliool will loegin at pic-ure, wunagu j i Wilkesboro Methodist church was crystal in her wedding pat tern. and the two other brides were given attractive gifts. Out of town guests at the party were Miss Katherine Wolf, of Mt. Airy, and Miss Jessie Gilliam, of Winston-Salem, 'both of whom ■were houseguests of Miss Gil- Ham. Miss Lena Culler Is Bridge Club Hostess !iss McMath comes 'aere at our own ex- j Monday morning under the direc- ense to show you how Larglois* Cara'... _• — o.^.ofv>/vA paarROTi. ..... .. . T . , i tlou Of Miss Beatrice Pearson, -Jome Beauty Creations can tr“)y he*P you ^ ^ ppjnjary de- \ > beauty you ve dreame-d of. This consuita- Mon is a special courtesy to you; there is no charge or obligation. u Accept this invitation now! Make an ap pointment. Only 10 consultations can be "■iven daily, 9 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. ’Phone 96. ALL NEXT WEEK The REXALL STORE partment. Mrs. Otis Keeling is to be in charge of the junior boys and girls. Miss Pearson will have the as.--istance of several other workers throughout the different depi rlments. The sessions each day are to be from 9 o’clock until 11:30. DHVe STOR£ FOR BEST VAEUCS l.V TOWN' Granville 'County’s second milk route hf.s been started through the southwestern part of the county, says W. B. Jones, assist ant farm agent of the N. C. State, College Extension Service. » M’ith Miss i.iena Cutler as hos tess the members of the Wilabrl Bridge club were delightfully en^ tertained at her home in Wilkes boro Thursday evening. A salad course followed the game which was played at three tfbles. Mrs. Edison Norman won the award for the higttest score and Miss Eleanor Smeak the bingo prize. iMr=. Eugene Sloop, who prior to her marriage was Miss Helen Call, was remembered with crys- I d in her chosen pattern. ^vnsjOR m£yjr ^ What He Wants—Distinctive Towncraft i?JS FOR DRESS and PLAY ]49 \S.SHlltTS of fine weave broaddotli or ;.i;',ir:Ls. Proportionate fit! Sanforized! Sl.-VCKS—Sanforized cotton ’ilEN’S SPORT doeskins, serges! SPI N it WON Si’ORT SHIRTS in light-as-a fcKther \yeaves. Free-action fit for comfort! W rinkle Itesistant Nassau W ool Summer Ties 49c 98«= Topflight Shirts WHITE SHIRTS in broadcloth. Sanforized MEN’S SPORT SETS 'ool .spun rayon pop- 2’®® spun rayon pop- - well tailored! Shirts, Shorts, Briefs Rib knit briefs, shirts! 25= OTHER STYLES AT $4.98 MEN’S STRAW VeiPilated Hinokis and Panamas, Values! HATS 2-98 Men’s SWIM TRUNKS Worsted and rayon sat- I .49 in .styles with ‘ Lastex” 1 Sanforized short.s, ea. Men’s SLACK SOCKS Sturdy colorful O styles. GENTRY PAJAMAS Summerweighc broad- i>.49 clo;h, cotton crepe! A Belts and Suspenders F ivorite styles— 49*^ boxed for giving! V The Misses Scroggs Entertain For Their Club A delightful club party of the week was the one given by Misses Lucille and Breta Poe Scroggs ft their home at Moravian Falls Friday evening. Three tables were made up for bridge which includ ed a few additional guests, speech for thirty mlnuteS. The picnic lunch was then spread on a long table arranged under the spreading branches of the maples. J. Paul Gilliam, of Statesville, greeted the happy crowd with a few remarks and Rev. Stephen rMarraett, the pastor of the first Baptist church in Elkin, spoke of the good day and the many bless ings afforded us. C. W. Gilliam asked the Lord’s blessings unto cJl and returned thanks for the bountiful repast. A delightful time was spent fol lowing the tempting dinner. The Yadkin Valley and EJvery Reaay quartets several numbeni. The next reunion announced by the committee will be held at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong’s home here, the second Sunday in June, 1942. Among the oldest guest pres ent were: Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, Sr., Ronda, D. R. Gilliam, Sr., Spar ta, M. Wall. Elkin, C. A. Dim- mette, Ronda, and Mrs. W. H. Phipps, Sparta. Mrs. Payton Gilliam, mother of J. A. Gilliam, was ill and couid not attend. Little James Charles Gilliam, the three-months-old spn of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Gilliam, of Spar ta, and Master little Jerry Moore, the seven-months-old son of Mr. fly, -iTM 1M7. fltpd at l^tar,. 11^ B1M& T^lH.'joab' Ir’C/lLf ai:/ ;»«ng 78 mfllaUii, It'.'fliuB-of A-", . Hb vfw fli^ mariled to Rehec- «a Brown, of North, Wllkeaboro. Tp^thla union were born' three soils. Pant, Oaorge, end Chind'ot '^alilorjula, one daughter,, Ruth, •ot'OrStmboro.- • He was later married to Melissa Yancey,' of Chase City,' '7a., who died some years ago. -He wag later married to Mra Ida Tharpe, of Elkin, who sur vives. -He has the following living brothers and sisters: T. F,. Han dy, Dehart; Mrs. Mary Ann Joines, Absbers; Mrs. M.' L. Thornton, Street, Md.; Mrs. Ellen UU MlehaeTs atore aaar foKw Satardar, J«hs . 21, M one p;**., eoBtlonfng thi HK.eyei^t 'e’ith M ice ei -i derived eveak kft for the eoelmnoftjr: i tifr IBB til eomiiHieitF "e»e>fit^.j for 4|m f all petrott^ will be M "W PiraRt. Traphlll; Mrs. J^ T. Prt- Lonlsburg- ; He profseeed a hop* In Christ ' In early life and joined tlM cfanri^'at Wklimt Grove, late^,^?'-j mwrlag his menibersfaip to Chase aty, Ta, I Hie funeral was held from WaU lint Grove Baptist church on Jane 6, 1P41, ll:h0 a. m.. In charge of Rev. S. L. Blevins and Rdv. C. M. Csndlll. ' the hdp of . to t^ls OirieM 0^ totn | CTswtoetiitle laaettoasl ekeaBtet.AbtalBMvja» m CHI-CHES-TERS ‘ PULS Logs Wanted We pay cash for good poplar, lynn and cucumber veneer bibdes. No. $35 Specifications: 14” and up in diame ter. Any length between 36” and 84” Hickory Fibre Co. SAWMILLS, N. C. 8 Miles South of Lenoir on Hickory Highway and was procprted by a dessert course. Miss Thelma laiws was the win ner of the top score prize. Mrs. [,aw.s. second hi.Eh. and Mrs. Bentlev the floating prize. ANNOUNCEMENT NV->m-n’s =t PAN f’ES 25c Run-resis’ant! Pretty triniinod .styles. Value! ( YNTHIA Sr.MMER SLIPS Fine rayon crepe with 98c shadow pane! !>2 ti 52. GAVMODE HOSIERY Full-fa.shioned sheers 59c ar.d sheers .sen-ice weights! SUNNY TUCKER DRESSES Brnni new, cool summer QQp styles for girls. 1-14 yrs. BOYS’ WASH SLACKS Sanforize J for fit. 98c Ple.ated, Talon front! BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS 49c Open kuit Basque type with cool crew necks! Stock Up! Big June Values in TERRY BATH TOWELS Absorbent, thick loops! White with colored hards. Smart checks. Big 22” X 44” size! Terry M'ash Cloths 10c 25c Moccasin-Toe OXFORDS $1.98 ’’rown and white aotVier. cork-and- mbber soles. Nation-M’ide SHEETS 74c 81”x99” Extraordinary Quality! HUSKY TERRY TOWELS B gger, more absorbent! ’I C ^ Checks, colors, borders! IOC Save: On WASH CLOTHS Soft terry in styles to 5c natch the towels above! June s lower price on this fa mous quality. Lab tested! Men’s Sport OXFORDS $2.98 ■four chance to stock up! Nation-wide cases 19c loti n-wide tubing, yd. .... 19c Mo-de-gay prints, yd. 15c nrints, yd. 10c .Special! Thickiv Tufted CHENILLE SPREADS $2.98 Lovely colors on white or cream ISmiart all white, too ('audill-Bouchelle Marriage Is Announced ..Mr. and Mr.'. E'irl L. Caudill, of Wilke.sboro, announce the mar riage of their dan.ghter. Gladys Eleanor, to Mr. William Sonny Boiichelle on April 10. 1941, at Moiiiitfin City, Tennes.see. Mrs. Bonchelle is a talented and attractive young lady of YVil- ke.sboro. The groom, also of Wii- keshoro. is as.sociated with his father in the contract plaster busines.-'. They will make their home in Wilkesboro. , United States Civil Service Examination The L'nited States Civil Service commission announces an open competitive e.xamination for Junior Communications Operator for fill ing the positions of Under Com munications operator at $1260 a year and Junior Communications operator at -1440 a year in the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Second, P.egion, for which applica tions may be filled with the Man ager, Fifth U. S. Civil Service Dis trict, New Post Office Building, Atlanta, Ga., until further notice. Applications must have reached their 18th birthday but must not have passed their 50th birthday on the date of receipt of application. All other- requirements are speci- ified in the formal announcement. Pull further information and ap plication forms may be obtained from the Secretary, Board of U, S. Civil Service Examiners, at any first or second-class post office. Friends and Patrons In and Adjoining Counties Tan and moccasin Ventilated! white type. P E N N E Y' S cows Anson county farmers are be ginning to realize the value of a few co-ws on each farm now that the future of cotton is uncertain, says C'arence Ehirley, a.-'sistant farm agent. ' HAIL A severe ha.I storm recently caused many Wilson county farm ers to hare to replant their cot’on. and tobacco, reports J. A. Marsh, assistant farm'agent of the N. C. State College Extension Service. J. C PENNEY COMPANY, In torpor.ilPii , North Carolina ranked . eighth- in the N.itioh In’acreagiB of com-'- .jmerctal -truck crops tor merket in^ T1940, report« the State Depart- - fflen't of AgrleuItUre. Friends, I want to take this means of telling you that I have onened a store in the building formerly occupied bv Pearson Brothers, and that 1 will carry a complete stock of . Groceries, Flours, Meats and Feeds AD Fresb, New Stock Merchant Friends, come in and get your needs. I will appreciate your patronage, and you may be as- sured you can buy at lowest market prices. Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Flours, and Feeds " 97 — NORTH WILKF^BORO jrl tenth street —'

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