;k1 . i^.Je;*' Battle From 44^ R L'f P». m center "of. North Garbifna. i/-* liinnanak to Pc^and Reported By Moscow Mobcow,'Tinirsday. July 3.— The red army today reported vio lent battles with the Germans Tmaglns all the way from Mur- matisk In the Arctic to the L/uck region of southeastern Poland, marked by the fiercest fighting, VOL. xj{^y^ No. Bearing Facts stubborn reslstrnce and even strong counterattack. The Rua;lans acknowledged for the first time a German penetra. tlon beyond Minsk, key communi- catlons center on the highway to Moscow declaring that Russian were lighting “hard and fiercely’’ against Germen mobile troops 1l‘ the Borisov region. Borisov is 50 miles northeast of Minsk on the Mo-'cow road— still approximately 370 miles from the soviet capital. Knox Flatly Denies Use Nc-vy in Convoys Americam Asked To Join In Rededication To Liberty In Ceremony On Fourth Of July .b lor Submarine 0-9 Victims 216 Revered ia Wilkes T^fln 2nd Registratimi On July fourth there will be a nation-wide program of rededi cation to liberty, which will trike place simultaneously throughout the nation. The national program will oipen at four p. m., eastern standard time, and will I* built around a short sipeech 'by President Roose velt and the playing of the nrr tional anthem by the U. S. Marine band. The total time for Washington, July 2. Secre tary of the Xavy Knox, the na tion’s leading advocate of naval action against the German I.-boat menace, pointedly denied today that American naval vessel.s had engaged in convoying or been in volved in combat operations of anv nature. He made these statements in response to press conference questions based ur -■ Printed re ports that the shies of the At lantic naval patrol had already been drawn into ho.stilities with the naxi submarines. U. S. Fliers Down Three Nazi Planes Phillip Williams, attache in the tl. S. embassy at Rio de Janeiro, I Brazil, who flew to Washington upon ' his arrival in Miami, Fla., to lay ' evidence in the sinking of the Robin : Moor by submarine before the state department. London. Thursday. July 3.- The RAP’s Pa tie squadron, all American vo’uiiteers, downed three German planes and dam aged two others today in its first fcig “outing”--a deep drylight irive over northern Prance as tar as Lille. . British-manned planes parti cipating in the same offensive over ritory were credited with bag.ging 15 additional Ger man craft while the British ac knowledged loss of two bombe s Ini eight fighters. U was learned two of the British ghter losses were caused by a co -loii^ It was not stated whether any of th“ Eagles was killed. Tile Eagles got into action as they escorted a strong lomber formation. .Atiout n) Mes.seisch- mitt lOfls ; ttacked them and a series of twisting dogfights de veloped. continuing until the bombers had completed their mis sion and headed back home. Local Fmancial Institutions Pay $20,000 Dividends Regular Semi-Annual Pay ments To Stockholders Made As Of June 30th utes and all Americans are asked to set aside that period for a re- dedicrtlon to the principles so forcibly proclaimed on July 4, 1776. In accordance with a request from P. H. LaOsiardia, mayor of New York and director of Civil ian Defense, Mayor R. T. Mc.Nlel has Issued the following br’ef tiie! proclamation relative to the re-1 ceremony will be about ten min-! dedication ceremony Frid, y. A PROCLAMATION Friday, July fourth, will be the 165th anproer-arv of freedom in our country and it is entirely fitting that every American pause’for rededication to the liberty, freedom and independence proclaimed on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia. x. , The national office of Civilian Defense, throupfh F. H. La Guardia, director, has planned for a rededication ceremony to be held^ on the afternoon of July fourth throughout the country. It will occur at four p. m., eas tern standard time, and will be featured by an address by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, after which the U. S. Marine band will play the national anthem. Follow ing the anthem the President of the United States will lead all citizens in repeating the oath of allegiance to the United States. A rededication of each and everj’ one df us to defend and preserve the inalienable rights so well expres.sed by patriots on July 4, 1776, is of tremendous importance at this time when liberty and justice have been banished from so much of the earth. I respectfully ask that as a part of this great nation wide movement we pau.se on July fourth, at the appoint ed hour, have a radio turned on and join in the simul taneous declaration for perpetuation of liberty through out America. R. T. McNIEL, Mayor of North Wilkesboro. Young Men Who Reached Age 21 Since Oct. 16th Register For Draft The two draft Bbarda in Wilkes registered a total of 217 young men on Tuesday, July 1. It was the second registration under the selective service act land was for the purpose of regls- [tering young men who had reach ed age 21 since October 16, 1940, date of the first registration. Wilkes draft board number one registered 79 at Its office in the federal building at Wilkesboro. Members of the Wilkesboro school faculty, including Misa Eloise Starr. Mrs. M. G. Edwards, Mrs. Mack Moore and Zeb Dick son handled the registration. Draft board number two regfs- ]tered 138 at its office in the city Bialystok Victory Reported By Nazis *^ '-B«‘rlin. July 2 --The German army tonight proclaimed a vir tual slaughter of ’he Russian armies tr pped east of Bialystok. announcing a complete victory with “unbelievable chaos over taking the remnants of 500,000 red soldiers. “Because of the stubborn .-oviet Russian defense and the embitter ed attempts to break out ’ of the German-laid trap, said the high co.mmc.nd. “the bloody losses of the enemy exceed the number of prisoners ty several limes.” ( There was no .authorized in terpretation of the communique, but some informed quarters be Ueved its reference to the event as of “w'Drld historical propor tions” possibly meant that the backbone of the whole red army is considered cracked. German dispatches said the trappod red soldiers tried four times to break out. failing each time. A total of 160.000 Rus.sian prisoners has been taken on all fronts s’lice the beginning of the war a \n;ek ago last Sunday, the army stated. Of these. 100,000 were said to have been counted so far in the Bialystok trap. German losses, pn the other band, “in all are gratifyingly small,’’ a communique .-aid. Home Coming At Harmony Sunday Local financial iiistitiition.- havp mailed out dividend check.s totsling more than $ip,000 for the first half of the ca.endar year 1941. Financial ins4.it«H«»tW'*«re who paid their regular dividends were X'orthwestern Bau's. Ban'^ o’ •North Wilkesboro. insnran-e Ser vice and (’redit C'orporat.on X’orth Wilkesboro Building : lu! l.oan association. .AiMioiigli detailed stale.menls have not been released, official- of the institutions report business growth during the first half of 1941 and with assets far atmve he mark of a year ago. Regular semi-annual dividends if three per cent were mailed to itockhoiders on July 30 by both banks. Insurance Service and Credit Coi'poration aLo paid a semi-annual dividend of three per cent. Building end Loan associ ation paid its usual dividends on association stock. Turner Named On Committee Commander Of 'jpanish- American War Vets Camp On Advisory Group W. W, Turner, commander of the Wilkes post of Siranish-Amer ican War veterans, has beei. an- nointed by Governor J. M. Broughton to serve on the ad visory committee of the Old X’orth State Fund. Ptirpo.se of tlie organization is to raise f-und for the purchase of an airplane rmhulance for Great Britain and the quota for Wilke.- county has been set at $7.50. The active chairnian for the drive in Wilkes has not been se lected but announcements are e.xpected in a few days. Four Taken On 14-H Club Picnics Liquor Charges i Are Being Held Federal Officers Raid Still, Raid Home and Arrest On Warrant Four arrests for federal liquor 'aw violations have been m-de in Wili'f s during the past week. Woodrow Goforth was arrested >Ti a warrant and gave bond for iiwearance at federal coni-t in Winstoii-S- lem on tlie fir.sl Moti- day in Novomher. James A. Moore and Mac'n Stikel’eather. of Alexander coun- *y. were arrested in a raid on a still in Wilkes near the Wilkes- Alexunder county line. Officers Roy Reece and G. H. Gilbertson made the arrests. Rond was given for trial in federal court in Wil kesboro in November. Jacob* Dawson Wolf, a re.si- dent of the •western part of Wilkes, w.as arrested on a charge of having 50 gallons of illicit liquor in his home. Officers Reece ind Gilbertson. Deiputy Marshal ■!. R. Bessent and Deputy Sheriff W. B. Sparks made the raid. Wolf gave bond for Novemlier court in Wilkesboro. Hegjrings for all those arrasted were lield in Wilkesboro before J. W. Dula, United States com missioner. The Coumiy Agent, Assistant Agent and Home —Moulmgi iVPftti ” Wilkes county 4-H clubs arf in a series of picnics. The picnics are being held fo recreational purpa-es during th- season when the clubs are no Iiaving regular .meetings. Count; -Agent .1. B. Snipes. Assist."n Agent Howard Colvard and Mif Elizabeth Williams, home dem onstration agent, will attend th picnics. Mulberry club had its plcn’ Wednesday: Wilkesboro will 1 next Monday and Ronda on Mon day. July 14. Oata^ for others will he ajinonnced later. Club members are being select ed to attend the 4-H short course at State College and many club members will also have the op portunity to attend the 4-H camp at Swanannoa the first week in August. The camp v’iil cost each memlier going five dollars in ca.sh and they will be required to take a quantity of food. While seamen, oflBcers and navy ofBcials stand at attention on the deck of the snbmarine Triton, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox losses a wreath upon the Atlantic In honor of the men entombed In the sub 0-9, near Portsmouth, N. H. The navy formally abandoned hope of raising the wreck after divers made inspection in 440 feet of water. I liall building here. Paul S. Cra- gan, city schools superintendent, '.and members of the X’orth Wll- [kesboro school faculty did the I clerical work of the registration, j Teachers who helped included Mrs. .1. B. Williams, .MLs Be- latrice Pearson, Mrs. Lucille Farmer, Miss Etta Turner, Misa Elizabeth Finley, Miss Sallie Out- I law. Miss Rebecca Moseley and Ira Lee Baker. Niswonger To Talk At Club Meeting H. R. Nis'wonger, horticulturist of the extension service, will mee’ with curb market producers or Monday. July 7, at the court hou.-e in Wilkesl.bro. Miss Elizabeth Willia.ms, home agent, made announcement of the meeting, which she seid will be for the purpose of instructimg club members about preparation of foods for market. Women of Surry and Yadkin counties have also been invited to attend the meetios, which Public Assistance Richard Deans Grants In Wilkes $90,030 For Year State Director Of Public As sistance Releases Figures For Past Year Public assistance payments for Wilkes county’s aged, needy and •lependent children Catches Robber Richard Deans caught a robber in his jewelry store here Tues day night and turned him over to police. ^ Deans went into his store a- bout 9:30 Tuesday night. After he entered he heard a slight noise in the rear. Going toward the back, of the Union Services For Wilkesboro iunday Evening Services Will Be With Exchange of Pastors Two Months Mrs. Silis Carpenter, of eolnton. is here on a visit her sLster. Mrs. John Tull. We know one good way to -save electricity—quit .so much horn blowing in North Wilkes- Iboro. Just how the electricity Un-j saved could be used for defense, with I we don’t know. But we iu.sist the liiiea is sound. •Methodist and Baptist church 's in Wilkesboro have planned a eries of union services for Sun day evening through July and August. The union .services Sunday eve nings will begin on July 6 with Rev. T. Sloane Guy, Jr., Baptist prstor. preaching at the Metho dist church. On the following Sunday evening Dr. J. G. Stokes. ■Methodist pastor, will preach at the Baptist church. The same ro tation will continue for evening services on Sundays through July and August. Sunday morning services will continue at Woth churches on reg ular schedule. The plan for union services is apparently popular with the peo ple of the town i nd community and it is expected the services will l>e well attended. Sea Invasion Maneuvers in Cape Cod Banks To Be Closed On Friday, Saturday A ho-me coming service will be held rt Harmony Baptist church fuor miles west of this city on Sunday. July 6. Everybody is in vited to attend. The service will also mark the beginning of a ten- day revival at the church. of Sheriff, k Close 2 Days uncement was made 'voday 8 offices of Sheriff C. T. >n and Clerk of Court C. M In the Wilkes court- rill be closed on both Fri- 1 Saturday, July fourth Tlie Bank of X’oHli Wilkes. Ix-TO and tlie Xortliwe.'itern Bank will Ih- o1os«1 on Friday and .Saturday, .Inly I and a. Tlie rlfrsing for a double hol iday is in aeeordanee witli a proclamation Issueil b.v Govern or .1. >f. Brougliton and whioli wa."* publi 4iel earlier this week. Walsh Sisters To Be on Radio Sunday The Wrish sisters, a well known quartet of tbe Reaver Creek community, will bo guests artists Sunday mornihg on Grady Cole’s farm program l from seven until nine a. m. over radio sta tion WBT in Charlotte. AU are invited to listen in. ’feltoif, director of the public assistance division of the Strte Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Yelton said $60,747 wa.s spent during the year for old age as. sistance in the county with 689 persons receiving grants from this fund during the month of June. In addition, 15 widow.s of Confederate veterans received $4,700 tor the 12-months period making the totJil spent for need: aged $65,447. Dependent children received $24,593 during the year, with 307 being given checks during the month of June. Grants in both categories were paid from combined federal, state and loca' funds of which the county paid one-fourih the cost of grants and administration, with the state making up another fourth and the national government provid ing one-half the total outlay. Yelton said the total expendi ture for the state during the fis cal year was $6,416,528. The public a.s.sistance director, who has managed the program for four years and two months leaves the state welfare depart ment this week to take over as secretary to the State School Commission. Mrs. W. T. Best. State welfare commissioner, announced the ap pointment of R- Eugene Brown, as-iistant to the commissioner since 1930, as acting director of the public assistance division ef fective July 1. Brown will serve as division head until a director is chosen from the merit system register to lie set up following merit examination.s this fall. I will be the first prominent post In the state government to U filled from a merit register. Unlimited Quota White CCC Boys Applications Being Taken At Welfare Office Fftr Enlistment Tuesday Poliee rugheif to the '-atore icbd' took the young man to jail. Ho gave his name as Charles Frank lin Stevenson and his home ad dress as High Point. Police Chief J. E. Walker said Deans found that Stevenson had taken a few pens and some other small objects in the store and the merchandise was found on hia person by Deans. Howeyer, the valuable jewelry had been locked in the store safe. Stevenson told Police Chief Walker that he had hitchhiked to North Wilkesboro froim High Point and arrived here about eight p. m. He said he had been sentenced in High Point to 18 months for larceny and receiving but his sentence had been su spended. Police Chief Walker waa checking his story today and said a hearing will be held before Mayor R. T. McNiel .^oon. Stevenson entered Deans store by breaking the glass in the rear door. Assistant ^ent Begins His Duties Howard Colvard Began Du ties As Assistant County Agent Tuesday, July 1 Charles McNeill, Wilkes wel fare officer, said today that the Howard Colvard, of Wilkes boro, has entered upon his duties a^ a-ss'stant county agent in Wilkes. O. F. McCrary, district exten sion agent, was in Wilkes Tues day assisting County Agent J. B. Snipes, Assistnat Agent Colvard and Miss Elizabeth Williams, home agent, in beginning work of the new fLcal year. ,Mr. Colvard, a graduate of State College, taught vocational agriculture for six years and is well experienced in farm work. He is a son of the li’te C. H. Col vard and Mrs. Colvard, of Red dies River, y'ilkes co-unty. For the past few years he has been making his home in Wilkesboro and has been engaged in the lum ber business, here. Mr. Colvard was employed by agreement between the Wilkes regular quarterly enlistment of county comimlssloners and- the Wilkes -boys In the OCC will be on Tuesday, July 8. I 'The white quota is -unlimited and I hoys Interested in enlisting are asked to make application im mediately at the county welfare office. They will bte Jnducted at »41.. npvPiM enraaa to Tea Invasion maneuvers at West Falmontb, Cape the Laurel S'prlngs camp. Mau Pictnre at the ^ht shows them goinf over the side of the army transport, Ki«t. ooampe^ The county’s quota Uniil ev« t?e idt^llp^Wt: *The T-boat. .peed toward. ••«*«■«. toft: The toeel qred ha. already been flUed, the helmeted treepa make a awlft landing on Old Mvet keaefa and head lor vital obtoenvei. ^ Cod, -welCare officer said. North Carolina extension service. Wyatt Infant Dies Last rites were held today at Halls Mills cemetery for Wanda Wyatt, Infant daughter of Nora. Wyatt, of Halls Mills. She dletf. Wednesday afternoon. Surviving are the another and one sister, Kay Wyatt. I Ky Ivid. i

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