-TyTr’-M-r'iefci iMifMiiiitfirter rmUrn m pS5 •’ ■ ' T-''""Ai?'’'>i' ' ■> THE lOT. ■Patriot independent in poutigs t" Mo®d*yt and Thursdays at ^ North WUkesboro, N. C. I D. J. CARTER and JULIUS C. HUBBARD Pnblishers t?l\ SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One Year |1.50 3ix Months .76 Four Months 60 Out of the State $2.00 per Year Entered at the post office at North Wilkes- boro, N. C., as second class matter under Act 9f March ,4, 1879. MONDAY, JULY 7, 1941 Independence One hundred and .sixty-five years ago on Friday, July 4, a group of men represent ing the American colonies met in Phila delphia and proclaimed their indepen dence and the right to govern themselves. In the declaration, which was written by a committee headed by Thomas Jefferson and adopted unanimously, it was admitted that peoples should not be hasty in break ing away from' established governments at slight provocation and went on to enumer ate a long and imposing list of grievances again.st the King of England. It took men of great stamina and cour age, w'ho pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor together, to make that mo- menteous step 165 years ago. On Friday the American people cele brated the fourth of July. And because of the loss of liberty to about half the people in the world, the hol iday for us took on added significance. It will prove beneficial to the American citizenship in that they were sufficiently aw'akened to learn something about why July fourth is a holiday. We hestitate to make this assertion, but we believe that half the inhabitants of America today cannot tell in any intelli gent manner why we celebrate July fourth as a holiday. That half thinks about July fourth as a day to shoot firecrackers, get drunk and otherw^^ate a disturbance. For the benefit OTt^Se who did not lis ten in, we wish to publish in this column the following news account of the nation wide observance of the Fourth Friday as led by President Roosevelt: Hyde Park. N. Y.—In an unprece dented Independence Day ceremony. President Roosevelt told his fellow Americans ye.sterday that they mu.st pledge lives as w'ell as allegiance to country and flag because the funda- tal principles for which their forefath ers fought in 1776 were “being struck doivn abroad and definitely they are threatened here.” Millions of Americans, commemorat ing the holiday as they pleased—at beaches, ball parks, picnic groves and home.s—pau.sed solemnly at 4 p. m. (e. s.t.) and heard the admonition of their Chief Executive. Then, led by Chief Ju.stice Harlan Fisk Stone, people and President spoke as one— “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the re public for which it .stands, one nation in divisible, with liberty and justice for all.” But the liberty of that nation indivi sible, Mr. Roosevelt warned, cannot sur vive here alone if freedom is lo.st in all other nations. “This is why,” he said, speaking by radio from the Franklin D. Roo.sevelt Librar>% “we are engaged in a serious, in a mighty, in a unified action in the cause of the defense of the hemi.sphere and the freedom of the seas. We need not the loyalty and unity alone, but we need speed and efficiencv and toil—and an end to back biting and an end to thie sabotage which runs far deeper than the blowing up. of munitions plants. “I tell the American people .solemnly that the United States will never survive as a happy and fertile oasis of liberty surrounded by a cruel desert of dictator- ^^^“And so it is that when we repeat the CTeat pledge to our country and to our flag it must be our deep conviction that we pledge as well our work, our will, and if it be necessary our very lives.’ Labor’s Chance \ccording to Attorney General Jackson, tain labor leaders responsible for recent ikes in defense industries have definite- communist sympathies. They are follow- long-established Soviet “wrecking” ics now remains to be seen whether the c and file of labor will continue to ac- this kind of alien-inspired leadership, does, the government will have no choice but to use the sternest measurea— and the public mil back the government up. Labor can clean bouse now, adjust its grievances through meditation, and buckle down to the vital defense job. To continue to strike against the nation’s safety will prove the most suicidal thing labor can do. IRQ. N; MONDAY, JULY i: l|tti Ahsufdiitii ■■ f- 'A, - "ftri By DWIGHT NICHOLS, et sL Borrowed Comment TAXPAYERS PAYING (Skyland Post) One of the favorite arguments of those who see any justification in defense strikes is this: “If a company is increasing its pro fits because of defense orders there is no reason why labor shouldn’t share in that increased profit.” That is certainly the best reason offered for rapid wage increases, but it doesn I hold much water under the present defense contract set-up. For when wages are in creased above what they were when a de fense contract was made, the government, not the employer, is billed. The contracts aren’t as simple as that, but that is what they amount to. Take the North American Aviation company, for in stance: in its contract with the govern ment that company has a clause which provides that the government will reim burse it for wage increases which are not above average wage increase for the air plane industry as a whole. If the wages for the airplane industry go up to 20 per c6nt and North America s increases up 25 per cent, the company loses 5 per cent, if their wages go up 15 per cent, the com pany gains 5 per cent and if their wages go up the average amount of 20 per cent the government takes care of that in crease. The reason for such clauses in contracts is based on the fact that such contracts are made to cover co.st plus what the govern ment considers a fair profit. If the com pany had to stand the loss due to wage in creases, it would not, in the government’.^ opinion, make a fair profit and would pro bably suffer lo.sses. When wages are rai.sed in defense in- du.stries, it is the taxpayer and not the em ployer who has to foot the bill. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED On Friday, July fourth, a younfr man who had imbihed far too much aplrlte, considering the weather, and everything, rtagge’’ ed along the street until he got to the door of Call Hotel. There he slumped’ to the sidewalk and lay still. Probebly he (was feeling so badly that he thought he was going to die and he did not want to inconvenience the coroner—T. M. Myers, who Is also manager of the hotel. Police came alnog and carried the man to a cell cot, which is prcfbably not as hard as the sidewalk. Liquidate the d!rinklsg driver! That w'ss the advice of almMt all of the 15.o6> motorists who an- -wered f nation-wide survey con ducted ■by “NOT OVER 60” Club, nation-wide highway safety or ganization, to determine what the average driver thinks should be htidsf at ttie mo- traffle shoaM he regv- Jwd ^drtKatrletly, Blao. Ov«r 60” Ch»h. which mido^ the eurvey, *waa„ organised in 1936 III an effort to reduce aeeldeBts,"and, in particularfa talities and serious Injnriee as the result of a tendency toward high or speeds oh the open highway. Today**over 300,000 motorists be long to the Club. All of them are pledged to drive carefully end tr ^ Hinf Mule AmotHidon AesoctatieiL 61 J’ood Cl be tM MUof-eUrt OB the MMrtlBf. prograa. E. 1. Norton of the tJ. 8. Soil vatioh Service, Washington,- 0.^^ C., will speak before the Xgron- ^ omy section. All other discusaiona will be led by North Carolina farmers and agiicultuTcl leaders of the lone to reduce the highways’ an-,*^^ ® ,, . nual toll of dead and Injure^. ««««! fifty miles an hour a any time. To help remind them, memhen receive a little red arrow sticker to place on the speedometers of i their cars at the flfty-mile-an- , hour mark. Membership Is free. "This survey gives law en forcement egehcles a mandate strong enough to drive the drink- Ir^g driver off the roads,” declar ed James S. Kemper, president of the Lumbermens Mutual Carnal. ty Company, which sponsors the I _ , * , Club. “Over 98 per cent of thelSpCEKCrS AnnOUnCCu 16,000 who answered the Not! Farm Hniru* Ww»lc Over 60’ rinh’o mipaHnni nlra TOr F arm,nOme W CCK WE PASS THIS ON Who is a certain girl who say.? “tor goodness sake’’, and a cer tain man who frequently says “ye gods,’’ who are expected to “middle aisle It” next spring? Looks like a happy family. Or does it? OFT’ICERS ARE DCMB SOMETIMES A moiorcycle cop pulled beside of a car parked on a coun try road in the wee small hours of the morning. He yelled: “Hey, what business have you got to be out here at this time of the night?” A voice from within the car replied: “This ain’t business; It's a pleasure.” WHITE HOUSE BOTTLE NECK (Richmond (Va.) News Leader) Because the nation may, for these rea- .sons, be enjoying the last full freedom of utterance that will be^ryi^le for a long time, we should make the most of the light. While still we are informed, we must learn. There should be deliberate discussion now and a ruthless expose dur ing the next few weeks of all perceptible weakne.sses of the national defen.se. Every where the question should be, how fares that defen.se? What may we correct now in full understanding of the defects? Many informed men in Washington will say privately, in answer, the mo.st imme diate single need is that of clearing the worst bottleneck—the bottleneck of the White House, the bottleneck of the desk of President Roo.sevelt. He has resolved that the direction of the national defense shall not be in the hands of any faction, politi cal or economic. Especially in the work of the 0PM, he has tried so to divide respon sibility between Mr. Hillman and Mr. Knudson that the one will balance the other. Into nearly all Spheres of defense work, this policy has been extended. The motive is to be commended; the administrative wisdom may be questioned. An engineer of experience in world war in- du.stry, who recently spent a month trying to straighten out one tangle in Washing ton, .said the other day: “I have felt ver>- blue over the situation for the last 60 days. .No one can get up any enthusiasm about a program that is as balled up as this one. The most serioua defect is that there is ab solutely no subdivision of authority. Every thing, even a minor detail, must be ap proved by the President before it is execut- -'d. Even an item of 30 houses for some small towns with a defense factory has to go to the President before it can be au thorized. When you consider for a mo ment that the President of the United States is looking after the Japanese situa tion, the British situation, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific, it is inconceivable that he would also hav’e the time to deter mine whether or not 30 houses are needed at Podunk, but that is what is going on.” OPTIJIISTIC SONG Song writers always go the ex treme one way or another. The one who wrote the current hill billy hit entitled “I’ll be back in a year” was decidedly optimistic. FROM WHICH SOURCE? The Poipe would have us be lieve that God sent this war to punish the world. We’d rather say the devil sent the war through one Adolf Hitler, who seems to be his commander in chief. LIGHT STUFF FOR HE.AVY •>U^DS Domestic hint: Help your wife. When she washes the dishes, wash the dishes with her; when she mops the floor, mop up the floor with her. Ju.‘t remember the next time a fellow tries to get a dime off of you for a cup of coffee that he may hf.ve a date. Don’t tell him that you thought coffee was on ly five cents. Letter from College Student: “Dear Dad: Oue$$ when I neer mo3t of all. That’3 right. Jend it along? Bejt wi$he3. Your Son Frank.” Letter from Dad to Son “Dear Frank; Nothing ever hap pens here. We kNOw you lik your school. Write us aNOthe: letter aNOn. NOw we have t( say goodbye.” Club’s Questlont.aire asked for stricter enforcemejt of laws prohibiting driving while in toxicated.” "For a long time, safety ex perts have agreed that If drunken driving was ever stopped many of the most serious highway acci dents would he prevented and now for the first time we have important proof that the persou who does the driving agrees with ithe experts wholeheartedly. It up {only remains for the law to re new Its efforts and to keep on renewing them until drunken driving is a thing of the past.” The majority of other answers to the questionnaire indicated that re.-(pon8ible motorists also favor stricter enforcement of oth er regulations aimed at reducing traffic accidents. Reckless driv ing was ranked as the Number One cause of automobile acci dents and 87 per cent were of the opinion that driver’s license laws should be more strictly enforced Excessive .?peed was ranked as the second most important cause of accidents, and 77.per cent fav ored stricter enforcement o f speed laws. Both of these reac tions show the influence of the “Not Over 50” Club creed, which asks all members to limit their top speed to fifty mile? an hour at all times. The majority of the motorists contributing to the siir vey felt that state-wide speed limits should be established, the percentage in f.-vor of .such mens ures being 81 per cent. Of thi'- nnm.ber, 88 per cent favor a speed limit of ffity mile,- per hour or the open road, and 90 per cen' want a top speed of thirty mile' per hour in the city. The compulsory Inspec'ion of ail motor vehicles at regular in tervals in order to bar from the road those that are unfit, was favored by 94 per cent. Likewise. 93 per cent thought the same thing should happen to drivers— that they should all be examined and only those who are a! le to drive well, be allowed to con. tinue. Not all of the favored safety NEUTR.AL FOR NAZI.S That old errek about heinp neutral but “neutral which way’' finds its counterpart in the be havior of France: giving up In do China tp the Japs without i tight while bravely fighting a- gaiivt the British to hold Syria tor the Nazis to use. First Baptists In Lead Softball Play A slogan for gasless Sundays: See your own backyard first.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. What the smart recruit does not know, on his first furlough home, he can cover up as a “defense secret.”—Los Angeles Times France used to stand behind the Magi not line. Now it dittos behind Berlin.— Greensboro Daily News. First Baptist softball team took a commanding lead in the fir half scliediile of the softball league here by defeating North Wilkesboro Methodists on Wed nesday afternoon. On Thursday afternoon Presby terian te.-m, which has shown much improvement, defeated V.’ii- kesl'oro Methodists. The standing is a.s follows: L. Pet. 1 800 3 40(! 3 40t 3 40( TEA.M W First Raiptist 4 N. W. Methodist 2 W. Methodist 2 Presbyternan 2 Games Tuesday and Thursdaj of this week will complete th first half schedule. However, the victory by the Baptist Wednes day clinched the first place in the league for the first half. Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who nj^er hath turned his he.-d and said, “Hmmmmm, not bad!” State. Featured speakers for the eve ning programs during Farm and Home Week, to be held at N. C. SteUe College August 4.8, are rn- nounced by Dan M. Paul, secre tary of the Farmers’ Convention. Major General Jacob L. Devers. commanding officer o f Fort Bragg, will report on the welfare of farm youths at training ormps in an addres.? on the Tuesday evening program, August 5. Dr. Helen Mitchell, director of nutrl- tion for the Federal Securitv Agency, Washington, D. C., will j discuss the relation of health to ' National Defense. Governor J. M. | Broughton will speak on the Tuesday night proer-m. John A. Arey, chairman of the Men’s Programs, has completed arrangements for snecial forestry, poultry, agronomy, inarketing, livestock and horticulture confer- ence.5. The only speech at the forestry meeting on Tuesday morning will be ’ty E. N. Munns, chief of the Division of Forest Influences, T’. S. Forest S’ervice. Likewise, the poultry conference on Tuesday will include only one address— by H. A. Rittenhender, director of the Nutrition.'l Service for the | Borden Company. i Appearing on the Animal Hus- j bandry program will be: R. L. j Lush of the National Fertilizer ! Association, Dr. R. E. McArdle of | the U. S. Fore.'t Service, Dr. R. j B. Becker of the University of , Florida, and Wayne Dinsmore of! HOW TATTOOING MAY SAVE LIVES. Medlcel science urges warning code marks on the body, so doctors can quickly diagnose people suffering from diabetic shock or epilepsy, or know what type of blood to give unconscious accident victims in need of imme diate transfusions. And for sensi tive ladies there’s a new type of tattooing that only shows up under x-rays. Read It In The American Weekly with Sunday’s Washington Times-Herald, now on sale. Williams Motor Company T. H. WILLIAMS, Mgr. BEAR FRAME SERVICE Good Used Cars, Trucks Sind Tractors • EASY TERMS • Will Pay Cash for Late Model Wrecked Cars and Trucks Complete Body Rebuilding Electric and Acetylene Welding ’PHONE 334-J % Dr. E.S. Cooper —CHIROPRACTOR— Office Next Door To Reins-Sturdivant, Inc. —Telephone 205-R— Office Gosed Every Thnrsday Aftemaoa FAST MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE BETWEEN North Wilkesboro and Charlotte Two schedules operated each way every day. SCHEDULE Leaving Charlotte, 9 a. m. arriving Ncrlh Wilkesboro abcut noon. Leaving Charlotte 8 p. m.. arriving here for 7 a. m. del'yeries. Leaving here for Charlotte daily 7 a. m.— 2;.30 p. m. M. and M. MOTOR EXPRESS Headquarters Dick’s Service Station TELEPHONE 371 North Wilkesboro, N. C. A . > HOLIDAY ACCIDENTS 3 out of 4 driving accidents happen because people can't stop in time. Remember, brakes stop your wheels, but it's good, gripping tire tread that actually stops your car —prevents aeddeott. AT YOUR TIRES. See if the tread is worn and dangerous. Or, better still, let ua inspect your tires for you. We'll be glad to give them a thorough safety ex* amination free of charge. TO THIS TRADE-IN OFFER Extra Big ABowaare For Your Old Tiros On mmmifr QUICK STOPS BLOWOUT PROTECTION LONGER, QUIETEK BIDES Bach block ei the Safety Anti-feictioo cotton ooitU, You get a emhiooed ride, | Stripe tread grips, pUei up safety*aealed in latex, re> because the independent agatmtthencztinawedaing sift tire best••• protect tprmg-actiai>of caditread actioo to stop you quiver, against Uowouts. Uocksbsorbtamsl] bumps. TIME TO RE-TIRE SAFETY SPECIAL! See Your Nearest Fisk Dealer C. D. COFFEY & SONS North Wilkesboro, North CBToliiM

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