X&X1V. No 81 Publiahe(i' Mond&ya and Thltfsdi^' itoRTg-^gJ^gORO. N. C.; Cmn^eesFor Tpi^Purdiase l^^»gram Named Wholesalers* License Due; Penalty To Increase On Schedule B License Nine Wilkes citizens have been named on committees to advise *” and assist in the operation of the rehabiilitation and tenant pur chase profrrams of the United States Department of Agriculture. J. B. Higlismith, Wilkes County Supervisor for Farm Security Ad ministration. announced the ap pointments made by Vance E. Swift, FSA State Director at Ra leigh, North Caroiina. The members appointed by Mr. Swift are: James A. Poplin, farm er at Ronda: W. M. Absher, farm er at Halls Mills: Charlie Miles, farmer of Traphill; W. D. Half acre, banker in North Wilkes- boro; T. J. McNeil, farmer at Roaring River: C. E. Tharpe, farmer of Ronda; J. B. Snipes, County Agent for Wilkes County, Wilkesboro; Charles McNeil, Wel fare Office for Wilkes county, Wilkosboro: and Martrin F. .Ab sher. farmer. merchant and Chairman of County Board of Commissioners, Hay.s. Mr. Highsmith said that Mr. Poplin, Mr. W. M. Absher and Mr. .Miles will serve as members of the subcommittee on the Ten ant Purchase program; Mr. Half acre. Mr. Tharpe and Mr. T. J. McNeil will serve on the subcom mittee for the Farm Debt Adju.n- ment and tenure improvement work: Mr. Poplin, Mr. T. J. Mc Neil and Mr. W. M. Absher will t serve on the subcommittee for le rural rehabilitation program. Mr. Snipes, Mr. Charles McNeil and Mr. M. F. Absher are mem bers at large to advise on the var ious phases of assistance to low income farm families. The Tenant Purchase progt .m provides funds for the purch^ of family type farms by auallfi^ Persona Non Grata Elusive Everett WUes In Jail AtStaksiMe Tubercular Clinic Will Begin Monday Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes health officer, today asked that Wilkes people not forget the tubereulrr clinic to begin at the .county health department on l^onday, July 14. A clinician from the state'san- itorium will make free examina tion of all suspects and appoint ments for examinations may be hrd by calling the. county health department. All who have any reason to suspect they may have [ contracted the disease are urged by the health department to se cure appointment for examina tion. Bad Man Charged ' With Murder Trys Escape on Monday Jumped Through Rest Room Window At Stop On Way From Atlanta Prison Amo Halnsa, former secretary of German legation at Quito, Ecuador, arrives in New York. He was per sona non grata (not wanted, please leave, pronto) at the Sonth Amer ican republic after an Incident In volving a package arriving by plane. War News Workers Council Met On Tuesday Progress Of Food and Feed Drive In Wilkes Discuss ed At Meeting Wilkes County Workers Coun cil, an organization composed of representatives o f government agencies formed to carry out the food and feed production driven in the county, held its regular meeting Tuesday with pract'oally all of the members present. J. B. Snipes, county agent and chairman, srid that reports of the drive were encouraging and that many hundreds of farmers had to rehablUtatlon loans are a^ lable to low income farm tam- ineligible for credit else- sre, for the purchase of live- .fe workstock. seed, fertilizer 1 'equipment. ,ln accordance h carefully -hned operatioH he farm and home. -About -sO | av families in Wilkea County, e already been helped by thi^ I ^h'^T“ervice of debt adjii.stmeiit imitteement are available o farmers, as well as to rowers. The committeemen I assist creditors and farm tors to reach an amicable ad- Lment of debts based on the lity to pay. Thu service has „ used by 75 farmers m kes county. 1r. Highsmith said better ten- arrangements is one of tne 5t pressing needs in the^ re ilitation of low income farm Lilies. Farm Security Adminis- ion provide.s lease forms for . term lea-ses to encourage servation and belter ,13. This sendee is also avail- » to all farmers in the county, A-ell as to FSA borrowers, carm Security Administration he agency of the U. S. Depart- ;U of Agriculture which assists low income farm families to e full advantage of the other vices of the national agncul- program, such as soil ini- vement. diversified 1 increased production ae use. Mr. hies the disadvantaged farm- to make use of the improved jL.ve. j4 >;> Extension Service an -icultural Expenraent^tation. fi^ requirements for dhe' year. " H’. C. Colvard. who assumed his duties as assist; Jit county ? gent on July 1. was added to the membership of the council. Coiintv Agent Snipes is chair- mna; C. W. Edwards, of the soil conservation service, is vice chairman; and J. B. Highsmith. of the Farm Security administra tion. is secretary of the coiincil. Other membei-s are as follows: Mrs. Mable Smithey. supervisor of WP.A lunchroom project: Miss Elizabeth Williams, home demon stration agent: Dr. A. J. Eller, county health officer: Charles McNeill, county superintendent of welfare: Uawrence Miller, Triple A secretary; H. C. Colvard, assist ant county agent. The Red army reported today J that Germany’s offea=lve had been smashed back with severe | losses on two vital fronts guard ing Moscow and the Ukraine and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill declared American oc- cupatioji of Iceland was aimed to prevent Adolf Hitler from coming to close gripiS with the United States. AVhile Churchill described Pres ident Roosevelt’s action as assur ing American and British co-opj ration to protect the Atlantic Ocean routes to British and as preventing Hitler from bringing pressure on the United States, the Nazis bitterly protested that the occupation was a “stpb in the hack” and that America had en tered the "battle area, where shooting is sharp.” But official reports—and lack of specific German reports in some instrnces—from the eastern Everett Wiles, convicted moon, shiner, thief, counterfeiter, all round brd man and alleged mur derer, was transferred from Wilkes jail to Statesville jail yes terday morning for .tafe keeping until the August term of court when his trial for the murder ot constable Nathan Wyatt nine years ago is crlendared. * The board of county commis- stoners ordered the removal .of lUI’es to the Iredell jail at the request of Sheriff C. T. Doughton. Repair work in progress at the Wilkes jail Increased Wilkes’ chances of escape, officers said-. Wiles was brought on Monday night from the federal peniten tiary at Atlanta, Ga., by Sheriff C. T. Doughton and Deputy George Holland. Although hand cuffed, Wiles made a daring at tempt to escape at Conover on the trip to Wilkeshoro. He is said to have jumped through a rest room window but was recaptured after a short r.hpse by the officers. The murder of Nathan Wyatt, Rock Creek township constable and former police chief of North Wilkesboro, occured on March 24. 1932, at the home of Wiles’ mother, Mrs. Janie Wiles. In Ti-aphlll township. Wiles is alleg ed to have shot the officer as he was trying to 'arrest Wiles for the theft of some automobile parts. One bullet went through W>'alt’s hat and the other into the The two draft boards in WilkW cuonty have notified 36 men to re port On July 18 for induction into the army et Fort Bragg under provisions of the selective service act. Princess Juliana of The Netherlands and her consort. Prince Ber^ hardt, enjoyed a *4-honr stay at the White House as guests of Presi dent and Mrs. Eoosevelt. Photo shows, left to right, on their amyal « the White Bouse, Prince Consort Bernhardt, Mrs. Roosevelt and Prlnceng Juliana. Health Officer Urges Canning Of Blackberries Says Each Family Should Have Adequate Supply; Berries Healthful Food Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes' herlth officer and member of the Work ers Council promoting the Food and Feed production program in Wilkes, today urged Wilkes fam ilies to can an abundance of blackberries. Commenting on the subject. Dr. justly boaAt of its wonderful Eller said; “Wilkes county can fruits. In fact, apples, peaches, cherries end berries grow to per fection. They develop all the fine, rich qualities—flavor, a- roma, taste and nutrition. Just now I would call especial atten tion to one of our native fruits— the blackberry. It is highly nutrl- Chorus To Sing At First Baptist Kennedy Home High School Chorus To Sing Here On Friday Evening, 18th of hte, foi»fc?Ad. tious, a fruit th* children like thei^ ithl-'^fSr theii The Kennedy Home High School Chorus w:ll sing at First Baptist church. North Wilkesboro, Friday evening, July 18. This group of singers is a product of a vocal laboratory experiment of six years’ work, proving that any one can learn to sing. There are one hundred and thirty-nine boys and girl-s in the Institution. By actual test the first year of the experiment, sev enty per cent of the children ad mitted that year, could not sing in pitch or match tones with oth er voices. In a special demonstra tion of the results of the first two years of work in vocal ex periment, every boy and girl on the campus was presented in r program before the State Wilkes board number one will send 15. Four are volunteer*: Thomas Ravon Huffman, Arlyss Eugene Nichols, Edward Clay Bishop and James Arlyss Minton. The eleven conscripts will be Wai ter Eugene Mathis, Anvil John Joyner, Monzel Mastin, Edward Carl Souther, Thomas AVilson Earp, Willard Pless Smith, Wood- row Huffman, Arthur Charles Steele, William Clegg Culler, J. P. Harris and Albert Marlow. Wilkes board number two has three volunteers for th^ call. They are George Thomas Wyatt, Ira Calloway Burchett and Earl Watts. Conscripts will be Floyd Hincher. Gilmer Adams, James Garfield Barker, John Frank Day, Fred Bowers, Rufus Juno Holloway, Homer Aldine Huie. Robert Lee Adams, Cft'de Miller Waugh. Alger Clindon Walla, Paul William Brooks, James Ver non Staley, John Carl Owens, Motson DeWItt Blackburn, Tru man Clyde S'tone, John Harley Glass, Robert Clay Mayberry and Wallace Duglas Wiles. The men will report to their re spective draft board offices on the morning of July 18 and board the bus here for Port Bragg. The July 18 call is the only one for this month for the Wilkea boards and is the largest number of men requested from Wilkes for any one call. ii Food Sale Saturday Mr. 'and Mr.. Gaither to Celebrate vVeddmg Anniversary Will Be Ob- 1 Saturday .At Their Home :e number of relatives ids are expected to gath- , home of Mr. and Mrs. Gaither, who reside on 421 near Millers Creek, rdav, the occasion of den wedding Annivers- 1 Mrs. Grither. 'well likes- residents, were n July 12. 1891. -Mrs. eing the former MLs ‘ennell. ittendlng the wedding 1 at the Gaith.er home jted to bring basket of gs to eat as a big plc- ■ will b« spread on the lie noon hour. Mary Ma.gdalene Sunday school c 1 a s -s of Wilkesboro Baptist church will conduct a food sale Saturday at Newton’s Drug Store, beginning at 11 a. m. Cakes, can dies and salads will be sold and all patronage will be appreciated. Legion Will Meet On Friday Night Wilkes post of the American Legion will meet at the Legion and .Auxiliary clubhouse on Fri day night, 7:30. The meeting was postponed from Friday night of last week until Friday night of this week. A large attendance is urged. Saves Doomed Dog HIUW launched ed offensive against the Soviet Union. Rousseau Tells Of State Taxes Announcement of New Com* mittees Made By FAS Su pervisor For Wilkes J. R. Rousseau, deputy collec tor of state revenue in Wilkes, has moved hia office from the second floor of the Tomlinson De partment store building on Main street to room nine on the sec ond floor of the Bank of North Wilkesboro. DLcussing state taxes today, Mr. Rousseau celled attention to the fact that whole.salers’ license of ten dollars each are now due and must be paid before the 15th of the month to avoid penalty. He also called attention to schedule B (privilege) license, which were due on July 1 and to which a penrlty of five per cent has already been added. The pen alty will increase to ten per cent if not paid this month, he said. niseu.=sing the sales tax, he said the new revenue law exempt ed all sales tax on food for con sumption on the home tfble. The change went into effect July 1. Legion Sponsor Lee’s ^des Here Rides Will Be Here All Next Week; Horse Show Each Night; At Fairgrounds Wilkes post of the American Legion will sponsor Lee’.s. riding devices all next week at the Wilkes fairgrounds, A. F. Kilby, commander of the I.,egion post, said today. The rides will be in operation each evening and bight and in addition there will be a horse show each night. Mr. Kilby said. The Legion will share in the profits and the funds will be used to carry on the post’.s worth while activities in Wilkes county. 'All patronage will be appreciat ed, Mr. Kilby said. Mrs. B. Nelson and danghter of San Francisco with “Eowdy,” doomed to die by wiU of late mistress, who feaisd her pet would be lonely. Court order saved him. “I don’t mind wahing the dishes for you,” wailed the hen pecked husband. “And I will even sweep the floors, but I ain’t gon na run no ribbons through my nightshirt just to fool the baby”. [y?^P-#lcW : H-. time. La«r secret service operas tives in New Tori' began trailing Wiles for passing counterfeit ten dollar bljls and after one of the longest trails on secret service records WUes was arrested one night at a cabin near Mount -Airy- He was subdued in the cabin by tear ga.s. He had with him a large amount of counterfeit bills and a Quantity of equipment for mak ing spurious money. Wiles was heavily armed at the time of his arrest. Previously Wiles had ex changed a number of shots with Wilkes Deputy George Holland when the officer attempted to ar. rest him in a field near Hays in Wilkes county. His seven-year sentence in tne federal penitentiary expired Sun day and Sheriff Doughton was there to take him unaur arrest for ] the nine-year old murder In , Wilkes. It is expected that the i state will ask a verdict of first .degree murder when Wilkes court convenes in -August. The arrest and forthcoming trial of Wiles' in Wilke-s have served to revive memories of AViles’ escapades and crimes be fore the murder of Wyatt. F. J. McDuffie, Wilkesboro at torney, telb» an interesting ac .count of the trial of Everett Wiles and a younger brother be fore two mpgistrates. Attorney McDuffie at the time of that trial had been in Wilkes boro for a short time practicing law and was not well acquainted with a great number of people. One day Luther Prevette, of the northeastern part of the county, went into McDuffie’s of fice with a request that he go out that day to prosecute two men whom had been charged with stealing parts of his se’wmill. The lawyer did not anticipate much work and set his fee at ten dol lars, which Prevette paid Imme- diate’y. The lawyer drove to the rp- pointed place for the trial, which he until that time had considered just another magistrate’s hearing. But before the day was*over be had had a most exciting time. The trial was set before W. A. Dur ham, who had called in W. W. Gambill to sit with him on the case. The trial had been moved from the IVirham home to the school- house, which McDuffie said wa.s l.terally filled with people he had never seen before and many he has not seen since. Everett Wtles and his brother had no counsel and Everett had appointed himself a counsel • of one to defend himself. McDuffie (Continued (w page eight) this fine cheap fnilf to: ter and early spring. You will find it very healthful and some thing the chi!d.ren will enjoy. 3 NYA Projects Are In Operation Woodworkingt Mechanical and Home Service Pro jects Put 74 To Work Mrs Maude E. Miller, former supervisor of NYA in Wilkes and now a member of the personnel of the area NYA office in Lenoir, said today that three of the NYA projects in Wilkes have resumed operation after being suspended during the reorganization period of the NYA. The three which have begun work are the woodworking pro ject home service project and mechanical project at the county grrage. The three employ a total of 74 boy.> and girls. Mrs. Miller said that applica tions can be taken for NYA resi dent centers and asked that boys and girls interested make appli cation On Friday or Saturdry. when she will be at the county courthouse in Wilkesboro. You have all heard of the Scotchman who wouldn’t buy his girl a parasol when he took her to the beach, but told her shrdy stories instead. Aids Britons Robert Watt. Bcottish. sqiebtist, credited with toveattoa of Bribes ■e# secret rsdia IsbstM, wbicb Is Britain’* mysterlons defmae against Nsal air raiders. * ^ The various choruses'taker, about In giving programs on the campus and other plsces. Each month during the winter the mus ic of an outstanding composer is studied and a recital program presented. Dramatics and Direct Ing Classes are also a part of thf prrctical phase of^study. Pat Alderman, Director of the Kennedy Home Music Deqiarl. ment, says, “Any person not raen- Ully or physically deformed, car learn to sing. The earlier you be gin to surround the child with tones, pitches, and melodies, the more apt are these inclination? to be formed in the child.’’ The Kennedy Home Music Department does not get the child in the kin dergarten years, which is thf most formptive period in thf child’s life. We have to overcomf the lack of the right environment and influence of these early year? and start the process of elimina tion, as well as construction. Dr. B. W. Spilman says: “The music program has meant much to the life of the students at the Kennedy Home. I hope th; t the messages in song much to the persons so fortunatf as to hear them, as tha=e mes sages have meant to us.’’ Music is a character builder and a wonderful influence i n helping personality find itself. We need more music for our young people, espedrlly in the churches._What we are doing at Kennedy Home, can be accomp lished in any church and com munity. _ , , Come and hear these youthful singers Friday evening. July 18. at 8:00 o’clock at North Wilke.--- boro Baptist church. Navy Officer Will Be Here July 11th Ensign C. I. Harris, of the i’ S. Navy recruiting station at Ra lelgh, will be in North Wilkes boro Friday, July 11. nine a. m o three p. m., for interriewing persons interested in V-7 cl'ss of naval reserve officers corps. The basic requirements arr that the applicant be unmarried have a B. A^. or B. S. degree, be- ween the ages of 20 and 27, and be of sound moral character. Jaycees Meet Tonight North Wilkesboro Junior Cham ber of Ckimmerce will meet to- ,nl«ht, 7:30, at the city hall to lay final plans for Charter Night, July 17. Every inem>ber is asked to bb present at the meeting. York ’ini , last year, was honored t.,_. „ when a promenade in New, Ym city was dedicated as a memori||^_^„ to him. •' Dr. Finley was a kinsman of the Finleys in North Wilkesboro and on one occasion vL=lted here. The following article was car ried in the New York Times July 1 along with a picture of the promenade: A memorial to Dr. John H. Fin ley in the form of a promenade itop the East River Drive will be jedicated informally this morn ing at 9:30 o’clock by officials including Miyor La Guardia, Borough President Stanley M. Isaacs of .Manhattan and Park CommUsioner Robert Moses. The ceremonies will take place at Eighty-first. Street and the Drive. The memorial section, comprising the stretch from Six ty-third to 12 6th Street, will be known as John H. F’inley Walk. Others present will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H ys S-ilzberger, nembers of the Finley family and Edwin Marcus, a New York "imes artist who designed two ;rought-iron silhouettes of the -ormer editor of The Times to >e placed at either end of the new -.valk. Dr. Finley, who died on March 7, 1940, was one of the nation’s great pedestrians. He walked mile after mile through the city streets, which in hia mind i ecame the highwrys and byways of dist ant lands. AVhen Borough Presi- ■lent Isaacs broached the project of the walk last year, he referred o Dr. Finley as “a great walker yho would have loved to ramble along this new stretch of pedes trian highway.’’ Quartet Singing At Mulberry 20th stone Mountain quartet singing convention will convene at Mul berry school on highway 18 six miles north of this city on Sun day. July 20. The program will get under yay at one o’clock and all qiiar- ’:et8 are Invited. Announcement of the singing was made by J. A- Gilliam. chrirman, and J. L. Greg ory, secretary, of the organiza tion. . Boy: “I’ve been begging yodi for a kiss for the past hour. Don’t you like kissing, baby?” Girl (coyly): “Of course, silly; hut I don’t like beggara!”— Sheared. - r*-