-C. S^fej rHUBSDAy;. JUlJr# brief LpCAiT#«#S IfMs abovt reople Yon Know BTr. Jimmie Moore is spending litej weeke in Winston-Salem. A daughter, Annie Marie, was »rn last week to Mr. and Mrs. M. Absher, of McGrady. Mrs. E. S. Tugman. of this city, nsfled Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Os- •ome at McGrady, Sunday. Miss Lena Culler and Miss Pat ty Somers spent Tuesday in Gas- ttonia visiting with friends. Miss Sue Moving Clements spent the week-end in Mt. Airy as a guest of Mrs. Walter Moss, a former resident of this city. Mra J. H. Armbrust, of Reids- ville, is spending sometime with Mrs. Clarence Call at her cottage on the Bi-ushy Mountain. Miss BlJith R. Brown, who holds a position with the Wilkes (Hospital, is spending her vacation with relatives in Richmond, Va. Mr. Meet Miller, who,'’ U summer school at State, College' In Raleigh, was here for the hoU> days with his' parents, Mr. aad Mrs. George McT. Miller. Mias Mary Scallon, of St. Paul. Minnesota, is here visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fau- cette. She is,a niece of Mr. Fau- cette. Mr. T. J. Frazier and daugh ters, Mary Lois and Jackie, at tended the funeral of Mr. Fra zier’s nephew, Mr. Earle Kelly, in Greenville, Tenn., last week-end. Air. Prul Soots, who has been wrrking in Norfolk. Va., has re turned to his home here- for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. P'ioyd Jennings, ■if Pores Knob, visited Mrs. Jen nings’ mother, .Mrs. J. W. Fletch er. rear IhU city Friday. LittI eMiss Pe.ggy Cox. of Mc- ■tSrady, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Royster at Dublin, Va.. 'this week. Mrs. Jack Quinn and son, Mike, of Cleveland, Tenn.. rre spending sometime here with Mrs. Quinn’s slsler, Mrs. Andrew Kilby, ' and i other relatives. Little Miss Sylvia Abernetliy. of Pulaski, Va., was the week-end guest here of her grandmother. Mrs. T. J. Frazier. Mr. and Mi-s. R. C. Faiirutte are moving this week from the Foote Apartment on Ninth Street to the Jiile Deans residence on H Street. marriage license was issued Saturday to Mr. William R. Par- due, of Ronda. and Mi.ss Frances Lena Burchette. of State Road. .Mrs. Bon Perkin.$ and Mrs. fiay Kenned'" visited .Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Parlier and family in Char- iolte Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Eddie Myres. Urs. Carl Mayberry and daugh ter. .4nn. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Mayberry. Mr. and Mr.-. D. C. Waddell and temily spent a short time Sunday ■I'th Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Burton, at Yadkinville. Mr. end Mrs. N. W. Johnson i.vd niece, Mi.ss Opal Clark, of Crossnore, were week-end guests »t Mr. and .Mrs. Gorman John- *on. .Miss Clark remained here for a two-wf.ek’s visit. Messrs. McKinley Williams ami H. S. Soots have completed a five-room house for Mr. Harvet Johnson near this city on route three. Mr. and Mr.s. W. D. Trader and son. Dal. and .Miss Margaret Hix. of .4sheboro, were week - end guests in the home of Mrs. W. U. Hix at .Moravian Falls. Mr. Frank Cranor. Jr., who holds a position in Rrleigh, was here during the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cra nor. Mrs. Winfred McPherson re turned to her home in Raleigh after a visit here with her moth er. Mrs. L. A. Hausei, and other relatives. .Mrs. Minnie Hunt, who had been visiting with her daughter, .Mrs. R. L. Lovelace in Elkin for sometime, returned to her home here Sunday. Mr. Arlie Rhoades and son. Johnny, of Bethesda. Maryland spent the p-st week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Waddell and Mr. Phosdes’ mother, Mrs. Mary R. Porter. Miss Mildred Love is a patient at the Wilkes Hosnital havine uiulergone an eper lion there Tuesday tor apnendioitis. Hf>r eondition is reported as .satisfac torily. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reese spent the week-end at Waynesville vD- itii'g their daughter. Mrrgaret Catherine, who is spending the summer with Airs. Reese’s sister, Mrs. L. H. Bramlett. 'Navy BKt To Acclaimed by naval officers the most authentic story ever'written about the hlstori’ Mnlted States Navi Academy, “Navy Blue and Gold” OTtens, Tuesday at the Lib erty Theatre for a return engage ment in ans'wer to widespread popular demand. The 'novel, steeped in colorful traditions of the institution, was written by George Bruce who al so adapted it to the .screen. The picture Is headed by f strong cast including James Stew, art, Robert Young, Lionel Barry more. Florence Rice, Billie Burke, Tom Brown, Saiuiiel S. Hinds, Paul Kelly and Barnett Parker. It portrays the poignant devo tion of cadets pledged to their country's service, the' heartaches of si evil, char, cter-huildlng di scipline, the thrilling sportsman ship of the Navy’.s titanic football games, and the love of two play- er.s for the sister of their pal. “Navy Blue and Gold’’ teams Stewart. Y’ouiig auU Tom Brown. l;s. Stewart portrays a Navy oiler up from a battleship to try for-hF .’tripes at the naval aedemy. Young is seen as a Southern foot ball hero who has no intention of remaining in the service. Brown h's a contrasting role as the spoiled youngster of » a wealthy family who learns how to “take it.” . Stewart is involved in a scandal when it is Iearnedthat he enroll ed at the Academy under an as- .sumed name, owing to the fret that his father, a navy has been cashiered oflt of Paiilr , ^ ’ i'Jboyi erplalnod; "1 oaiM ij Raieifll? "J'n*F'T.—^ 'y. ^»'s defence whtracte WaMeB Muy R. .lWter .T. n», 15. s-ve amounted j Hmcred Cte -J •o 1141.972.669. the dei*»rtm#nt, Seveaticth ""f conservations sn^develonment}-’ t»>reugh its nnbllclty director • children. relaUvev -•! Charles J. Parker announced Monday. Porter gathered at her old The figures were based on the church Sul releases of J. T. Anderson, diree- g honor Mrs. Porterl tor of the division of commerce birthday. Every and industry in the department (g enjoy the occasion of conservation and development, ggpggj.„y tj,e bountiful dih| , and show that the state has I moved from 27th to 22nd place ! among the commonwe?.lth.= with- I in four months. February j®g|l941. North Carolina ' 27, at which time the state’s de- stood service He clears his father’s | ^ ^j,g^g name in a dramatic scene and i? which was set. All of .Mrs. ter’s children and grandchildj were present for the occasif Everyone present hopes Mr.?, ter has many more happy blr days.—Reported. reinstated, AJiss Rice portrays the sister of Tom Brown, end Barnett Park er ha? the comic role of an Eng- lishl butler who aids his young master’s career. Many scenes for the picture were filmed on the grounds at Annapolis, under the direction of Sam Wood. Commander Harvey [above $.'>4,00,0,000. 1 The June 16 report, the de- AHMINISTRATOR’S NO.TICl| Having qualified as administ partment said Monday, does not tor C.t.a. of W. E. Handy, late I . . rfter Wilkes County. THIS IS TO NOl as buddies coming from different 1 S. Haislip, U. S. N., retired, serv- walks of life to rise to promi-|ed technical advbser for Navy nence rs midshipmen at Annapo-1 scenes. Bob Hope Joins The Army In AU-Out Comedy Fibs Mr. and' Mrs. J. B. Carter and ,Mi.?s Betty Halfacre g„i,dren. Jimmy and Celia, ing a coirple of weeks w h her ^ ^ cousin. Miss Mary . through the Smoky -Mountains. spending one night at Sylvia and Aiken. S. C. She was there one at Gatlinb'urg, Tenn. Mr. Tom and Mrs. \\. . a • • Qjjj.jgj. accompanied them as trr Bill Halfacre. Asheville where he spent the .Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryan Higgins time with his parents, Mr. and had as their guests for the holi- .Mr.?. J.. R. Carter. Mr. days -Mrs. Higgins' parents, iiid Mrs. €. .M. Kirkman. also Mr. and .Mr.?. Murray E. Tate, all of Greensl>oro. Mrs. Tale, antrther daughter of the Kirkmaiis, and Mr. Tate .spent Sauirday at Lin- ville where Mr. Tate played in the golf tournament. In Good Reconditioned.. §ED CARS and TRUCKS Bogus Stocks And Bonds Offered ’40 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Sport Sedan $735 ’40 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Town Sedan $645 ’38 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan .... $455 ’37 Plymouth Coach $345 ’40 Dodge Coupe, like new $695 ’39 Chevrolet Town Sedan, radio $595 ’3 PI: 'aiojiii Coupe, very nice $595 '37 Chevrolet Town Sedan, very special.. $345 ’38 Chevrolet Coupe, clean as a whip .... $435 ’36 Ford Coach, special $235 ’37 Plymouth 4-door Sedan $345 ’37 Chevrolet Standard Coupe $365 — SPECIAL WHILE THEY UST — 3—1941 Chevrolet Demonstrators 1—1941 Buick Sedan, Like New By THAI) KI’RE (Secret,•"ry of State) Information reaching thi.? partment hidicates that there is much activity -in llie rural sec tions of the Stale on tlic part of strangers who are offering vari ous types of oil leases, slock in cenieleries, etc., in exchange for securities held by onr citizens. From inquiries and complrint- received h,v tliis office and fion investigations made. I liolieve it can he fairly estimated that iu this State three out of every four victims of unscrupulous secur'- ties salesmen are farm folk. .Many victims hesitate to complain for tear of appearing ridiculous, hut my experience convince? me that a few resentful and energetic victims are more effective than anything that could he done to curb this activity. Every person engaged in the business of selling securities in this Slate is required to be regis tered with this deparlment. either as a dealer or a » le.’man. Every registered sale>:inan is given a small registration C"rd which sets fortli his name, re.gistration miin- her. the name of the dealer em ploying liini, tlip date of issiirnce and expiration. This card is ■-‘ign- ed by the Secretary of State, who is ex-officio Securities (’ommis- sioner in North Carornia. There fore. prospective investors should first request the salesman to produce this card. Examine it and le sure it ha- not expired, if tlie salesmen cannot jiroduce liis reg istration card, obtain his name and address it iioss.hle. and for ward same to tliis department, to- )gelher with a brief account of the I circumstances involved. Never purchase a security from a ,sales man who cannot produce registration card. Bob's in the army now. He meet’s a gal that’s a wow. Her name L? Lamoiir, There’s more to be sure. In this rookie’s life—and how! There’.? a new Hope for the army, now that Bab has joined up. For America’s new defense Army has its Hollyovood counter part in “Caught in the Draft Paramount’s up-to-the-minute comedy film which opened today at the I.iberty Theatre. The pic ture burlesques the trials and tribulations of the rookie’s life in the Army. I The comedy corps is herded by Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. Fresh from the hilarious and ro de-1 mantic hiffhway they paved in j“Road to Zanzibar.” the two gag- happy film pal.? are joined by Lynne Overman and Eddie Dr.^ck- en, two fluke recruits who get more than they baraained for try ing to keep Bob out of the guard house. Dorothy, the colonel’s daugh- "er. wants her rookie to be a hero before she says ■•yes" aiuf turns the colonel into a kernel to make her dream come true. Hope plays the part of a movie actor who’s in the Army as the boomeranged result of one of his own practical jokes He’,? the gun-shy. goose- pimp/ly hero who’ll floor .von with his brand new stock of Army gags. Bob and liis two musketeer rookie friends. Overman and Bracken, roach the climax of this all-out comedy film when they take part in some wrr game? that rival any slapstick hair-rais ers in the memory of tliis .-creen reviewer. Loaded with sparkliii.g wit. tuneful melodies and laugh-lines that explode in splil-sccond pre cision, “Cauglit ill the Draft” is nrize entertainment — tlie kind that even the Army boys at ih( camps will write home ahoiu. Notice in Scotch church' "Tliose in the lialiil, of i iitting iMittoiis instead of coins in the collection plate "ill plea.ie pul in their own buttons and not > ■! Ions from the cushions on pews.” I include contracts awarded June 2, and therefore doe-s not re flect the recent boat-building con tracts let by the United States navy. Mr. Anderson thinks thi.? "'ill bring the total well abovf $150,000,000. FY all persons having clail rgainsl the said estate to presa Proof of Claim to the undersigt? administrator on or before Jii 25. 1942, (ft this notice will f , pled in bar of their right to 1 cover. '.4 The snail boy had fallen into the stream, but had been rescued. “How did you come to fall in?” asked a bystrnder. This the 25th day of June, CLYDE HANDY, ^ 7-31-6t (t) Administrator c.t.a., . Dehart, North Carolini By: A. H. CASEY, Att! Liberty MONDAY • ONLY • SENSATIONAL Thrills ■ Drama ACTION mmm the gangsters” *. SEE—THE GANGSTERS CRUSHED SEE — THE GANGSTER LOBBY DISPLAY FREE IN FRONT OF THE THEATRE MONDAY. ALSO EXTRA ATTRACTION Feature Leng^th Comedy HENRY ARMETTA in “CAUGHT IN THE ACT”4fe Tues^a’7 Oaly THE PICTURE THAT THRILLS FOREVER! By Popular Demand! the One of the grande.st en tertainments of our time! U WART i ROBERT YOUNG LIONEL BARRYMORE “NAVY BLUE AND GOLD” with FLORENCE RICE — TOM BROWN — PAUL KELLY We’re Telling You... IT’S NOW HERE AND y'-h.. MiSS IT AND EE SORF^ \ 60* this — A«K TO SEE THESE AT ONCE — We also have good stock late model 1-2 ton Pickups in Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford—’37 through ’41 Models. Now is the time W v'sit our Used Car Department. Good trades, easy terms—Every deal a satisfac tory one. Always A Better Buy At... GADDY’S WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS USED CAR DEPARTMENT Gaddy Motor Co. Let the advertising columns o’ this paper be your shopping guid. M-8-[-I-C-H w r-l-Mf.* OFF TO SLEEP, YOUR SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE . By virtue of authority contaiired in a certain deed of trust executed on the 16th day of July, 1938, by Obie Horton and wife, Gladys Hor ton to A. H. Casey, Trustee, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes Coun ty in Book 184 at page 171, and the stipulations relative to the payments of the indebtedness not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of the TENTH STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. note secured by sard deed of trust, I -will on Monday, July 21, 1941, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o’clock, Noon, the following described real estate: Beginning on a stake on the Southeast comer of 0 and Third streets and running North 62 de grees and 33 minutes East along the South side of 0 street 135 feet to a 15 foot alley; thence South 27 degrees and 27 minutes East along the west side of said alley 50 feet to a stake; thence South 62 de grees 33 minutes 'West 135 feet to Third street; thence North 27 de grees 27 minutes West along the East side of-Third Street 50 feet to the beginning, said land being lot No. 16 in Block No. 118 as shown on TVogdon Map of the Town of North Wilkesboro, N. C. and being '^act No. 20 as shown in the deed from A. H. Casey Com missioner to Mrs. C. F. Sherrill Book 169 oage 293. See deed from Mrs. C. F. Sherrill to Obey Hor ton and wife. Book 169 page 368. ■ITiis the 19th dav of June, 1941. A. H. CASEY, Trustee 7-10-41 (t) /•V '^Fluffy ctianMlid pUltwt atudnd to bolt oMu of a KarpM Inaor-StrinK Mantata mtlfattuM) lOX SPIIIN8 TO MATCH SAME PRICE A Sensation in Longer Life and Luxurious Comfort ' Utter contentment inspired by unsurpassed comfort on a Pil-O-Rest! Unsurpassed comfort. . . assured by fluflfy channeled pillows filled with soft felt and attached to both sides of a Karpen sagless inner- spring mattress unit. The unit is encased in muslin before the pillows are attached and the lovely ticking, in an exclusive Karpen pattern, is put on. For greater comfort and longet-wear, see the Karpen Pil-O-Rest. PIL-O-REST IS BACKED BY A 10-YEAR GUARANTEE FURNITURE'S MOST FAMOUS REPUTATION Rhodes-Day Furniture Company

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