QUStK At.JON Mb n3SMI*-j#liiiv i' ^WM =5qi W»w. >Sl^. ~i;4Vviun«i Wnk«rf>eBPoi;:N. VB KEKiy-tMte UtOMsaftd clean, white feed mcJU. WQ pajr, 5 cents each. ',E. E. Eller Pro duce Co. ‘ ' S-lJ-S]t n^WByT BTVE-ROOS^^ ho«se^ -doae In. See Brs. J. I.'MTors, 70 B.M^«|Bt- Vhone 56. 9-18-4tp BPARTMEET' wMh An rooms and hath, close in. Steam heat ed' with Btoker-fired furnace.. ^ .Phone 62-J er-^ John Tere- Vansh, 727 KOnjain^on Are- •ne. ' »-l-tf OR RENT; !H»r«yPoom apact- aent, prlTstft ibcth', steam heat ^Dd hot water furnished. R. T. McNiel, Phone 32. ' 8-18-tf FOR SALE . ■ 8«t|^yi|!|i^eBt of the Patri- will ad- *WA»aa«».a* or|eaiusatten moettag RefeHl ,hWBrth WlUes- I'lo'd^ haff'on C'stfeet Friday nif;bt, 8 o’clock- ‘ It wfll k» an o»eh meeting.and all are iBTited to attend. ' A preliminary meeting was held here a tew week.? ago and date set for another to be held on Friday night of this week, at At tte 'f tha.Jlinrt Baf|b|fcv:cte Snfidw?;; tbd scilf the aer^ of sern^ OR qf^Bnodeaaful Oht&Um' Utinglt’ ilte.neraida topic f*.-,, . evening secvlce ^f^lir 8SW.fi>iJV be "Making Crdlnn*; 41^1! Count .For. the Mwt.”v lAst^iijtaV flay ovenlng the sermon ;*«RSld§^-., ed "How to Deal With the PwV lem of Worty.". Other sdbjecte in the scries of Sunday eveping services will he;-Sepit. 21„^.“Mept? i ing Life’s Unwelcome lAmita- tions’’: Sept. 28fc "Discovering the which time It Is expected that ^ chapter of the fraternity will b* Reserve Powers of Life.’’ formed here. y-. At the H„o’clock ser The' organization, new to North Sunday naorning ' Dr. Kincheloe Wllkesboro. is nation-wide Ip rwill speak on “Your Reasonable scope, and has patriotic, fratet'* nal and beneficial principles. ’ ■ Rev. Albert Wellons, of Millers Creek, will enter Duke UnlversI^ Divinity school Monday. txyR SALF—too New Hampdibre Red pullets: three months old. See or write Wilkes Hatchery,, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 9-16-2p FOR .S.ALE: One good flve-gaited saddle horse. See B. W. Mc Daniel, Elkin, N. C. 9-ll-4t MISCELLANEOUS ServiceJi A friendly welcome Is extended to the public to attend the'services.- ..i. \iiLKkSBOBO METHODIST Sunday at 11 a. m.. Rev. A. C. Cibbs, superintendent of the El kin district, will preach at Wllkes- boro and hold quarterly confer- ■ence. The pastor. Dr, J. C. Stokes, will preach at the evening ser- vice al Wilkesboro at 8 o’clock. Youth fellowship will meet at 7 o’clock. VOR SALE—Tom's Chbiu, locat ed in Wilkesboro. . Reason for selling, owner’s ill health. See or write T. tJ. Hubbard, Wilkes- horo, N. Cj J., It TOR SALE—ftriwin ho«»;« and 1 acre of land, 6 miles north on Highway 18.. Write or see C. K. Huie, North Wilkesboro, Route 1. • I 9-18-4tp JB.'j-.AfltF, F.dRAI on Yadkin river at Marley Ford, 17 acres good ibottom , lands; exc^lcnt targain. See of write A. E. Foster, North Wilkesboro. ' • 9-l8-4tp FOR S.AIiE—a black niaret), age;. S and 6 years; 1 two-horse w.T^rnn; 1 electric fence bat- tery; 1 riding cultivator; 1 riding corn planter. Priced rea.sonable. Mrs. S(ace Alex- mdor, Wilkesboro, N. C. ftOR -S.ALE—Hon.se trailer, wtl or wit'iout equipment: all-stei body; very light; {wacticall utw; reasonable price. C. I Mitchell, at Jenkins HardwaR Co. > 9-ll-2tp LOST in North Wilko^oro: pock- etbook containing money, key, receipts of C. A. Marlow, J. H. Grmes or Albert Byrd. Reward if returned to Police Dept., or C. A. Marlow: Itp IXIST—Friday In Fain>lain,s com munity, black Poland-China- Berkshire boar; weight about 50 pounds. Reward for infor mation leading to return. Ralph Hays, Falrplaln.s. 0-15-2tp REW.AKD for infonmition lead ing to recovery of yellow fawn •ler.sey heifer, weight about 600 pounds. Strayed or stolen from Williams Orchard, near Oakwoods. Saturday, Septem- Cth. E. G. Finley. 9-15-2tp GOING to A. T. C. at Boone daily from North Wilkesboro. Would like four passengers to share expenses. Phone 529, Mrs. J. B. Highsmith. 9-ll-2tp SUITS and Dresses Cleaned and Pressed, 35c; Pants 20c; cash ind Carry. Towne Cleaners, Old iedmond Stand, Back of Hotel a. 8-11-tf Services Twice Mwith^y At New Hoi>e Baptist Preaching services are being held-twice monthly instead of once; services as usual on the fourth Sunday at 11 and 8 p. m., and- on the second Sunday at the same hours by the pastor. Rev. A. W. Eller. The Sunday school is progressing nicely un der leadership of Clinton Eller; B. Y. P. U. each Sunday night. Everybody is invited to all ser vices- ' _ FlgMol/. 'CKtfreh.i Pl«i WMt«r BiMnll .«V}(4bi- Architects Work On School Plans (Continued from page one) Announcement • TO THE AUTOMOBILE AND T^UCK OWNERS OF WILKES COUNTY And Surrounding Territory I wish to announce that 1 will open on Monday, Sept. 15th, a general automobile repair shop in the United Supply Company bniik^tig between the Wilkes- boros. f will specialize in . , . ' Body and Fender Rebuilding YQUR patronage is SOLICITED. A|X WORK GUARANTEED. Operating Ih^r The Name of Molor-Bwty were: high school building with 12 classrooms and large audito rium: large library room, science laboratory, home economics lab oratory, vocational agricultural laboratory, space for school cafe teria. Brushy Mountain —: Mountain Crest, Cherry Grove, Parker, Gtl- reath and China Grove are one teacher schools with total enroll ment of 151. Need four-classroom building with auditorium; library and lunchroom: steam heat water, plumbing and sewage dis posal system. Moravian Falls — Enrollment last year 248. school has no au ditorium. Needs include audito rium, two classrooms, library and cafeteria, steam heat and sewage disp^)sal system. Somers township schools—Pres ent conditions are one and two teacher schools at Windy Gap, Somers, Osbornville, lA)velace, Shady Grove, Mt. Pisgah, Spur geon. Lewis, with total enroll ment of 305. Need nine-class room building, with auditorium, library, cafeteria, heat, water, plumbing and sewage disposal system, six acres land. Boomer school—^Present brick veneer building needs toilet rooms, heat, plumbing and sew. age disposal. Ferguson — School has seven i standard classrooms and eight teachers; enrollment 261. Need two additional classrooms, library, cafeteria, heat, plumbing and sew age disposal, four more acres of land. Mount Pleasant —• Enrollment last year was 552, school has enough students for 13 teachers but has only eight adequate classrooms; Congo and Stony Hill -should be consolidated. Needs Include ten.room build ing with large auditorium, li brary, science laboratory, home economics laboratory, vocational agricultural department, school cafeteria and five additional acres of lan-i. Millers Creek—School has 25 teachers and building has 15 classrooms: community is grow. Ing fast, enrollment last year was 901. Needs 12 additional class rooms, library and cafeteria, sci ence laboratory, home economics laboratory and vocational agricul ture department. Cricket—^Present' wood build ing Inadequate, enrollment wtih Buck school consolidated would be about 350. School has only six teachers with many students leaving because of condition of building. Need ten-room elementary 'building with auditorium, library room, cafeteria, six acres of land. Union To'wnshlp School — one and two-teaicber schoobi 'at Ridge, Concord, . Whlttl Miller, Shepherd, Sherman, Log-' gins and White Oak has total en rollment; orS61. Needa ten-room building 'With audltorinm, cafeteria, well, henL: plnnrUil^,' sewage disposal Mftr tern, six acres' land.' • . ‘ ^ slKwijj- dents' stead N^ I more 'booms WbdlBrife needodv's*? , ' Trs phlll—School hag ten teach ers with eight standard rooms, enrollment 380 but with Joynes and Roaring Gap schools consol Idiat^ wonid; he, 5,}-8- -' i ^ - Needs' six kadltlonal , ehWB- rOome, isciepce, home economics and Vocatlqtal k boratorles, sew- fge disposal system «nd five more acres Aand. ' * . Austin Needs water, heat, plumbing and sewage dlsposab Ronda—^bool has 17 teachers with only 11 standard classrooms; enrollment last year 636; fast growing community. Needs new building with eight classrooms and large audltoriuip library, science laboratory, home economics laboratory ahd voca tional agricnltur^ department, sewage disposal system. Pleasant Rldge^Need new elementary building to , Kermit children now In Pleasant R^gelKermit and Mine Ridge schools-^ Five classrooms, library, auditorium, cafeteria, water, heat and sewage disposal system needed. ment of two schools last year 137. Pleasant Hill—School has five teachers with only four standard rooms: enrollment 176. fast growing community near Elkin. Needs four-room building with auditorium, heating, plumbing and sewage disposal system. Benham—Needs plumbing and sewage disposal system. Clingman — School has f ve teachers with four standard rooms. Enrollment was 177 and Deunyville. with 70. should be consolidated, making enrollment 247. Needs five additional rooms, heet. plumbing and sewage dis- posal. ...IK Roaring River—School has 1» teachers with only seven standanl classrooms; enrollment 557. Needs ten-room building with large auditorium, provisions fo'' library, Bclewoe, home, economic-s and vocational agricultural de partment. cafeteria and sewage disposal system. Lincoln Heights (colored) — School has 15 teachers with ten standard classrooms. Thankful. Parks Grove and Rock Creek should be consolidated. Total en rollment would be 557. Needs ten-room school build ing with large auditorium, library science and home economics lab oratory and cafeteria; also heat ing, plumbing and sewage dispo sal system for entire school. la il/' 'tr: et,' (Hat' Lovett, 17; Roy I8j Hthmol Wa i Pi I^ho; • jOoatwt— Rotetf, 20. , Millers Creek Contract—Wlllw OsOar Wyatt, 30; P. B. Danefi ■ A * "^Substitute Drivers—^Tunny Bo*- gene Dancy, 18. ' Mnlberry-North Wilkesboro - Washington Van Wyatt, 17; Udy Clay Wood, 26; Claude Mil ler, 28; Bryce Sebastian, 16. Substitute Drivers — John D. Hall, 18; Grady Fleldon Miller, 4 8; Bruce Hall. Moontaln View Ivan Mack Rhodes, 17; Vernon Reece Byrd, 17; John A. Bau- guess, 17; Roy Austin Taylor, 17. Mtn. View Contrret—John Tyra Bauguess, 54; Clarence Handy. New Life Contract — Robert John Johnson, 34. Substitute Drivers — Maurice Anderson Miller, 16. Tcaphill Jesse Cleve Hutchinson, 16; Raymond Spicer, 25; Evert Harold Swaim, 16; Ira Billings. Traphlll Contract—Frank Hut chinson. 17; Vaughn L. Bauguss, 24. Sabstitute Drivers—^Robert Bil lings, 16; Clyde Luther Draughn, 18; Nymphus Hawkins, 29; Burr Y. Hutchinson, 17; Buell Oliver Warren, 20; Davis L. Pruitt, 16. Double Creek—H. Y. Hutchin son. Honda Edwin Ashley: Llnvllle Arthur Roberts. 17; Thaddeus Clingman Darnell, 17; Jack Eugene Dells, 17; Aldean Gentry, 17; Avery Wall,. Jr., 17. Honda Contract — Oscar Wal ter Pardue, 16. Benham Contract — Robert Spencer. Substitute Drivers — Aldean Coleman, 16; Charlie Gregory,, 17; Clifford Jordon, 17; Lonnie Blane McCann, 16; Jake Clinton Newman, 47; David Lincoln Pruitt, 16; W. D. Rumple,- 16; Will McVonleay, 40; Myrl Smith, tom.it iMte ■iFi U1 ALr ' ' ■ " ■; i -fj 1936 DeLuxe Ford,,Coach S90^ •with Trunk Avf (Clean Condition, Two New Tiree. Motor Overhauled) 1936 DeLuxe Ford Coach ^ith Trunk ' (Four Good Tires. Motor Overhauled) 1931 Ford Coach (A Clean “A” Model) 1929 Ford Va-Ton Pickup Truck 1939 Chevrolet V^-Ton Panel $90^ 1939 •Chevrolet iV^-Ton Long Wheelbase Truck— Good Tires—Motor Overhauled— Only i We have almost any make or model automobile. A good selection of 1931 zmd 1930 Model “A’ Fords to select ft-om. Come in and look them over. JENKINS, Used Car Lot Comer 9th and D Streets North Wilkesboro — — North Carolina Bus Drivers For Schools Listed (Continued from page one) the highway patrol. List of drivers and suibstitutes, with their ages, follows: Wilkesboro Gaither Lee Mathis, 18; Joe Ed Greene. 16; Fred Allen Inscore, 16; William Allen Broyhlll, 19; Roscoe Buel Broks, 17; Galen Edgar Hood, 31; William H. Tevepaugh, Jr., 16; Charlie Wright,'21; Marvin C. Mathis 17; Millard Triplett. Wilkesboro Contract — Joe Smith, 65. Ferguson Contract — William E. Horton, 45; Cecil L. Woods, 27; J. G. Shepherd. 28. Boomer Contract—Jack Graden Russell, 19; Honda W. Russell, 22. Substitute Drivers — Claudfe Hendren, 16; L. M. Jarvis. Jr., 17; Carl James Johnson, 16; George Johnson, 16; William Thomas Long, 39; Ambrose Dvaughn Mathis, 16; Junior Souther, 19; Paul Calvin Steele, 19. Moxwt Pleamuit' Gaither Larance Eller, 18; SPECIAL Dependable Guaranteed Green Wing 13-Plate BATTERY With Your Battery Ads. get attention—•no resalta! EXEqJTOR*8 NOTICE Having tjualified as Executor of the estate of Harrison Patterson, Colored, late' of ..Wilkes Counte North. Carolina, this is to nottfy all persons having claims against the estate of sakf deceased to ex-, bibit them to the undersigned atu ftonda, N. C.; Route 2, Box 43, onil or before the 8th day of Septem-Jf her 1942, or this Notice will Iw' plead in bar of their rMOVery. All persons indebted to said estate Of --holding funds or moneys dne said! ^estft’e will please make immediate^ ^>ayment. and in case ot frada will immediatdy deHvw tie «sme to the undersigned Execu-. tor. * This the 8th day of ^ptenAer, 1941. ' - . .LELA HEGE,- , Exeeutmr of Hacriaon FattMAb V! (3^^, deeaaaed Produced by one of America’s leading ba^ry manufacturers to supply the demand for a “full-value” battery at thel lowest petuble price. luatnUed and serviced without extra charge. Let us test and inspMt your present battery without cost or obligatum. “A” STREET ;'-I/' •PHONE 90

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